Microbiologists and clinical laboratory professionals should play a key role in the ordering and use of microbiome testing
International experts in the field of microbiome testing recently published a consensus document that establishes guidelines for the use and distribution of microbiota diagnostics they claim are long overdue. Companies offering direct-to-consumer (DTC) microbiome test kits continue to increase in number and popularity. But some experts in the human microbiome field—including microbiologists and clinical laboratory professionals—remain apprehensive regarding the science behind this type of home testing.
A Gemelli University news release states, “The intestinal microbiota could perhaps one day become a routine tool for the early diagnosis of many diseases and treatment guidance, but at the moment there is a lack of solid scientific evidence to support these indications. Yet, day by day, the offers of commercial kits are multiplying to carry out do-it-yourself tests, at the moment completely devoid of scientific significance and solidity.”
It continues, “To put a stop to this drift, a panel of international experts, coordinated by Dr. Gianluca Ianiro, has drafted the ‘instructions for use’ for best practices related to microbiota testing and recommendations for its indications, analysis methods, presentation of results and potential clinical applications.”
“This document marks a decisive step towards a standardization that has become indispensable making the microbiota an increasingly integrated element in personalized medicine,” said gastroenterologist Antonio Gasbarrini, MD (above), dean of the faculty of medicine and surgery and full professor of internal medicine at Catholic University of the Sacred Heart. “In the clinical context, these guidelines will be essential to translate research progress into concrete applications, improving the management of many gastroenterological and systemic diseases related to the microbiota,” he added. Microbiologists and clinical laboratory managers may want to follow efforts to promote these guidelines, both within healthcare and as they relate to consumers ordering their own microbiome tests. (Photo copyright: Agostino Gemelli University.)
Our Second Brain
The gut microbiome consists of the microorganisms that reside in the human gut and the small and large intestines. This ecosystem plays a major role in an individual’s health as it aids in digestion and metabolism. It also helps control inflammation and can strengthen the immune system.
“[The gut microbiome] contains all the microbes that reside within our intestinal tract. And those microbes are comprised of bacteria, fungi, yeast and viruses,” said Gail Cresci, PhD, RD, Director, Nutrition Research Center for Human Nutrition at the Cleveland Clinic in a Health Essentials article.
“What we’ve learned over the years is that there’s a lot of crosstalk between your gut microbiome and your body,” she added.
A healthy gut microbiome is imperative for good human health. An unhealthy gut microbiome can lead to certain diseases and even have a negative effect on mental health and mood.
“Your gut health is so important because studies really do indicate that our gut health plays a huge role in our overall health,” stated Kristin Kirkpatrick, MS, RDN, a dietician at the Cleveland Clinic Department of Wellness and Preventative Medicine, in the article. “It impacts our risk of chronic conditions, our ability to manage our weight, even our immune system. … There is so much attention and research on the microbiome and gut health now that experts often refer to it as the ‘second brain.’”
Future of Microbiome Testing
In their consensus document, the scientists wrote, “We convened an international multidisciplinary expert panel to standardize best practices of microbiome testing for clinical implementation, including recommendations on general principles and minimum requirements for their provision, indications, pre-testing protocols, method of analyses, reporting of results, and potential clinical value. We also evaluated current knowledge gaps and future directions in this field.”
The team’s intent is to provide guidelines and define quality standards and accuracy for microbiome testing to ensure consumers are receiving factual information.
“In recent years, the intestinal microbiota has taken on a key role as a diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic tool,” said gastroenterology surgeon Serena Porcari, MD, of Gemelli University Hospital in Italy, in the Gemelli news release. “From this point of view, the first step, for a targeted modulation of the microbiota itself, is to obtain a standardization of its analysis, regulated according to the definition of minimum criteria for performing the test.”
The team also evaluated disparities between various tests and anticipated what lies ahead for the future of microbiome testing. In addition, they assessed ways to minimize inappropriate testing and established a framework for the development of evidence-based testing and the use of human microbiota diagnostics in clinical medicine.
