News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel

News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel
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Adolescents with Specific Health Conditions Experience Accelerated Aging at Midlife, According to Published Study in New Zealand

Study shows that access to early childhood treatment could have lasting effects and prevent premature adult aging

Researchers in New Zealand have found that people who experienced “daily smoking status, obesity, or a psychological disorder diagnosis” beginning early in life were “biologically older” at midlife than those who did not. The findings suggest that early access to treatments for these health concerns could decrease risk for “accelerated biological aging,” according to the study published in JAMA Pediatrics.

Although these findings do not currently provide a path to a diagnostic test for clinical laboratories, this study is yet another example of how researchers are increasingly using broad swaths of healthcare data to help identify people at risk for certain healthcare conditions.

Such research often presents opportunities for medical laboratories to participate in healthcare Big Data analysis, which in turn helps healthcare providers make precision medicine diagnoses for individual patients.

Study Assessments and Clinical Laboratory Biomarkers

Researchers from the Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Research Unit (DMHDRU) at University of Otago analyzed the health and behaviors of 910 people (54% men, 46% women) born in Dunedin, New Zealand, between April 1, 1972, and March 31, 1973, through age 45.

The scientists found that participants who had one of three health conditions as an adolescent—obesity, smoking daily, or psychological disorder (anxiety, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, depression)—showed advanced signs of aging at age 45 when compared to others without those conditions, CNN reported.

The signs included:

  • Walking 11.2 centimeters per second slower.
  • Brain appears 2.5 years older.
  • Face appears four years older.

At age 11, 13, and 15, the Dunedin Study participants were assessed by pulmonary specialists and others for asthma, cigarette smoking, and obesity, Fox News reported.

Kyle Bourassa, PhD
“There’s a long history of that kind of research in terms of how smoking is damaging at the cellular level but also can result in the kinds of health conditions that we associate with biological aging, like (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), lung cancer, things like that,” the study’s first author Kyle Bourassa, PhD (above), told CNN. “The hope is if we were to study a cohort now, a much higher proportion of those children and adolescents are actually going to be treated for these things, which will reduce the risk of accelerated aging later in life,” he added. Results of the study may also lead to new clinical laboratory diagnostics. (Photo copyright: Duke University.)

According to an earlier DMHDRU statement, the biomarkers used at this point in the study included:

The researchers also tracked asthma’s effects but concluded it did not contribute to aging, probably due to availability of asthma treatments, the authors wrote in their study published in JAMA Pediatrics, titled, “Association of Treatable Health Conditions During Adolescence with Accelerated Aging at Midlife.”

“Participants who had smoked daily, had obesity, or had a psychological disorder diagnosis during adolescence were biologically older at midlife compared with participants without these conditions. Participants with asthma were not biologically older at midlife compared with those without asthma,” the researchers wrote. These findings led the researchers to certain conclusions about receiving early treatments, CNN reported.

“No participants in this cohort were prescribed stimulants for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors were not yet in use for adolescent depression and anxiety during the study period. Whereas 81.1% of the adolescents with asthma received some type of treatment, which could have mitigated the implications for biological aging,” the authors wrote in their study.

“Our paper reaffirms that those are important treatments and those kinds of investments younger in the lifespan could net big benefits in terms of both health and the cost of healthcare later on as well,” Kyle Bourassa, PhD, told CNN. Bourassa is the study’s First Author and a clinical psychology researcher and advanced research fellow at the Durham VA Health Care System.

Clinical Laboratories Curate Massive Amounts of Healthcare Data

For pathologists and medical laboratory scientists, the University of Otago study is a reminder that clinical laboratories provide a critical tool to diagnostics professionals: housing, sharing, and analyzing data that contribute to precision medicine diagnoses.

The DMHDRU researchers’ findings also highlight the importance of access to common treatments offered early in life for some people to reduce risk of accelerated aging and disease.

Donna Marie Pocius

Related Information:

Association of Treatable Health Conditions During Adolescence with Accelerated Aging at Midlife

Having Certain Health Conditions in Adolescence May Be Linked with Faster Aging in Adulthood, Study Says

Aging Faster in Adulthood Linked to Health Conditions in Adolescence

Four Thousand New Zealand Medical Laboratory Scientists and Technicians Threatened to Strike over Low Pay and Poor Working Conditions

Last-minute court injunction stopped a mass walkout, but allied health workers continue to push country’s District Health Boards for improvements

In New Zealand, the unprecedented surge in PCR COVID-19 testing due to the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant appears to have pushed the country’s 10,000 healthcare workers—including 4,000 medical laboratory scientists and technicians—to the breaking point.

