News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel

News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel
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Australian Company Launches At-Home Genetic Test in the US That Claims to Identify a Person’s ‘Risk’ for Contracting the SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus. But What Science Supports the Test’s Ability to Accurately Assess Risk?

Since all Americans have access to free COVID-19 vaccines, many pathologists and clinical lab managers will ask if this test is even necessary. Some experts say “maybe”

Here’s another example of genetic test developers who are willing to push boundaries and sell a diagnostic test directly to consumers that has some diagnostic experts and pathologists challenging its clinical validity.

The test was developed by molecular diagnostics company Genetic Technologies Ltd. (NASDAQ:GENE) of Melbourne, Australia, and, according to an article in Science, is an at-home saliva test that “combines genetic data with someone’s age, sex, and pre-existing medical conditions to predict their risk of becoming extremely ill from COVID-19.”

In a non-peer-reviewed preprint, titled, “Development and Validation of a Clinical and Genetic Model for Predicting Risk of Severe COVID-19,” Genetic Technologies’ Chief Scientific Officer Richard Allman, PhD, and Senior Biostatistician and the study’s first author, Gillian Dite, PhD, wrote, “Using SARS-CoV-2 positive participants from the UK Biobank, we developed and validated a clinical and genetic model to predict risk of severe COVID-19. … Accurate prediction of individual risk is possible and will be important in regions where vaccines are not widely available or where people refuse or are disqualified from vaccination, especially given uncertainty about the extent of infection transmission among vaccinated people and the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern.”

But since every American already has access to free COVID-19 vaccines, one wonders why this test would be launched in the US?

Determining Risk for COVID-19 Infection

Can a genetic test predict an individual’s risk of contracting a SARS-CoV-2 infection that would require hospitalization or cause death? Genetic Technologies and its US partner, Infinity BiologiX (IBX) of Piscataway, N.J., believe so.

According to a Genetic Technologies news release, the saliva test, which reportedly costs $175, enables a “leading-edge risk assessment that estimates your personal risk of severe disease,” IBX says on its website.

The at-home saliva-based test, which is intended for people age 18 and older, gives a risk score for contracting a serious COVID-19 case based on genetic and clinical information, IBX stated in its own news release.

The two companies partnered with Vault Health, a “virtual platform for telemedicine and diagnostics” developer, to distribute, and sell the COVID-19 Serious Disease Risk Test in the US.

Genetic Technologies’ COVID-19 Risk Test

In the IBX news release, IBX’s Chief Executive Officer, Robin Grimwood, said, “We see this initial agreement for the sale and distribution of Genetic Technologies’ COVID-19 Risk Test (above) as a critical collaboration in line with our mission to understand the genetic causes of common, complex diseases and to discover diagnoses, treatments and, eventually, cures for these diseases.” However, as Dark Daily’s sister publication The Dark Report previously reported, some geneticists, epidemiologists, and clinical laboratory professionals have expressed concerns. (Photo copyright: Infinity BiologiX.)

Is There a Place for Genetic COVID-19 Risk Test in the US?

“Alongside existing treatment options and vaccines, we believe this test will enable more insightful decisions for states, workplaces, and individuals,” said Simon Morriss, Genetic Technologies’ CEO, in the news release.

Meanwhile, some experts are uncertain about predictive types of testing for the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. “I think it’s premature to use a genetic test to predict a person’s likely COVID-19 severity. We don’t understand exactly what these genetic variants mean or how they affect disease,” epidemiologist Priya Duggal PhD, a professor in the Genetics Epidemiology Division at the Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health, told Science.

Launched without FDA Clearance?

A recent Intelligence Briefing from Dark Daily’s sister publication The Dark Report, noted that the companies introduced the test in the US without a US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) review.

According to Science, “The test debuts in a regulatory gray zone …. The two companies did not seek [FDA] approval for validity because, [Genetic Technologies Chief Scientific Officer Richard Allman] says, the test is not a direct-to-consumer product that falls under its review. After a customer receives results from IBX’s federally-approved labs, they can consult with a ‘telehealth’ physician.”

