Scientists suspect that the plastics can be linked to a host of medical conditions, but clear evidence is elusive without appropriate biomarkers for clinical laboratory testing
Recent research indicates that microplastics and nanoplastics (MNPs) are accumulating in human organs at an increasing rate. The health impact is not entirely clear, but the research suggests that clinical laboratories could someday find themselves testing for levels of MNPs in patients.
In one study, scientists at the University of New Mexico and Oklahoma State University analyzed autopsy samples of liver, kidney, and frontal cortex brain tissue collected in 2016 and 2024. “Brains exhibited higher concentrations of MNPs than liver or kidney samples,” they wrote. However, “all organs exhibited significant increases from 2016 to 2024.”
“The concentrations we saw in the brain tissue of normal individuals, who had an average age of around 45 or 50 years old, were 4,800 micrograms per gram, or 0.5% by weight,” lead author Matthew Campen, PhD, Regents’ Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of New Mexico, and Director of the New Mexico Center for Metals in Biology and Medicine (CMBM), told CNN. “Compared to autopsy brain samples from 2016, that’s about 50% higher.”
Researchers have not yet uncovered clear evidence of specific health risks, but “what scientists worry about is several trends in disease prevalence that have been unexplained—Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, colorectal cancer in people under 50, inflammatory bowel disease, and global reductions in sperm count,” Campen told Everyday Health.
In another recent study, a different team of researchers at the University of New Mexico found high levels of microplastics in human and canine testicular tissue.
“At the beginning, I doubted whether microplastics could penetrate the reproductive system,” said lead author Xiaozhong Yu, MD, PhD, Professor, University of New Mexico College of Nursing in a university news story. “When I first received the results for dogs I was surprised. I was even more surprised when I received the results for humans.”
“The rate of increase in microplastics in the environment is exponential and we have every reason to believe that the concentrations in our bodies will continue to increase in the coming years and decades,” Matthew Campen, PhD (above), of the University of New Mexico told Everyday Health. As studies continue to produce evidence that nanoplastics affect human health, testing companies may develop biomarkers for clinical laboratory tests that measure the amount of microplastics in different organ locations. (Photo copyright: University of New Mexico.)
Landrigan told CNN that most people are exposed to MNPs through their diet, “but inhalation is also an important route.”
However, he added, “it’s important not to scare the hell out of people, because the science in this space is still evolving, and nobody in the year 2024 is going to live without plastic.”
CNN noted that experts consider nanoplastics to be the biggest concern [as opposed to microplastics] because they can infiltrate human cells.
“Somehow these nanoplastics hijack their way through the body and get to the brain, crossing the blood-brain barrier,” Campen told CNN. “Plastics love fats, or lipids, so one theory is that plastics are hijacking their way with the fats we eat which are then delivered to the organs that really like lipids—the brain is top among those.”
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) states that microplastics typically measure less than 5mm, whereas nanoplastics are less than a micron (micrometer). However, the agency notes that “there are currently no standard definitions for the size of microplastics or nanoplastics.”
What Are the Health Risks?
Scientists suspect that MNPs could be associated with cancer, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and infertility, The Washington Post reported, but that they “still don’t have a clear sense of what these materials are doing to the human body.”
“In a 2021 study, researchers in Switzerland identified more than 10,000 chemicals used in the manufacture of plastic—of which over 2,400 were potentially ‘of concern’ for human health,” The Post noted.
“To be able to say we have a health impact, we need to have a direct correlation between a product and a health outcome,” Phoebe Stapleton, PhD, Associate Professor at the Rutgers University Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy (EMSOP), told The Post. “It’s very narrow, that straight line. And there’s so many different health outcomes there could be, and we’re finding these particles in so many different tissues.”
One study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) suggested that MNPs in arteries could be risk factors for heart attacks or strokes. But even here, the authors wrote, “direct evidence that this risk extends to humans is lacking.”
Yu suspects that MNPs could be a factor in a global decline in sperm count, along with other environmental contaminants such as heavy metals and pesticides. His study found that polyethylene was the most prevalent plastic in dogs, followed by polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Higher levels of PVC correlated with lower sperm count, but there was no correlation with polyethylene.
“PVC can release a lot of chemicals that interfere with spermatogenesis, and it contains chemicals that cause endocrine disruption,” he said in the UNM news story.
Clinical laboratory managers should recognize that interest in identifying micro- and nanoplastics in every organ of the human body will increase. At some point, physicians may want labs to test their patients for microplastic levels in certain organ sites. This will likely be when enough published studies show a correlation between high levels of microplastics in certain locations of the body and specific disease states.