On March 3, just 24 hours before the first of two walkouts was scheduled to begin, New Zealand’s Employment Court banned the strike that would have shut down medical laboratories in the country’s mixed public-private healthcare system. Medical laboratory workers make up 40% of the nation’s 10,000 healthcare workers who planned the nationwide strike to protest low pay and poor working conditions, according to 1News.

“COVID was the perfect storm for the profile of laboratories and how undervalued they have been for far too long,” said medical laboratory scientist Terry Taylor, president of the New Zealand Institute of Medical Laboratory Science (NZIMLS).

Judge Issues Injunction Restraining the Strike

New Zealand’s Public Service Association (PSA) is the country’s largest trade union representing more than 80,000 workers across government, state-owned enterprises, local councils, health boards, and community groups.

The PSA’s 10,000 health workers (which includes 4,000 medical laboratory workers) had planned to strike on March 4-5 and March 18-19, but, according to the New Zealand Herald the Employment Court stopped the walkouts due to the rise in COVID-19-related hospitalizations.

The Herald noted, however, that PSA union members in Auckland had already postponed their walkout after county District Health Boards (DHB) expressed concern over patient safety.

“Striking has always been our last resort, and our members in Auckland continue to demonstrate their commitment to providing quality healthcare to New Zealanders by working tomorrow,” PSA Organizer Will Matthews told the Herald.

He insisted, however, that DHBs need to respond to workers’ concerns. “The depth of feeling from our members, and the support for industrial action nationwide is unprecedented,” Matthews told 1News. “We are now in a position where strike action is our only remaining option to get the DHBs and the government to listen.”

Terry Taylor
In an interview with Stuff, medical laboratory scientist Terry Taylor (above), president of the New Zealand Institute of Medical Laboratory Science, acknowledged laboratory workers’ commitment to doing the work, but he is concerned about the next big testing surge. “Goodwill only goes a certain distance in the end when people are knackered and not getting what they need. At the moment, we have the capability to do 50,000 to 60,000 [tests] per day throughout the whole country, but we couldn’t run that for more than a week. We’d be dead, we’d be overrun,” he said. Clinical laboratory leaders in this country may want to make note of Taylor’s concerns, as laboratory conditions in this country become stressed as well. (Photo copyright: Newshub.)

Clinical Laboratory Workers Claim Low Wages, Poor Conditions, Irrelevant Testing

While no new strike dates have been set, Matthews said striking workers would include contact tracers and laboratory staff as well as nearly 70 other groups of healthcare workers, many of whom “don’t even earn a living wage.” According to Peoples Dispatch, allied health workers are working under the terms of a contract that expired in 2020.

The starting salary for a DHB medical laboratory scientist after completing a four-year degree is NZ$56,773 (US$39,519), while lab assistants and technicians start out at less than NZ$50,000 (US$34,804), Stuff reported.

In an interview with 1News, Taylor maintained that diagnostic labs in New Zealand have long been understaffed, undervalued, and their workers poorly treated. The COVID-19 pandemic, he says, has exacerbated an ongoing problem. Issues such as space constraints, for example, have become even more problematic.

“We’ve got extra machinery that’s come into the labs, we don’t get any more space, all these consumables sitting all over hallways and corridors, extra staff coming in to do the stuff,” Taylor told RNZ. “So, we’ve lost all our tearooms, we’ve lost all our office space, our conditions are markedly less than they should be.”

1News points out that the country’s medical laboratory scientists and technicians are processing more than 20,000 PCR COVID-19 tests per day in addition to running 120,000 other samples and 200,000 diagnostic tests. At the end of March 2020, the average number of COVID-19 tests processed per day was 1,777.

While New Zealand has preached to its citizens the need for widespread PCR testing, Taylor argued in February 2022 that the country must change its approach to offering PCR testing only to symptomatic individuals and close contacts.

“To run our diagnostic laboratories into the ground with endless irrelevant testing is a direct reflection of poor foresight, planning, and respect for the role of this critical health workforce,” Taylor told Newshub.