“This consensus document represents a crucial step towards bringing order to the current panorama of diagnostic tests on the intestinal microbiota,” said Maurizio Sanguinetti, MD, director of the department of laboratory and hematological sciences at Gemelli Polyclinic Foundation, in the news release. “The diagnostic characterization of the intestinal microbiota must be based on rigorous standards, in order to guarantee reliable and clinically useful results. It is not a simple laboratory test, but a complex tool that requires a deep understanding of microbial dynamics and their impact on human health.
“This is why these analyses must be conducted by highly qualified personnel with specific expertise in clinical microbiology and bioinformatics,” he emphasized. “In our microbiology laboratory at the Fondazione Policlinico Gemelli, we already apply diagnostic tests on the intestinal microbiota following the principles and best practices outlined in the document.
“It is essential to invest in the training of future physicians and microbiologists so that they acquire the necessary skills to correctly interpret the results of these tests and apply them effectively in clinical practice. This document provides a valuable basis to guide not only the current use of the tests, but also their future development, always with a view to evidence-based and personalized medicine,” Sanguinetti concluded.
With popularity of microbiome testing on the rise, it’s important that microbiologists and clinical laboratory professionals stay informed on the latest developments in the field of microbiome diagnostics to protect healthcare consumers and their patients.
Managers of pathology groups and clinical laboratories can learn from the challenges confronting the radiology profession
Members of the Intersociety Committee of the American Society of Radiology (ACR) recently met in Coronado, Calif., to discuss the “most pressing” challenges to their profession and investigate possible solutions, according to Radiology Business. Many of these challenges mimic similar challenges faced by anatomic pathology professionals.
The radiology leaders identified seven of the “most important challenges facing radiology today.” They include: declining reimbursement, corporatization and consolidation, inadequate labor force, imaging appropriateness, burnout, turf wars with nonphysicians, and workflow efficiency, according to a report on the meeting published in the Journal of the American College of Radiology (JACR).
“Solving these issues will not be easy,” said Bettina Siewert, MD, diagnostic radiologist at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) in Boston, Mass., professor of radiology at Harvard, and lead author of the JACR report, in the JACR. “This is a collection of ‘wicked’ problems defined as having (1) no stoppable rule, (2) no enumerable set of solutions or well-described set of permissible operations, and (3) stakeholders with very different worldviews and frameworks for understanding the problem,” she added.
“The Intersociety Committee is a freestanding committee of the ACR established to promote collegiality and improve communication among national radiology organizations,” JACR noted.
“Taken together, a ‘perfect storm’ of pressures on radiologists and their institutions is brewing,” said Bettina Siewert, MD (above), diagnostic radiologist at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, Mass., professor of radiology at Harvard, and lead author of the JACR report. Wise pathology and clinical laboratory leaders will see the similarities between their industry’s challenges and those facing radiology. (Photo copyright: Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.)
How Radiology Challenges Correlate to Pathology Practices
Here are the seven biggest challenges facing radiology practices today as identified by the Intersociety Committee of the ACR.
Declining Reimbursement: According to the ACR report, radiologists in 2021 performed 13% more relative value units (RVUs) per Medicare beneficiary compared to 2005. However, the inflation-adjusted conversion factor fell by almost 34%––this led to a 25% decline in reimbursements.
This issue has plagued the pathology industry as well. According to an article published in the American Journal of Clinical Pathology (AJCP), prior to adjusting for inflation, the average physician reimbursement increased by 9.7% from 2004 to 2024 for all included anatomic pathology CPT codes. After adjusting for inflation, the average physician reimbursement decreased by 34.2% for included CPT codes. The greatest decrease in reimbursement observed from 2004 to 2024 was for outside slide consultation at 60.5% ($330.12 to $130.49), followed by pathology consultation during surgery at 59.0% ($83.54 to $34.29). The average CAGR was -2.19%,” the authors wrote.