“We are uniquely and strategically positioned with our partners to deliver the test and provide remote telehealth services and reporting, utilizing our extensive array capability and capacity across a number of platforms,” Grimwood said in the IBX news release.

However, Science reported that “Several geneticists who reviewed the company’s preprint” said “the test needs to be validated in other, more diverse populations than one detailed in the UK Biobank, and they wonder whether its predictions are reliable for people infected with new SARS-CoV-2 variants.”

“It’s a good start, but by no means is it calibrated or validated sufficiently to say this is a test I would take, or my wife should take,” cancer geneticist Stephen Chanock, MD, Director of the Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics at the National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, told Science.

The question remains unanswered as to why a genetic risk test for SARS-CoV-2 and its variants is needed in the United States. Nevertheless, clinical laboratory leaders and pathologists may want to monitor these developments for new biomarkers and COVID-19 diagnostics.

—Donna Marie Pocius

Related Information

Test Improves COVID-19 Prevention and Management Capabilities for Employers, Governments, and Public Health Decision Makers; Gene’s COVID-19 Risk Test Released for Sale in the US

Infinity BiologiX, Genetic Technologies, and Vault Health Launch New Test to Assess Severity of COVID-19 in Individuals

Intelligence Briefing: The Dark Report

Would You Have Your DNA Tested to Predict How Hard COVID-19 Would Strike? Should You?

Development and Validation of a Clinical and Genetic Model for Predicting Risk of Severe COVID-19

Mapping the Human Genetic Architecture of COVID-19 Using Worldwide Meta-Analysis

New Proposed Federal Rule Could Remove Requirement for Hospitals to Share Negotiated Medicare Advantage Rates with CMS

CMS says it is responding to hospitals’ plea for relief from burdensome reporting requirements, but not altering federal price transparency laws

Despite federal price transparency law that went into effect January 1 after a year-long court battle, some hospitals continue to balk at sharing their payer-negotiated rates for healthcare goods and services—including medical laboratory testing—claiming a variety of challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccine distribution, and other difficulties, Modern Healthcare reported.

Now, after the American Hospital Association (AHA) in a January 7 letter asked the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to “exercise enforcement discretion with respect to the hospital price transparency rule,” CMS has removed the requirement that hospitals report certain negotiated-rates.

The CMS “Medicare Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) and Long Term Care Hospital (LTCH)” proposed rule for fiscal year (FY) 2022 (CMS-1752-P) removes hospitals’ need to report Medicare Advantage (MA) rates on Medicare cost reports effective Jan. 1, 2021, according to a CMS fact sheet.

This requirement was originally part of the Hospital Price Transparency Final Rule (84 FR 65524), passed in 2019 during the Trump administration, which required hospitals to “establish, update, and make public a list of their standard charges for the items and services that they provide,” including clinical laboratory test prices. This reporting requirement did not sit well with the AHA.

In a statement, Ashley Thompson, Senior Vice President for Public Policy Analysis and Development for the American Hospital Association, said, “This policy will require hospitals to divert critically needed resources during this historic pandemic to administrative tasks that will not benefit patients.” She added, “We do not believe CMS has the authority to compel the disclosure of these terms and our legal challenge remains ongoing.”

However, if the new proposed rule goes into effect, CMS would no longer expect hospitals to report the rates they have negotiated with each Medicare Advantage plan, RevCycleIntelligence reported.

“Hospitals are often the backbone of rural communities—but the COVID-19 pandemic has hit rural hospitals hard, and too many are struggling to stay afloat,” HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra (above) said in an announcement, RevCycleIntelligence reported. “This rule will give hospitals more relief and additional tools to care for COVID-19 patients and it will also bolster the healthcare workforce in rural and underserved communities.” (Photo copyright: Modern Healthcare.)

CMS Relieving a Burden, Not Eliminating a Requirement

In the fact sheet, CMS wrote that it “is proposing to repeal the requirement that a hospital report on the Medicare cost report the median payer-specific negotiated charge that the hospital has negotiated with all of its MA organization payers, by MS-DRG (Medicare-severity diagnosis related group), for cost reporting periods ending on or after January 1, 2021. CMS estimates this will reduce administrative burden on hospitals by approximately 64,000 hours.”