Findings may lead to new clinical laboratory biomarkers for predicting risk of developing MS and other autoimmune diseases
Scientists continue to find new clinical laboratory biomarkers to detect—and even predict risk of developing—specific chronic diseases. Now, in a recent study conducted at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF), researchers identified antibodies that develop in about 10% of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) patients’ years before the onset of symptoms. The researchers reported that of those who have these antibodies, 100% develop MS. Thus, this discovery could lead to new blood tests for screening MS patients and new ways to treat it and other autoimmune diseases as well.
The UCSF researchers determined that, “in about 10% [of] cases of multiple sclerosis, the body begins producing a distinctive set of antibodies against its own proteins years before symptoms emerge,” Yahoo Life reported, adding that “when [the patients] are tested at the time of their first disease flare, the antibodies show up in both their blood and cerebrospinal fluid.”
That MS is so challenging to diagnose in the first place makes this discovery even more profound. And knowing that 100% of a subset of MS patients who have these antibodies will develop MS makes the UCSF study findings quite important.
“This could be a useful tool to help triage and diagnose patients with otherwise nonspecific neurological symptoms and prioritize them for closer surveillance and possible treatment,” Colin Zamecnik, PhD, scientist and research fellow at UCSF, told Yahoo Life.
“From the largest cohort of blood samples on Earth, we obtained blood samples from MS patients years before their symptoms began and profiled antibodies against self-autoantibodies that are associated with multiple sclerosis diagnosis,” Colin Zamecnik, PhD (above), scientist and research fellow at UCSF, told Yahoo Life. “We found the first molecular marker of MS that appears up to five years before diagnosis in their blood.” These findings could lead to new clinical laboratory tests that determine risk for developing MS and other autoimmune diseases. (Photo copyright: LinkedIn.)
UCSF Study Details
According to the MS International Foundation Atlas of MS, there are currently about 2.9 million people living with MS worldwide, with about one million of them in the US. The disease is typically diagnosed in individuals 20 to 50 years old, mostly targeting those of Northern European descent, Yahoo Life reported.
To complete their study, the UCSF scientists used the Department of Defense Serum Repository (DoDSR), which is comprised of more than 10 million individuals, the researchers noted in their Nature Medicine paper.
From that group, the scientists identified 250 individuals who developed MS, spanning a period of five years prior to showing symptoms through one year after their symptoms first appeared, Medical News Today reported. These people were compared to 250 other individuals in the DoDSR who have no MS diagnosis but who all had similar serum collection dates, ages, race and ethnicities, and sex.
“The researchers validated the serum results against serum and cerebrospinal fluid results from an incident MS cohort at the University of California, San Francisco (ORIGINS) that enrolled patients at clinical onset. They used data from 103 patients from the UCSF ORIGINS study,” according to Medical News Today. “They carried out molecular profiling of autoantibodies and neuronal damage in samples from the 500 participants, measuring serum neurofilament light chain measurement (sNfL) to detect damage to nerve cells.
“The researchers tested the antibody patterns of both MS and control participants using whole-human proteomeseroreactivity which can detect autoimmune reactions in the serum and CSF,” Medical News Today noted.
Many who developed MS had an immunogenicity cluster (IC) of antibodies that “remained stable over time” and was not found in the control samples. The higher levels of sNfL in those with MS were discovered years prior to the first flare up, “indicating that damage to nerve cells begins a long time before symptom onset,” Medical News Today added.
“This signature is a starting point for further immunological characterization of this MS patient subset and may be clinically useful as an antigen-specific biomarker for high-risk patients with clinically or radiologically isolated neuroinflammatory syndromes,” the UCSF scientists wrote in Nature Medicine.
“We believe it’s possible that these patients are exhibiting cross reactive response to a prior infection, which agrees with much current work in the literature around multiple sclerosis disease progression,” Zamecnik told Yahoo Life.
It “validates and adds to prior evidence of neuro-axonal injury occurring in patients during the MS preclinical phase,” the researchers told Medical News Today.
Implications of UCSF’s Study
UCSF’s discovery is a prime example of technology that could soon work its way into clinical use once additional studies and research are done to support the findings.
The researchers believe their research could lead to a simple blood test for detecting MS years in advance and discussed how this could “give birth to new treatments and disease management opportunities,” Neuroscience News reported.
