News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel

News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel
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UK Researchers Use Proteomics to Identify Proteins That Indicate Presence of Cancer Years before Diagnosis

Study findings could lead to new clinical laboratory screening tests that determine risk for cancer

New disease biomarkers generally lead to new clinical laboratory tests. Such may be the case in an investigational study conducted at the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom (UK). Researchers in the university’s Cancer Epidemiology Unit (CEU) have discovered certain proteins that appear to indicate the presence of cancer years before the disease is diagnosed.

The Oxford scientists “investigated associations between 1,463 plasma proteins and 19 cancers, using observational and genetic approaches in participants of the UK Biobank. They found 618 protein-cancer associations and 317 cancer biomarkers, which included 107 cases detected over seven years before the diagnosis of cancer,” News Medical reported.

To conduct their study, the scientists turned to “new multiplex proteomics techniques”  that “allow for simultaneous assessment of proteins at a high-scale, especially those that remain unexplored in the cancer risk context,” News Medical added. 

Many of these proteins were in “blood samples of people who developed cancer more than seven years before they received a diagnosis,” an Oxford Population Health news release notes.

“To be able to prevent cancer, we need to understand the factors driving the earliest stages of its development. These studies are important because they provide many new clues about the causes and biology of multiple cancers, including insights into what’s happening years before a cancer is diagnosed,” said Ruth Travis, BA, MSc, DPhil, senior molecular epidemiologist at Oxford Population Health and senior study author, in the news release.

The Oxford researchers published their findings in the journal Nature Communications titled, “Identifying Proteomic Risk Factors for Cancer Using Prospective and Exome Analyses of 1,463 Circulating Proteins and Risk of 19 Cancers in the UK Biobank.”

“We now have technology that can look at thousands of proteins across thousands of cancer cases, identifying which proteins have a role in the development of specific cancers and which may have effects that are common to multiple cancer types,” said Ruth Travis, BA, MSc, DPhil (above), senior molecular epidemiologist, Oxford Population Health, in a news release. The study findings could lead to new clinical laboratory screening tests for cancer. (Photo copyright: University of Oxford.)

Proteomics to Address Multiple Cancers Analysis 

In their published paper, the Oxford scientists acknowledged other research that identified links between blood proteins and risk for various cancers, including breast, colorectal, and prostate cancers. They saw an opportunity to use multiplex proteomics methods for the simultaneous measurement of proteins “many of which have not previously been assessed for their associations with risk across multiple cancer sites,” the researchers noted.

The researchers described “an integrated multi-omics approach” and the use of the Olink Proximity Extension Assay (PEA) to quantify 1,463 proteins in blood samples from 44,645 participants in the UK Biobank, a large biomedical database and resource to scientists.

Olink, a part of Thermo Fisher Scientific in Waltham, Mass., explains on its website that PEA technology “uniquely combines specificity and scalability to enable high-throughput, multiplex protein biomarker analysis.”

The researchers also compared proteins of people “who did and did not go on to be diagnosed with cancer” to determine differences and identify proteins that suggest cancer risk, News Medical reported.

Proteins Could Assist in Cancer Prevention

“To save more lives from cancer, we need to better understand what happens at the earliest stages of the disease. Data from thousands of people with cancer has revealed really exciting insights into how the proteins in our blood can affect our risk of cancer. Now we need to study these proteins in depth to see which ones could be reliably used for cancer prevention,” Keren Papier, PhD, senior nutritional epidemiologist at Oxford Population Health and joint lead author of the study, told News Medical.

While further studies and regulatory clearance are needed before the Oxford researchers’ approach to identifying cancer in its early stages can be used in patient care, their study highlights scientists’ growing interest in finding biomarker combinations that can predict or diagnose cancer even when it is presymptomatic. By focusing on proteins rather than DNA and RNA, researchers are turning to a source of information other than human genes.

For anatomic pathologists and clinical laboratory leaders, the Oxford study demonstrates how scientific teams are rapidly developing new knowledge about human biology and proteins that are likely to benefit patient care and diagnostics. 

