News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel

News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel
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Pet Owner Sends Her Own Cheek Swab Samples to a Pet DNA Testing Laboratory and Gets a Report That She is Part Border Collie and Bulldog

In a follow-up story, investigative news team in Boston sends a reporter’s cheek swab sample to the same pet DNA testing lab: report states the reporter is part Malamute, Shar Pei, and Labrador Retriever

One pet DNA testing company returned results from human cheek swabs showing two different people were in fact part dog. The resulting local reporting calls into question the accuracy of DNA testing of our beloved furry friends and may impact the trust people have in clinical laboratory genetic testing as well.

Pet DNA analysis is nearly as popular as human DNA analysis. The market is expected to exceed $700 million by the end of the decade, according to Zion Market Research. But are customers getting their money’s worth? One CBS news station in Boston decided to find out.

Last year, the WBZ I-Team, the investigative part of a CBS News station in Boston, looked into the accuracy of pet DNA testing. They reported on a pet owner who questioned the DNA test results she received for her German Shepard. The report indicated that her dog had DNA from more than 10 breeds, besides German Shepard.

During their research, the WBZ investigative reporters learned that pet owners order these tests to reveal what one pet DNA testing company described as understanding “your dog’s unique appearance, behavior, and health.”

“So, the WBZ-TV I-Team came with more tests from different companies to compare. All came back with some German Shepherd, but the percentages ranged from 65% to just 29%. Aside from that, the three companies showed a puzzling hodgepodge of other breeds. One included Great Pyrenees, another came back with Siberian Husky, another listed Korean Jindo, and the list goes on,” WBZ News reported.

The owner of the German Shepard then sent two swab samples from her own cheeks to one of the pet DNA testing companies. The test results indicated that she was 40% Border Collie, 32% Cane Corso, and 28% Bulldog.

The company that performed that DNA testing—DNA My Dog—insisted to the WBZ I-Team that one of the pet owner’s cheek samples contained dog DNA, WBZ News reported.

“The second sample did in fact yield canine DNA. … The results provided would not be possible on a human sample,” Jessica Barnett, Director of Service Operations, DNA My Dog, told WBZ News.

This must have come as a shock to the pet owner, who is probably sure she is not part dog.

 “I think that is a red flag for sure,” Lisa Moses, VMD (above), a veterinarian and bioethicist with Harvard Medical School, told WBZ News. “A company should know if they’ve in any basic way analyzed a dog’s DNA, that that is not a dog,” she said. One wonders what might happen if a dog’s DNA was secretly sent to a clinical laboratory performing human genetic testing. What might the results be? (Photo copyright: Harvard Medical School.)

Two Times is the Charm

To continue its investigation into this odd occurrence, the WBZ I-Team decided to repeat the test this year. They sent a cheek saliva sample from one of their own reporters to three different dog DNA testing companies. 

According to the I-Team report, one company, Orivet, said the sample “failed to provide the data necessary to perform breed ID analysis. Another company, Wisdom Panel stated the sample “didn’t provide enough DNA to produce a reliable result.”

However, DNA My Dog once again reported that the human sample belonged to a canine. This time the company’s test reported that the DNA sample was 40% Alaskan Malamute, 35% Shar Pei, and 25% Labrador Retriever.

DNA My Dog did not respond to WBZ I-Team’s attempt to contact them for a comment, WBZ News reported.

Wild West of DNA Testing

“I personally do have concerns about the fact that, from a consumer standpoint, you don’t always know what you’re getting when you work with those companies,” said geneticist Elinor Karlsson, PhD, Director of the Vertebrate Genomics Group at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, told WBZ News. “There’s not a lot of rules in this space.”

Karlsson is also founder and Chief Scientist at Darwin’s Ark, a nonprofit organization that combines dog genetics and behavior to advance the understanding of complex canine diseases. People participating in the initiative contribute data about their dogs to an open source database, which is then shared with researchers around the globe. To date, more than 44,000 dogs have been registered with the project. 

She hopes that reports like the one from the WBZ I-Team will not dissuade interest in pet genetics, as the science does have significant value when performed correctly. 

“We might be able to figure out which dogs are at risk of getting cancer, and screen them more often and be able to diagnose it earlier,” Karlsson said. “We might be able to develop new treatments for that cancer.”

“There isn’t necessarily a gold standard answer for what your dog is,” veterinarian and bioethicist Lisa Moses, VMD, co-director of the Capstone Program for the Master of Science in Bioethics Program at Harvard Medical School, told WBZ News. “A breed is something that we’ve decided, which is based upon essentially the way a dog looks. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that we’re going to know what their genes look like.”

