News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel

News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel
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Mayo Clinic Scientists Use Chemical Analysis of Beethoven’s Hair to Determine Lead Poisoning May Have Contributed to Composer’s Hearing Loss and Other Health Ailments

Results of an earlier study in which locks of Beethoven’s hair underwent genetic analysis showed the composer ‘had a predisposition for liver disease and became infected with hepatitis B’

Here is an example of modern technologies being used with “historical biospecimens” to solve long-standing mysteries or questions about the illnesses of famous historical figures. Clinical laboratory scientists at the Mayo Clinic have used modern-day chemical analysis techniques to answer a 200-year-old question: What caused Ludwig van Beethoven’s deafness and other health problems?

In a letter published in Clinical Chemistry, a journal of the Association for Diagnostics and Laboratory Medicine (ADLM) titled, “High Lead Levels in 2 Independent and Authenticated Locks of Beethoven’s Hair,” researchers with the metals laboratory within Mayo’s Division of Clinical Biochemistry and Immunology revealed analysis performed on authenticated locks of the composer’s hair. The results indicated extremely high concentrations of lead—64 to 95 times the expected level.

“Such lead levels are commonly associated with gastrointestinal and renal ailments and decreased hearing but are not considered high enough to be the sole cause of death,” the authors wrote.

Beethoven’s death at age 56 has been attributed to kidney and liver disease, CNN reported. Even if the lead concentrations were not the sole cause, they would nevertheless be regarded as lead poisoning, lead study author Nader Rifai, PhD, told CNN.

“If you walk into any emergency room in the United States with these levels, you will be admitted immediately and you will undergo chelation therapy,” he said.

Rifai is a professor of pathology at Harvard Medical School and director of clinical chemistry at Boston Children’s Hospital.

“It is believed that Beethoven died from liver and kidney disease at age 56. But the process of understanding what caused his many health problems has been a much more complicated puzzle, one that even Beethoven himself hoped doctors could eventually solve,” CNN reported, adding, “The composer expressed his wish that his ailments be studied and shared so ‘as far as possible at least the world will be reconciled to me after my death.’” Mayo clinical laboratory scientists are using chemical analysis on authenticated locks of Beethoven’s hair to do just that. (Photo copyright: Joseph Karl Stieler/Public Domain.)

Mass Spectrometry Analysis

Mayo Clinic’s metals laboratory, led by chemist Paul Jannetto, PhD, an associate professor in the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology and Laboratory Director at the Mayo Clinic, performed the analysis on two authenticated locks of Beethoven’s hair, using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometers.

The researchers found that one lock had 258 micrograms of lead/gram and the other had 380 micrograms. Normally they would expect to find less than four micrograms.

“These are the highest values in hair I’ve ever seen,” Jannetto told The New York Times. “We get samples from around the world and these values are an order of magnitude higher.”

The researchers also found that the composer’s hair had four times the normal level of mercury and 13 times the normal amount of arsenic.

Rifai and other researchers noted that Beethoven drank large amounts of plumbed wine, and at the time it was common to sweeten wine with lead acetate, CNN reported.

The composer also could have been exposed to lead in glassware. He likely absorbed high levels of arsenic and mercury by eating fish caught from the Danube River in Vienna.

David Eaton, PhD, a toxicologist, pharmacologist, and Professor Emeritus, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences at the University of Washington, told The New York Times that high levels of lead could have impaired Beethoven’s hearing through their effect on the nervous system. Additionally, he said the composer’s gastrointestinal ailments “are completely consistent with lead poisoning.”

Rifai told CNN that he’d like to study locks of hair from other 19th century Vienna residents to see how their lead levels compared with Beethoven’s.

Beethoven’s Genome and Genetic Predisposition for Liver Disease

Additional research published in May built on an earlier genomic analysis of Beethoven’s hair, which appeared in March 2023 in the journal Current Biology.

The international team included geneticists, archeologists, and immunologists who analyzed eight locks of hair attributed to the composer. They determined that five were authentic. One, known as the Stumpff Lock, appeared to be the best preserved. They used this lock to sequence Beethoven’s DNA.

“Although we could not identify a genetic explanation for Beethoven’s hearing disorder or gastrointestinal problems, we found that Beethoven had a genetic predisposition for liver disease,” the authors wrote. “Metagenomic analyses revealed furthermore that Beethoven had a hepatitis B infection during at least the months prior to his death. Together with the genetic predisposition and his broadly accepted alcohol consumption, these present plausible explanations for Beethoven’s severe liver disease, which culminated in his death.”

