News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel

News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel
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FDA Grants Marketing Authorization to First Ever AI-Powered SaMD Diagnostic Tool for Sepsis That Shares Patient’s Risk within 24 Hours and Works with EHRs

Infection control teams and clinical laboratory managers may want to look at this new product designed to improve the diagnosis and treatment of sepsis

Accurate and fast diagnosis of sepsis for patients arriving in emergency departments is the goal of a new product that was just cleared by the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It is also the newest example of how artificial intelligence (AI) continues to find its way into pathology and clinical laboratory medicine.

Sepsis is one of the deadliest killers in US hospitals. That is why there is interest in the recent action by the FDA to grant marketing authorization for an AI-powered sepsis detection software through the agency’s De Novo Classification Request. The DNCR “provides a marketing pathway to classify novel medical devices for which general controls alone, or general and special controls, provide reasonable assurance of safety and effectiveness for the intended use, but for which there is no legally marketed predicate device,” the FDA’s website states.

Developed by Chicago-based Prenosis, the Sepsis ImmunoScore is an AI and machine learning (ML) Software as a Medical Device (SaMD) used to “guide rapid diagnosis and prediction of sepsis” within 24 hours of the patient’s presentation in an emergency department or hospital, according to a company news release.

In a separate statement, Prenosis announced a commercial distribution deal with Roche, Basel, Switzerland, as well as the SaMD’s availability on Roche’s navify Algorithm Suite (a digital library of medical algorithms).

Unlike a single analyte assay that is run in a clinical laboratory, Prenosis’ AI/ML software uses 22 diagnostic and predictive parameters, along with ML algorithms, to analyze data and produce a clinically actionable answer on sepsis.

It is important for clinical laboratory managers and pathologists to recognize that this diagnostic approach to sepsis brings together a number of data points commonly found in a patient’s electronic health record (EHR), some of which the lab generated and others the lab did not generate.

“Sepsis is a serious and sometimes deadly complication. Technologies developed to help prevent this condition have the potential to provide a significant benefit to patients,” said Jeff Shuren, MD, JD, Director of the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health, in a statement. “The FDA’s authorization of the Prenosis Sepsis ImmunoScore software establishes specific premarket and post-market requirements for this device type.” Clinical laboratory EHRs contain some of the data points Prenosis’ diagnostic software uses. (Photo copyright: US Food and Drug Administration.)  

How it Works

To assist doctors diagnose sepsis, the ImmunoScore software is first integrated into the patient’s hospital EHR. From there, it leverages 22 parameters including:

Instead of requiring a doctor or nurse to look at each parameter separately, the SaMD tool uses AI “to evaluate all those markers at once”, CNBC noted. It then produces a risk score and four discrete risk stratification categories (low, medium, high, and very high) which correlate to “a patient’s risk of deterioration” represented by:

  • Hospital length of stay.
  • In-hospital mortality.
  • Intensive care unit transfer within 24 hours.
  • Vasopressor use within 24 hours.
  • Need for mechanical ventilation within 24 hours.

By sharing these details—a number from one to 100 for each of the 22 diagnostic and predictive parameters—Sepsis ImmunoScore helps doctors determine which will likely contribute most to the patient’s risk for developing sepsis, MedTech Dive reported.

“A lot of clinicians don’t trust AI products for multiple reasons. We are trying very hard to counter that skepticism by making a tool that was validated by the FDA first, and then the second piece is we’re not trying to replace the clinician,” Bobby Reddy Jr., PhD, Prenosis co-founder and CEO, told MedTech Dive.

Big Biobank and Blood Sample Data

Prenosis, which says its goal is the “enabling [of] precision medicine in acute care” developed Sepsis ImmunoScore using the company’s own biobank and a dataset of more than 100,000 blood samples from more than 25,000 patients.

AI algorithms drew on this biological/clinical dataset—the largest in the world for acute care patients suspected of having serious infections, according to Prenosis—to “elucidate patterns in rapid immune response.”

Carle Foundation Hospital, Urbana, Ill., is one of three Illinois hospitals that helped build the biobank and dataset used by Prenosis, according to a Carle news release.

