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Hosted by Robert Michel

News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

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All of Us Genomic Research Program Hits Milestone of 250,000 Whole Genome Sequences

Expanded genomic dataset includes a wider racial diversity which may lead to improved diagnostics and clinical laboratory tests

Human genomic research has taken another important step forward. The National Institutes of Health’s All of Us research program has reached a milestone of 250,000 collected whole genome sequences. This accomplishment could escalate research and development of new diagnostics and therapeutic biomarkers for clinical laboratory tests and prescription drugs.

The wide-reaching program aimed at gathering diverse genomic data is giving scientists access to the nearly quarter million whole genome sequences—as well as genotyping arrays, long-read genome sequences, and more—to aid precision medicine studies, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced in a news release.

The NIH’s All of Us program “has significantly expanded its data to now include nearly a quarter million whole genome sequences for broad research use. About 45% of the data was donated by people who self-identify with a racial or ethnic group that has been historically underrepresented in medical research,” the news release noted.

Detailed information on this and future data releases is available at the NIH’s All of us Data Roadmap.

Andrea Ramirez, MD

“For years, the lack of diversity in genomic datasets has limited our understanding of human health,” said Andrea Ramirez, MD, Chief Data Officer, All of Us Research Program, in the news release. Clinical laboratories performing genetic testing may look forward to new biomarkers and diagnostics due to the NIH’s newly expanded gene sequencing data set. (Photo copyright: Vanderbilt University.)

Diverse Genomic Data is NIH’s Goal

NIH launched the All of Us genomic sequencing program in 2018. Its aim is to involve more than one million people from across the country and reflect national diversity in its database.

So far, the program has grown to include 413,450 individuals, with 45% of participants self-identifying “with a racial or ethnic group that has been historically under-represented in medical research,” NIH said.

“By engaging participants from diverse backgrounds and sharing a more complete picture of their lives—through genomic, lifestyle, clinical, and social environmental data—All of Us enables researchers to begin to better pinpoint the drivers of disease,” said Andrea Ramirez, MD, Chief Data Officer of the All of Us research program, in the news release.

More than 5,000 researchers are currently registered to use NIH’s All of Us genomic database. The vast resource contains the following data:

  • 245,350 whole genome sequences, which includes “variation at more than one billion locations, about one-third of the entire human genome.”
  • 1,000 long-read genome sequences to enable “a more complete understanding of the human genome.”
  • 413,350 survey responses.
  • 337,500 physical measurements.
  • 312,900 genotyping arrays.
  • 287,000 electronic health records.
  • 15,600 Fitbit records (data on sleep, activity, step count, heart rate).

The research could lead to:

  • Better understanding of genetic risk factors for disease.
  • Development of predictive markers for disease risk.
  • Analysis of drugs effectiveness in different patients.

Data Shared with Participants

Participants in the All of Us program, are also receiving personalized health data based on their genetic sequences, which Dark Daily previously covered.

In “US National Institutes of Health All-of-Us Research Program Delivering Genetic Test Results and Personalized Disease Risk Assessments to 155,000 Study Participants,” we reported how the NIH had “begun returning personalized health-related DNA results” to more than 155,000 study participants. In addition, participants who requested their results will receive genetic reports that detail whether they “have an increased risk for specific health conditions and how their body might process certain medications.”

“Through a partnership with participants, researchers, and diverse communities across the country, we are seeing incredible progress towards powering scientific discoveries that can lead to a healthier future for all of us,” said Josh Denny, MD, Chief Executive Officer, All of Us Research Program, in the news release.

Cloud-based Tool Aids Access to Data

The All of Us program makes a cloud-based platform—called Researcher Workbench—available to scientists for the study of genetic variation and other issues, Inside Precision Medicine explained.

“[Researchers] can get access to the tools and the data they need to conduct a project with our resources in as little as two hours once their institutional data use agreement is signed,” said Fornessa Randal, Executive Director, Center for Asian Health Equity, University of Chicago, in a YouTube video about Researcher Workbench.

A paper published in Annual Review of Biomedical Data Science titled, “The All of Us Data and Research Center: Creating a Secure, Scalable, and Sustainable Ecosystem for Biomedical Research,” noted that  the diseases most often being studied by researchers using All of Us data include:

Database’s Growth Good for Precise Diagnostics

For diagnostics professionals, the growth of available whole human genome sequences as well as access to participants in the All of Us program is noteworthy.

Also impressive is the better representation of diversity. Such information could result in medical laboratories having an expanded role in precision medicine.  

—Donna Marie Pocius

Related Information:

All of Us Research Program Makes Nearly 250,000 Whole Genome Sequences Available to Advance Precision Medicine

US National Institutes of Health All of Us Research Program Delivering Genetic Test Results and Personalized Disease Risk Assessments to 155,000 Study Participants

All of Us Research Hub

All of Us Researcher Workbench

All of Us Program Expands Whole Genome Data Available to Researchers

All of Us Releases Almost 250,000 Genomes

All of Us Data and Research Center Creating a Secure, Scalable, and Sustainable Ecosystem for Biomedical Research

Mapping Out the Human Genome

Stanford Medicine Scientists Sequence Patient’s Whole Genome in Just Five Hours Using Nanopore Genome Sequencing, AI, and Cloud Computing

And in less than eight hours, they had diagnosed a child with a rare genetic disorder, results that would take clinical laboratory testing weeks to return, demonstrating the clinical value of the genomic process

In another major genetic sequencing advancement, scientists at Stanford University School of Medicine have developed a method for rapid sequencing of patients’ whole human genome in as little as five hours. And the researchers used their breakthrough to diagnose rare genetic diseases in under eight hours, according to a Stanford Medicine news release. Their new “ultra-rapid genome sequencing approach” could lead to significantly faster diagnostics and improved clinical laboratory treatments for cancer and other diseases.