—Donna Marie Pocius

Related Information:

Blood Proteins May Be Able to Predict Risk of Cancer More than Seven Years Before It Is Diagnosed

Identifying Proteomic Risk Factors for Cancer Using Prospective and Exome Analyses of 1,463 Circulating Proteins and Risk of 19 Cancers in the UK Biobank

Proteins in the Blood Could Warn People of Cancer More than Seven Years Before It Is Diagnosed

Blood Proteins Predict Caner Risk Seven Years in Advance, Studies Find

Blood Test Could Detect Cancer Up to Seven Years Earlier

National Institutes of Health Study Finds No Reliable Biomarkers Exist for Long COVID

Study is another example of how important clinical laboratory testing is when government officials attack a new public health issue

Long COVID—aka SARS-CoV-2 infection’s post-acute sequelae (PASC)—continues to confound researchers seeking one or more clinical laboratory biomarkers for diagnosing the condition. A new study led by the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) RECOVER Initiative and supported by NYU Langone Health recently revealed that “routine clinical laboratory tests were unable to provide a reliable biomarker of … long COVID,” Inside Precision Medicine reported.

The NIH’s Researching COVID to Enhance Recovery (RECOVER) Initiative used a cohort study of more than 10,000 individuals with and without previous COVID-19 diagnoses and compared samples using 25 common laboratory tests in hopes a useful biomarker could be identified. They were unsuccessful.

Leora Horwitz, MD, director of the Center for Healthcare Innovation and Delivery Science and co-principal investigator for the RECOVER CSC (Clinical Science Core) at NYU Langone; Andrea S. Foulkes, ScD, director of biostatistics at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston; and Grace A. McComsey, MD, VP of research and associate chief scientific officer at University Hospitals Health System, and professor of pediatrics and medicine at Case Western Reserve University, led the study.

Long COVID—or PASC—is an umbrella term for those with persistent post-COVID infection symptoms that negatively impact quality of life. Though it affects millions worldwide and has been called a major public health burden, the NIH/Langone study scientists noted one glaring problem: PASC is defined differently in the major tests they studied. This makes consistent diagnoses difficult.

The study brought to light possible roadblocks that prevented biomarker identification.

“Although potential models of pathogenesis have been postulated, including immune dysregulation, viral persistence, organ injury, endothelial dysfunction, and gut dysbiosis, there are currently no validated clinical biomarkers of PASC,” the study authors wrote in their study, “Differentiation of Prior SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Postacute Sequelae by Standard Clinical Laboratory Measurements in the RECOVER Cohort,” published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine.

“This study is an important step toward defining long COVID beyond any one individual symptom,” said study author Leora Horwitz, MD (above), director of the Center for Healthcare Innovation and Delivery Science and co-principal investigator for the RECOVER CSC at NYU Langone, in a Langone Health news release. “This definition—which may evolve over time—will serve as a critical foundation for scientific discovery and treatment design.” In the future, clinical laboratories may be tasked with finding combinations of routine and reference tests that, together, enable a more precise and earlier diagnosis of long COVID.  (Photo copyright: Yale School of Medicine.)

NIH/Langone Study Details

“The study … examined 25 routinely used and standardized laboratory tests chosen based on availability across institutions, prior literature, and clinical experience. These tests were conducted prospectively in laboratories that are certified by the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA). The samples were collected from 10,094 RECOVER-Adult participants, representing a diverse cohort from all over the US,” Inside Precision Medicine reported.

However, the scientists found no clinical laboratory “value” among the 25 tests examined that “reliably indicate previous infection, PASC, or the particular cluster type of PASC,” Inside Precision Medicine noted, adding that “Although some minor differences in the results of specific laboratory tests attempted to differentiate between individuals with and without a history of infection, these findings were generally clinically meaningless.”

“In a cohort study of more than 10,000 participants with and without prior SARS-CoV-2 infection, we found no evidence that any of 25 routine clinical laboratory values provide a reliable biomarker of prior infection, PASC, or the specific type of PASC cluster. … Overall, no evidence was found that any of the 25 routine clinical laboratory values assessed in this study could serve as a clinically useful biomarker of PASC,” the study authors wrote in Annals of Internal Medicine.

In addition to a vague definition of PASC, the NIH/Langone researchers noted a few other potential problems identifying a biomarker from the research.