Experts noted that CMS is attempting to reduce providers’ administrative burdens, while keeping federal price transparency requirements in effect.

“The repeal of this requirement more falls into the bucket of easing hospitals’ burden as opposed to the agency’s stance on hospital price transparency,” Caitlin Sheetz, Director and Head of Analytics at ADVI Health, LLC, told Fierce Healthcare.

Still, the recent CMS action could be a sign that price transparency requirements for hospitals will not intensify, she added. “I would think it is very unlikely that [CMS] would put out a rule that is easing up hospital administrative burden [and] they would then ramp up audits for the hospital price transparency rule.”

AHA Supports CMS’ Latest Proposed Rule on Hospital Reporting

The AHA said the new proposed rule moves in the right direction. 

In a statement, Tom Nickels, Executive Vice President of the AHA, said, “We have long said that privately negotiated rates take into account any number of unique circumstances between a private payer and a hospital and their disclosure will not further CMS’ goal of paying market rates that reflect the cost of delivering care.” He added, “We once again urge the agency to focus on transparency efforts that help patients access their specific financial information based on their coverage and care.”

Though federal price transparency rules are evolving, medical laboratories are encouraged to accept that consumer demand is one powerful force driving this trend. Thus, clinical laboratories that currently make it easy for patients to see the prices for common medical laboratory tests in advance of service should gain competitive advantage from this feature over time.

Donna Marie Pocius

Related Information:

Fact Sheet: Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Medicare Hospital Inpatient System (IPPS) and Long-Term Care Hospital (LTCH) Rates Proposed Rule (CMS 1752-P)

CMS Proposes $2.5B IPPS Rate Hike, with Eye on Rural Health Equity

Experts Say CMS is Still Committed to Price Transparency after Proposal to Pull MA Requirements

AHA Statement on FY 2022 Proposed IPPS Rule

AHA Urges HHS to Exercise Enforcement Discretion with Respect to the Hospital Price Transparency Rule

Hospitals Slow to Disclose Their Payer-Negotiated Rates

CMS Price Transparency Rule Offers Providers, Payers a Win, Too

Wall Street Journal Investigation Finds Computer Code on Hospitals’ Websites That Prevents Prices from Being Shown by Internet Search Engines, Circumventing Federal Price Transparency Laws

Gene Sequencing of COVID-19 Outbreak in Minnesota School System Guides Public Health Officials in Slowing Spread of the SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus

Data was used to create a transmission map that tracked the spread of infections among school athletes and helped public health officials determine where best to disrupt exposure

Genomic sequencing played a major role in tracking a SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in a Minnesota school system. Understanding how and where the coronavirus was spreading helped local officials implement restrictions to help keep the public safe. This episode demonstrates how clinical laboratories that can quickly sequence SARS-CoV-2 accurately and at a reasonable cost will give public health officials new tools to manage the COVID-19 pandemic.

Officials in Carver County, Minn., used the power of genomic epidemiology to map the COVID-19 outbreak, and, according to the Star Tribune, revealed how the B.1.1.7 variant of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus was spreading through their community.

“The resulting investigation of the Carver County outbreak produced one of the most detailed maps of COVID-19 transmission in the yearlong history of the pandemic—a chart that looks like a fireworks grand finale with infections producing cascading clusters of more infections,” the Star Tribune reported.

Using genetic sequencing, the Minnesota Department of Health produced the above map of the spread of the COVID-19 through Carver County’s schools. The animated graph includes epidemiological data from “10 high school teams, 10 club teams, 12 teams in a sports association, and three fitness/rec centers.” According to the Star Tribune, “The cluster shows a high ‘attack rate’ of infected people spreading the virus to multiple close contacts. Genomic sequencing found the more infectious B.1.1.7 variant of the virus in about a quarter of cases so far.” Click here to access the interactive version of the map. To see details about specific persons and locations, tap or hover over each dot. (Graphic copyright: Minnesota Department of Health/Star Tribune.)

Private Labs, Academic Labs, Public Health Labs Must Work Together

For gene sequencing to guide policy and decision making as well as it did in Carver County, coordination, cooperation, and standardization among public, private, and academic medical laboratories is required. Additionally, each institution must report the same information in similar formats for it to be the most useful.

