News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel

News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel
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Diagnosing Ovarian Cancer Using Perception-based Nanosensors and Machine Learning

Two studies show the accuracy of perception-based systems in detecting disease biomarkers without needing molecular recognition elements, such as antibodies

Researchers from multiple academic and research institutions have collaborated to develop a non-conventional machine learning-based technology for identifying and measuring biomarkers to detect ovarian cancer without the need for molecular identification elements, such as antibodies.

Traditional clinical laboratory methods for detecting biomarkers of specific diseases require a “molecular recognition molecule,” such as an antibody, to match with each disease’s biomarker. However, according to a Lehigh University news release, for ovarian cancer “there’s not a single biomarker—or analyte—that indicates the presence of cancer.

“When multiple analytes need to be measured in a given sample, which can increase the accuracy of a test, more antibodies are required, which increases the cost of the test and the turnaround time,” the news release noted.

The multi-institutional team included scientists from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Weill Cornell Medicine, the University of Maryland, the National Institutes of Standards and Technology, and Lehigh University.

Unveiled in two sequential studies, the new method for detecting ovarian cancer uses machine learning to examine spectral signatures of carbon nanotubes to detect and recognize the disease biomarkers in a very non-conventional fashion.

Daniel Heller, PhD
“Carbon nanotubes have interesting electronic properties,” said Daniel Heller, PhD (above), in the Lehigh University news release. “If you shoot light at them, they emit a different color of light, and that light’s color and intensity can change based on what’s sticking to the nanotube. We were able to harness the complexity of so many potential binding interactions by using a range of nanotubes with various wrappings. And that gave us a range of different sensors that could all detect slightly different things, and it turned out they responded differently to different proteins.” This method differs greatly from traditional clinical laboratory methods for identifying disease biomarkers. (Photo copyright: Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.)

Perception-based Nanosensor Array for Detecting Disease

The researchers published their findings from the two studies in the journals Science Advances, titled, “A Perception-based Nanosensor Platform to Detect Cancer Biomarkers,” and Nature Biomedical Engineering, titled, “Detection of Ovarian Cancer via the Spectral Fingerprinting of Quantum-Defect-Modified Carbon Nanotubes in Serum by Machine Learning.”

In the Science Advances paper, the researchers described their development of “a perception-based platform based on an optical nanosensor array that leverages machine learning algorithms to detect multiple protein biomarkers in biofluids.

“Perception-based machine learning (ML) platforms, modeled after the complex olfactory system, can isolate individual signals through an array of relatively nonspecific receptors. Each receptor captures certain features, and the overall ensemble response is analyzed by the neural network in our brain, resulting in perception,” the researchers wrote.

“This work demonstrates the potential of perception-based systems for the development of multiplexed sensors of disease biomarkers without the need for specific molecular recognition elements,” the researchers concluded.

In the Nature Biomedical Engineering paper, the researchers described a fined-tuned toolset that could accurately differentiate ovarian cancer biomarkers from biomarkers in individuals who are cancer-free.

“Here we show that a ‘disease fingerprint’—acquired via machine learning from the spectra of near-infrared fluorescence emissions of an array of carbon nanotubes functionalized with quantum defects—detects high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma in serum samples from symptomatic individuals with 87% sensitivity at 98% specificity (compared with 84% sensitivity at 98% specificity for the current best [clinical laboratory] screening test, which uses measurements of cancer antigen 125 and transvaginal ultrasonography,” the researchers wrote.

“We demonstrated that a perception-based nanosensor platform could detect ovarian cancer biomarkers using machine learning,” said Yoona Yang, PhD, a postdoctoral research associate in Lehigh’s Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and co-first author of the Science Advances article, in the news release.

How Perception-based Machine Learning Platforms Work

According to Yang, perception-based sensing functions like the human brain.

“The system consists of a sensing array that captures a certain feature of the analytes in a specific way, and then the ensemble response from the array is analyzed by the computational perceptive model. It can detect various analytes at once, which makes it much more efficient,” Yang said.

The “array” the researchers are referring to are DNA strands wrapped around single-wall carbon nanotubes (DNA-SWCNTs).