Current MS diagnosis requires a battery of tests, such as lumbar punctures for testing cerebrospinal fluid, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of the spinal cord and brain, and “tests to measure speed and accuracy of nervous system responses,” Medical News Today noted.
“Given its specificity for MS both before and after diagnosis, an autoantibody serology test against the MS1c peptides could be implemented in a surveillance setting for patients with high probability of developing MS, or crucially at a first clinically isolated neurologic episode,” the UCSF researchers told Medical News Today.
The UCSF discovery is another example of nascent technology that could work its way into clinical use after more research and studies. Microbiologists, clinical laboratories, and physicians tasked with diagnosing MS and other autoimmune diseases should find the novel biomarkers the researchers identified most interesting, as well as what changed with science and technology that enabled researchers to identify these biomarkers for development.
As this therapeutic approach gains regulatory approval, clinical laboratory tests to determine condition of patient’s gut microbiota and monitor therapy will be needed
Some developments in the clinical laboratory industry are less about diagnostic tests and more about novel approaches to therapy. Such is the case with a new carbon bead technology developed by researchers from University College London (UCL) and the Royal Free Hospital intended to remove harmful bacteria toxins from the gut before they leak to the liver. The macroporous beads, which come in small pouches, are delivered orally and could be utilized in the future to treat a number of diseases.
Why is this relevant? Once a new treatment is accepted for clinical use, demand increases for a clinical laboratory test that confirms the therapy will likely work and to monitor its progress.
In collaboration with Yaqrit, a UK-based life sciences company that develops treatments for chronic liver disease, the UCL and Royal Free Hospital scientists engineered the carbon beads—known as CARBALIVE—to help restore gut health. They measured the technology’s impact on liver, kidney, and brain function in both rats and mice.
“The influence of the gut microbiome on health is only just beginning to be fully appreciated,” said Rajiv Jalan, PhD, Professor of Hepatology at UCL in a press release. “When the balance of the microbiome is upset, ‘bad’ bacteria can proliferate and out-compete the ‘good’ bacteria that keeps the gut healthy.
“One of the ways [the ‘bad’ bacteria] do this is by excreting endotoxin, toxic metabolites, and cytokines that transform the gut environment to make it more favorable to them and hostile to good bacteria,” he continued. “These substances, particularly endotoxin, can trigger gut inflammation and increase the leakiness of the gut wall, resulting in damage to other organs such as the liver, kidneys, and brain.”
“I have high hopes that the positive impact of these carbon beads in animal models will be seen in humans, which is exciting not just for the treatment of liver disease but potentially any health condition that is caused or exacerbated by a gut microbiome that doesn’t work as it should,” said Rajiv Jalan, PhD (above), Professor of Hepatology, University College London, in a press release. “This might include conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), for example, which is on the rise in many countries.” Though not a clinical laboratory diagnostic test, new therapies like CARBALIVE could be a boon to physicians treating patients with IBS and other gastrointestinal conditions.
Developing the Carbon Beads
The team discovered CARBALIVE is effective in the prevention of liver scarring and injury in animals with cirrhosis when ingested daily for several weeks. They also found a reduced mortality rate in test animals with acute-on-chronic-liver-failure (ACLF).
After achieving success with CARBALIVE in animals, the researchers tested the technology on 28 cirrhosis patients. The carbon beads proved to be safe for humans and had inconsequential side effects.
“In cirrhosis, a condition characterized by scarring of the liver, it is known that inflammation caused by endotoxins can exacerbate liver damage,” Jalan explained. “Part of the standard treatment for cirrhosis is antibiotics aimed at controlling bad bacteria, but this comes with the risk of antibiotic resistance and is only used in late-stage disease.”
The beads, which are smaller than a grain of salt, contain an exclusive physical structure that absorbs large and small molecules in the gut. They are intended to be taken with water at bedtime as harmful bacteria is more likely to circulate through the body at night which could result in damage. The carbon beads do not kill bacteria, which decreases the risk of antibiotic resistance. They eventually pass through the body as waste.
“They work by absorbing the endotoxins and other metabolites produced by ‘bad’ bacteria in the gut, creating a better environment for the good bacteria to flourish and helping to restore microbiome health,” said Michal Kowalski, M.Sc.Eng, Director and VP of Operations at Yaqrit, in the UCL news release.
“This prevents these toxins from leaching into other areas of the body and causing damage, as they do in cirrhosis,” he added. “The results in animal models are very positive, with reduction in gut permeability, liver injury, as well as brain and kidney dysfunction.”