“It does not work without data, and the data started at Carle,” said critical care specialist Karen White, MD, PhD, Carle Foundation Hospital, St. Louis, MO, in the news release.  “The project involved a large number of physicians, research staff, and internal medicine residents at Carle who helped recruit patients, collect data, and samples,” she said.

Opportunity for Clinical Laboratories

Sepsis is a life-threatening condition based on an “extreme response to an infection” that affects nearly 1.7 million adults in the US each year and is responsible for 350,000 deaths, according to US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data. 

A non-invasive diagnostic tool like Sepsis ImmunoScore will be a boon to emergency physicians and the patients they treat. Now that the FDA has authorized the SaMD diagnostic tool to go to market, it may not be long before physicians can use the information it produces to save lives.

Clinical laboratory managers inspired by the development of Sepsis ImmunoScore may want to look for similar ways they can take certain lab test results and combine them with other data in an EHR to create intelligence that physicians can use to better treat their patients. The way forward in laboratory medicine will be combining lab test results with other relevant sets of data to create clinically actionable intelligence for physicians, patients, and payers.

—Donna Marie Pocius

Related Information:

Prenosis Announces FDA De Novo Marketing Authorization of the Sepsis ImmunoScore  

Prenosis Announces Commercial Distribution Collaboration with Roche for Sepsis ImmunoScore

FDA Authorizes Prenosis Software as First AI Tool That Can Diagnose Sepsis

FDA Round-Up April 5, 2024

FDA Grants De Novo Clearance to AI Tool for Detecting Sepsis

New AI Tool for Sepsis Diagnosis Gets its Start to Research at Carle

An AI Tool to Stop Sepsis

Electronic Health Records Vendors Now Adding Generative AI to Their Products

One goal of these new functions is to streamline physician workflows. However, these new EHRs may interface differently with clinical laboratory information systems

Artificial intelligence (AI) developers are making great contributions in clinical laboratory, pathology, radiology, and other areas of healthcare. Now, Electronic Health Record (EHR) developers are looking into ways to incorporate a new type of AI—called “Generative AI”—into their EHR products to assist physicians with time-consuming and repetitive administrative tasks and help them focus on patient-centered care. 

Generative AI uses complex algorithms and statistical models to learn patterns from collected data. It then generates new content, including text, images, and audio/video information.

According to the federal Government Accountability Office (GAO), generative AI “has potential applications across a wide range of fields, including education, government, medicine, and law” and that “a research hospital is piloting a generative AI program to create responses to patient questions and reduce the administrative workload of healthcare providers.”

Reducing the workload on doctors and other medical personnel is a key goal of the EHR developers.

Generative AI uses deep learning neural networks modeled after the human brain comprised of layers of connected nodes that process data. It employs two neural networks: a generator [generative network] which creates new content, and a discriminator [discriminative network] which evaluates the quality of that content.

The collected information is entered into the network where each individual node processes the data and passes it on to the next layer. The last layer in the process produces the final output. 

Many EHR companies are working toward adding generative AI into their platforms, including:

As our sister publication The Dark Report points out in its December 26 “Top 10 Biggest Lab Stories for 2023,” almost every product or service presented to a clinical laboratory or pathology group will soon include an AI-powered solution.

Girish Navani

“We believe that generative AI has the potential of being a personal assistant for every doctor, and that’s what we’re working on,” Girish Navani (above), co-founder and CEO of eClinicalWorks, told EHRIntelligence. “It could save hours. You capture the essence of the entire conversation without touching a keyboard. It is transformational in how it works and how well it presents the information back to the provider.” Clinical laboratory information systems may also benefit from connecting with generative AI-based EHRs. (Photo copyright: eClinicalWorks.)

Generative AI Can Help with Physician Burnout

One of the beneficial features of generative AI is that it has the ability to “listen” to a doctor’s conversation with a patient while recording it and then produce clinical notes. The physician can then review, edit, and approve those notes to enter into the patient’s EHR record, thus streamlining administrative workflows.

“The clinician or support team essentially has to take all of the data points that they’ve got in their head and turn that into a narrative human response,” Phil Lindemann, Vice President of Data and Analytics at Epic, told EHRIntelligence. “Generative AI can draft a response that the clinician can then review, make changes as necessary, and then send to the patient.”

By streamlining and reducing workloads, EHRs that incorporate generative AI may help reduce physician burnout, which has been increasing since the COVID-19 pandemic.