One surprising discovery was the likelihood of an extramarital affair on the composer’s father’s side, CNN reported. The researchers learned this in part by comparing his genetic profile with those of living relatives.

“Through the combination of DNA data and archival documents, we were able to observe a discrepancy between Ludwig van Beethoven’s legal and biological genealogy,” study coauthor Maarten Larmuseau, PhD, told CNN. Larmuseau is assistant professor, Faculty of Medicine, and head of the Laboratory of Human Genetic Genealogy at KU Leuven in Belgium.

The Mayo Clinic team used two locks authenticated in the 2023 study—the Bermann Lock and Halm-Thayer Lock—to perform their chemical analysis, CNN reported.

Beethoven’s Wishes

The earlier study noted that Beethoven wanted his health problems to be made public. In 1802, he wrote a document known as the Heiligenstadt Testament in which he asked that his physician, surgeon/ophthalmologist Johann Adam Schmidt, MD, discuss his disease after he died.

“For almost two years I have ceased to attend any social functions, just because I find it impossible to say to people: I am deaf,” Beethoven wrote at age 30, The New York Times reported. “If I had any other profession, I might be able to cope with my infirmity, but in my profession, it is a terrible handicap. And if my enemies, of whom I have a fair number, were to hear about it, what would they say?”

The authors of the Current Biology paper wrote, “Genomic sequence data from authenticated locks of Beethoven’s hair provide Beethoven studies with a novel primary source, already revealing several significant findings relating to Beethoven’s health and genealogy, including substantial heritable risk for liver disease, infection with HBV [Hepatitis B], and EPP [extra pair paternity]. This dataset additionally permits numerous future lines of scientific inquiry.

“The further development of bioinformatics methods for risk stratification and continued progress in medical genetic research will allow more precise assessments both for Beethoven’s disease risk and for the genetic inference of additional phenotypes of interest.

“This study illustrates the contribution and further potential of genomic data as a novel primary source in historical biography,” the scientists concluded.

The work of the clinical laboratory professionals at Mayo Clinic also demonstrates how advances in various diagnostic technologies can enable pathologists and lab scientists to participate in solving long-standing health questions about historical figures, especially if their hair or other types of specimens survived and can be used in the analysis.  

—Stephen Beale

Related Information:

High Lead Levels in 2 Independent and Authenticated Locks of Beethoven’s Hair

Locks of Beethoven’s Hair Offer New Clues to the Mystery of His Deafness

New Analysis of Beethoven’s Hair Reveals Possible Cause of Mysterious Ailments, Scientists Say

Beethoven May Have Had Lead Poisoning

Paul Jannetto, PhD, Contributes to Landmark Discovery of Beethoven’s Hair Lead Concentration

Beethoven Really Did Have Lead Poisoning, But That Didn’t Cause His Death

Genomic Analyses of Hair from Ludwig Van Beethoven

DNA from Beethoven’s Hair Unlocks Medical and Family Secrets

DNA Analysis of Beethoven’s Hair Reveals Health Issues—and a Family Secret

Federal Government Bans Elizabeth Holmes from Participating in Government Health Programs for 90 Years

Theranos founder and former CEO continues down the path she began by defrauding her investors and lying to clinical laboratory leaders about her technology’s capabilities

In the latest from the Elizabeth Holmes/Theranos scandal, the federal government has banned Holmes from participating in government health programs for 90 years, according to a statement from the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of the Inspector General (OIG). Many clinical laboratory leaders may find this a fitting next chapter in her story.

As a result of the ban, Holmes is “barred from receiving payments from federal health programs for services or products, which significantly restricts her ability to work in the healthcare sector,” ARS Technica reported.

So, Holmes, who is 39-years old, is basically banned for life. This is in addition to her 11-year prison sentence which was paired with $452,047,200 in restitution.

“The exclusion was announced by Inspector General Christi Grimm of the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Inspector General,” ARS Technica noted, adding that HHS-OIG also “excluded former Theranos President Ramesh “Sunny” Balwani from federal health programs for 90 years.” This is on top of the almost 13-year-long prison sentence he is serving for fraud.

“The Health and Human Services Department can exclude anyone convicted of certain felonies from Medicare, Medicaid, and Pentagon health programs,” STAT reported.  