“SWCNTs have unique optical properties and sensitivity that make them valuable as sensor materials. SWCNTS emit near-infrared photoluminescence with distinct narrow emission bands that are exquisitely sensitive to the local environment,” the researchers wrote in Science Advances.

“Carbon nanotubes have interesting electronic properties,” said Daniel Heller, PhD, Head of the Cancer Nanotechnology Laboratory at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and Associate Professor in the Department of Pharmacology at Weill Cornell Medicine of Cornell University, in the Lehigh University news release.

“If you shoot light at them, they emit a different color of light, and that light’s color and intensity can change based on what’s sticking to the nanotube. We were able to harness the complexity of so many potential binding interactions by using a range of nanotubes with various wrappings. And that gave us a range of different sensors that could all detect slightly different things, and it turned out they responded differently to different proteins,” he added.

The researchers put their technology to practical test in the second study. The wanted to learn if it could differentiate symptomatic patients with high-grade ovarian cancer from cancer-free individuals. 

The research team used 269 serum samples. This time, nanotubes were bound with a specific molecule providing “an extra signal in terms of data and richer data from every nanotube-DNA combination,” said Anand Jagota PhD, Professor, Bioengineering and Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Lehigh University, in the news release.

This year, 19,880 women will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer and 12,810 will die from the disease, according to American Cancer Society data. While more research and clinical trials are needed, the above studies are compelling and suggest the possibility that one day clinical laboratories may detect ovarian cancer faster and more accurately than with current methods.   

—Donna Marie Pocius

Related Information:

Perception-Based Nanosensor Platform Could Advance Detection of Ovarian Cancer

Perception-Based Nanosensor Platform to Detect Cancer Biomarkers

Detection of Ovarian Cancer via the Spectral Fingerprinting of Quantum-Defect-Modified Carbon Nanotubes in Serum by Machine Learning

Machine Learning Nanosensor Platform Detects Early Cancer Biomarkers

Researchers Use Machine Learning to Identify Thousands of New Marine RNA Viruses in Study of Interest to Microbiologists and Clinical Laboratory Scientists

Screening and analysis of ocean samples also identified a possible missing link in how the RNA viruses evolved

An international team of scientists has used genetic screening and machine learning techniques to identify more than 5,500 previously unknown species of marine RNA viruses and is proposing five new phyla (biological groups) of viruses. The latter would double the number of RNA virus phyla to 10, one of which may be a missing link in the early evolution of the microbes.

Though the newly-discovered viruses are not currently associated with human disease—and therefore do not drive any current medical laboratory testing—for virologists and other microbiologists, “a fuller catalog of these organisms is now available to advance scientific understanding of how viruses evolve,” said Dark Daily Editor-in-Chief Robert Michel.

“While scientists have cataloged hundreds of thousands of DNA viruses in their natural ecosystems, RNA viruses have been relatively unstudied,” wrote four microbiologists from Ohio State University (OSU) who participated in the study in an article they penned for The Conversation.

The OSU study authors included:

Zayed was lead author of the study and Sullivan led the OSU research team.

The researchers published their findings in the journal Science, titled, “Cryptic and Abundant Marine Viruses at the Evolutionary Origins of Earth’s RNA Virome.”

Matthew Sullivan, PhD
“RNA viruses are clearly important in our world, but we usually only study a tiny slice of them—the few hundred that harm humans, plants and animals,” explained Matthew Sullivan, PhD (above), Director, Center of Microbiome Science, in an OSU news story. Sullivan led the OSU research team. “We wanted to systematically study them on a very big scale and explore an environment no one had looked at deeply, and we got lucky because virtually every species was new, and many were really new,” he added. (Photo copyright: University of Ohio.)

RNA versus DNA Viruses

In contrast to the better-understood DNA virus, an RNA virus contains RNA instead of DNA as its genetic material, according to Samanthi Udayangani, PhD, in an article she penned for Difference Between. Examples of RNA viruses include:

One major difference, she explains, is that RNA viruses mutate at a higher rate than do DNA viruses.