Additional Research
The researchers plan to perform further clinical trials in humans to determine if the carbon beads are effective at slowing the progression of liver disease. If the benefits that were observed in lab animals prove to be compelling in humans, the technology may become an invaluable tool for the treatment of liver disease and other diseases associated with poor microbiome health in the future.
According to the American Liver Foundation, 4.5 million adults in the US have been diagnosed with liver disease. However, it is estimated that 80 to 100 million adults have some form of fatty liver disease and are unaware of it. Liver disease was the 12th leading cause of death in the US in 2020 with 51,642 adults perishing from the disease that year.
According to BMC Public Health, globally there were 2.05 million new cases of liver cirrhosis diagnosed in 2019. In that year, 1.47 million people around the world died from the disease.
More research and clinical studies are needed before this novel technology can be used clinically. When and if that happens, the demand for clinical laboratory tests that measure microbiome deficiencies and monitor patient progress during therapy will likely be high.
As new diagnostic assays are cleared by regulators, clinical laboratories will play a key role in identifying appropriate patients for new less-invasive Alzheimer’s tests
With multiple companies racing to develop a blood-based test for Alzheimer’s disease (AD), clinical laboratories may soon have new less-invasive diagnostic assays for AD on their menus.
Why a race? Because a less-invasive clinical laboratory test that uses a venous blood draw (as opposed to a spinal tap)—and which has increased sensitivity/specificity—has a potentially large market given the substantial numbers of elderly predicted to develop Alzheimer’s over the next decade. It has the potential to be a high volume, high dollar diagnostic test.
In fact, Mordor Intelligence estimates that the market for Alzheimer’s disease therapeutics will grow from $7.7 billion in 2024 to $10.10 billion by 2029., an official website of the US government, says, “Researchers have made significant progress in developing, testing, and validating biomarkers that detect signs of the disease process. For example, in addition to PET scans that detect abnormal beta-amyloid plaques and tau tangles [abnormal forms of tau protein] in the brain, NIH-supported scientists have developed the first commercial blood test for Alzheimer’s. This test and others in development can not only help support diagnosis but also be used to screen volunteers for research studies.”
Additionally, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is clearing new Alzheimer’s drugs for clinical use. The pharma companies behind these drugs need clinical laboratory tests that accurately diagnosis the disease and confirm that it would be appropriate for the patient to receive the new therapeutic drugs, a key element of precision medicine.
“The big promise for blood tests is that they will eventually be accessible, hopefully, cost-effective, and noninvasive,” Rebecca Edelmayer, PhD (above), Vice President, Scientific Engagement, Alzheimer’s Association, told USA Today. “The field is really moving forward with use of these types of tests,” she added. Clinical laboratories may soon have these new assays on their test menus. (Photo copyright: Alzheimer’s Association.)
Companies in the Race to Develop Blood-based Alzheimer’s Tests
Researchers found that C2N’s blood test can detect brain amyloid status with “sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values that approximate those of amyloid positron emission tomography (PET) imaging,” according to a news release.
“The PrecivityAD2 blood test is intended for use in patients aged 55 and older with signs or symptoms of mild cognitive impairment or dementia who are undergoing evaluation of Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. Only a healthcare provider can order the PrecivityAD2 test,” the news release noted.
“The PrecivityAD2 blood test showed strong clinical validity with excellent agreement with brain amyloidosis by PET,” the researchers wrote.
The PrecivityAD2 test, which is mailed directly by C2N to doctors and researchers, is performed at the company’s CLIA-certified lab, according to USA Today, which added that the cost of $1,450 is generally not covered by insurance plans.
Expanding Test Access with IVD Companies
ALZpath, Inc. has a different approach to the Alzheimer’s disease test market. The Carlsbad, Calif.-based company, set up an agreement with in vitro diagnostics (IVD) company Roche Diagnostics for use of its phosphorylated tau (pTau)217 antibody “to develop and commercialize an Alzheimer’s disease diagnostic blood test that will be offered on the Roche Elecsys platform,” according to a news release.
Roche received FDA breakthrough device designation on the Elecsys pTau217 test earlier this year and will work with pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly to commercialize the test.
Estimates show 75% of dementia cases go undetected—a number which could grow to 140 million by 2050, according to data shared by Roche with Fierce Biotech.
“We plan to leverage our installed base of diagnostic systems, which is the largest in the world, to ensure we are able to create access to this test for those who need it the most,” Matt Sause, CEO, Roche Diagnostics, told Fierce Biotech.