Inspector General Christi Grimm

“Accurate and dependable diagnostic testing technology is imperative to our public health infrastructure,” said Inspector General Christi Grimm (above) in an HHS-OIG statement. “As technology evolves, so do our efforts to safeguard the health and safety of patients, and HHS-OIG will continue to use its exclusion authority to protect the public from bad actors.” Observant clinical laboratory leaders will recognize this as yet another episode in the Elizabeth Holmes/Theranos fraud saga they’ve been following for years. (Photo copyright: HHS-OIG.)

Why the Ban?

“The Office of Inspector General (OIG) for the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) cited Holmes’ 2022 conviction for fraud and conspiracy to commit wire fraud as the reason for her ban,” The Hill reported.

“False statements related to the reliability of these medical products can endanger the health of patients and sow distrust in our healthcare system,” Grimm stated in the HHS-OIG statement, which noted, “The statutory minimum for an exclusion based on convictions like Holmes’ is five years.

“When certain aggravating factors are present, a longer period of exclusion is justified,” the statement continued. “The length of Holmes’ exclusion is based on the application of several aggravating factors, including the length of time the acts were committed, incarceration, and the amount of restitution ordered to be paid.”

Rise and Fall of Elizabeth Holmes

Readers of Dark Daily’s e-briefs covering the Holmes/Theranos fraud saga will recall details on Holmes’ journey from mega success to her current state of incarceration for defrauding her investors.

In November 2022, she was handed an 11-year prison sentence for not disclosing that Theranos’ innovative blood testing technology, Edison, was producing flawed and false results. Theranos had “raised hundreds of millions of dollars, named prominent former US officials to its board, and explored a partnership with the US military to use its tests on the battlefield,” STAT reported.

To get Holmes physically into prison was a journey unto itself. At one point, evidence showed her as a potential flight risk. “In the same court filings, prosecutors said Holmes and her partner, William Evans, bought one-way tickets to Mexico in December 2021, a fact confirmed by her lawyers,” Dark Daily’s sister publication The Dark Report revealed in “Elizabeth Holmes’ Appeal Questions Competence of CLIA Lab Director.”

Drama around her move into prison continued. “The former CEO’s attorneys are making last-minute legal moves to delay her prison sentence while she appeals her guilty verdict,” Dark Daily reported.

At the same time, Holmes appeared to be on a mission to revamp her public image.

“On May 7, The New York Times profiled Holmes in a massive, 5,000-word story that attempted to portray her as a flawed businessperson who now prefers a simpler life with her partner and two young children,” Dark Daily reported in “Former Theranos CEO Elizabeth Holmes Fights Prison Sentence While Claiming She Was ‘Not Being Authentic’ with Public Image.”

In the Times piece, Holmes talked about her plans to continue to pursue a life in healthcare. “In the story, Holmes contended that she still thinks about contributing to the clinical laboratory field. Holmes told The Times that she still works on healthcare-related inventions and will continue to do so if she reports to prison,” The Dark Report covered in “Elizabeth Holmes Still Wants ‘To Contribute’ in Healthcare.”

In the meantime, her legal fees continued to mount beyond her ability to pay. “Holmes’ prior cadre of lawyers quit after she could not compensate them, The Times reported,” The Dark Report noted. “One pre-sentencing report by the government put her legal fees at more than $30 million,” according to The New York Times.

Apparently, this closes the latest chapter in the never-ending saga of Elizabeth Holmes’ fall from grace and ultimate conviction for defrauding her investors and lying to healthcare executives, pathologists, and clinical laboratory leaders.

—Kristin Althea O’Connor

Related Information:

HHS-OIG Issues Notice of Exclusion to Founder and CEO of Theranos, Inc.

Feds Bar Theranos Founder Elizabeth Holmes from Government Health Programs

Elizabeth Holmes Barred From Federal Health Programs For 90 Years

Elizabeth Holmes Banned from Federal Health Programs for 90 Years

Elizabeth Holmes Still Wants ‘To Contribute’ in Healthcare

Former Theranos CEO Elizabeth Holmes Fights Prison Sentence While Claiming She Was ‘Not Being Authentic’ with Public Image

Elizabeth Holmes’ Appeal Questions Competence of CLIA Lab Director

Dark Report Summary on Elizabeth Holmes

‘Femtech’ Diagnostic Start-up Firms Want to Provide Women with At-Home Tests for Health Conditions That Currently Require Tests Done by Clinical Laboratories

Several young companies hope to expand the direct-to-consumer test market by introducing new diagnostic tests to serve the women’s health market

Providing women with at-home lab test kits is the goal of a growing class of start-up companies that are bringing to market consumer test kits for a range of health conditions common to women. These companies believe they can shift a substantial volume of such testing away from the nation’s medical laboratories.

