News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel

News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel
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Brigham and Women’s Hospital Researchers Develop Implantable ‘Lab in a Patient’ to Test Effectiveness of Brain Cancer Drugs

Scientists reported positive Phase 1 trial results of their “intratumoral microdevice” in patients with glioma tumors

Here is an example of new microtechnology which has the potential to greatly shorten the time and improve the ability of physicians to determine which anti-cancer drug is most effective for an individual patient’s glioblastoma. As it is further developed, this technology could give anatomic pathologists and clinical laboratories an increased role in assessing the data produced by microdevices and helping physicians determine the most appropriate anti-cancer drug for specific patients.

In a news release, researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) in Boston said they have developed an implantable “intratumoral microdevice” (IMD) that functions as a “lab in a patient,” capable of gauging the effectiveness of multiple drugs that target brain tumors. In a Phase 1 clinical trial, they tested the IMD on six patients with glioma tumors.

“In order to make the greatest impact on how we treat these tumors, we need to be able to understand, early on, which drug works best for any given patient,” study co-author Pier Paolo Peruzzi, MD, PhD, told the Harvard Gazette. “The problem is that the tools that are currently available to answer this question are just not good enough. So, we came up with the idea of making each patient their own lab, by using a device which can directly interrogate the living tumor and give us the information that we need.”

Peruzzi is Principal Investigator at the Harvey Cushing Neuro-Oncology Laboratories and Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery at Harvard Medical School.

The researchers published their findings in the journal Science Translational Medicine titled, “Intratumoral Drug-Releasing Microdevices Allow In Situ High-Throughput Pharmaco Phenotyping in Patients with Gliomas.” [PHOTO OF PERUZZI HERE

“Our goal is for the placement of these devices to become an integral part of tumor surgery,” said Pier Paolo Peruzzi, MD PhD (above) of Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School in an article he co-wrote for Healio. “Then, with the data that we have from these microdevices, we can choose the best systemic chemotherapy to give to that patient.” Pathologists and clinical laboratories may soon play a role in helping doctors interpret data gathered by implantable microdevices and choose the best therapies for their patients. (Photo copyright: Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.)

New Perspective on Tumor Treatments

In a news story he co-wrote for Healio, Peruzzi explained that the microdevice—about the size and shape of a grain of rice—contains up to 30 tiny reservoirs that the researchers fill with the drugs they want to test. Surgeons implant the device during a procedure to remove the tumors.

The surgery takes two to three hours to perform, and during that time, the device releases “nanodoses” of the drugs into confined areas of the tumor. Near the end of the procedure, the device is removed along with tissue specimens. The researchers can then analyze the tissue to determine the effectiveness of each drug.

“This is not in the lab, and not in a petri dish,” Peruzzi told Harvard Gazette. “It’s actually in real patients in real time, which gives us a whole new perspective on how these tumors respond to treatment.”

The Healio story notes that gliomas are “among the deadliest brain cancers and are notoriously difficult to treat.” With current approaches, testing different therapies has posed a challenge, Peruzzi wrote.

“Right now, the only way these drugs are tested in patients is through what are called window-of-opportunity studies, where we give one drug to the patient before we resect the tumor and analyze the effect of the drug,” he said. “We can only do this with one drug at a time.”

Determining Safety of Procedure

The primary goal of the Phase 1 trial was to determine the safety of the procedure, Peruzzi noted. “To be in compliance with standard clinical practice and minimize risks to the patients, we needed to integrate the placement and retrieval of the device during an otherwise standard operation.”

The trial consisted of three men and three women ranging from 27 to 86 years old, with a median age of 76. Five were diagnosed with glioblastoma and one with grade 4 astrocytoma.

“None of the six enrolled patients experienced adverse events related to the IMD, and the exposed tissue was usable for downstream analysis for 11 out of 12 retrieved specimens,” the researchers wrote in Science Translational Medicine. They noted that application of the IMD added about 32 minutes to the time required for the surgery, equating to a cost increase of $7,800.

One drug they tested was temozolomide (TMZ), “the most widely used agent in this patient population,” they wrote. “Several patients in our trial received it systemically, either before or after IMD insertion, as part of the standard of care. Thus, although our trial was not designed to choose chemotherapy agents based on IMD data, we still could compare the observed clinical-radiological response to systemic TMZ with the patient-specific response to TMZ in the IMD-exposed tissue.”