In “Staying Ahead of the Variants: Policy Recommendations to Identify and Manage Current and Future Variants of Concern,” the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security (JHCHS) at the Bloomberg School of Public Health lists recommendations for how to build a coordinated sequencing program.

Priority recommendations include:

  • Maintain Policies That Slow Transmission: Variants will continue to emerge as the pandemic unfolds, but the best chance of minimizing their frequency and impact will be to continue public health measures that reduce transmission. This includes mask mandates, social distancing requirements, and limited gatherings.
  • Prioritize Contact Tracing and Case Investigation for Data Collection: Cases of variants of concern should be prioritized for contact tracing and case investigation so that public health officials can observe how the new variant behaves compared to previously circulating versions.
  • Develop a Genomic Surveillance Strategy: To guide the public health response, maximize resources, and ensure an equitable distribution of benefits, the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) should develop a national strategy for genomic surveillance to implement and direct a robust SARS-CoV-2 genomic surveillance program, drawing on resources and expertise from across the US government.
  • Improve Coordination for Genomic Surveillance and Characterization: There are several factors in creating a successful genomic surveillance and characterization network. Clear leadership and coordination will be necessary.”

Practical Application of Genomic Sequencing

Genomic epidemiology uses the genetic sequence of a virus to better understand how and where a given virus is spreading, as well as how it may be mutating. Pathologists understand that this information can be used at multiple levels.

Locally, as was the case in Carver County, Minn., it helps school officials decide whether to halt sports for a time. Nationally, it helps scientists identify “hot spots” and locate mutations of the coronavirus. Using this data, vaccine manufacturers can adjust their vaccines or create boosters as needed.

“This is some of the most amazing epidemiology I’ve ever seen,” epidemiologist Michael Osterholm, PhD, Regents Professor, and Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) at the University of Minnesota, told the Star Tribune, which reported that “A public health investigation linked 140 COVID-19 cases among more than 50 locations and groups, mostly schools and sports teams in Carver County. (Photo copyright: University of Minnesota.)

Will Cost Decreases Provide Opportunities for Clinical Laboratories?

Every year since genomic sequencing became available the cost has decreased. Experts expect that trend to continue. However, as of now, the cost may still be a barrier to clinical laboratories that lack financial resources.

“Up-front costs are among the challenges that limit the use of genomic sequencing technologies,” wrote the federal Government Accountability Office (GAO) in “Gene Sequencing Can Track COVID Variants, But High Costs and Security and Privacy Concerns Present Challenges.”

“Purchasing laboratory equipment, computer resources, and staff training requires significant up-front investments. However, the cost per sequence is far less today than it was under earlier methods,” the GAO noted. This is good news for public and independent clinical laboratories. Like Carver County, a significant SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in the future may be averted thanks to genetic sequencing.

“The first piece of the cluster was spotted in a private K-8 school, which served as an incubator of sorts because its students live in different towns and play on different club teams,” the Star Tribune reported.

Finding such clusters may provide opportunities to halt the outbreak. “We can try to cut it off at the knees or maybe get ahead of it,” epidemiologist Susan Klammer with Minnesota Public Health and for childcare and schools, told the Star Tribune.

This story is a good example of how genomic sequencing and surveillance tracking—along with cooperation between public health agencies and clinical laboratories—are critical elements in slowing and eventually halting the spread of COVID-19.

Dava Stewart

Related Information:

Mapping of Carver County Outbreak Unmasks How COVID Spreads

COVID Variants Are Like “a Thief Changing Clothes” and Our Camera System Barely Exists

U.S. Ranks 43rd Worldwide in Sequencing to Check for Coronavirus Variants Like the One Found in the U.K.

Biden Administration Announces Actions to Expand COVID-19 Testing

Staying Ahead of the Variants: Policy Recommendations to Identify and Manage Current and Future Variants of Concern

Gene Sequencing Can Track COVID Variants, But High Costs and Security and Privacy Concerns Present Challenges

Consumer Genetic Testing Company 23andMe to Merge with Sir Richard Branson’s VG Acquisition Corp. and Go Public

The merger is expected to boost investment in 23andMe’s consumer health and therapeutics businesses

After years of spectacular growth, the popularity of direct-to-consumer (DTC) genetic testing is beginning to wane. Nevertheless, opportunities still exist in the DTC genetic testing market for visionaries with funds to invest.