DNA My Dog Awarded ‘Best Budget Dog DNA Test’

In February, US News and World Report published an article rating the best dog DNA tests of 2024. The magazine ranked the DNA My Dog Essential Breed ID Test as the “best budget dog DNA test on the market.” The test sells for $79.99. According to the company’s website, a simple cheek swab yields:

  • A complete breed breakdown,
  • Genetic health concerns,
  • Unique personality traits, and
  • Bonding tips for dogs and their owners.

“I worry about people making medical decisions … based on one of these tests,” Moses told WBZ News, which added that, “She and some of her colleagues have called on lawmakers to set standards and regulations for pet DNA labs, and to require them to share their databases with each other, for more consistent results.”

The investigation into pet DNA testing by the television news reporters in Boston is a reminder to clinical lab managers and pathologists that DNA testing can be problematic in many ways. Also, when consumers read news stories like this one about inaccurate canine DNA testing, it can cause them to question the accuracy of other types of DNA testing.

—JP Schlingman

Related Information:

I-Team: How Accurate Are Pet DNA Tests? We Sent One Lab a Swab From a Human

Pet DNA Company Sends Back Dog Breed Results from Human Sample a Second Time

Pet DNA Testing Company in Doghouse after Identifying Human as Canine

Best Dog DNA Tests of 2024

Global Dog DNA Test Market Size Forecast Projected to Growth to USD 723 Million by 2030 with 15.1% CAGR

Dog DNA Test Market Size Report, Industry Share, Analysis, Growth 2030

Research Consortium Identifies 188 New CRISPR Gene-Editing Systems, Some More Accurate than CRISPR

New gene-editing systems could provide markedly improved accuracy for DNA and RNA editing leading to new precision medicine tools and genetic therapies

In what may turn out to be a significant development in genetic engineering, researchers from three institutions have identified nearly 200 new systems that can be used for editing genes. It is believed that a number of these new systems can provide comparable or better accuracy when compared to CRISPER (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats), currently the most-used gene editing method.

CRISPR-Cas9 has been the standard tool for CRISPR gene editing and genetic engineering. However, publication of these new research findings are expected to give scientists better, more precise tools to edit genes. In turn, these developments could lead to new clinical laboratory tests and precision medicine therapies for patients with inherited genetic diseases.

Researchers from Broad Institute, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and the federal National Institutes of Health (NIH) have uncovered 188 new CRISPR systems “in their native habitat of bacteria” with some showing superior editing capabilities, New Atlas reported.

“Best known as a powerful gene-editing tool, CRISPR actually comes from an inbuilt defense system found in bacteria and simple microbes called archaea. CRISPR systems include pairs of ‘molecular scissors’ called Cas enzymes, which allow microbes to cut up the DNA of viruses that attack them. CRISPR technology takes advantage of these scissors to cut genes out of DNA and paste new genes in,” according to Live Science.

In its article, New Atlas noted that the researchers looked to bacteria because “In nature, CRISPR is a self-defense tool used by bacteria.” They developed an algorithm—called FLSHclust—to conduct “a deep dive into three databases of bacteria, found in environments as diverse as Antarctic lakes, breweries, and dog saliva.”

The research team published their findings in the journal Science titled, “Uncovering the Functional Diversity of Rare CRISPR-Cas Systems with Deep Terascale Clustering.”

In their paper, the researchers wrote, “We developed fast locality-sensitive hashing–based clustering (FLSHclust), a parallelized, deep clustering algorithm with linearithmic scaling based on locality-sensitive hashing. FLSHclust approaches MMseqs2, a gold-standard quadratic-scaling algorithm, in clustering performance. We applied FLSHclust in a sensitive CRISPR discovery pipeline and identified 188 previously unreported CRISPR-associated systems, including many rare systems.”

“In lab tests [the newfound CRISPR systems] demonstrated a range of functions, and fell into both known and brand new categories,” New Atlas reported.

Soumya Kannan, PhD

“Some of these microbial systems were exclusively found in water from coal mines,” Soumya Kannan, PhD (above), a Graduate Fellow at MIT’s Zhang Lab and co-first author of the study, told New Atlas. “If someone hadn’t been interested in that, we may never have seen those systems.” These new gene-editing systems could lead to new clinical laboratory genetic tests and therapeutics for chronic diseases. (Photo copyright: MIT McGovern Institute.)