A recent study published in the Journal of the American Informatics Association (JAMIA) titled, “Association of Physician Burnout with Perceived EHR Work Stress and Potentially Actionable Factors,” examined physician burnout associated with EHR workload factors at UC San Diego Health System. The researchers found that nearly half of surveyed doctors reported “burnout symptoms” and an increase in stress levels due to EHR processes. 

“Language models have a huge potential in impacting almost every workflow,” Girish Navani, co-founder and CEO of eClinicalWorks, told EHRIntelligence. “Whether it’s reading information and summarizing it or creating the right type of contextual response, language models can help reduce cognitive load.”

Generative AI can also translate information into many different languages. 

“Health systems spend a lot of time trying to make patient education and different things available in certain languages, but they’ll never have every language possible,” Lindemann said. “This technology can take human language, translate it at any reading level in any language, and have it understandable.”

MEDITECH is working on a generative AI project to simplify clinical documentation with an emphasis on hospital discharge summaries that can be very laborious and time-consuming for clinicians.

“Providers are asked to go in and review previous notes and results and try to bring that all together,” Helen Waters, Executive Vice President and COO of MEDITECH, told EHRIntelligence. “Generative AI can help auto-populate the discharge note by bringing in the discrete information that would be most relevant to substantiate that narrative and enable time savings for those clinicians.”

Many Applications for Generative AI in Healthcare

According to technology consulting and solutions firm XenonStack, generative AI has many potential applications in healthcare including:

  • Medical simulation
  • Drug discovery
  • Medical chatbots
  • Medical imaging
  • Medical research
  • Patient care
  • Disease diagnosis
  • Personalized treatment plans

The technology is currently in its early stages and does present challenges, such as lack of interpretability, the need for large datasets and more transparency, and ethical concerns, all of which will need to be addressed. 

“We see it as a translation tool,” Lindemann told EHRIntelligence. “It’s not a panacea, but there’s going to be really valuable use cases, and the sooner the community can agree on that, the more useful the technology’s going to be.”

Since generative AI can be used to automate manual work processes, clinical laboratories and anatomic pathology groups should be alert to opportunities to interface their LISs with referring physicians’ EHRs. Such interfaces may enable the use of the generative AI functions to automate manual processes in both the doctors’ offices and the labs.

—JP Schlingman

Related Information:

How Four EHR Vendors Are Leveraging Generative AI in Clinical Workflows

NextGen Healthcare Unveils NextGen Ambient Assist, an AI Solution Designed to Boost Provider Efficiency

Science and Tech Spotlight: Generative Ai

What is Generative AI? Everything You Need to Know

Generative AI Could Revolutionize Health Care—But Not if Control is Ceded to Big Tech

Generative AI in Healthcare and Its Uses—Complete Guide

Association of Physician Burnout with Perceived EHR Work Stress and Potentially Actionable Factors

England’s National Health Service to Offer Widespread Rapid Whole Genome Sequencing for Children and Babies

Research in the UK and US into how rapid WGS can prevent deaths and improve outcomes for kids with rare genetic diseases may lead to more genetic testing based in local clinical laboratories

Genetic scientists with the National Health Service (NHS) in England have embarked on an ambitious plan to offer rapid whole genome sequencing (rWGS) for children and babies with serious illnesses, as part of a larger initiative to embrace genomic medicine in the United Kingdom (UK).

The NHS estimates that the plan will benefit more than 1,000 children and babies each year, including newborns with rare diseases such as cancer, as well as kids placed in intensive care after being admitted to hospitals. Instead of waiting weeks for results from conventional tests, clinicians will be able to administer a simple blood test and get results within days, the NHS said in a press release.

The press release notes that about 75% of rare genetic diseases appear during childhood “and are responsible for almost a third of neonatal intensive care deaths.”

Here in the United States, pathologists and clinical laboratory managers should see this development as a progressive step toward expanding access to genetic tests and whole genome sequencing services. The UK is looking at this service as a nationwide service. By contrast, given the size of the population and geography of the United States, as this line of medical laboratory testing expands in the US, it will probably be centered in select regional centers of excellence.

The NHS laid out its implementation plan in a strategy paper published on NHS England’s website titled, “Accelerating Genomic Medicine in the NHS.”