Moreover, diagnostic startups that develop at-home direct-to-consumer (DTC) clinical laboratory genetic tests have been hot commodities among venture capitalists and other healthcare investors willing to put tens of millions of dollars into these new firms. The New York Times observed that, until recently, women’s healthcare needs have rarely been the focus of new diagnostic testing companies, but that the situation may be changing.

Femtech” (short for female technology) products and services that address the health and wellness needs of women is the new buzz word in healthcare. It describes female-focused diagnostic startups aiming at vaginal health and other medical issues that go beyond reproductive health concerns.

This, however, is a dual-edged sword for clinical laboratory leaders. Growth in this segment could lead to new diagnostics tests that boost a medical lab’s bottom line or, conversely, it could reduce revenue as patients self-diagnose urinary tract infections (UTIs), yeast infections, and other conditions through at-home DTC testing.

Michelle Tempest, MD

“The market potential is huge,” Michelle Tempest, MD (above), a partner at the London-based healthcare consulting firm Candesic, told The New York Times. “There’s definitely an increasing appetite for anything in the world which is technology and a realization that female consumer power has arrived—and that it’s arrived in healthcare.” Tempest maintains the women’s health marketplace is ripe for growth, which could mean a boon for clinical laboratory testing and diagnostics designed specifically for women. (Photo copyright: Candesic.)

Vaginal Microbiome At-home Clinical Laboratory Tests in High Demand

One area in particular drawing the attention of several female-led startups is vaginal health. According to an article in Vogue, test developers Juno Bio and Evvy are leading the way with at-home vaginal microbiome tests that let users “know what’s up down there.”

New York City-based Evvy ($129 for a single test or $99 each for four tests per year) uses metagenomic sequencing to identify the bacteria and fungi present in the vaginal microbiome. This information helps customers to understand their levels of protective and disruptive bacteria, which can be associated with everything from reoccurring infections and transmission of sexually transmitted diseases to infertility.

London-based Juno Bio ($149 per test) does not disclose its testing method. It does, however, provide users with a “full vaginal microbiome profile.” The profile is accessed online within a “few days” of returning the vaginal swab sample to the company’s clinical laboratory.

Both companies note that their tests are intended to be used for wellness purposes and are not meant to diagnose or treat disease or substitute for a physician’s consultation.

Gynecologist Oluwatosin Goje, MD, MSCR, FACOG, a reproductive infectious disease specialist at Cleveland Clinic, believes the availability of at-home vaginal microbiome testing will provide valuable information to both women and their doctors.

“It’s a powerful tool because it enables us to look at the entire microbial community through metagenomics and decipher how the overall composition might be affecting symptoms and infections, as well as determine the best treatment pathway,” Goje, an Evvy Medical Advisor, told Vogue. “Understanding the complete vaginal microbiome allows us to be good antibiotic stewards and only administer antibiotics when needed. Patients can also retest remotely to understand how antibiotics and other treatments impacted their vaginal microbiome.”

Evvy, an at-home vaginal microbiome test

Evvy, which offers women an at-home vaginal microbiome test (above) that can provide insights into chronic vaginal infections and proclivity to contract sexually transmitted diseases and other women’s health issues, is one of several women-led diagnostic start-ups focused on women’s health. (Photo copyright: Evvy.)

Removing the Discomfort of Shopping for Women’s Health Products

Jamie Norwood and Cynthia Plotch, co-founders of Stix, a supplier of women’s health products and education, launched their company with a product line of at-home pregnancy and ovulation tests. They have since expanded their offerings to include urinary tract infection (UTI) and yeast infection testing and treatments.

“You can test, relieve, treat, and help prevent future infections—all from the comfort of your own home,” Norwood, told Vogue. She emphasized that this is the kind of experience healthcare consumers are demanding in today’s ever-growing direct-to-consumer clinical laboratory testing landscape. “Agonizing over confusing over-the-counter products in the drugstore aisles, or bending over backwards to pick up a prescription at the pharmacy, just isn’t cutting it for Millennial and Gen Z consumers.”