The OSU scientists identified the new species by analyzing a database of RNA sequences from plankton collected during a series of ocean expeditions aboard a French schooner owned by the Tara Ocean Foundation.

“Plankton are any aquatic organisms that are too small to swim against the current,” the authors explained in The Conversation. “They’re a vital part of ocean food webs and are common hosts for RNA viruses.”

The team’s screening process focused on the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) gene, “which has evolved for billions of years in RNA viruses, and is absent from other viruses or cells,” according to the OSU news story.

“RdRp is supposed to be one of the most ancient genes—it existed before there was a need for DNA,” Zayed said.

The RdRp gene “codes for a particular protein that allows a virus to replicate its genetic material. It is the only protein that all RNA viruses share because it plays an essential role in how they propagate themselves. Each RNA virus, however, has small differences in the gene that codes for the protein that can help distinguish one type of virus from another,” the study authors explained.

The screening “ultimately identified over 44,000 genes that code for the virus protein,” they wrote.

Identifying Five New Phyla

The researchers then turned to machine learning to organize the sequences and identify their evolutionary connections based on similarities in the RdRp genes.

“The more similar two genes were, the more likely viruses with those genes were closely related,” they wrote.

The technique classified many of the sequences within the five previously known phyla of RNA viruses:

But the researchers also identified five new phyla—including two dubbed “Taraviricota” and “Arctiviricota”—that “were particularly abundant across vast oceanic regions,” they wrote. Taraviricota is named after the Tara expeditions and Arctiviricota gets its name from the Arctic Ocean.

They speculated that Taraviricota “might be the missing link in the evolution of RNA viruses that researchers have long sought, connecting two different known branches of RNA viruses that diverged in how they replicate.”

In addition to the five new phyla, the researchers are proposing at least 11 new classes of RNA viruses, according to the OSU story. The scientists plan to issue a formal proposal to the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV), the body responsible for classification and naming of viruses. 

Studying RNA Viruses Outside of Disease Environments

“As the COVID-19 pandemic has shown, RNA viruses can cause deadly diseases. But RNA viruses also play a vital role in ecosystems because they can infect a wide array of organisms, including microbes that influence environments and food webs at the chemical level,” wrote the four study authors in The Conversation. “Mapping out where in the world these RNA viruses live can help clarify how they affect the organisms driving many of the ecological processes that run our planet. Our study also provides improved tools that can help researchers catalog new viruses as genetic databases grow.”

This remarkable study, which was partially funded by the US National Science Foundation, will be most intriguing to virologists and microbiologists. However, clinical laboratories also should be interested in the fact that the catalog of known viruses has just expanded by 5,500 types of RNA viruses.

Stephen Beale

Related Information:

Researchers Identified Over 5,500 New Viruses in the Ocean, Including a Missing Link in Viral Evolution

Cryptic and Abundant Marine Viruses at the Evolutionary Origins of Earth’s RNA Virome

There’s More to RNA Viruses than Diseases

Differences Between DNA and RNA Viruses

Ocean Water Samples Yield Treasure Trove of RNA Virus Data

Global Survey of Marine RNA Viruses Sheds Light on Origins and Abundance of Earth’s RNA Virome

Scientists Find Trove of over 5,000 New Viruses Hidden in Oceans

Virologists Identify More than 5,000 New Viruses in the Ocean

Proof of Concept Study Demonstrates Machine Learning and AI Can Identify Cancer Cells Based on pH Levels; May Have Applications in Surgical Pathology

The new method employs a pH sensitive dye and AI algorithms to ‘distinguish between cells originating from normal and cancerous tissue, as well as among different types of cancer’ the researchers said

Might a pH-sensitive dye in tandem with an image analysis solution soon be used to identify cancerous cells within blood samples as well within tissue? Recent research indicates that could be a possibility. If further studies and clinical trials confirm this capability, then anatomic pathologists could gain another valuable tool to use in diagnosing cancers and other types of disease.