“Use of only selected biomarkers, choice of comparison groups, if any (people who have recovered from PASC or healthy control participants); duration of symptoms; types of symptoms or phenotypes; and patient population features, such as sex, age, race, vaccination status, comorbidities, and severity of initial infection,” could be a cause for ambiguous results, the scientists wrote.

Future Research

“Understanding the basic biological underpinnings of persistent symptoms after SARS-CoV-2 infection will likely require a rigorous focus on investigations beyond routine clinical laboratory studies (for example, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics) to identify novel biomarkers,” the study authors wrote in Annals of Internal Medicine.

“Our challenge is to discover biomarkers that can help us quickly and accurately diagnose long COVID to ensure people struggling with this disease receive the most appropriate care as soon as possible,” said David Goff, MD, PhD, director of the division of cardiovascular sciences at the NIH’s National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, in an NHLBI news release. “Long COVID symptoms can prevent someone from returning to work or school, and may even make everyday tasks a burden, so the ability for rapid diagnosis is key.”

“Approximately one in 20 US adults reported persisting symptoms after COVID-19 in June 2024, with 1.4% reporting significant limitations,” the NIH/Langone scientists wrote in their published study.

Astute clinical laboratory scientists will recognize this as possible future diagnostic testing. There is no shortage of need.

—Kristin Althea O’Connor

Related Information:

“Long COVID” Evades Common SARS-CoV-2 Clinical Lab Tests

Differentiation of Prior SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Postacute Sequelae by Standard Clinical Laboratory Measurements in the RECOVER Cohort

Long COVID Diagnostics: An Unconquered Challenge

RECOVER Study Offers Expanded Working Definition of Long COVID

Routine Lab Tests Are Not a Reliable Way to Diagnose Long COVID

University of Warwick Researchers Identity Blood Protein Biomarkers That Can Predict Dementia Onset Years in Advance

With further study, this research may provide clinical laboratories with a new proteomic biomarker for dementia screenings that identifies risk more than 10 years before symptoms appear

Researchers at the University of Warwick in the UK and Fudan University in Shanghai, China, identified four protein biomarkers in blood that they say can predict dementia up to 15 years before diagnosis. They say these biomarkers may lead to clinical laboratory blood tests that offer alternatives to costly brain scans and lumbar punctures for diagnosis of dementia.

The scientists “used the largest cohort of blood proteomics and dementia to date,” according to a University of Warwick news release. This included taking blood from 52,645 “healthy” people without dementia who participated in the UK Biobank—a population-based study cohort, the new release noted.

“The proteomic biomarkers are [easy] to access and non-invasive, and they can substantially facilitate the application of large-scale population screening,” said neurovegetative disease specialist Jin-tai Yu, MD, PhD, a professor at Fudan University and co-author of the study, in the news release.

The scientists published their findings in the journal Nature Aging titled, “Plasma Proteomic Profiles Predict Future Dementia in Healthy Adults.”

“The advent of proteomics offers an unprecedented opportunity to predict dementia onset,” the researchers wrote.

“This is a well-conducted study that adds to what we know about changes in blood that occur very early in diseases that cause dementia, which will be important for early diagnosis in the future,” said Tara Spires-Jones, PhD, in a post from the Science Media Center in the UK. “However,” she added, “it is important to note that these are still scientific research studies and that there are currently no blood tests available for routine use that can diagnose dementia with certainty.

Jones, who was not involved in the study, is President of the British Neuroscience Association (BNA) and group leader of the UK Dementia Research Institute at the University of Edinburgh.

“Based on this study, it does seem likely that blood tests will be developed that can predict risk for developing dementia over the next 10 years, although individuals at higher risk often have difficulty knowing how to respond,” Suzanne Schindler, MD, PhD (above), told Reuters. Schindler, an Associate Professor of Neurology at Washington University in St. Louis, was not involved in the research. Clinical laboratories may soon have a new blood test for dementia. (Photo copyright: VJDementia.)

Predicting Onset of Dementia with 90% Accuracy

The researchers analyzed 52,645 blood samples from the UK Biobank (UKBB). The samples were collected between 2006 and 2010 from healthy individuals who at that time were without dementia.