Deeper Look at Advancement                    

The CRISPR-Cas9 made a terrific impact when it was announced in 2012, earning a Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

Though CRISPR-Cas9 brought huge benefits to genetic research, the team noted in their Science paper that “existing methods for sequence mining lag behind the exponentially growing databases that now contain billions of proteins, which restricts the discovery of rare protein families and associations.

“We sought to comprehensively enumerate CRISPR-linked gene modules in all existing publicly available sequencing data,” the scientist continued. “Recently, several previously unknown biochemical activities have been linked to programmable nucleic acid recognition by CRISPR systems, including transposition and protease activity. We reasoned that many more diverse enzymatic activities may be associated with CRISPR systems, many of which could be of low abundance in existing [gene] sequence databases.”

Among the previously unknown gene-editing systems the researchers found were some belonging to the Type 1 CRISPR systems class. These “have longer guide RNA sequences than Cas9. They can be directed to their targets more precisely, reducing the risk of off-target edits—one of the main problems with CRISPR gene editing,” New Atlas reported.

“The authors also identified a CRISPR-Cas enzyme, Cas14, which cuts RNA precisely. These discoveries may help to further improve DNA- and RNA-editing technologies, with wide-ranging applications in medicine and biotechnology,” the Science paper noted.

Testing also showed these systems were able to edit human cells, meaning “their size should allow them to be delivered in the same packages currently used for CRISPR-Cas9,” New Atlas added.

Another newfound gene-editing system demonstrated “collateral activity, breaking down nucleic acids after binding to the target, New Atlas reported. SHERLOCK, a tool used to diagnose single samples of RNA or DNA to diagnose disease, previously utilized this system.

Additionally, New Atlas noted, “a type VII system was found to target RNA, which could unlock a range of new tools through RNA editing. Others could be adapted to record when certain genes are expressed, or as sensors for activity in cells.”

Looking Ahead

The strides in science from the CRISPR-Cas9 give a hint at what can come from the new discovery. “Not only does this study greatly expand the field of possible gene editing tools, but it shows that exploring microbial ecosystems in obscure environments could pay off with potential human benefits,” New Atlas noted.

“This study introduces FLSHclust as a tool to cluster millions of sequences quickly and efficiently, with broad applications in mining large sequence databases. The CRISPR-linked systems that we discovered represent an untapped trove of diverse biochemical activities linked to RNA-guided mechanisms, with great potential for development as biotechnologies,” the researchers wrote in Science.

How these newfound gene-editing tools and the new FLSHclust algorithm will eventually lead to new clinical laboratory tests and precision medicine diagnostics is not yet clear. But the discoveries will certainly improve DNA/RNA editing, and that may eventually lead to new clinical and biomedical applications.

—Kristin Althea O’Connor

Related Information:

Algorithm Identifies 188 New CRISPR Gene-Editing Systems

188 New Types of CRISPR Revealed by Algorithm

FLSHclust, a New Algorithm, Reveals Rare and Previously Unknown CRISPR-Cas Systems

Uncovering the Functional Diversity of Rare CRISPR-Cas Systems with Deep Terascale Clustering

Questions and Answers about CRISPR

Annotation and Classification of CRISPR-Cas Systems

SHERLOCK: Nucleic Acid Detection with CRISPR Nucleases

Researchers Create Artificial Intelligence Tool That Accurately Predicts Outcomes for 14 Types of Cancer

Proof-of-concept study ‘highlights that using AI to integrate different types of clinically informed data to predict disease outcomes is feasible’ researchers say

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are—in stepwise fashion—making progress in demonstrating value in the world of pathology diagnostics. But human anatomic pathologists are generally required for a prognosis. Now, in a proof-of-concept study, researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston have developed a method that uses AI models to integrate multiple types of data from disparate sources to accurately predict patient outcomes for 14 different types of cancer.

The process also uncovered “the predictive bases of features used to predict patient risk—a property that could be used to uncover new biomarkers,” according to Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News (GEN).

Should these research findings become clinically viable, anatomic pathologists may gain powerful new AI tools specifically designed to help them predict what type of outcome a cancer patient can expect.

The Brigham scientists published their findings in the journal Cancer Cell, titled, “Pan-cancer Integrative Histology-genomic Analysis via Multimodal Deep Learning.”