Currently, surgical pathologists use a variety of hematoxylin and eosin stains (H/E) to bring out useful features in cells and cell structures. So, staining tissue on glass slides is a common practice. Now, thanks to machine learning and artificial intelligence, anatomic pathologists may soon have a similar tool for spotting cancer cells within both tissue and blood samples.

Researchers at the National University of Singapore (NUS) have developed a method for identifying cancer that uses a pH sensitive dye called bromothymol blue. The dye reacts to various levels of acidity in cancer cells by turning colors. “The pH inside cancer cells tends to be higher than that of healthy cells. This phenomenon occurs at the very early phases of cancer development and becomes amplified as it progresses,” Labroots reported.

In “Machine Learning Based Approach to pH Imaging and Classification of Single Cancer Cells,” published in the journal APL Bioengineering, the NUS researchers wrote, “Here, we leverage a recently developed pH imaging modality and machine learning-based single-cell segmentation and classification to identify different cancer cell lines based on their characteristic intracellular pH. This simple method opens up the potential to perform rapid noninvasive identification of living cancer cells for early cancer diagnosis and further downstream analyses.”

According to an NUS news release, the bromothymol blue dye is “applied onto patients’ cells” being held ex vivo in cell culture dishes. The dye’s color changes depending on the acidity level of the cancer cells it encounters. Microscopic images of the now-visible cancers cells are taken, and a machine-learning algorithm analyzes the images before generating a report for the anatomic pathologist.

The NUS researchers claim the test can provide answers in about half an hour with 95% accuracy, Labroots reported.

“The ability to analyze single cells is one of the holy grails of health innovation for precision medicine or personalized therapy. Our proof-of-concept study demonstrates the potential of our technique to be used as a fast, inexpensive and accurate tool for cancer diagnosis,” said Lim Chwee Teck, PhD, NUS Society Professor and Director of NUS’ Institute for Health Innovation and Technology, in the NUS news release.

Lim Chwee Teck, PhD

The novel technique for differentiating cancer cells from non-cancerous cells being developed at the National University of Singapore (NUS) could eventually become useful in detecting cancer cells in tissue samples, either obtained from tumor biopsies or blood samples. “As the number of cells in these samples can be in millions or even billions, the ability to detect the very few cancer cells among the others will be useful for clinicians,” NUS Society Professor and Director of NUS’ Institute for Health Innovation and Technology, Lim Chwee Teck, PhD (above) told The Straits Times. (Photo copyright: The Straits Times.)

AI Cell Analysis versus Laborious Medical Laboratory Steps

By developing an AI-driven method, Professor Lim and the NUS team sought to improve upon time-consuming techniques for identifying cells that traditionally involve using florescent probes, nanoparticles, and labeling steps, or for cells to be fixed or terminated.

“Unlike other cell analysis techniques, our approach uses simple, inexpensive equipment, and does not require lengthy preparation and sophisticated devices. Using AI, we are able to screen cells faster and accurately,” Professor Lim told Labroots. “Furthermore, we can monitor and analyze living cells without causing any toxicity to the cells or the need to kill them.”

The new technique may have implications for cancer detection in tumor tissue as well as in liquid biopsies.

“We are also exploring the possibility of performing the real-time analysis on circulating cancer cells suspended in blood,” Professor Lim said in the NUS news release. “One potential application for this would be in liquid biopsy where tumor cells that escaped from a primary tumor can be isolated in a minimally-invasive fashion from bodily fluids such as blood.”

Diagnosing Cancer in Real Time

The NUS’ method requires more research and clinical studies before it could become an actual tool for anatomic pathologists and other cancer diagnosticians. Additionally, the NUS researchers acknowledged that the focus on only four cell lines (normal cells, benign breast tumor cells, breast cancer cells, and pancreatic cancer cells) limited their study, as did lack of comparison with conventional florescent pH indicators.

Still, the NUS scientists are already planning more studies to advance their concept to different stages of cell malignancy. They envision a “real-time” version of the technique to enable recognition of cells and fast separation of those that need to be referred to clinical laboratories for molecular testing and/or genetic sequencing.