“Our study demonstrates that Medicare physician reimbursement for common anatomic pathology procedures is declining annually at an unsustainable rate,” the AJCP authors added.
The radiologists who identified this trend in their own field suggest that medical societies could lead the push to minimize the reimbursement cuts. Pathologists could also adopt this ‘strength in numbers’ mentality to advocate for one another.
Corporatization Consolidation: The authors of the ACR report identified this issue as limiting job opportunities for radiologists particularly in private practice. Pathology professionals have seen the same trend in their field as well. Increasingly, small pathology groups have been consolidated into larger regional groups. Some of those larger regional pathology groups will then be acquired by public laboratory corporations.
The authors of the ACR report suggest radiologists should be educated on the pros and cons of consolidation. They also suggest pursuing unionization.
Inadequate Labor Force: In both radiology and pathology there is a supply-and-demand issue when it comes to labor. Staffing shortages have been felt across all of healthcare, but particularly among pathology groups and clinical laboratories. Siewert and her co-authors suggest a three-pronged approach to address this issue:
Creating residency positions in private practice.
Recruiting international medical graduates.
Increasing job flexibility.
Pathology professionals could apply these same ideas to help close the gap between the open positions in the field and the number of professionals to fill them.
Imaging Appropriateness: A gap between service capacity and service demand for radiology imaging has created a frustrating mismatch between radiologists and clinicians. Radiology experts point to overutilization of the service causing the supply-and-demand crisis. Comparatively, pathologists see a similar issue in complex cases requiring more pathologist time to come to an appropriate diagnosis and identify a care plan.
“To facilitate this reduction, better data on imaging outcomes for specific clinical questions are urgently needed,” the authors of the ACR report wrote as a possible solution. “Considering the magnitude of the mismatch crisis, radiologists may also need to consider expanding their consultative role to include that of a gatekeeper, as is done in other more resource-controlled countries.”
Burnout: Perhaps one of the most talked about subjects in the medical field has been burnout. The issue has been thrust to the forefront with the COVID-19 pandemic; however, the burnout crisis began before the pandemic. About 78% of radiologists surveyed for this report claimed to be exceeding their personal work capacity.
The authors of the ACR report suggest a structured approach to air grievances without descending into despair. “Using a team approach based on the concept of listen-sort-empower, burnout can be combatted by fostering free discussion between frontline workers and radiologists,” they said. “Facilitators unaffiliated with the radiology department can help to maintain focus on gratitude for positive attributes of the work and the institution as well as to keep the sessions on task and prevent them from devolving into complaint sessions with a subsequent loss of hope.”
A similar approach could be applied to pathology groups and clinical laboratory to combat worker burnout as well.
Turf Wars with Nonphysicians: Over the last five years the number of imaging exams being interpreted by nonphysician providers has increased by 30%, according to the ACR report. The writers emphasized the need for increased understanding and awareness about the importance of physician-led care. They suggest solidarity among hospital medical staff to provide a united front in addressing this issue in hospital bylaws.
In pathology, the counterpart is how large physician groups are bringing anatomic pathology in-house. This has been an ongoing trend for the past 20 years. It means that the pathologist is now an employee of the physician group (or a partner/shareholder in some cases).
Increase Workflow Efficiency: Image interpretation accounts for only 36% of the work radiologists perform, the ACR report noted. This issue has a direct counterpart in pathology where compliance requirements and various tasks take time away from pathologist diagnosis. These issues could be solved by working AI into tasks, delegating non-interpretive tasks to other workers, and improving the design of reading rooms. All of these possible solutions could also be applied to clinical pathologists.
These issues being faced by radiologists compare directly to similar issues in the clinical pathology world. Pathologists and pathology group managers would be wise to learn from the experience of their imaging colleagues and possibly adopt some of the ACR’s suggested solutions.
Anatomic pathologists understand that, along with breast cancer, diagnostic testing for prostate cancer accounts for a high volume of clinical laboratory tests. Thus, a recent study indicating that a new artificial intelligence (AI)-based software tool can dramatically improve physicians’ ability to identify the extent of these cancers will be of interest.