Faisal Mahmood, PhD

“Experts analyze many pieces of evidence to predict how well a patient may do. These early examinations become the basis of making decisions about enrolling in a clinical trial or specific treatment regimens,” said Faisal Mahmood, PhD (above) in a Brigham press release. “But that means that this multimodal prediction happens at the level of the expert. We’re trying to address the problem computationally,” he added. Should they be proven clinically-viable through additional studies, these findings could lead to useful tools that help anatomic pathologists and clinical laboratory scientists more accurately predict what type of outcomes cancer patient may experience. (Photo copyright: Harvard.)

AI-based Prognostics in Pathology and Clinical Laboratory Medicine

The team at Brigham constructed their AI model using The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), a publicly available resource which contains data on many types of cancer. They then created a deep learning-based algorithm that examines information from different data sources.

Pathologists traditionally depend on several distinct sources of data, such as pathology images, genomic sequencing, and patient history to diagnose various cancers and help develop prognoses.

For their research, Mahmood and his colleagues trained and validated their AI algorithm on 6,592 H/E (hematoxylin and eosin) whole slide images (WSIs) from 5,720 cancer patients. Molecular profile features, which included mutation status, copy-number variation, and RNA sequencing expression, were also inputted into the model to measure and explain relative risk of cancer death. 

The scientists “evaluated the model’s efficacy by feeding it data sets from 14 cancer types as well as patient histology and genomic data. Results demonstrated that the models yielded more accurate patient outcome predictions than those incorporating only single sources of information,” states a Brigham press release.

“This work sets the stage for larger healthcare AI studies that combine data from multiple sources,” said Faisal Mahmood, PhD, Associate Professor, Division of Computational Pathology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital; and Associate Member, Cancer Program, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, in the press release. “In a broader sense, our findings emphasize a need for building computational pathology prognostic models with much larger datasets and downstream clinical trials to establish utility.”

Future Prognostics Based on Multiple Data Sources

The Brigham researchers also generated a research tool they dubbed the Pathology-omics Research Platform for Integrative Survival Estimation (PORPOISE). This tool serves as an interactive platform that can yield prognostic markers detected by the algorithm for thousands of patients across various cancer types.  

The researchers believe their algorithm reveals another role for AI technology in medical care, but that more research is needed before their model can be implemented clinically. Larger data sets will have to be examined and the researchers plan to use more types of patient information, such as radiology scans, family histories, and electronic medical records in future tests of their AI technology.

“Future work will focus on developing more focused prognostic models by curating larger multimodal datasets for individual disease models, adapting models to large independent multimodal test cohorts, and using multimodal deep learning for predicting response and resistance to treatment,” the Cancer Cell paper states.

“As research advances in sequencing technologies, such as single-cell RNA-seq, mass cytometry, and spatial transcriptomics, these technologies continue to mature and gain clinical penetrance, in combination with whole-slide imaging, and our approach to understanding molecular biology will become increasingly spatially resolved and multimodal,” the researchers concluded.  

Anatomic pathologists may find the Brigham and Women’s Hospital research team’s findings intriguing. An AI tool that integrates data from disparate sources, analyzes that information, and provides useful insights, could one day help them provide more accurate cancer prognoses and improve the care of their patients.   

JP Schlingman

Related Information:

AI Integrates Multiple Data Types to Predict Cancer Outcomes

Pan-cancer Integrative Histology-genomic Analysis via Multimodal Deep Learning

New AI Technology Integrates Multiple Data Types to Predict Cancer Outcomes

Artificial Intelligence in Digital Pathology Developments Lean Toward Practical Tools

Florida Hospital Utilizes Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence Platform to Reduce Clinical Variation in Its Healthcare, with Implications for Medical Laboratories

Artificial Intelligence and Computational Pathology

Oxford University Creates Largest Ever Human Evolutionary Family Tree with 231 Million Ancestral Lineages

Researchers say their method can trace ancestry back 100,000 years and could lay groundwork for identifying new genetic markers for diseases that could be used in clinical laboratory tests

Cheaper, faster, and more accurate genomic sequencing technologies are deepening scientific knowledge of the human genome. Now, UK researchers at the University of Oxford have used this genomic data to create the largest-ever human family tree, enabling individuals to trace their ancestry back 100,000 years. And, they say, it could lead to new methods for predicting disease.

This new database also will enable genealogists and medical laboratory scientists to track when, where, and in what populations specific genetic mutations emerged that may be involved in different diseases and health conditions.