One patient, the researchers noted, had not benefited from the drug “in concordance with the poor tissue response observed in the IMD analysis.” But in another patient, a 72-year-old woman, “IMD analysis showed a marked response to TMZ,” and she survived for 20 months after receiving the treatment “with radiological evidence of tumor response. This was despite having a subtotal tumor resection, in itself an unfavorable prognostic factor. The patient expired because of an unrelated cardiovascular event, although she had remained neurologically stable.”

Drug Duration Limitation

One limitation of the study was that testing the device during the tumor removal procedure limited the duration of the drug treatments, Peruzzi said. The Harvard Gazette noted that following their initial study, the researchers were testing a variation of the procedure in which the device is implanted three days before the main surgery in a minimally invasive technique. This gives the drugs more time to work.

Cancer researchers have theorized that common treatments for tumors can impair the immune system, Peruzzi wrote in Healio. “One thing we want to look at is which drugs can kill the tumor without killing the immune system as well,” he noted.

Future studies will determine the effectiveness of implanting microdevices into tumors to test therapies in vivo. Should they become viable, clinical laboratories and anatomic pathologists will likely be involved in receiving, interpreting, storing, and transmitting the data gathered by these devices to the patient’s doctors.

—Stephen Beale

Related Information:

Microdevices Implanted into Tumors Offer New Way to Treat Brain Cancer

Intratumoral Drug-Releasing Microdevices Allow In Situ High-Throughput Pharmaco Phenotyping in Patients with Gliomas

Microdevices Turn Brain Tumors into Tiny Labs

Devices Implanted into Brain Tumors During Surgery May Guide Treatment

Human Brain Tumor Implant Could Guide Personalized Therapies Tiny Implanted Devices Give Insights for Treating Brain Tumors

Dermatopathologists May Soon Have Useful New Tool That Uses AI Algorithm to Detect Melanoma in Wide-field Images of Skin Lesions Taken with Smartphones

MIT’s deep learning artificial intelligence algorithm demonstrates how similar new technologies and smartphones can be combined to give dermatologists and dermatopathologists valuable new ways to diagnose skin cancer from digital images

Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and other Boston-area research institutions have developed an artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm that detects melanoma in wide-field images of skin lesions taken on smartphones. And its use could affect how dermatologists and dermatopathologists diagnose cancer.

The study, published in Science Translational Medicine, titled, “Using Deep Learning for Dermatologist-Level Detection of Suspicious Pigmented Skin Lesions from Wide-Field Images,” demonstrates that even a common device like a smartphone can be a valuable resource in the detection of disease.

According to an MIT press release, “The paper describes the development of an SPL [Suspicious Pigmented Lesion] analysis system using DCNNs [Deep Convolutional Neural Networks] to more quickly and efficiently identify skin lesions that require more investigation, screenings that can be done during routine primary care visits, or even by the patients themselves. The system utilized DCNNs to optimize the identification and classification of SPLs in wide-field images.”

The MIT scientists believe their AI analysis system could aid dermatologists, dermatopathologists, and clinical laboratories detect melanoma, a deadly form of skin cancer, in its early stages using smartphones at the point-of-care.  

Luis Soenksen, PhD

“Our research suggests that systems leveraging computer vision and deep neural networks, quantifying such common signs, can achieve comparable accuracy to expert dermatologists,” said Luis Soenksen, PhD (above), Venture Builder in Artificial Intelligence and Healthcare at MIT and first author of the study in an MIT press release. “We hope our research revitalizes the desire to deliver more efficient dermatological screenings in primary care settings to drive adequate referrals.” The MIT study demonstrates that dermatologists, dermatopathologists, and clinical laboratories can benefit from using common technologies like smartphones in the diagnosis of disease. (Photo copyright: Wyss Institute Harvard University.)

Improving Melanoma Treatment and Patient Outcomes

Melanoma develops when pigment-producing cells called melanocytes start to grow out of control. The cancer has traditionally been diagnosed through visual inspection of SPLs by physicians in medical settings. Early-stage identification of SPLs can drastically improve the prognosis for patients and significantly reduce treatment costs. It is common to biopsy many lesions to ensure that every case of melanoma can be diagnosed as early as possible, thus contributing to better patient outcomes.