“The study found that Unfold AI’s patient-specific encapsulation confidence score (ECS), which is generated based on multiple patient data points, including MRI scans, biopsy results, PSA [prostate-specific antigen] data, and Gleason scores, is critical for predicting treatment success,” an Avenda press release states. “These findings emphasize the importance of Unfold AI’s assessment of tumor margins in predicting treatment outcomes, surpassing the predictive capability of conventional parameters.”
“Unfold AI’s ability to identify tumor margins and provide the ECS will improve treatment recommendations and allow for less-invasive interventions,” said study co-author Wayne Brisbane, MD, a urologic oncologist and UCLA medical professor, in another press release. “This more comprehensive approach enhances our ability to predict treatment outcomes and tailor interventions effectively to individual patient needs.”
“This study is important because it shows the ability of AI to not only replicate expert physicians, but to go beyond human ability,” said study co-author Wayne Brisbane, MD (above), a urologic oncologist and UCLA medical professor, in a press release. “By increasing the accuracy of cancer identification in the prostate, more precise and effective treatment methods can be prescribed for patients.” Clinical laboratories that work with anatomic pathologists to diagnose prostate and other cancers may soon have a new AI testing tool. (Photo copyright: UCLA.)
How Unfold AI Works
To gauge the extent of prostate tumors, surgeons typically evaluate results from multiple diagnostic methods such as PSA tests and imaging scans such as MRIs, according to a UCLA press release. However some portions of a tumor may be invisible to an MRI, causing doctors to underestimate the size.
Unfold AI, originally known as iQuest, was designed to analyze data from PSA, MRI, fusion biopsy, and pathology testing, according to a company brochure. From there, it generates a 3D map of the cancer. Avenda’s website says the technology provides a more accurate representation of the tumor’s extent than conventional methods.
“Accurately determining the extent of prostate cancer is crucial for treatment planning, as different stages may require different approaches such as active surveillance, surgery, focal therapy, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, chemotherapy, or a combination of these treatments,” Brisbane said in the UCLA press release.
Putting AI to the Test
In the new study, the UCLA researchers enlisted seven urologists and three radiologists to review 50 prostate cancer cases. Each patient had undergone prostatectomy—surgical removal of all or part of the prostate—but might have been eligible for focal therapy, a less-aggressive approach that uses heat, cryotherapy, or electric shocks to attack cancer cells more selectively.
The physicians came from five hospitals and had a wide range of clinical experience from two to 23 years, the researchers noted in The Journal of Urology.
They reviewed clinical data and examined MRI scans of each patient, then “manually drew outlines around the suspected cancerous areas, aiming to encapsulate all significant disease,” the press release states. “Then, after waiting for at least four weeks, they reexamined the same cases, this time using AI software to assist them in identifying the cancerous areas.”
The researchers analyzed the physicians’ work, evaluating the accuracy of the cancer margins and the “negative margin rate,” indicating whether the clinicians had identified all of the cancerous tissue. Using conventional approaches, “doctors only achieved a negative margin 1.6% of the time,” the press release states. “When assisted by AI the number increased to 72.8%.”
The clinicians’ accuracy was 84.7% when assisted by AI versus 67.2% to 75.9% for conventional techniques.
They also found that clinicians who used the AI software were more likely to recommend focal therapy over more aggressive forms of treatment.
“We saw the use of AI assistance made doctors both more accurate and more consistent, meaning doctors tended to agree more when using AI assistance,” said Avenda Health co-founder and CEO Shyam Natarajan, PhD, who was senior author of the study.
“These results demonstrate a marked change in how physicians will be able to diagnose and recommend treatment for prostate cancer patients,” said Natarajan in a company press release. “By increasing the confidence in which we can predict a tumor’s margins, patients and their doctors will have increased certainty that their entire tumor is treated and with the appropriate intervention in correlation to the severity of their case.”