New Genetic Markers That Could Be Used for Clinical Laboratory Testing

As this happens, it may be possible to identify new diagnostic biomarkers and genetic indicators associated with specific health conditions that could be incorporated into clinical laboratory tests and precision medicine treatments for chronic diseases.

“We have basically built a huge family tree—a genealogy for all of humanity—that models as exactly as we can the history that generated all the genetic variation we find in humans today,” said Yan Wong, DPhil, an evolutionary geneticist at the Big Data Institute (BDI) at the University of Oxford, in a news release. “This genealogy allows us to see how every person’s genetic sequence relates to every other, along all the points of the genome.”

Researchers from University of Oxford’s BDI in London, in collaboration with scientists from the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard; Harvard University, and University of Vienna, Austria, developed algorithms for combining different databases and scaling to accommodate millions of gene sequences from both ancient and modern genomes.

The researchers published their findings in the journal Science, titled, “A Unified Genealogy of Modern and Ancient Genomes.”

Anthony Wilder Wohns, PhD
“Essentially, we are reconstructing the genomes of our ancestors and using them to form a series of linked evolutionary trees that we call a ‘tree sequence,’” said geneticist Anthony Wilder Wohns, PhD (above), in the Oxford news release. Wohns, a postdoctoral researcher in statistical and population genetics at the Broad Institute, led the study. “We can then estimate when and where these ancestors lived. The power of our approach is that it makes very few assumptions about the underlying data and can also include both modern and ancient DNA samples.” The study may result in new genetic biomarkers that lead to advances in clinical laboratory diagnostics for today’s diseases. (Photo copyright: Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.)

Tracking Genetic Markers of Disease

The BDI team overcame the major obstacle to tracing the origins of human genetic diversity when they developed algorithms to handle the massive amount of data created when combining genome sequences from many different databases. In total, they compiled the genomic sequences of 3,601 modern and eight high-coverage ancient people from 215 populations in eight datasets.

The ancient genomes included three Neanderthal genomes, a Denisovan genome, and a family of four people who lived in Siberia around 4,600 years ago.

The University of Oxford researchers noted in their news release that their method could be scaled to “accommodate millions of genome sequences.”

“This structure is a lossless and compact representation of 27 million ancestral haplotype fragments and 231 million ancestral lineages linking genomes from these datasets back in time. The tree sequence also benefits from the use of an additional 3,589 ancient samples compiled from more than 100 publications to constrain and date relationships,” the researchers wrote in their published study.

Wong believes his research team has laid the groundwork for the next generation of DNA sequencing.

“As the quality of genome sequences from modern and ancient DNA samples improves, the tree will become even more accurate and we will eventually be able to generate a single, unified map that explains the descent of all the human genetic variation we see today,” he said in the news release.

Developing New Clinical Laboratory Biomarkers for Modern Diagnostics

In a video illustrating the study’s findings, evolutionary geneticist Yan Wong, DPhil, a member of the BDI team, said, “If you wanted to know why some people have some sort of medical conditions, or are more predisposed to heart attacks or, for example, are more susceptible to coronavirus, then there’s a huge amount of that described by their ancestry because they’ve inherited their DNA from other people.”

Wohns agrees that the significance of their tree-recording methods extends beyond simply a better understanding of human evolution.

“[This study] could be particularly beneficial in medical genetics, in separating out true associations between genetic regions and diseases from spurious connections arising from our shared ancestral history,” he said.

The underlying methods developed by Wohns’ team could have widespread applications in medical research and lay the groundwork for identifying genetic predictors of disease risk, including future pandemics.

Clinical laboratory scientists will also note that those genetic indicators may become new biomarkers for clinical laboratory diagnostics for all sorts of diseases currently plaguing mankind.

Andrea Downing Peck

Related Information:

A Unified Genealogy of Modern and Ancient Genomes

Video: A Unified Genealogy of Modern and Ancient Genomes

University of Oxford Researchers Create Largest Ever Human Family Tree

How Neanderthal DNA Affects Human Health—including the Risk of Getting COVID-19

Inferring Human Evolutionary History

We Now Have the Largest Ever Human ‘Family Tree’ with 231 Million Ancestral Lineages

VA’s ‘Million Veterans Program’ Research Study Receives Its 100,000th Human Genome Sequence

With improved genetic sequencing comes larger human genome databases that could lead to new diagnostic and therapeutic biomarkers for clinical laboratories

As the COVID-19 pandemic grabbed headlines, the human genome database at the US Department of Veterans Affairs Million Veterans Program (MVP) quietly grew. Now, this wealth of genomic information—as well as data from other large-scale genomic and genetic collections—is expected to produce new biomarkers for clinical laboratory diagnostics and testing.