By March 2023, 1,417 of the study participants had developed Alzheimer’s disease or some other form of dementia. The researchers looked at 1,463 proteins and identified four that were present in high levels among those people:

“Individuals with higher GFAP levels were 2.32 times more likely to develop dementia,” the researchers wrote in Nature Aging. “Notably, GFAP and LTBP2 were highly specific for dementia prediction. GFAP and NEFL began to change at least 10 years before dementia diagnosis.”

When adding known risk factors such as age, sex, and genetics, the researchers said they could predict onset of dementia with 90% accuracy, according to the University of Warwick news release.

“Our findings strongly highlight GFAP as an optimal biomarker for dementia prediction, even more than 10 years before the diagnosis, with implications for screening people at high risk for dementia and for early intervention,” the researchers wrote.

The news release also noted that smaller studies had already identified some of the proteins as potential biomarkers, “but this new research was much larger and conducted over several years.”

Further Validation Needed

Amanda Heslegrave, PhD, of the UK Dementia Research Institute, University College London described the UKBB as “an excellent resource” in the Science Media Center (SMC) post. However, she noted, it’s “a highly curated biobank and may not capture all populations that we need to know the risk for. The new biomarkers identified will need further validation before being used as screening tools.”

Another expert raised additional questions about the University of Warwick/Fudan University study in the SMC post.

“These results may help researchers understand the biological systems involved in the development of dementia,” said David Curtis, MD, PhD, of the UCL Genetics Institute at University College London. “However in my view the strengths of the reported associations are not really strong enough to say that these would form a useful test for predicting who will get dementia in the future.”

Conversely, Curtis pointed to other studies suggesting that phosphorylated tau (p-tau) proteins are better candidates for developing a simple blood test.

P-tau “provides a very good indicator of whether the pathological processes leading to Alzheimer’s disease are present in the brain,” he said. “When effective treatments for Alzheimer’s disease are developed it will be very helpful indeed to have simple blood tests—such as measuring phosphorylated tau—available in order to identify who could benefit.”

At least two blood tests based on the p-tau217 variant—from ALZpath and C2N—are currently available to US clinicians as laboratory developed tests (LDT).

In “University of Gothenburg Study Findings Affirm Accuracy of Clinical Laboratory Blood Test to Diagnose Alzheimer’s Disease,” Dark Daily reported on a study from the University of Gothenburg in Sweden which found that the ALZpath test was as good or better than lumbar punctures and brain scans as a diagnostic tool for Alzheimer’s.

UK Biobank

The UK Biobank continues to be used by researchers both in the UK and abroad because of the full sets of data on large numbers of patients over many years. There are few other sources of such data elsewhere in the world. The UK Biobank is a large-scale biomedical database and research resource. It contains de-identified genetic, lifestyle and health information, and biological samples from 500,000 UK participants.

On its website, the UK Biobank states, “It is the most comprehensive and widely-used dataset of its kind and is globally accessible to approved researchers who are undertaking health-related research that is in the public interest, whether they are from academic, commercial, government or charitable settings.”

Thus, clinical laboratory managers and pathologists can expect a continuing stream of published studies that identify biomarkers associated with different health conditions and to see where the data used in these analyses came from the UK’s biobank.

—Stephen Beale

Related Information:

Protein Biomarkers Predict Dementia 15 Years Before Diagnosis, According to New Study

Plasma Proteomic Profiles Predict Future Dementia in Healthy Adults

Proteins May Predict Who Will Get Dementia 10 Years Later, Study Finds

Expert Reaction to Study of Potential Protein Biomarkers for Dementia Risk

Two New p-Tau217 Blood Tests Join a Crowded Field

Plasma p-Tau-217 Assays Work Well, But No Home Run for Diagnosis

Dementia Can Be Predicted More than a Decade Before Diagnosis with These Blood Proteins

Dementia Predicted 10 Years Before Diagnosis

Early Blood Test to Predict Dementia Is Step Closer as Biological Markers Identified

Validating Blood Tests as A Possible Routine Diagnostic Assay of Alzheimer’s Disease

Scientists Close in on Elusive Goal of Adapting Nanopore Technology for Protein Sequencing

Technology could enable medical laboratories to deploy inexpensive protein sequencing with a handheld device at point of care and remote locations

Clinical laboratories engaged in protein testing will be interested in several recent studies that suggest scientists may be close to adapting nanopore-sensing technology for use in protein identification and sequencing. The new proteomics techniques could lead to new handheld devices capable of genetic sequencing of proteins at low cost and with a high degree of sensitivity, in contrast to current approaches based on mass spectrometry.