UCLA’s study found that AI can outperform doctors both in sensitivity (a higher detection rate of positive cancers) and specificity (correctly detecting the sample as negative). That’s relevant and worth watching for further developments.
Pathologists and clinical laboratory managers should consider this use of AI as one more example of how artificial intelligence can be incorporated into diagnostic tests in ways that allow medical laboratory professionals to diagnose disease earlier and more accurately. This will improve patient care because early intervention for most diseases leads to better outcomes.
Discovery could lead to new treatments for cancer and tumors, but probably not to any new diagnostic assays for clinical laboratories
Researchers at the University of Texas Southwestern (UTSW) Medical Center have reported discovery of “acid walls” that appear to protect various types of cancer tumors from attack by the body’s immune system cells. Though the discovery is not directly related to a biomarker for a clinical laboratory diagnostic test, the basic research will help scientists develop ways to address the tumor’s acid wall strategy for defeating the immune system.
The UT scientists made their discovery using an internally developed imaging technique that employs nanoparticle probes to detect levels of acidity in cells. The research, they suggest, “could pave the way for new cancer treatment approaches that alter the acidic environment around tumors,” according to a UTSW press release.
“This study revealed a previously unrecognized polarized extracellular acidity that is prevalent around cancer cells,” said lead study author Jinming Gao, PhD (above), Professor in the Harold C. Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center and head of the Gao Lab at UT Southwestern Medical Center, in a press release. Gao believes the study “will lead to several new lines of research, such as studies to better understand how cancer cells polarize their acid excretion, how those cells can withstand the acidity level that kills CD8+ T cells, and how to inhibit acid excretion to allow T cells to better kill cancer cells,” the press release notes. (Photo copyright: University of Texas.)
Developing Acid Walls
As explained in the press release, scientists have long known that cancer cells are slightly more acidic than most healthy tissue. Gao and his team designed a nanoparticle known as pegsitacianine—a pH-sensitive fluorescent nanoprobe for image-guided cancer surgery—that disassembles and lights up when exposed to the acidic conditions in tumors.
However, “it was unclear why these nanoparticles fluoresced since a tumor’s acidity was thought to be too mild to trigger their activation,” the press release note.
To learn more, they used nanoparticle probes to illuminate a variety of individual cancer cells sampled from humans and mice, including lung, breast, melanoma, and glioblastoma, as well as tumor tissue. They discovered that the cancer cells secreted lactic acid—a waste product of digested glucose—at higher levels than previously known. The cells “pumped” the acid away from their malignant neighbors to form a protective “acid wall” around the tumor, the researchers noted in Nature Biomedical Engineering.
“Samples from human tumors showed that this acid wall was practically devoid of CD8+ T cells within the tumors, an immune cell type known to fight cancer,” the press release states. “When the researchers grew cancer cells and CD8+ T cells together in petri dishes that had been acidified to a 5.3 pH, the cancer cells were spared while the CD8+ T cells perished within three hours, suggesting that this severe acidity might thwart immune cell attack without harming the cancer cells.”
Gao’s team previously discovered that sodium lactate, the “conjugate base of lactic acid” as they describe it, increases the longevity of T cells and thus enhances their cancer-fighting capabilities. The researchers described the two molecules—lactate and lactic acid—as “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,” and suggested that future therapies could seek to convert lactic acid to lactate.
“Gao noted that this discovery will lead to several new lines of research, such as studies to better understand how cancer cells polarize their acid excretion, how those cells can withstand the acidity level that kills CD8+ T cells, and how to inhibit acid excretion to allow T cells to better kill cancer cells,” the press release states.
Commercializing the Technology
Pegsitacianine was designed to aid cancer surgeons by illuminating the edges of solid metastatic tumors in real time during surgery, a 2023 UTSW Medical Center press release explains. About 24 hours prior to surgery, nanoprobes are delivered via IV. Then, the surgeon uses a near-infrared camera to visualize the cells.