One such visionary is billionaire Richard Branson, founder of the multinational venture capital conglomerate Virgin Group (VG). Branson’s VG Acquisition Corp. (NYSE:VGAC), a special purpose acquisition company (SPAC), announced it is merging with 23andMe of Sunnyvale, Calif., to create a publicly-traded company with the New York Stock Exchange ticker symbol ME.  

In a VG press release, Branson states his reason for the merger. “Of the hundreds of companies we reviewed for our SPAC, 23andMe stands head and shoulders above the rest,” he said. “As an early investor, I have seen 23andMe develop into a company with enormous growth potential. Driven by [CEO Anne Wojcicki’s] vision to empower consumers, and with our support, I’m excited to see 23andMe make a positive difference to many more people’s lives.”

According to a 23andMe press release, the deal values the company at approximately $3.5 billion and will net the consumer genetics and research company as much as $759 million in additional cash. Wojcicki and Branson each invested $25 million themselves as part of the $250 million fund to take the company public.

CEO Anne Wojcicki headshot
“As a fellow industry disruptor as well as an early investor in 23andMe, we are thrilled to partner with Sir Richard Branson and VG Acquisition Corp. as we approach the next phase of our business, which will create new opportunities to revolutionize personalized healthcare and medicine,” 23andMe co-founder and CEO Anne Wojcicki (above) said in the press release. “We have always believed that healthcare needs to be driven by the consumer, and we have a huge opportunity to help personalize the entire experience at scale, allowing individuals to be more proactive about their health and wellness. Through a genetics-based approach, we fundamentally believe we can transform the continuum of healthcare.” (Photo copyright: Inc. magazine.)

Participation in Research Key to Future of DTC Genetics Testing

Though DTC genetic testing kit sales have slowed in recent years for both 23andMe and rival Ancestry, Wojcicki believes the company’s database of 10 million customers—with 80% of customers agreeing to participate in research—is the key to its future.

“We have always seen health as a much bigger opportunity” than genealogy, Wojcicki told The Wall Street Journal (WSJ).

According to the WSJ, 23andMe customers fill out more than 30,000 surveys each day on health and related issues. With that information, the company has determined its database includes 1.7 million people with high cholesterol, nearly 1.6 million with depression and 539,000 with Type 2 diabetes, information that is highly valued by medical researchers and those running clinical trials.

Personalizing Healthcare through DTC Genetic Testing

Wojcicki expects the merger will propel the consumer DNA-testing company into personalized medicine and therapeutics. “We have always believed that healthcare needs to be driven by the consumer, and we have a huge opportunity to help personalize the entire experience at scale, allowing individuals to be more proactive about their health and wellness,” Wojcicki said in a statement. “Through a genetics-based approach, we fundamentally believe we can transform the continuum of healthcare.”

In August 2020, the US Food and Drug Administration “granted 23andMe a 510(k) clearance for a pharmacogenetics report on two medications—Clopidogrel, prescribed for certain heart conditions, and Citalopram, which is prescribed for depression,” 23andMe announced in a blog post.

“This impactful pharmacogenetics information can now be delivered without the need for confirmatory testing, a testament to the clinical validity of 23andMe results,” said Kathy Hibbs, 23andMe Chief Legal and Regulatory Officer, in the blog post. “23andMe remains the only company with direct-to-consumer pharmacogenetic reports cleared by the FDA.”

23andMe’s trove of genetic data already has netted it a partnership with GlaxoSmithKline (GSK). According to a GSK press release, in 2018, the two companies signed a four-year research and development agreement. The collaboration targets novel medicines and potential cures using human genetics as the basis for discovery.

COVID-19 Boosts 23andMe’s Sales

During a joint interview with Branson in Bloomberg News about the merger, Wojcicki said, “COVID-19 has really opened up doors.” Now more than ever, she said, people are interested in preventative healthcare. “I’ve had this dream since 2003 that genetics would revolutionize healthcare and that’s really the era I see we can now usher in,” she added.