“This strategy sets out how more people will be empowered to take preventative action following risk-based predictions, receive life-changing diagnoses, and get the support needed to live with genomically-informed diagnoses alongside improved access to cutting-edge precision [medicine] treatments. It also outlines how the NHS will accelerate future high-quality genomic innovation that can be adopted and spread across the country, leading to positive impacts for current and future generations,” the NHS wrote.

Amanda Pritchard

“This global first is an incredible moment for the NHS and will be revolutionary in helping us to rapidly diagnose the illnesses of thousands of seriously ill children and babies—saving countless lives in the years to come,” said NHS chief executive Amanda Pritchard (above) in a press release announcing the program. (Photo copyright: Hospital Times.)

New Rapid Whole Genome Sequencing Service

The NHS announced the plan following a series of trials last year. In one trial, a five-day old infant was admitted to a hospital in Cheltenham, Gloucester, with potentially deadly levels of ammonia in his blood. Whole genome sequencing revealed that changes in the CPS1 gene were preventing his body from breaking down nitrogen, which led to the spike in ammonia. He was given life-saving medication in advance of a liver transplant that doctors believed would cure the condition. Without the rapid genetic test, doctors likely would have performed an invasive liver biopsy.

Following sample collection at NHS locations, the genetic tests will be performed at the new National Rapid Whole Genome Sequencing Service, part of the South West NHS Genomic Laboratory Hub run by the Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust in Exeter, UK.

Using a simple blood test, the new newborn genetic screening service in England is expected to benefit more than 1,000 critically ill infants each year, potentially saving their lives. “The rapid whole genome testing service will transform how rare genetic conditions are diagnosed,” explained Emma Baple, PhD, Professor of Genomic Medicine at University of Exeter Medical School and leader of the National Rapid Whole Genome Sequencing Service in the press release. “We know that with prompt and accurate diagnosis, conditions could be cured or better managed with the right clinical care, which would be life-altering—and potentially life-saving—for so many seriously unwell babies and children,” Precision Medicine Institute reported.

According to The Guardian, test results will be available in two to seven days.

Along with the new rWGS testing service, the NHS announced a five-year plan to implement genomic medicine more broadly. The provisions include establishment of an ethics advisory board, more training for NHS personnel, and an expansion of genomic testing within the existing NHS diagnostic infrastructure. The latter could include using NHS Community Diagnostics centers to collect blood samples from family members to test for inherited diseases.

UK’s Longtime Interest in Whole Genome Sequencing

The UK government has long been interested in the potential role of WGS for delivering better outcomes for patients with genetic diseases, The Guardian reported.

In 2013, the government launched the 100,000 Genomes Project to examine the usefulness of the technology. In November 2021, investigators with the project reported the results of a large pilot study in which they analyzed the genomes of 4,660 individuals with rare diseases. The study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) titled, “100,000 Genomes Pilot on Rare-Disease Diagnosis in Health Care—Preliminary Report,” found “a substantial increase in yield of genomic diagnoses made in patients with the use of genome sequencing across a broad spectrum of rare disease.”

The study’s findings suggest that use of WGS “could save the NHS millions of pounds,” The Guardian reported.

Whole Genome Sequencing System for Newborns in the US

Researchers in the United States are also looking at the potential for WGS to improve health outcomes in children with genetic conditions. Last August, a research team led by Stephen F. Kingsmore, MD, DSc, President/CEO of Rady Children’s Institute for Genomic Medicine in San Diego, authored a study published in the American Journal of Human Genetics (AJHG) titled, “A Genome Sequencing System for Universal Newborn Screening, Diagnosis, and Precision Medicine for Severe Genetic Diseases,” that described a scalable prototype for a newborn screening system.

“This NBS-rWGS [newborn screening by rapid whole genome sequencing] system is designed to complement the existing newborn screening process and has the potential to eliminate the diagnostic and therapeutic odyssey that many children and parents face,” Kingsmore said in a press release. “Currently, only 35 core genetic disorders are recommended for newborn screening in the United States, but there are more than 7,200 known genetic diseases. Outcomes remain poor for newborns with a genetic disease because of the limited number of recommended screenings. With NBS-rWGS, we can more quickly expand that number and therefore potentially improve outcomes through precision medicine.”