UTSW has licensed pegsitacianine to OncoNano Medicine, a Dallas-area biotech startup launched to commercialize technologies from Gao Lab. Gao and his colleague Baran Sumer, MD, Professor and Chief of the Division of Head and Neck Oncology in UT Southwestern Medical Center’s Department of Otolaryngology and co-author on the study, both sit on OncoNano’s advisory board.
In January 2023, OncoNano announced that pegsitacianine had received Breakthrough Therapy Designation for Real-Time Surgical Imaging from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which will fast-track the technology for development and regulatory review.
In a Phase II clinical trial published in the Annals of Surgical Oncology, the researchers tested the technology as part of cytoreductive surgery in patients with peritoneal metastases. However, a November 2023 UTSW press release noted that the technology is “tumor-agnostic and could potentially be used in other forms of cancer.” It is currently ready for Phase 3 trials, according to the OncoNano website.
More research and studies are needed to better understand this dynamic of cancer cells. Collectively, this research into cancer by different scientific teams is adding new insights into the way tumors originate and spread. At this time, these insights are not expected to lead to any new diagnostics tests that pathologists and clinical laboratories could use to detect cancer.
Ongoing increases in the global number of prostate cancer cases expected to motivate test developers to deliver better screening tests to pathologists and clinical lab scientists
No less an authority than the peer-reviewed healthcare journal The Lancet is drawing attention to predictions of increasing prostate cancer cases across the globe, triggering calls for the development of cheaper, faster, and more accurate assays that pathologists and medical laboratories can use to screen for—and diagnose—prostate cancer.
Swift population growth and rising life expectancy will cause the prostate cancer death rate to nearly double in the next 20 years, according to a new study that has led scientists to call for immediate, critical improvements in clinical laboratory testing for cancer screening, Financial Times (FT) reported.
“Low- and middle-income countries need to prepare to prevent a sharp rise in fatalities while richer nations should pay more attention to young men at higher risk of the disease,” FT noted. The study, titled, “The Lancet Commission on Prostate Cancer: Planning for the Surge in Cases,” predicts cases will jump from 1.4 million in 2020 to 2.9 million by 2040.
“Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in 112 countries, and accounts for 15% of cancers. In this Commission, we report projections of prostate cancer cases in 2040 on the basis of data for demographic changes worldwide and rising life expectancy. … This surge in cases cannot be prevented by lifestyle changes or public health interventions alone, and governments need to prepare strategies to deal with it,” the study authors wrote.
“The findings in this Commission provide a pathway forward for healthcare providers and funders, public health bodies, research funders, governments, and the broader patient and clinical community,” the authors noted. In their Lancet paper, the researchers define clear areas for improvement.
Given the shortage worldwide of pathologists—especially highly-trained pathologists—the gap between the demand/need for expanded prostate cancer testing as screens (along with prostate biopsies) and the available supply of pathologists will encourage companies to develop screening and diagnostic tests that are accurate and automated, thus increasing the productivity of the available pathologists.
“As more and more men around the world live to middle and old age, there will be an inevitable rise in the number of prostate cancer cases. We know this surge in cases is coming, so we need to start planning and take action now,” said Nick James, PhD (above), Professor of Prostate and Bladder Cancer Research at The Institute of Cancer Research, in a press release. Pathologists and medical laboratories worldwide will want to monitor progress of The Lancet Commission’s recommendations. (Photo copyright: Institute of Cancer Research.)
“Evidence-based interventions, such as improved early detection and education programs, will help to save lives and prevent ill health from prostate cancer in the years to come. This is especially true for low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) which will bear the overwhelming brunt of future cases,” he said in a press release.
Communication is key. “Improved outreach programs are needed to better inform people of the key signs to look out for and what to do next,” James N’Dow, MD, Professor and Chair in Surgery and Director of the Academic Urology Unit at the University of Aberdeen in the UK, told the Financial Times. “Implementing these in tandem with investments in cost-effective early diagnostic systems will be key to preventing deaths,” he added.