As 23andMe pushes further into personalized therapeutics, clinical laboratories and pathology groups would be wise to watch and see if this new entrant accelerates healthcare’s shift to the precision medicine model of personalized care.

—Andrea Downing Peck

Related Information:

23andMe to Merge with Virgin Group’s VG Acquisition Corp. to Become Publicly Traded Company Set to Revolutionize Personalized Healthcare and Therapeutic Development through Human Genetics

23andMe Go Public with Richard Branson Backed SPAC

GSK and 23andMe Sign Agreement to Leverage Genetic Insights for the Development of Novel Medicines

23andMe Lays Off 100 People, CEO Anne Wojcicki Explains Why

FDA Grants 23andMe Clearance to Offer Interpretive Drug Information for Two Medications

Fears over DNA Privacy as 23andMe Plans to Go Public in Deal with Richard Branson

23andMe to Go Public as $2.5 Billion Company via Branson Merger

During Pandemic, Clinical Laboratories Should Be Alert for Drug Resistant Infections That Pose High Risk to COVID-19 Patients

On top of everything else during this pandemic, drug-resistant infections are threatening the most vulnerable patients in COVID-19 ICUs

New study by researchers at the University of Minnesota highlights the continuing need for microbiologists and clinical laboratories to stay alert for COVID-19 patients with drug-resistant infections. In their study, researchers highlighted CDC statistics about the number of Candida auris (C. auris) infections reported in the United States during 2020, for example.

In a paper, titled, “Three Cases of Worrisome Pan-Resistant C Auris Found in New York,” the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) at the University of Minnesota reported that “As of Dec 11, the CDC said 941 confirmed and probable C. auris cases have been reported in 13 states, and an additional 1,830 patients have been found to be colonized with the multidrug-resistant fungus. Most of the cases have been detected in the New York City area, New Jersey, and the Chicago area.”

Candida auris is a particularly nasty fungus. It spreads easily, is difficult to remove from surfaces, and can kill. Worst of all, modern drugs designed to combat this potentially deadly fungus are becoming less effective at eradicating it, and COVID-19 ICU patients appear especially vulnerable to C. auris infections.

In “Potentially Fatal Fungus Invades Hospitals and Public Is Not Informed,” Dark Daily reported how Candida auris’ ability to elude detection makes decontamination of hospital rooms far more complicated. And in “CDC Ranks Two More Drug-Resistant Microbes as ‘Urgent Threat’ to Americans; Clinical Laboratories Are Advised to Increase Awareness of Antimicrobial Resistance,” we covered how the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) added C. auris to its “Biggest Threats and Data: Antibiotic Resistance Threats in the United States” report for 2019.

COVID-19 and C. auris a Potentially Devastating Combination

Hospitals in many areas are at a critical capacity. Thus, hospital-acquired infections such as sepsis can be particularly dangerous for COVID-19 patients. Adding to the problem, C. auris requires special equipment to identify, and standard medical laboratory methods are not always enough. Misidentification is possible, even probable.

A paper in the Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance (JGAR), titled, “The Lurking Scourge of Multidrug Resistant Candida Auris in Times of COVID-19 Pandemic,” notes that “A particularly disturbing feature of COVID-19 patients is their tendency to develop acute respiratory distress syndrome that requires ICU admission, mechanical ventilation, and/or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. … This haunting facet of COVID-19 pandemic has severely challenged even the most advanced hospital settings. Yet one potential confounder, not in the immediate attention of most healthcare professionals, is the secondary transmission of multidrug resistant organisms like the fungus Candida auris in COVID-19 ICUs. … C. auris outbreaks occur in critically ill hospitalized patients and can result in mortalities rates ranging from 30% to 72%. … Both C. auris and SARS-CoV-2 have been found on hospital surfaces including on bedrails, IV poles, beds, air conditioner ducts, windows and hospital floors. Therefore, the standard COVID-19 critical care of mechanical ventilation and protracted ventilator-assisted management makes these patients potentially susceptible to colonization and infections by C. auris.”