Another IVD company, Beckman Coulter, recently signed an agreement to use ALZpath’s pTau217 antibody test in its DxI 9000 Immunoassay Analyzer. In a news release, Kathleen Orland, SVP and General Manager of the Clinical Chemistry Immunoassay Business Unit at Beckman Coulter, said that the test had “high performance in detecting amyloid pathology” and could “integrate into our advanced DxI 9000 platform to support broad-based testing.”
Clinical Laboratory Participation
The FDA is drafting new guidance titled, “Early Alzheimer’s Disease: Developing Drugs for Treatment” that is “intended to assist sponsors in the clinical development of drugs for the treatment of the stages of sporadic Alzheimer’s disease (AD) that occur before the onset of overt dementia.”
Pharma companies intent on launching new drugs for Alzheimer’s will need medical laboratory tests that accurately diagnosis the disease to confirm the medications would be appropriate for specific patients.
Given development of the aforementioned pTau217 antibody tests, and others featuring different diagnostic technologies, it’s likely clinical laboratories will soon be performing new assays for diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease.
Researchers have been exploring the role metabolites play in the development of disease for some time. Alzheimer’s is a progressive, degenerative brain disease typically linked to age, family history, and deposits of certain proteins in the brain that cause the brain to shrink and brain cells to eventually die. Alzheimer’s is the most common form of dementia, accounting for an estimated 60% to 80% of all dementia cases. It has no cure or proven method of prevention, according to the Alzheimer’s Association.
There are nearly seven million people living with Alzheimer’s in the US and 55 million people worldwide live with it or other forms of dementia. Patients are usually over the age of 65, but it can present in younger patients as well.
“Gut metabolites are the key to many physiological processes in our bodies, and for every key there is a lock for human health and disease,” said Feixiong Cheng, PhD (above), founding director of the Cleveland Clinic Genome Center, in a news release. “The problem is that we have tens of thousands of receptors and thousands of metabolites in our system, so manually figuring out which key goes into which lock has been slow and costly. That’s why we decided to use AI.” Findings from the study could lead to new clinical laboratory biomarkers for dementia screening tests. (Photo copyright: Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute.)
Changes to Gut Bacteria
Metabolites are substances released by bacteria when the body breaks down food, drugs, chemicals, or its own tissue, such as fat or muscle. They fuel cellular processes within the body that may be either helpful or harmful to an individual’s health.
The Cleveland Clinic researchers believe that preventing detrimental interactions between metabolites and cells could aid in disease prevention. Previous studies have shown that Alzheimer’s patients do experience changes in their gut bacteria as the disease progresses.
To complete their study, the scientists used AI and machine learning (ML) to analyze more than 1.09 million potential metabolite-receptor pairs to determine the likelihood of developing Alzheimer’s.
They then examined genetic and proteomic data from Alzheimer’s disease studies and looked at different receptor protein structures and metabolite shapes to determine how different metabolites can affect brain cells. The researchers identified significant interactions between the gut and the brain.
They discovered that the metabolite agmatine was most likely to interact with a receptor known as CA3R in Alzheimer’s patients. Agmatine is believed to protect brain cells from inflammation and damage. They found that when Alzheimer’s-affected neurons are treated with agmatine, CA3R levels reduce. Levels of phosphorylated tau proteins, a biomarker for Alzheimer’s disease, lowered as well.
The researchers also studied a metabolite called phenethylamine. They found that it too could significantly alter the levels of phosphorylated tau proteins, a result they believe could be beneficial to Alzheimer’s patients.
New Therapies for Alzheimer’s, Other Diseases
One of the most compelling results observed in the study was the identification of specific G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) that interact with metabolites present in the gut microbiome. By focusing on orphan GPCRs, the researchers determined that certain metabolites could activate those receptors, which could help generate new therapies for Alzheimer’s.
“We specifically focused on Alzheimer’s disease, but metabolite-receptor interactions play a role in almost every disease that involves gut microbes,” said Feixiong Cheng, PhD, founding director of the Cleveland Clinic Genome Center in the news release. “We hope that our methods can provide a framework to progress the entire field of metabolite-associated diseases and human health.”
The team plans to use AI technology to further develop and study the interactions between genetic and environmental factors on human health and disease progression. More research and studies are needed, but results of the Cleveland Clinic study suggest new biomarkers for targeted therapies and clinical laboratory tests for dementia diseases may soon follow.