“Early detection of SPLs can save lives. However, the current capacity of medical systems to provide comprehensive skin screenings at scale are still lacking,” said Luis Soenksen, PhD, Venture Builder in Artificial Intelligence and Healthcare at MIT and first author of the study in the MIT press release.

The researchers trained their AI system by using 20,388 wide-field images from 133 patients at the Gregorio Marañón General University Hospital in Madrid, as well as publicly available images. The collected photographs were taken with a variety of ordinary smartphone cameras that are easily obtainable by consumers.

They taught the deep learning algorithm to examine various features of skin lesions such as size, circularity, and intensity. Dermatologists working with the researchers also visually classified the lesions for comparison.

Smartphone image of pigmented skin lesions

When the algorithm is “shown” a wide-field image like that above taken with a smartphone, it uses deep convolutional neural networks to analyze individual pigmented lesions and screen for early-stage melanoma. The algorithm then marks suspicious images as either yellow (meaning further inspection should be considered) or red (indicating that further inspection and/or referral to a dermatologist is required). Using this tool, dermatopathologists may be able to diagnose skin cancer and excise it in-office long before it becomes deadly. (Photo copyright: MIT.)

“Our system achieved more than 90.3% sensitivity (95% confidence interval, 90 to 90.6) and 89.9% specificity (89.6 to 90.2%) in distinguishing SPLs from nonsuspicious lesions, skin, and complex backgrounds, avoiding the need for cumbersome individual lesion imaging,” the MIT researchers noted in their Science Translational Medicine paper.

In addition, the algorithm agreed with the consensus of experienced dermatologists 88% of the time and concurred with the opinions of individual dermatologists 86% of the time, Medgadget reported.

Modern Imaging Technologies Will Advance Diagnosis of Disease

According to the American Cancer Society, about 106,110 new cases of melanoma will be diagnosed in the United States in 2021. Approximately 7,180 people are expected to die of the disease this year. Melanoma is less common than other types of skin cancer but more dangerous as it’s more likely to spread to other parts of the body if not detected and treated early.

More research is needed to substantiate the effectiveness and accuracy of this new tool before it could be used in clinical settings. However, the early research looks promising and smartphone camera technology is constantly improving. Higher resolutions would further advance development of this type of diagnostic tool.

In addition, MIT’s algorithm enables in situ examination and possible diagnosis of cancer. Therefore, a smartphone so equipped could enable a dermatologist to diagnose and excise cancerous tissue in a single visit, without the need for biopsies to be sent to a dermatopathologist.

Currently, dermatologists refer a lot of skin biopsies to dermapathologists and anatomic pathology laboratories. An accurate diagnostic tool that uses modern smartphones to characterize suspicious skin lesions could become quite popular with dermatologists and affect the flow of referrals to medical laboratories.

JP Schlingman

Related Information:

Software Spots Suspicious Skin Lesions on Smartphone Photos

An Artificial Intelligence Tool That Can Help Detect Melanoma

Using Deep Learning for Dermatologist-level Detection of Suspicious Pigmented Skin Lesions from Wide-field Images

Scientists at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Create 3D Map of Mouse Genome to Study How Genes Respond to Disease

The scientist also employed machine learning “to gauge how easily accessible genes are for transcription” in research that could lead to new clinical laboratory diagnostic tests

Anatomic pathologists and clinical laboratories are of course familiar with the biological science of genomics, which, among other things, has been used to map the human genome. But did you know that a three-dimensional (3D) map of a genome has been created and that it is helping scientists understand how DNA regulates its organization—and why?

The achievement took place at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital (St. Jude) in Memphis, Tenn. Scientists there created “the first 3D map of a mouse genome” to study “the way cells organize their genomes during development,” a St. Jude news release noted.

Some experts predict that this new approach to understanding how changes happen in a genome could eventually provide new insights that anatomic pathologists and clinical laboratory scientists could find useful when working with physicians to diagnose patients and using the test results to identify the most appropriate therapy for those patients.

The St. Jude researchers published their findings in the journal Neuron in a paper titled “Nucleome Dynamics during Retinal Development.” 