According to WebMD, yeast infections are a chronic problem for many women. While 75% of women will get at least one yeast infection in their lifetime, up to 8% get more than four a year. In addition, the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) points out that bacterial vaginosis is the most common vaginal condition in females ages 15-44.

Lola Priego, is CEO and founder of blood test company Base, which sells at-home saliva and finger-prick blood tests to monitor hormone levels, vitamin levels, neurotransmitters, and blood cell markers to improve everything from sleep and diet to sex drive. She predicts direct-to-consumer testing will become as common as fitness watches.

“Eventually, at-home lab testing will be another readily-used tool, similar to your health-tracking wearables, that helps us optimize for a well-rounded healthy lifestyle in a more individualized way,” Priego told Vogue.

Femtech a ‘Significantly Underdeveloped’ Market

In its latest Analyst Note, financial data firm PitchBook maintained that the market for female health products is poised for growth. TechCrunch, which reviewed PitchBook’s analysis of female-focused health products, reported that Femtech remains a “significantly underdeveloped” slice of health-tech spending.

While women spend an estimated $500 billion annually on medical expenses, only 4% of research and development money is targeted at women’s health, PitchBook noted. In its analysis, Pitchbook predicted the global market for female-focused health products will reach $3 billion by the end of 2030. By comparison, that segment of the healthcare market totaled $820.6 million last year.

“While we still view Femtech as a niche industry, we believe secular drivers could help propel new growth opportunities in the space,” PitchBook analysts wrote. “These include the increasing representation of women in the venture-backed technology community, rising awareness and acceptance of women’s health issues, and the growing prevalence of infectious diseases among women in some countries in Africa and Asia.

“Furthermore, while the majority of Femtech products have traditionally focused on reproductive health, we believe new approaches to women’s health research will help open the door to new products and services,” they noted.

Clinical laboratory leaders will be wise to carefully watch the growth of at-home DTC tests and products targeted at female healthcare consumers since fewer trips to physicians’ offices may mean fewer test orders for local labs.

At the same time, the opportunity exists for innovative pathologists and lab managers to develop digital services that allow consumers who are self-testing to store their home-test results in the lab’s app. They can then receive relevant insights from clinical pathologists to help them fully understand the implications of the test results.

—Andrea Downing Peck

Related Information:

Vaginal Health Is Finally at the Forefront: These Are the Startups Destigmatizing UTIs and Yeast Infections

Is ‘Femtech’ the Next Big Thing in Healthcare?

Backed by $5M Led by General Catalyst, Evvy Launches a Vaginal Microbiome Test to Support Women’s Health Research

Stanford Graduates Develop At-Home Vaginal Microbiome Test for Women with Reoccurring Infections and Even Infertility

Femtech VC Space Poised for Growth

Femtech Poised for Growth Beyond Fertility

Pitchbook Analyst Note: Femtech Expected to Break New Grounds

How Three Startups Are Furthering At-Home Healthcare

Growing Wave of Hospital and Health System Mega-Mergers Means Changing Dynamics for Pathology and Clinical Laboratory Medicine

Accelerating pace of hospital consolidation brings new pressure to pathologists and clinical laboratory directors to maximize the value of pathology services

Large and financially-stable multi-hospital health systems are racing to form regional mega-systems. It’s a strategy to get ahead of the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) mandate to improve quality and increase efficiency through coordinated care across the entire care continuum.

This growing national trend means further consolidation of clinical laboratory testing services within the merging organizations. For pathology groups, the new super-systems may encourage the different pathology groups within the system to consolidate into a single practice entity. This would help improve how pathology services are more deeply integrated into the care continuum. It would also facilitate contract negotiations between the pathologists and the parent health system. (more…)

Narrow Networks Mean Shrinking Opportunity for Pathology and Clinical Medical Laboratories

Pathology groups and medical laboratories may benefit if federal and state legislators legislate broadening of provider networks

Insurers are increasingly using narrow networks as a business strategy to control costs. As a consequence, more consumers are complaining even as some excluded providers are suing health insurers. For pathologists and clinical laboratory managers, this accelerating trend of excluding providers means increasingly restricted access to patients.

Health Insurers Walk a Fine Line between Cost and Access

Many health plans currently sold on the new state insurance exchanges offer substantially smaller networks of providers than was typical in recent years, according to a story published in Modern Healthcare. The payers say narrower networks are necessary for two reasons.

First, narrow networks can keep premiums affordable. Second, health insurers say narrow networks help them address the requirements of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA). (more…)