Medical laboratory leaders may want to follow the NUS study. An inexpensive AI-driven method that can accurately detect and classify cancer cells based on pH within the cells is provocative and may be eventually become integrated with other cancer diagnostics.

Donna Marie Pocius

Related Information

Machine Learning-Based Approach to pH Imaging and Classification of Single Cancer Cells

Machine Learning Can Identify Cancerous Cells by Their Acidity

NUS Researchers Harness AI to Identify Cancer Cells by Their Acidity: Novel Technique Paves Way for Faster, Inexpensive, and Accurate Cancer Diagnosis

AI Test Distinguishes Cancer Cells from Healthy Ones Based on Acidity Levels

Researchers Use AI to Identify the pH of Cancer Cells

Florida Hospital Utilizes Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence Platform to Reduce Clinical Variation in Its Healthcare, with Implications for Medical Laboratories

Pathologists and clinical laboratory scientists may find one hospital’s use of a machine-learning platform to help improve utilization of lab tests both an opportunity and a threat

Variation in how individual physicians order, interpret, and act upon clinical laboratory test results is regularly shown by studies in peer-reviewed medical journals to be one reason why some patients get great outcomes and other patients get less-than-desirable outcomes. That is why many healthcare providers are initiating efforts to improve how physicians utilize clinical laboratory tests and other diagnostic procedures.

At Flagler Hospital, a 335-bed not-for-profit healthcare facility in St. Augustine, Fla., a new tool is being used to address variability in clinical care. It is a machine learning platform called Symphony AyasdiAI for Clinical Variation Management (AyasdiAI) from Silicon Valley-based SymphonyAI Group. Flagler is using this system to develop its own clinical order set built from clinical data contained within the hospital’s electronic health record (EHR) and financial systems.

This effort came about after clinical and administrative leadership at Flagler Hospital realized that only about one-third of its physicians regularly followed certain medical decision-making guidelines or clinical order sets. Armed with these insights, staff members decided to find a solution that reduced or removed variability from their healthcare delivery.

Reducing Variability Improves Care, Lowers Cost

Variability in physician care has been linked to increased healthcare costs and lower quality outcomes, as studies published in JAMA and JAMA Internal Medicine indicate. Such results do not bode well for healthcare providers in today’s value-based reimbursement system, which rewards increased performance and lowered costs.

“Fundamentally, what these technologies do is help us recognize important patterns in the data,” Douglas Fridsma, PhD, an expert in health informatics, standards, interoperability, and health IT strategy, and CEO of the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA), told Modern Healthcare.

Clinical order sets are designed to be used as part of clinical decision support systems (CDSS) installed by hospitals for physicians to standardize care and support sound clinical decision making and patient safety.

However, when doctors don’t adhere to those pre-defined standards, the results can be disadvantageous, ranging from unnecessary services and tests being performed to preventable complications for patients, which may increase treatment costs.

“Over the past few decades we’ve come to realize clinical variation plays an important part in the overuse of medical care and the waste that occurs in healthcare, making it more expensive than it should be,” Michael Sanders, MD (above) Flagler’s Chief Medical Information Officer, told Modern Healthcare. “Every time we’re adding something that adds cost, we have to make sure that we’re adding value.” (Photo copyright: Modern Healthcare.)

Flagler’s AI project involved uploading clinical, demographic, billing, and surgical information to the AyasdiAI platform, which then employed machine learning to analyze the data and identify trends. Flagler’s physicians are now provided with a fuller picture of their patients’ conditions, which helps identify patients at highest risk, ensuring timely interventions that produce positive outcomes and lower costs.

How Symphony AyasdiAI Works

The AyasdiAI application utilizes a category of mathematics called topological data analysis (TDA) to cluster similar patients together and locate parallels between those groups. “We then have the AI tools generate a carepath from this group, showing all events which should occur in the emergency department, at admission, and throughout the hospital stay,” Sanders told Healthcare IT News. “These events include all medications, diagnostic tests, vital signs, IVs, procedures and meals, and the ideal timing for the occurrence of each so as to replicate the results of this group.”

Caregivers then examine the data to determine the optimal plan of care for each patient. Cost savings are figured into the overall equation when choosing a treatment plan. 