Machine Learning Provides Useful Genomic Data

In addition to 3D modeling, the researchers applied machine learning to data from multiple sources to see how the organization of the genome changed at different times during development. “The changes are not random, but part of the developmental program of cells,” Dyer said in the news release.

The St. Jude study focused on the rod cells in a mouse retina. That may seem like a narrow scope, but there are more than 8,000 genes involved in retinal development in mice, during which those genes are either turned on or off.

To see what was happening among the cells, the researchers used HI-C analysis, an aspect of ultra-deep chromosome conformation capture, in situ. They found that the loops in the DNA bring together regions of the genome, allowing them to interact in specific ways.

Until this study, how those interactions took place was a mystery.

“Understanding the way cells organize their genomes during development will help us to understand their ability to respond to stress, injury and disease,” Michael Dyer, PhD (above), Chair of St. Jude’s Developmental Neurobiology Department, co-leader of the Developmental Biology and Solid Tumor Program, and Investigator at Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), said in the news release. (Photo copyright: St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.)

The scientists also discovered there were DNA promoters, which encourage gene expression, and also DNA enhancers that increase the likelihood gene expression will occur.

“The research also included the first report of a powerful regulator of gene expression, a super enhancer, that worked in a specific cell at a specific stage of development,” the news release states. “The finding is important because the super enhancers can be hijacked in developmental cancers of the brain and other organs.”

St. Jude goes on to state, “In this study, the scientists determined that when a core regulatory circuit super-enhancer for the VSX2 gene was deleted, an entire class of neurons (bipolar neurons) was eliminated. No other defects were identified. Deletion of the VSX2 gene causes many more defects in retinal development, so the super-enhancer is highly specific to bipolar neurons.”

The St. Jude researchers developed a genetic mouse model of the defect that scientists are using to study neural circuits in the retina, the news release states.

Research Technologist Victoria Honnell (left); Developmental Neurobiologist Jackie Norrie, PhD (center); and Postdoctoral Researcher Marybeth Lupo, PhD (right), work in the St. Jude clinical laboratory of Michael Dyer, PhD, using 3D genomic mapping to study gene regulation during development and disease. (Photo copyright: St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.)

DNA Loops May Matter to Pathology Sooner Rather than Later

Previous researcher studies primarily used genomic sequencing technology to locate and investigate alterations in genes that lead to disease. In the St. Jude study, the researchers examined how DNA is packaged. If the DNA of a single cell could be stretched out, it would be more than six feet long. To fit into the nucleus of a cell, DNA is looped and bundled into a microscopic package. The St. Jude scientists determined that how these loops are organized regulates how the cell functions and develops.

Scientists around the world will continue studying how the loops in DNA impact gene regulation and how that affects the gene’s response to disease. At St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Dyer and his colleagues “used the same approach to create a 3D genomic map of the mouse cerebellum, a brain structure where medulloblastoma can develop. Medulloblastoma is the most common malignant pediatric brain tumor,” noted the St. Jude’s news release.

In addition to providing an understanding of how genes function, these 3D studies are providing valuable insight into how some diseases develop and mature. While nascent research such as this may not impact pathologists and clinical laboratories at the moment, it’s not a stretch to think that this work may lead to greater understanding of the pathology of diseases in the near future.

—Dava Stewart

Related Information:

Researchers Move Beyond Sequencing and Create a 3D Genome

Nucleome Dynamics During Retinal Development

Whole Genome Sequencing

HiPiler: Visual Exploration of Large Genome Interaction Matrices with Interactive Small Multiples

Reorganization of 3D Genome Structure May Contribute to Gene Regulatory Evolution in Primates

An Overview of Methods for Reconstructing 3D Chromosome and Genome Structures from Hi-C Data

Dental Plaque Could Lead to Clinical Laboratory Testing for Biomarkers to Identify Health Risks

Researchers have found that isolating a particular gene within the oral microbiome can reveal a huge amount of useful diagnostic information about a person’s health

Most people don’t think of dental plaque when they think about clinical laboratories. For the vast majority of people, the only diseases that dental plaque bring to mind are those of the mouth:

periodontitis; and,
dental caries.

Samples that are sent to medical labs and pathology laboratories are more often blood or tissue. However, that could be changing, thanks in part to the work being done at the Oral Microbiome and Metagenomics Research Lab (OMMR) at the University of Toronto. (more…)