But there are challenges to overcome, not the least of which is getting the proteins to cooperate. Compact devices based on nanopore technology already exist that can sequence DNA and RNA. But “there are lots of challenges with proteins” that have made it difficult to adapt the technology, Aleksei Aksimentiev, PhD, Professor of Biological Physics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, told ASBMB Today, a publication of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. “In particular, they’re not uniformly charged; they’re not linear, most of the time they’re folded; and there are 20 amino acids, plus a zoo of post-translational modifications,” he added.

The ASBMB story notes that nanopore technology depends on differences in charges on either side of the membrane to force DNA or RNA through the hole. This is one reason why proteins pose such a challenge.

Giovanni Maglia, PhD, a Full Professor at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands and researcher into the fundamental properties of membrane proteins and their applications in nanobiotechnology, says he has developed a technique that overcomes these challenges.

“Think of a cell as a miniature city, with proteins as its inhabitants. Each protein-resident has a unique identity, its own characteristics, and function. If there was a database cataloging the fingerprints, job profiles, and talents of the city’s inhabitants, such a database would undoubtedly be invaluable!” said Behzad Mehrafrooz, PhD (above), Graduate Research Assistant at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in an article he penned for the university website. This research should be of interest to the many clinical laboratories that do protein testing. (Photo copyright: University of Illinois.)

How the Maglia Process Works

In a Groningen University news story, Maglia said protein is “like cooked spaghetti. These long strands want to be disorganized. They do not want to be pushed through this tiny hole.”

His technique, developed in collaboration with researchers at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, uses electrically charged ions to drag the protein through the hole.

“We didn’t know whether the flow would be strong enough,” Maglia stated in the news story. “Furthermore, these ions want to move both ways, but by attaching a lot of charge on the nanopore itself, we were able to make it directional.”

The researchers tested the technology on what Maglia described as a “difficult protein” with many negative charges that would tend to make it resistant to flow.

“Previously, only easy-to-thread proteins were analyzed,” he said in the news story. “But we gave ourselves one of the most difficult proteins as a test. And it worked!”

Maglia now says that he intends to commercialize the technology through a new startup called Portal Biotech.

The Groningen University scientists published their findings in the journal Nature Biotechnology, titled “Translocation of Linearized Full-Length Proteins through an Engineered Nanopore under Opposing Electrophoretic Force.”

Detecting Post-Translational Modifications in the UK

In another recent study, researchers at the University of Oxford reported that they have adapted nanopore technology to detect post-translational modifications (PTMs) in protein chains. The term refers to changes made to proteins after they have been transcribed from DNA, explained an Oxford news story.

“The ability to pinpoint and identify post-translational modifications and other protein variations at the single-molecule level holds immense promise for advancing our understanding of cellular functions and molecular interactions,” said contributing author Hagan Bayley, PhD, Professor of Chemical Biology at University of Oxford, in the news story. “It may also open new avenues for personalized medicine, diagnostics, and therapeutic interventions.”

Bayley is the founder of Oxford Nanopore Technologies, a genetic sequencing company in the UK that develops and markets nanopore sequencing products.

The news story notes that the new technique could be integrated into existing nanopore sequencing devices. “This could facilitate point-of-care diagnostics, enabling the personalized detection of specific protein variants associated with diseases including cancer and neurodegenerative disorders,” the story states.

The Oxford researchers published their study’s findings in the journal Nature Nanotechnology titled, “Enzyme-less Nanopore Detection of Post-Translational Modifications within Long Polypeptides.”

Promise of Nanopore Protein Sequencing Technology

In another recent study, researchers at the University of Washington reported that they have developed their own method for protein sequencing with nanopore technology.