Capitalizing on artificial intelligence (AI) analysis to help translate results was another area The Lancet Commission researchers focused on, Financial Times noted.
AI could “subdivide disease into potentially valuable additional subgroups to help with treatment selection. In environments with few or no pathologists, these changes could be transformational,” the study authors wrote.
High Income Countries (HICs) would benefit from AI by empowering patients. “Linking cloud-based records to artificial intelligence systems could allow access to context-sensitive, up-to-date advice for both patients and health professionals, and could be used to drive evidence-based change in all settings,” the study authors added. Such a trend could lead to specialist prostate cancer pathologists being referred cases from around the world as digital pathology systems become faster and less expensive.
Effective treatment strategies and bolstering areas of need is also key, the study notes. “Many LMICs have urgent need for expansion of radiotherapy and surgery services,” the study authors wrote. The researchers stress the need to immediately implement expansion programs to keep up with anticipated near-future demand.
Cancer drug therapy should follow suit.
“Research and the development of risk-stratified regulatory models need to be facilitated,” the study authors noted, citing a focus on drug repurposing and dose de-escalation. “Novel clinical trial designs, such as multi-arm platforms, should be supported and expanded,” they added.
Unique Needs of LMICs, HICs
The Lancet Commission researchers’ recommendations shift depending on the financial health of a specific area. HICs are experiencing a 30-year decline in the number of deaths resulting from prostate cancer, presumably from additional testing measures and public health campaigns that may be lacking in LMICs, Financial Times reported. And as population growth soars, low-to-middle income populations “will need to be prepared for the strain the expected surge in cases will put on health resources.”
For HICs, the study dissected the limitations of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing. The researchers pointed out that PSA’s inaccuracies in screening symptomless patients can pinpoint “cancers that may never cause symptoms and need no treatment,” Financial Times reported.
Missing high-risk cases was also a cause for concern. “Diagnostic pathways should be modified to facilitate early detection of prostate cancer while avoiding overdiagnosis and overtreatment of trivial disease,” the study notes.
Screenings for high-risk younger men, and continuing public campaigns about prostate cancer, should be a focus for HICs, the study authors noted. “These would include people who have a family history of the disease, are of African ancestry, or carry a genetic mutation known as BRCA2,” Financial Times reported.
While the undertaking may sound intimidating—there is already such a heavy impact worldwide from prostate cancer—the researchers are optimistic of their recommendations.
“Options to improve care are already available at moderate cost. We found that late diagnosis is widespread worldwide, but especially in LMICs, where it is the norm. Early diagnosis improves prognosis and outcomes, and reduces societal and individual costs, and we recommend changes to the diagnostic pathway that can be immediately implemented,” the study authors wrote.
What Comes Next
“More research is needed among various ethnic groups to expand understanding of prostate cancer beyond the findings from studies that were largely based on data from white men,” The Lancet Commission told the Financial Times.
Astute pathologists and medical laboratories will want to monitor efforts to develop assays that are inexpensive, more accurate, and produce faster answers. Demand for these tests will be substantial—both in developed and developing nations.
With FDA clearance already approved, hospital infection control teams and their clinical laboratories may have another diagnostic tool for diagnosing blood infections
Controlling sepsis in hospitals continues to be a major concern in nations around the world, including in the United States. Now, a new 10-minute clinical laboratory blood test that uses artificial intelligence (AI) and digital images to spot biomarkers of the potentially fatal condition may soon be available for use in hospitals. The test, which was approved to be marketed in the US in 2022 by the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA), may be “one of the most important breakthroughs in modern medical history,” according to US researchers, Good News Network (GNN) reported.
“Early detection of sepsis is an invaluable capability for healthcare professionals. Quickly identifying sepsis is critical to saving lives, but until now, we’ve lacked a reliable tool to either recognize the condition or explore alternate diagnoses,” said O’Neal in an LSU press release.