A more recent 2023 study which examined 112 infant deaths at Rady Children’s Hospital found that 40% of the babies had genetic diseases. In seven infants, genetic diseases were identified post-mortem, and in five of them “death might have been avoided had rapid, diagnostic WGS been performed at time of symptom onset or regional intensive care unit admission,” the authors wrote.

“Prior etiologic studies of infant mortality are generally retrospective, based on electronic health record and death certificate review, and without genome information, leading to underdiagnosis of genetic diseases,” said Christina Chambers, PhD, co-author of the study, in a press release. “In fact, prior studies show at least 30% of death certificates have inaccuracies. By implementing broad use of genome sequencing in newborns we might substantially reduce infant mortality.” 

Pioneering work with whole genome sequencing for newborns, such as that being conducted by the clinical laboratory and genetic teams at Rady Children’s Hospital and the UK’s NHS, could allow doctors to make timely interventions for our most vulnerable patients.

—Stephen Beale

Related Information:

Study Suggests DNA Sequencing Could Reduce Infant Deaths, Often Caused by Genetic Disease

Novel Newborn Screening System Uses Rapid Whole Genome Sequencing and Acute Management Guidance to Screen and Diagnosis Genetic Diseases

Study Finds Association of Genetic Disease and Infant Mortality Higher than Previously Recognized: 41% of Infant Deaths Associated with Genetic Diseases

Genome Sequencing Could Prevent Infant Deaths

A Genome Sequencing System for Universal Newborn Screening, Diagnosis, and Precision Medicine for Severe Genetic Diseases

Genetic Testing in the PICU Prompts Meaningful Changes in Care

Major Policy Event in United Kingdom Aligns National Genetic Screening Program Using Rapid Whole Genome Sequencing

World-First National Genetic Testing Service to Deliver Rapid Life-Saving Checks for Babies and Kids

Genome Sequencing Trial to Test Benefits of Identifying Genetic Diseases at Birth

New NHS Genetic Testing Service ‘Could Save Thousands of Children’ in England

NHS England Completes Move Towards Rapid Whole Genome Sequencing of All Critically Ill Infants

Whole Genome Sequencing for Children: An Information Guide for Parents, Carers, and Families

Australia’s NSW Health Chooses Epic for its Statewide Patient EHR

Five clinical laboratory information systems are part of the transition that will create a single statewide EMR for all New South Wales patients

In a massive project, Australia’s New South Wales Ministry of Health (NSW Health) has selected health information system developer Epic to unify its five pathology laboratory information management systems (LIMS), nine electronic medical record systems (EMR), and six patient administration systems (PAS) into a statewide single digital patient record (SDPR).

According to ITnews, providers in New South Wales currently use LIMS systems by Citadel Health and Integrated Software Solutions OMNI-Lab, EMR systems by Oracle Cerner and Orion Health, and patient administration systems from Oracle Cerner and DXC.

“The SDPR will consolidate geographically fragmented EMR, PAS, and LIMS systems to create a detailed lifelong patient record and deliver cost savings,” NSW Health said in a news release.

NSW Health is the largest public health system in Australia with more than 220 public hospitals, 16 Local Health Districts, and three Specialty Networks. NSW Health Pathology operates more than 60 pathology laboratories (clinical laboratories in the US) and has 150 patient service centers.

Andrew Montague

“While this initiative will provide untold benefits to all the patients of NSW, we are excited about its potential for improving the health outcomes of our regional patients,” said Andrew Montague (above), former Chief Executive, Central Coast Local Health District in a press release. “By enabling greater collaboration across all local health districts and specialty health networks, the Single Digital Patient Record will provide clinicians with even better tools to keep the patient at the center of everything we do.” This project is more market evidence of the trend to bring clinical laboratory test results from multiple lab sites into a single data repository. (Photo copyright: Coast Community News.)

Cloud-based Realtime Access to Patient Records

Australia has a population of about 26 million and New South Wales, a state on the east coast, is home to more than eight million people. Though the scale of healthcare in Australia is much smaller than in the US, this is still a major project to pull patient data together from all the NSW hospitals, physicians’ offices, and other healthcare providers such as clinical laboratories and pathology practices.