“We hacked the [Oxford Nanopore] sequencer to read amino acids and PTMs along protein strands,” wrote Keisuke Motone, PhD, one of the study authors in a post on X (formerly Twitter) following the study’s publication on the preprint server bioRxiv titled, “Multi-Pass, Single-Molecule Nanopore Reading of Long Protein Strands with Single-Amino Acid Sensitivity.”

“This opens up the possibility for barcode sequencing at the protein level for highly multiplexed assays, PTM monitoring, and protein identification!” Motone wrote.

In a commentary they penned for Nature Methods titled, “Not If But When Nanopore Protein Sequencing Meets Single-Cell Proteomics,” Motone and colleague Jeff Nivala, PhD, Principal Investigator at University of Washington, pointed to the promise of the technology.

Single-cell proteomics, enabled by nanopore protein sequencing technology, “could provide higher sensitivity and wider throughput, digital quantification, and novel data modalities compared to the current gold standard of protein MS [mass spectrometry],” they wrote. “The accessibility of these tools to a broader range of researchers and clinicians is also expected to increase with simpler instrumentation, less expertise needed, and lower costs.”

There are approximately 20,000 human genes. However, there are many more proteins. Thus, there is strong interest in understanding the human proteome and the role it plays in health and disease.

Technology that makes protein testing faster, more accurate, and less costly—especially with a handheld analyzer—would be a boon to the study of proteomics. And it would give clinical laboratories new diagnostic tools and bring some of that testing to point-of-care settings like doctor’s offices.

—Stephen Beale

Related Information:

Nanopores as the Missing Link to Next Generation Protein Sequencing

Nanopore Technology Achieves Breakthrough in Protein Variant Detection

The Scramble for Protein Nanopore Sequencing

The Emerging Landscape of Single-Molecule Protein Sequencing Technologies

ASU Researcher Advances the Science of Protein Sequencing with NIH Innovator Award          

The Missing Link to Make Easy Protein Sequencing Possible?

Engineered Nanopore Translocates Full Length Proteins

Not If But When Nanopore Protein Sequencing Meets Single-Cell Proteomics

Enzyme-Less Nanopore Detection of Post-Translational Modifications within Long Polypeptides

Unidirectional Single-File Transport of Full-Length Proteins through a Nanopore

Translocation of Linearized Full-Length Proteins through an Engineered Nanopore under Opposing Electrophoretic Force

Interpreting and Modeling Nanopore Ionic Current Signals During Unfoldase-Mediated Translocation of Single Protein Molecules

Multi-Pass, Single-Molecule Nanopore Reading of Long Protein Strands with Single-Amino Acid Sensitivity

Experimental Low-Cost Blood Test Can Detect Multiple Cancers, Researchers Say

Test uses a new ultrasensitive immunoassay to detect a known clinical laboratory diagnostic protein biomarker for many common cancers

Researchers from Mass General Brigham, the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard University’s Wyss Institute and other institutions around the world have reportedly developed a simple clinical laboratory blood test that can detect a common protein biomarker associated with multiple types of cancer, including colorectal, gastroesophageal, and ovarian cancers.

Best of all, the researchers say the test could provide an inexpensive means of early diagnosis. This assay could also be used to monitor how well patients respond to cancer therapy, according to a news release.

The test, which is still in experimental stages, detects the presence of LINE-1 ORF1p, a protein expressed in many common cancers, as well as high-risk precursors, while having “negligible expression in normal tissues,” the researchers wrote in a paper they published in Cancer Discovery titled, “Ultrasensitive Detection of Circulating LINE-1 ORF1p as a Specific Multicancer Biomarker.”

The protein had previously been identified as a promising biomarker and is readily detectable in tumor tissue, they wrote. However, it is found in extremely low concentrations in blood plasma and is “well below detection limits of conventional clinical laboratory methods,” they noted.

To overcome that obstacle, they employed an ultra-sensitive immunoassay known as a Simoa (Single-Molecule Array), an immunoassay platform for measuring fluid biomarkers.

“We were shocked by how well this test worked in detecting the biomarker’s expression across cancer types,” said lead study author gastroenterologist Martin Taylor, MD, PhD, Instructor in Pathology, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, in the press release. “It’s created more questions for us to explore and sparked interest among collaborators across many institutions.”