One study mentioned in the JGAR paper conducted in New Delhi, India, looked at 596 cases where patients were admitted to the ICU with COVID-19. Fifteen of them had infections caused by C. auris. Eight of those patients died. “Of note, four patients who died experienced persistent fungemia and despite five days of micafungin therapy, C. auris again grew in blood culture,” according to reporting on the study in Infection Control Today (ICT).

Some C. auris mortality rates are as high as 72%. And patients with weakened immune systems are at particular risk, “making it an even more serious concern when 8% to 9% of roughly 530,000 ICU patients in the United States have COVID-19,” ICT reported.

Apparently, the COVID-19 pandemic has created circumstances that are particularly suited for C. auris to spread. “Given the nosocomial transmission of SARS-CoV-2 by those infected, many hospital environments may serve as venues for C. auris transmission as it is a known environmental colonizer of ICUs,” wrote the JGAR paper authors.

CDC Reports and Recommendations

Along with being especially dangerous for people with weakened immune systems, C. auris infections also produce symptoms similar to those of COVID-19, “including fever, cough, and shortness of breath,” according to the CDC’s website. People admitted to ICUs with COVID-19 are especially vulnerable to bacterial and fungal co-infections. “These fungal co-infections are reported with increasing frequency and can be associated with severe illness and death,” says the CDC.

C. auris outbreaks in the United States have mostly been in long-term care facilities, but the pandemic seems to be changing that and more outbreaks have been detected in acute care facilities, the CDC reported. The lack of appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), changes in infection control routines, and other factors could be to blame for the increase.

Just as community spread is an issue with COVID-19 variants, so too is it a concern with C. auris infections. “New C. auris cases without links to known cases or healthcare abroad have been identified recently in multiple states, suggesting an increase in undetected transmission,” the CDC noted.

As of January 19, 2021, according to the CDC the case count of C. auris infections in the US was 1,625, with California, Florida, Illinois, New Jersey, and New York having more than 100 cases each.

According to a CDC report, “Candida auris (C. auris) is an emerging multidrug-resistant yeast (a type of fungus). It can cause severe infections and spreads easily between hospitalized patients and nursing home residents.” The graphic above, taken from the report, illustrates how “C. auris began spreading in the United States in 2015. Reported cases increased 318% in 2018 when compared to the average number of cases reported in 2015 to 2017.” (Graphic copyright: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.)

Using Clinical Laboratory Tests to Identify C. Auris

One of the big concerns about C. auris is that it is so difficult to detect, and that medical laboratories in some countries simply do not have the technology and resources to identify and tackle the infection.

“As C. auris diagnostics in resource-limited countries is yet another challenge, we feel that alerting the global medical community about the potential of C. auris as a confounding factor in COVID-19 is a necessity,” wrote the authors of the paper published in the Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance.

As if the COVID-19 pandemic has not been enough, drug resistant bacteria, viruses, and deadly fungi are threatening to wreak havoc among SARS-CoV-2 infected patients. Microbiologists and medical laboratory scientists know that testing for all types of infections is vitally important, but especially when it comes to infections caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria (ARB) and other dangerous organisms that demonstrate antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

Microbiologists and clinical laboratory professionals will want to stay informed about the number of C. auris cases identified in the US and the locations and settings where the fungus was detected. They will want to be on the alert within their hospitals and health networks, as well as with the doctor’s offices served by their labs.

—Dava Stewart

Related Information:

Potentially Fatal Fungus Invades Hospitals and Public Is Not Informed

CDC Ranks Two More Drug-Resistant Microbes as ‘Urgent Threat to Americans; Clinical Laboratories Are Advised to Increase Awareness of Antimicrobial Resistance:

Biggest Threats and Data: Antibiotic Resistance Threats in the United States report for 2019

Three Cases of Worrisome Pan-Resistant C auris Found in New York

COVID Unleashes the ‘Lurking Scourge’ Candida Auris

The Lurking Scourge of Multidrug Resistant Candida auris in Times of COVID-19 Pandemic

CDC: Fungal Diseases and COVID-19

CDC: Candida auris