With the change, NSW clinicians will benefit from a cloud–based system offering up real-time access to patients’ medical records, NSW Health Pathology Chief Executive Tracey McCosker told ITnews.

“Patients and our busy staff will benefit from clinical insights gained from the capture of important new data. Our work in pathology is vital to the diagnostic process and developing a statewide laboratory information management system will ensure we provide the best possible services,” McCosker told ITnews.

The KLAS Research report, “US Hospital Market Share 2022,” states that Epic, located in Verona, Wisconsin, has the largest US electronic health record (EHR) market share, Healthgrades noted. According to KLAS:

NSW Health’s decision to engage Epic came after a process involving 350 clinicians, scientists, and technical experts, Zoran Bolevich, MD, Chief Executive of eHealth NSW and NSW Health’s Chief Information Officer, told ITnews.  

NSW Health’s Goal for Statewide Digital Patient Record

It was in December 2020 when NSW Health announced its plan to create the SDPR. 

“Our vision is to be able to provide a single, holistic, statewide view of every patient—and for that information to be readily accessible to anyone involved in the patient’s care,” Bolevich said in the news release.

The SDPR, according to NSW Health, will address the following:    


  • Current systems not connected statewide.
  • Inaccessible patient data.
  • Duplicative data collection.
  • Gaps in decision-making.


  • Improve health outcomes.
  • Create patient centricity.
  • Leverage insights.

NSW’s government has already invested more than $106 million in the SDPR, Healthcare IT News reported.

Other Large EHR Rollouts

NSW Health is not the only large organization to take on such an ambitious project of creating a large-scale digital patient record. And not always to a successful conclusion.

The US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)—also intent on EHR modernization—recently announced it is suspending roll-out of the Oracle Cerner EHR at VA centers until June 2023 to address technical issues affecting appointments, referrals, and test results.

Four VA centers in Washington, Oregon, and Ohio already went live with the system in 2022.

“We are delaying all future deployments of the new EHR while we fully assess performance and address every concern. Veterans and clinicians deserve a seamless, modernized health record system, and we will not rest until they get it,” said Deputy Secretary of Veterans Affairs Donald Remy, JD, in a news release.

For its part, Oracle Cerner wrote federal lawmakers noting the importance of continuing the project, which will move the VA away from its former VistA health information system. 

“Modernization requires change and some short-term pain for the long-term benefits of a modern technology infrastructure,” noted Oracle Cerner Executive Vice President Ken Glueck in the letter, Becker’s Health IT reported. “A modernization project of this scale and scope necessarily involves time to untangle the decades of customized processes established in support of VistA, which inevitably involves challenges.”

NSW Health’s goal is to build a single repository of health information—including lab test results from multiple clinical laboratory sites. When finished NSW Health expects that sharing patient data will contribute to producing better healthcare outcomes.

However, the VA’s experience—and several other similar attempts at large-scale electronic patient record installations—suggest the work ahead will not be easy. But for NSW Health, it may be worth the effort.   

—Donna Marie Pocius

Related Information:

NSW Health Taps Epic for Statewide, Single Digital Patient Record

Single Digital Patient Record Set to Deliver Vastly Improved Patient Experience

NSW Health to Partner with Epic in the Next Step Towards its Digital Healthcare System

US Hospital Market Share 2022: Strong Purchasing Energy across Large, Small, and Standalone Hospitals

EHR Market Share 2021: 10 Things to Know About Major Players Epic, Cerner, Meditech and Allscripts

Single Digital Patient Record (SDPR)

New South Wales Invests $106 Million in Single EMR System

Healthcare Experts Say Consumers Are Ready for Self-Test Flu Kits, But Are Physicians and Clinical Laboratories Ready to Let That Cat Out of the Bag?     

Clinical laboratories could play a key role in helping users collect their samples correctly, interpret results, and transfer flu test data to their health records

Clinical laboratories may have another opportunity to provide service to their clients and the physicians who treat them. With the success of at-home COVID-19 testing, consumer demand for self-tests is changing and advances in diagnostic technology now make it feasible to make more influenza (flu) tests available for consumers to buy and use at home.

At-home tests for SARS-CoV-2 can be found at pharmacies all across America. But that’s not the case with tests for influenza.