In December, cancer genomics company Personalis, Inc. (NASDAQ:PSNL) of Menlo Park, Calif., achieved a milestone and delivered its 100,000th whole human genome sequence to the MVP, according to a news release, which also states that Personalis is the sole sequencing provider to the MVP.

The VA’s MVP program, which started in 2011, has 850,000 enrolled veterans and is expected to eventually involve two million people. The VA’s aim is to explore the role genes, lifestyle, and military experience play in health and human illness, notes the VA’s MVP website.

Health conditions affecting veterans the MVP is researching include:

The VA has contracted with Personalis through September 2021, and has invested $175 million, Clinical OMICS reported. Personalis has earned approximately $14 million from the VA. That’s about 76% of the company’s revenue, according to 2nd quarter data, Clinical OMICS noted.

John West and wife Judy West of Personalis headshots
“The VA MVP is the largest whole genome sequencing project in the United States, and this is a significant milestone for both the program and for Personalis,” said John West (above with wife Judy), Founder and CEO of Personalis, in the news release. “Population-scale sequencing projects of this nature represent a cornerstone in our effort to accelerate the advancement of precision medicine across a wide range of disease areas,” he added. (Photo copyright: MIT Technology Review.)

Database of Veterans’ Genomes Used in Current Research

What has the VA gained from their investment so far? An MVP fact sheet states researchers are tapping MVP data for these and other veteran health-related studies: 

  • Gene variations associated with different tumor structures in patients with non-small-cell lung carcinoma.
  • Differentiating between prostate cancer tumors that require treatment and others that are slow-growing and not life-threatening.
  • How genetics drives obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.
  • How data in DNA translates into actual physiological changes within the body.
  • Gene variations and patients’ response to Warfarin.

NIH Research Program Studies Effects of Genetics on Health

Another research program, the National Institutes of Health’s All of Us study, recently began returning results to its participants who provided blood, urine, and/or saliva samples. The NIH aims to aid research into health outcomes influenced by genetics, environment, and lifestyle, explained a news release. The program, launched in 2018, has biological samples from more than 270,000 people with a goal of one million participants.

NIH’s All of Us program partners include:

Dr. Josh Denny CEO of NIH All of Us program headshot
“We’re changing the paradigm for research. Participants are our most important partners in this effort, and we know many of them are eager to get their genetic results and learn about the science they’re making possible,” said Josh Denny, MD, CEO of the NIH’s All of Us research program in the news release. Denny, a physician scientist, was Professor of Biomedical Informatics and Medicine, Director of the Center for Precision Medicine and Vice President for Personalized Medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center prior to joining the NIH. (Photo copyright: National Institutes of Health.)

Inclusive Data Could Aid Precision Medicine

The news release notes that more than 80% of biological samples in the All of Us database come from people in communities that have been under-represented in biomedical research.

“We need programs like All of Us to build diverse datasets so that research findings ultimately benefit everyone,” said Brad Ozenberger, PhD, All of Us Genomics Program Director, in the news release.

Precision medicine designed for specific healthcare populations is a goal of the All of Us program.

“[All of Us is] beneficial to all Americans, but actually beneficial to the African American race because a lot of research and a lot of medicines that we are taking advantage of today, [African Americans] were not part of the research,” Chris Crawford, All of US Research Study Navigator, told the Birmingham Times. “As [the All of Us study] goes forward and we get a big diverse group of people, it will help as far as making medicine and treatment that will be more precise for us,” he added.

Large Databases Could Advance Care

Genome sequencing technology continues to improve. It is faster, less complicated, and cheaper to sequence a whole human genome than ever before. And the resulting sequence is more accurate.

Thus, as human genome sequencing databases grow, researchers are deriving useful scientific insights from the data. This is relevant for clinical laboratories because the new insights from studying bigger databases of genomic information will produce new diagnostic and therapeutic biomarkers that can be the basis for new clinical laboratory tests as well as useful diagnostic assays for anatomic pathologists.

—Donna Marie Pocius

Related Information:

Personalis Announces Delivery of the 100,000th Genome to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Million Veteran Program

VA Extends Personalis Contract for Million Veterans Project With $31M Task Order

Million Veteran Program Research Projects

All of Us Research Program Returns First Genetic Results to Participants

All of Us Research: Why Some Get Sick and Others Are in Great Health