Proof-of-concept study may eventually lead to new clinical laboratory urine tests for fast, non-invasive detection of cancer
Here is the latest example of researchers finding useful biomarkers in urine for diagnosing certain cancers. The discovery comes from the University of Michigan Health Rogel Cancer Center, where, in a proof-of-concept study, scientists developed a urine-based test that screens for circulating free DNA (cfDNA) fragments (aka, cell-free DNA) released by tumors in the head and neck. If they confirm these findings, it’s possible the technology could be adapted into a non-invasive clinical laboratory test for selected cancers.
One such cancer is human papillomavirus (HPV) which, though “widely recognized for causing cervical cancer” is “increasingly found to cause cancers in the mouth, throat, and other head and neck regions,” according to a U-M Medical School press release.
The U-M study findings could lead to an early, non-invasive test for the detection of cancer, as compared to traditional urine or blood-based liquid biopsy testing.
“In this study, we provide evidence to support the hypothesis that conventional assays do not detect ultrashort fragments found in urine since they are designed to support longer DNA fragments. Our team used an unconventional approach to develop a urine test for HPV-positive head and neck cancer ctDNA detection,” said Chandan Bhambhani, PhD (above), Research Lab Specialist Intermediate at University of Michigan and co-first author of the study, in a news release. Clinical laboratories may soon have a new urine-based test for detecting cancer. (Photo copyright: LinkedIn.)
According to the researchers, benefits of urine testing include:
Testing with urine is convenient for people who may be unable to access healthcare and phlebotomy services.
Urine has low biohazard risk and may be easily collected in large amounts, compared with blood.
Ongoing collection of urine could make way for TR-ctDNA “kinetics to be used as a high time-resolution biomarker” to monitor patients’ response to treatment.
However, urine, the researchers cautioned, must be analyzed in a different manner if it is to be comparable in efficiency to blood-based ctDNA testing.
“There have been mixed reports on the efficiency of TR-ctDNA detection compared with that of blood ctDNA. A potentially crucial factor for the analysis of TR-ctDNA is knowing the length of TR-ctDNA fragments present in urine, because this affects assay design for optimal sensitivity in TR-ctDNA detection,” the researchers explained.
New Assay Detects Ultrashort DNA Fragments
To complete their study, the U-M researchers developed an ultrashort HPV droplet digital PCR (polymerase chain reaction) assay that enabled detection of TR-ctDNA from HPV-associated oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (HPV OPSCC), BioTechniques reported.
The assay was made to target the HPV16 E6 (Human papillomavirus 16) gene and to measure TR-ctDNA in patients with HPV OPSCC, the JCI Insight paper noted.
“The HPV16 E6 gene represents a highly recurrent ctDNA target in the population of patients with HPV OPSCC,” the researchers wrote in JCI Insight, adding:
Targeting ultrashort fragments was essential “for robust TR-ctDNA detection.”
Results in urine with patients with HPV OPSCC was consistent with results from plasma ctDNA.
The test, still in the discovery phase, was mailed to patients who were being treated for the disease and who reside within 100 miles of Ann Arbor, Mich. They returned urine samples for testing at the U-M lab and to get insights into possible post-treatment needs.
“Using longitudinal urine samples from a small case series, we showed proof of concept for early detection of cancer recurrence. Thus, our results indicate that by targeting ultrashort DNA fragments, TR-ctDNA becomes a viable approach for HPV OPSCC detection and potentially for cancer recurrence monitoring after treatment,” the authors wrote.
Further Studies, Possible Test Expansion
HPV infection—and especially HPV type 16—is a growing risk factor for oropharyngeal cancers, according to the National Cancer Institute.
The U-M Rogel Cancer Center scientists plan more studies to leverage the information urine may carry about an individual’s health. The researchers intend to expand the scope of their new test to other cancers including breast cancer and acute myeloid leukemia.
“The test that has been developed has detected cancer far earlier than would typically happen based on clinical imaging. As such, these promising results have given us the confidence to broaden the scope of this study, seeking to expanding distribution even further,” said J. Chad Brenner, PhD, Associate Professor of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, U-M Medicine, and co-senior author of the study, in the news release.
The University of Michigan Health study exemplifies scientists’ commitment to new categories of biomarkers that can be used for medical laboratory tests and prescription drugs. And by focusing on urine, the researchers made it possible for patients to collect specimens themselves and send them to the medical laboratory for analysis and reporting.