Kathleen Burns, MD, PhD

“We’ve known since the 1980s that transposable elements were active in some cancers, and nearly 10 years ago we reported that ORF1p was a pervasive cancer biomarker, but, until now, we haven’t had the ability to detect it in blood tests,” said pathologist and study co-author Kathleen Burns, MD, PhD (above), Chair of the Department of Pathology at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and a Professor of Pathology at Harvard Medical School, in a press release. “Having a technology capable of detecting ORF1p in blood opens so many possibilities for clinical applications.” Clinical laboratories may soon have a new blood test to detect multiple types of cancer. (Photo copyright: Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.)

Simoa’s Advantages

In their press release, the researchers described ORF1p as “a hallmark of many cancers, particularly p53-deficient epithelial cancers,” a category that includes lung, breast, prostate, uterine, pancreatic, and head and neck cancers in addition to the cancers noted above.

“Pervasive expression of ORF1p in carcinomas, and the lack of expression in normal tissues, makes ORF1p unlike other protein biomarkers which have normal expression levels,” Taylor said in the press release. “This unique biology makes it highly specific.”

Simoa was developed at the laboratory of study co-author David R. Walt, PhD, the Hansjörg Wyss Professor of Bioinspired Engineering at Harvard Medical School, and Professor of Pathology at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

The Simoa technology “enables 100- to 1,000-fold improvements in sensitivity over conventional enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) techniques, thus opening the window to measuring proteins at concentrations that have never been detected before in various biological fluids such as plasma or saliva,” according to the Walt Lab website.

Simoa assays take less than two hours to run and require less than $3 in consumables. They are “simple to perform, scalable, and have clinical-grade coefficients of variation,” the researchers wrote.

Study Results

Using the first generation of the ORF1p Simoa assay, the researchers tested blood samples of patients with a variety of cancers along with 406 individuals, regarded as healthy, who served as controls. The test proved to be most effective among patients with colorectal and ovarian cancer, finding detectable levels of ORF1p in 58% of former and 71% of the latter. Detectable levels were found in patients with advanced-stage as well as early-stage disease, the researchers wrote in Cancer Discovery.

Among the 406 healthy controls, the test found detectable levels of ORF1p in only five. However, the control with the highest detectable levels, regarded as healthy when donating blood, “was six months later found to have prostate cancer and 19 months later found to have lymphoma,” the researchers wrote.

They later reengineered the Simoa assay to increase its sensitivity, resulting in improved detection of the protein in blood samples from patients with colorectal, gastroesophageal, ovarian, uterine, and breast cancers.

The researchers also employed the test on samples from 19 patients with gastroesophageal cancer to gauge its utility for monitoring therapeutic response. Although this was a small sample, they found that among 13 patients who had responded to therapy, “circulating ORF1p dropped to undetectable levels at follow-up sampling.”

“More Work to Be Done”

The Simoa assay has limitations, the researchers acknowledged. It doesn’t identify the location of cancers, and it “isn’t successful in identifying all cancers and their subtypes,” the press release stated, adding that the test will likely be used in conjunction with other early-detection approaches. The researchers also said they want to gauge the test’s accuracy in larger cohorts.

“The test is very specific, but it doesn’t tell us enough information to be used in a vacuum,” Walt said in the news release. “It’s exciting to see the early success of this ultrasensitive assessment tool, but there is more work to be done.”

More studies will be needed to valid these findings. That this promising new multi-cancer immunoassay is based on a clinical laboratory blood sample means its less invasive and less painful for patients. It’s a good example of an assay that takes a proteomic approach looking for protein cancer biomarkers rather than the genetic approach looking for molecular DNA/RNA biomarkers of cancer.

—Stephen Beale

Related Information:

Ultrasensitive Blood Test Detects ‘Pan-Cancer’ Biomarker

New Blood Test Could Offer Earlier Detection of Common Deadly Cancers

Ultrasensitive Detection of Circulating LINE-1 ORF1p as a Specific Multicancer Biomarker

Noninvasive and Multicancer Biomarkers: The Promise of LINE-1 Retrotransposons

LINE-1-ORF1p Is a Promising Biomarker for Early Cancer Detection, But More Research Is Needed

‘Pan-Cancer’ Found in Highly Sensitive Blood Test