The Stanford Medicine researchers used nanopore sequencing and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in a “mega-sequencing approach” that has redefined “rapid” for genetic diagnostics. The sequence for one study participant—completed in just five hours and two minutes—set the first Guinness World Record for the fastest DNA sequencing to date, the news release states.

The Stanford scientists described their new method for rapid diagnosis of genetic diseases in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) titled, “Ultrarapid Nanopore Genome Sequencing in a Critical Care Setting.”

Euan Ashley, MD, PhD

“A few weeks is what most clinicians call ‘rapid’ when it comes to sequencing a patient’s genome and returning results,” said cardiovascular disease specialist Euan Ashley, MD, PhD (above), professor of medicine, genetics, and biomedical data science, at Stanford University in the news release. “The right people suddenly came together to achieve something amazing. We really felt like we were approaching a new frontier.” Their results could lead to faster diagnostics and clinical laboratory treatments. (Photo copyright: Stanford Medicine.)


Need for Fast Genetic Diagnosis 

In their NEJM paper, the Stanford scientists argue that rapid genetic diagnosis is key to clinical management, improved prognosis, and critical care cost savings.

“Although most critical care decisions must be made in hours, traditional testing requires weeks and rapid testing requires days. We have found that nanopore genome sequencing can accurately and rapidly provide genetic diagnoses,” the authors wrote.

To complete their study, the researchers sequenced the genomes of 12 patients from two hospitals in Stanford, Calif. They used nanopore genome sequencing, cloud computing-based bioinformatics, and a “custom variant prioritization.”

Their findings included:

  • Five people received a genetic diagnosis from the sequencing information in about eight hours.
  • Diagnostic rate of 42%, about 12% higher than the average rate for diagnosis of genetic disorders (the researchers noted that not all conditions are genetically based and appropriate for sequencing).
  • Five hours and two minutes to sequence a patient’s genome in one case.
  • Seven hours and 18 minutes to sequence and diagnose that case.

How the Nanopore Process Works

To advance sequencing speed, the researchers used equipment by Oxford Nanopore Technologies with 48 sequencing units called “flow cells”—enough to sequence a person’s whole genome at one time.

The Oxford Nanopore PromethION Flow Cell generates more than 100 gigabases of data per hour, AI Time Journal reported. The team used a cloud-based storage system to enable computational power for real-time analysis of the data. AI algorithms scanned the genetic code for errors and compared the patients’ gene variants to variants associated with diseases found in research data, Stanford explained.

According to an NVIDIA blog post, “The researchers accelerated both base calling and variant calling using NVIDIA GPUs on Google Cloud. Variant calling, the process of identifying the millions of variants in a genome, was also sped up with NVIDIA Clara Parabricks, a computational genomics application framework.”

Rapid Genetic Test Produces Clinical Benefits

“Together with our collaborators and some of the world’s leaders in genomics, we were able to develop a rapid sequencing analysis workflow that has already shown tangible clinical benefits,” said Mehrzad Samadi, PhD, NVIDIA Senior Engineering Manager and co-author of the NEJM paper, in the blog post. “These are the kinds of high-impact problems we live to solve.”

In their paper, the Stanford researchers described their use of the rapid genetic test to diagnose and treat an infant who was experiencing epileptic seizures on arrival to Stanford’s pediatric emergency department. In just eight hours, their diagnostic test found that the infant’s convulsions were attributed to a mutation in the gene CSNK2B, “a variant and gene known to cause a neurodevelopmental disorder with early-onset epilepsy,” the researchers wrote.

“By accelerating every step of this process—from collecting a blood sample to sequencing the whole genome to identifying variants linked to diseases—[the Stanford] research team took just hours to find a pathogenic variant and make a definitive diagnosis in a three-month-old infant with a rare seizure-causing genetic disorder. A traditional gene panel analysis ordered at the same time took two weeks to return results,” AI Time Journal reported.

New Benchmarks

The Stanford research team wants to cut the sequencing time in half. But for now, the five-hour rapid whole genome sequence can be considered by clinical laboratory leaders, pathologists, and research scientists a new benchmark in genetic sequencing for diagnostic purposes.

Stories like Stanford’s rapid diagnosis of the three-month old patient with epileptic seizures, point to the ultimate value of advances in genomic sequencing technologies.

Donna Marie Pocius

Related Information:

Fastest DNA Sequencing Technique Helps Undiagnosed Patients Find Answers in Mere Hours

Ultrarapid Nanopore Genome Sequencing in a Critical Care Setting

Stanford Researchers Use AI to Sequence and Analyze DNA in Five Hours

World Record-Setting DNA Sequencing Technique Helps Clinicians Rapidly Diagnose Critical Care Patients

Ultima Genomics Delivers the $100 Genome
