News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel

News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel
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Innovative Clinical Laboratories Use Business Intelligence to Deliver Data Insights that Help Physicians Improve Patient Outcomes and Meet ACO Goals

Clinical laboratories and pathology groups are deploying customer relationship management tools as a way to deliver more value to physicians and other providers

Healthcare’s accelerating shift away from fee-for-service payment and toward value-based reimbursement presents new challenges to clinical laboratories and pathology groups. These new payment models motivate providers to seek strategic partners who can deliver added value.

To succeed in this paradigm, clinical laboratories must differentiate themselves. This will require effective management of client relationships. Labs will soon need to do much more than simply process medical test orders and send lab results back to referring physicians. In fact, early-adopter lab organizations are accomplishing these goals by using client relationship management (CRM) tools.

To serve these lab organizations, vendors are bringing customized CRM tools to market. Unlike the generic customer relationship management products of past years, these next generation CRM products are tailored to meet the complex needs of healthcare organizations. CRM systems that are customized to the needs of clinical laboratories and pathology groups are now available.


Physician-Led Accountable Care Organizations May Offer Advantages for Clinical Laboratories

Last year, hospital-run ACOs outnumbered physician-led ACOs, but this year, the opposite is true, creating opportunities for pathologists and clinical laboratories

Until recently, the popular wisdom was that hospitals and health systems would tend to play dominant roles in most accountable care organizations (ACOs). However, new data shows that physicians are holding their own in the formation and management of ACOs.

This is an auspicious development for local clinical laboratories and pathology groups. Physician-run ACOs are much more likely to consider using an independent medical laboratory provider. (more…)

In Boston this week, the Association of Pathology Chairs Looks at Healthcare’s Transformation and How It May Reshape Laboratory Medicine

Departments of pathology and clinical laboratory medicine at nation’s academic medical centers are uniquely positioned to deliver value—but only if they act in a timely fashion

DATELINE: BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS—Today the Association of Pathology Chairs (APC) concluded its annual meeting, and transformation of the U.S. healthcare systems was front and center as the topic of primary interest. This transformation presents pathology departments at the nation’s academic centers with a range of unique opportunities, along with some serious challenges.

On the upside, academic departments of pathology and clinical laboratory medicine are well positioned to be the leaders in clinical diagnostics that utilize the latest genetic knowledge and incorporate state-of-the-art molecular technologies. Not only are they teaching this knew knowledge to the next generation of physicians and pathologists, they are often the only locally based laboratory organization in a city or region that offers these advanced medical laboratory testing services. (more…)

Acquiring Pathology Laboratory Billing Expertise, McKesson Buys MED3000, Parent of PSAPath

Positioning itself to serve accountable care organizations, McKesson agrees to buy a company specializing in medical billing and physician practice management

McKesson Corporation (NYSE:MCK) announced an agreement to acquire MED3000 of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, earlier this week. One aspect of this transaction will be of particular interest to anatomic pathologists and pathology practice administrators.

When it closes the sale, McKesson’s ownership of MED3000 will increase its overall national market share of pathology billing and collection contracts. Dark Daily readers may recall that McKesson and MED3000 each have a sizeable number of anatomic pathology laboratories and groups as clients for their billing and collections business divisions. (more…)

Growth of Medicare and Private Payer ACOs Shows Acceptance of New Care Model

Pathologists and clinical laboratory administrators have an opportunity to add value to physicians who are transitioning to new ACO model

It is good news for advocates of accountable care organizations (ACOs). Since the beginning of 2012, an ever-growing number of provider organizations have signed up to participate in Medicare ACO contracts.

This steady increase in the number of hospitals and health systems participating in Medicare and private payer ACOs will have at one interesting consequence. It means that the clinical laboratories will be part of the clinical service mix for the ACOs operated by the hospitals and health systems. (more…)