Flagler first used the AI program to examine trends among their pneumonia patients. They determined that nebulizer treatments should be started as soon as possible with pneumonia patients who also have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

“Once we have the data loaded, we use [an] unsupervised learning AI algorithm to generate treatment groups,” Sanders told Healthcare IT News. “In the case of our pneumonia patient data, Ayasdi produced nine treatments groups. Each group was treated similarly, and statistics were given to us to understand that group and how it differed from the other groups.”

Armed with this information, the hospital achieved an 80% greater physician adherence to order sets for pneumonia patients. This resulted in a savings of $1,350 per patient and reduced the readmission rates for pneumonia patients from 2.9% to 0.4%, reported Modern Healthcare.

The development of a machine-learning platform designed to reduce variation in care (by helping physicians become more consistent at following accepted clinical care guidelines) can be considered a warning shot across the bow of the pathology profession.

This is a system that has the potential to become interposed between the pathologist in the medical laboratory and the physicians who refer specimens to the lab. Were that to happen, the deep experience and knowledge that have long made pathologists the “doctor’s doctor” will be bypassed. Physicians will stop making that first call to their pathologists, clinical chemists, and laboratory scientists to discuss a patient’s condition and consult on which test to order, how to interpret the results, and get guidance on selecting therapies and monitoring the patient’s progress.

Instead, a “smart software solution” will be inserted into the clinical workflow of physicians. This solution will automatically guide the physician to follow the established care protocol. In turn, this will give the medical laboratory the simple role of accepting a lab test order, performing the analysis, and reporting the results.

If this were true, then it could be argued that a laboratory test is a commodity and hospitals, physicians, and payers would argue that they should buy these commodity lab tests at the cheapest price.

—JP Schlingman

Related Information:

Flagler Hospital Combines AI, Physician Committee to Minimize Clinical Variation

Flagler Hospital Uses AI to Create Clinical Pathways That Enhance Care and Slash Costs

Case Study: Flagler Hospital, How One of America’s Oldest Cities Became Home to One of America’s Most Innovative Hospitals

How Using Artificial Intelligence Enabled Flagler Hospital to Reduce Clinical Variation

Florida Hospital to Save $20M Through AI-enabled Clinical Variation

The Journey from Volume to Value-Based Care Starts Here

The Science of Clinical Carepaths

Machine Learning System Catches Two-Thirds More Prescription Medication Errors than Existing Clinical Decision Support Systems at Two Major Hospitals

Researchers find a savings of more than one million dollars and prevention of hundreds, if not thousands, of adverse drug events could have been had with machine learning system

Support for artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in healthcare has been mixed among anatomic pathologists and clinical laboratory leaders. Nevertheless, there’s increasing evidence that diagnostic systems based on AI and ML can be as accurate or more accurate at detecting disease than systems without them.

Dark Daily has covered the development of artificial intelligence and machine learning systems and their ability to accurately detect disease in many e-briefings over the years. Now, a recent study conducted at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) and Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) suggests machine learning can be more accurate than existing clinical decision support (CDS) systems at detecting prescription medication errors as well.

The researchers published their findings in the Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, titled, “Using a Machine Learning System to Identify and Prevent Medication Prescribing Errors: A Clinical and Cost Analysis Evaluation.”

A Retrospective Study

The study was partially retrospective in that the researchers compiled past alerts generated by the CDS systems at BWH and MGH between 2009-2011 and added them to alerts generated during the active part of the study, which took place from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2013, for a total of five years’ worth of CDS alerts.

They then sent the same patient-encounter data that generated those CDS alerts to a machine learning platform called MedAware, an AI-enabled software system developed in Ra’anana, Israel.

MedAware was created for the “identification and prevention of prescription errors and adverse drug effects,” notes the study, which goes on to state, “This system identifies medication issues based on machine learning using a set of algorithms with different complexity levels, ranging from statistical analysis to deep learning with neural networks. Different algorithms are used for different types of medication errors. The data elements used by the algorithms include demographics, encounters, lab test results, vital signs, medications, diagnosis, and procedures.”