Should self-test flu kits eventually become available and common, clinical laboratories could offer the service of helping consumers understand:

  • that the test was conducted correctly (specimen collection and analysis),
  • that the result is accurate and reproducible, and
  • how to understand the results.

Clinical laboratories also could collect and input the results into their laboratory information system (LIS), then send those results to the patients’ electronic health record (EHR) at their physician’s clinic.

Christina Yen, MD

“Home flu testing would ensure that those who do need and receive antiviral medication for influenza are the ones who need it the most,” and that “we are making our treatment decisions based on data,” infectious disease specialist Christina Yen, MD (above), University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, told STAT News. At-home flu self-tests could also bring opportunities for clinical laboratories to provide service to healthcare consumers and the physicians who treat them. (Photo copyright: UT Southwestern Medical Center.)

Pros and Cons of Consumers Doing At-home Influenza Testing

According to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), COVID-19 and influenza are both upper respiratory illnesses with similar symptoms. So, why don’t we have more at-home flu tests available? Partly because at-home testing is a relatively new phenomenon in modern healthcare.

“It’s really rare, and it’s really new that people are allowed to know about what’s happening inside their body without a physician in the middle,” Harvard epidemiologist Michael Mina, MD, PhD, told STAT News. The article uses the example of at-home pregnancy tests. Despite a prototype for an at-home pregnancy test being created in 1967, it took another decade before an over-the-counter pregnancy test became available to the public.

“The general thinking was, ‘How could a woman possibly know what to do if she found out she was pregnant on her own without a doctor in the room?’ That is a ridiculous concern because women have been doing that for millions of years,” Mina added.

So, why be cautious when it comes to giving patients the option of at-home flu testing?

There are some cons to at-home influenza tests. Average citizens are not clinical laboratory professionals. They might obtain too little sample for an accurate reading or read the results incorrectly. Then, there is the possibility for false-negatives or false-positives.

An at-home test user is not likely to consider the possibility of a false result, however clinicians look at the situation with more nuance. If the patient was still symptomatic or in a high-risk community, the provider could administer a more sensitive medical laboratory test to confirm the previous test results.

There are other concerns about at-home testing as well. Another STAT News article titled, “Growing Use of Home COVID-19 Tests Leaves Health Agencies in the Dark about Unreported Cases,” reported on a superspreading event that health officials did not know about: a Phish concert on Halloween.

“In a Facebook post from mid-November with hundreds of responses, concertgoers compared symptoms and positive test results, many of those from tests taken at home. But those data weren’t added to state public health tallies of COVID’s spread,” STAT News noted.

The larger concern is that samples obtained by at-home self-test users are not submitted for genomic sequencing. This could lead to incomplete data and delay identifying new variants of the coronavirus in communities.

“If nobody’s reporting the tests, are we really getting the information we need?” Atul Grover, MD, PhD, Executive Director of the Association of American Medical Colleges Research and Action Institute, told STAT News. “We have no idea what the true positivity rate is.”

Another barrier to at-home flu testing is that rapid influenza diagnostic testing can be unreliable. In 2009, the rapid influenza tests could only detect the H1N1 influenza virus in a mere 11% of samples, STAT News reported. Because of this, the FDA now requires manufacturers to test their rapid tests against eight different strains that change every year depending upon which strains are prevalent. This could present a problem if individuals use leftover tests from the previous flu season.

Do Pros of At-home Testing Outweigh the Cons?

At-home testing is convenient and makes testing more accessible to patients who may not be able to get to a clinic. Being able to test at home also encourages individuals to take precautions necessary to stop the spread of whichever illness they may have. Given the similarities in symptoms between influenza and COVID-19, people could benefit from having tools at home that correctly identify their illness.

At-home COVID-19 tests are here to stay, and at-home influenza tests may be on the way soon. Clinical laboratories could play an important role in educating the public on the correct handling of these tests.

Ashley Croce

Related Information:

Why Doesn’t the U.S. Have At-Home Flu Tests?

What Is the Difference between Influenza (Flu) and COVID-19?

We Still Don’t Have At-Home Testing for the Flu—But COVID-19 Has Changed the Stakes

Growing Use of Home COVID-19 Tests Leaves Health Agencies in the Dark about Unreported Cases