“IntelliSep is truly a game changer,” said Hollis O’Neal, MD (above), Associate Professor of Medicine at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center in Baton Rouge. “The test provides hospital staff with information needed to identify and treat septic patients efficiently and reduce the financial and health burdens of overtreatment for hospitals and patients.” Clinical laboratories may have a new blood test for sepsis by the end of the year. (Photo copyright: Louisiana State University.)
How IntelliSep Works
The IntelliSep test analyzes blood samples extracted from emergency room patients who present with sepsis symptoms by squeezing white blood cells through a tiny tube to determine how the cells react and if they change shape. White blood cells in patients with sepsis are softer and spongier and their shape compresses and elongates, increasing the likelihood of developing sepsis.
Images are taken of the cells using an ultra-high-speed camera that can capture up to 500,000 frames per second. The images are the analyzed by an AI-powered computer which calculates the total number of elongated white blood cells to determine if sepsis is present.
IntelliSep then separates patients into three bands of risk for developing sepsis:
Band 1 (low)
Band 2 (medium)
Band 3 (high)
Results of the test are available to emergency room personnel in less than 10 minutes.
“Sepsis is notorious as the ‘silent killer’ because it is so easily missed early on, when a patient’s symptoms can often be mistaken for other less serious illnesses,” Michael Atar, PhD, DDS, Associate Professor, Pediatric Dentistry at New York University told Good News Network. “Rapid diagnosis and treatment is crucial to a good outcome, but there has never been a single, reliable diagnostic test available to doctors, costing precious time and people’s lives.”
Atar is a lead medical technology investor and an advisor to Cytovale.
‘Holy Grail’ of Sepsis Diagnosis
To complete the IntelliSep study, researchers enrolled 1,002 ER patients who presented with signs of sepsis. IntelliSep correctly identified patients who did not have sepsis with an accuracy rate of 97.5%. The technology showed an accuracy rate of 55% for positive sepsis results. Researchers also used IntelliSep to quickly diagnose and assess the severity of a sepsis infection.
There were no sepsis deaths reported in patients with low-risk scores. This indicates the test could help physicians rule out sepsis and seek other diagnoses for those patients.
“Cytovale’s IntelliSep device is, by any objective measure, the ‘holy grail’ that the medical community has been so desperate to find,” Atar told Good News Network. “The technology behind it is genuinely groundbreaking and it has the real-world, tried-and-tested potential to save millions of lives, year on year, across the planet.”
The technology is currently being used in a few hospitals in Louisiana and the inventors hope to have it available in at least 10 other hospitals by the end of the year.
Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center, a not-for-profit Catholic healthcare ministry located in Baton Rouge, was one of the first hospitals to implement IntelliSep.
“Cytovale’s innovative technology will help drastically decrease the number of sepsis-related deaths in hospital settings, and we are honored that, since day one, we have been a part of the research that led to this technology,” said Chuck Spicer, President of Our Lady of the Lake Health in a news release.
Saint Francis Medical Center in Monroe, La., announced on September 3 that it has started using the IntelliSep test in its emergency rooms and staff are impressed by the impact on hospital efficiency.
“If it turns out negative then you don’t have to treat as many patients as you did before, which runs up costs, hospital bills and causes people to be in the hospital for longer periods of time,” said pulmonary disease physician Thomas Gullatt, MD, President, St. Francis Health, told KNOE News.
Patient Expectations for Treatment
Sepsis, also known as septicemia or blood poisoning, is a serious medical condition that occurs when the body improperly reacts to an infection or injury. The dangerous reaction causes extensive inflammation throughout the body and, if not treated early, can lead to organ failure, tissue damage, and even death.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports at least 1.7 million adults develop sepsis annually in the US and at least 350,000 die as a result of the condition. It also states sepsis is one of the main reasons people are readmitted to hospitals.
Clinical laboratories should be aware of developments in the use of this new diagnostic assay and how it is aiding the diagnosis, antibiotic selection, and monitoring of patients with this deadly infection. Patients often learn about new technologies and come to their hospital or provider expecting to be treated with these innovations.