The researchers then compared the alerts produced by MedAware to the existing CDS alerts from that 5-year period. The results were astonishing.

According to the study:

  • “68.2% of the alerts generated were unique to the MedAware system and not generated by the institutions’ CDS alerting system.
  • “Clinical outlier alerts were the type least likely to be generated by the institutions’ CDS—99.2% of these alerts were unique to the MedAware system.
  • “The largest overlap was with dosage alerts, with only 10.6% unique to the MedAware system.
  • “68% of the time-dependent alerts were unique to the MedAware system.”

Perhaps even more important was the results of the cost analysis, which found:

  • “The average cost of an adverse event potentially prevented by an alert was $60.67 (range: $5.95–$115.40).
  • “The average adverse event cost per type of alert varied from $14.58 (range: $2.99–$26.18) for dosage outliers to $19.14 (range: $1.86–$36.41) for clinical outliers and $66.47 (range: $6.47–$126.47) for time-dependent alerts.”

The researchers concluded that, “Potential savings of $60.67 per alert was mainly derived from the prevention of ADEs [adverse drug events]. The prevention of ADEs could result in savings of $60.63 per alert, representing 99.93% of the total potential savings. Potential savings related to averted calls between pharmacists and clinicians could save an average of $0.047 per alert, representing 0.08% of the total potential savings.

“Extrapolating the results of the analysis to the 747,985 BWH and MGH patients who had at least one outpatient encounter during the two-year study period from 2012 to 2013, the alerts that would have been fired over five years of their clinical care by the machine learning medication errors identification system could have resulted in potential savings of $1,294,457.”

Savings of more than one million dollars plus the prevention of potential patient harm or deaths caused by thousands of adverse drug events is a strong argument for machine learning platforms in diagnostics and prescription drug monitoring.

“There’s huge promise for machine learning in healthcare. If clinicians use the technology on the front lines, it could lead to improved clinical decision support and new information at the point of care,” said Raj Ratwani, PhD (above), Vice President of Scientific Affairs at MedStar Health Research Institute (MHRI), Director of MedStar Health’s National Center for Human Factors in Healthcare, and Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at Georgetown University School of Medicine, told HealthITAnalytics. [Photo copyright: MedStar Institute for Innovation.)

Researchers Say Current Clinical Decision Support Systems are Limited

Machine learning is not the same as artificial intelligence. ML is a “discipline of AI” which aims for “enhancing accuracy,” while AI’s objective is “increasing probability of success,” explained Tech Differences.

Healthcare needs the help. Prescription medication errors cause patient harm or deaths that cost more than $20 billion annually, states a Joint Commission news release.

CDS alerting systems are widely used to improve patient safety and quality of care. However, the BWH-MGH researchers say the current CDS systems “have a variety of limitations.” According to the study:

  • “One limitation is that current CDS systems are rule-based and can thus identify only the medication errors that have been previously identified and programmed into their alerting logic.
  • “Further, most have high alerting rates with many false positives, resulting in alert fatigue.”

Alert fatigue leads to physician burnout, which is a big problem in large healthcare systems using multiple health information technology (HIT) systems that generate large amounts of alerts, such as: electronic health record (EHR) systems, hospital information systems (HIS), laboratory information systems (LIS), and others.

Commenting on the value of adding machine learning medication alerts software to existing CDS hospital systems, the BWH-MGH researchers wrote, “This kind of approach can complement traditional rule-based decision support, because it is likely to find additional errors that would not be identified by usual rule-based approaches.”

However, they concluded, “The true value of such alerts is highly contingent on whether and how clinicians respond to such alerts and their potential to prevent actual patient harm.”

Future research based on real-time data is needed before machine learning systems will be ready for use in clinical settings, HealthITAnalytics noted. 

However, medical laboratory leaders and pathologists will want to keep an eye on developments in machine learning and artificial intelligence that help physicians reduce medication errors and adverse drug events. Implementation of AI-ML systems in healthcare will certainly affect clinical laboratory workflows.

—Donna Marie Pocius

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