Necessity of Rewarding All Medical Laboratory Personnel

Medical laboratory scientist Bryan Raill is president of Apex, a specialist union of allied, scientific and technical employees. Raill told 1News the long-term solution is for the government to address pay equity, staffing levels, and worker wellbeing in the country’s historically undervalued medical laboratories.

“Medical laboratory scientists and technicians have to be fairly rewarded for the training, skill, and expertise they bring to the health system,” Raill said. “Medical laboratory scientists need a timely, fair, and equitable process to determine their worth.”

While the stresses on New Zealand medical laboratory workers are not identical, US clinical laboratory leaders will want to monitor the lengths to which New Zealand’s laboratory workers are willing to go to force improvements in their working conditions, staffing, and pay.

As the noted above, the government-funded health system is continually strapped for funds. Consequently, the health districts often defer capital investment in hospitals and medical laboratories. That is one reason why lab staff can find themselves working in space that is inadequate for the volume of specimens which need to be tested daily.

Andrea Downing Peck

Related Information:

Why the ‘Hidden Heroes’ of Our COVID-19 Response Are Striking

COVID-19 Omicron Outbreak: Health Strike Postponed after Employment Court Grants Injunction

New Zealand Employment Court Passes Injunction to Scuttle Health Workers’ Strike

10,000 Health Workers Strike as Omicron Wave Hits

After almost Six Million Tests, an Omicron Explosion Will Heap More Stress on Exhausted Laboratory Workers

Burnt Out Laboratory Staff Working in Poor Conditions, Institute Says

COVID-19: PCR Testing Reaches ‘Crisis’ Point, Public Health and Lab Staff Plea for Symptomatic Testing Only

Pathology Laboratory Consolidation May Leave New Zealand Holiday Destinations with Limited COVID-19 Testing Capacity as Omicron Variant Arrives

Pathology Laboratory Consolidation May Leave New Zealand Holiday Destinations with Limited COVID-19 Testing Capacity as Omicron Variant Arrives

Due to the national health system’s aggressive cost-cutting measures over the past 20 years, some regions of the island country now have only limited local medical laboratory services

It was in the early 2000s when different district health boards throughout New Zealand decided on a strategy of issuing sole source, multi-year medical laboratory testing contracts in their regions to cut lab test testing costs. Consequently, pathology laboratories that lost their bidding were forced to cease operations or merge with the winning bidders. At the time, New Zealand pathologists and laboratory scientists feared the government health system was undermining the financial stability of pathology laboratories and leaving portions of the country with limited testing capacity.

Now, arrival of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant on the remote island nation may be creating a day of reckoning for that decision. In particular, “holiday hotspots” in New Zealand may be filling up with seasonal travelers at the exact moment a surge in COVID-19 testing is needed.

Holiday Destinations Lack Pathology Lab Capacity

Medical laboratory scientist Terry Taylor, president of the New Zealand Institute of Medical Laboratory Science (NZIMLS), fears some small-town tourist destinations do not have the local-based medical laboratory testing capacity to process a surge in PCR tests and will need to ship samples elsewhere, delaying the speed at which COVID-19 test results can be delivered in communities that attract thousands of vacationers during New Zealand’s summer from December to February.

“In these areas, those swabs that are taken will end up being sent to the mothership so to speak, so one of the larger laboratories that’s nearby those regions,” he told Checkpoint. “So, there will be delays when this starts to kick on.”

Taylor also pointed out that shifting lab work to larger medical centers creates capacity concerns within those facilities as well.

“I will reiterate, all of the big hospitals will obviously still be operating 24-hour services doing the acute work that’s coming through,” he said. “But be aware, we do everything. We don’t just do COVID testing, so sometimes things are just going to have to wait in those periods.”

Terry Taylor

“We’ve certainly got to get together now and come up with a plan that works so that we do not inundate our laboratories and therefore the other health services,” medical laboratory scientist Terry Taylor (above), president of the New Zealand Institute of Medical Laboratory Science, told Newshub. “It is really not an option to test everyone. We need to be looking at who we test, how we test and when we test,” he added. (Photo copyright: Newshub.)

In a statement to Checkpoint, the New Zealand Ministry of Health maintained COVID-19 testing remained a priority for the government over the Christmas and New Year period.

“The ministry works closely with DHBs (District Health Boards) and laboratories to manage demands for testing, and to reiterate the importance of processing and returning tests as quickly as possible,” the statement said. “It should be noted that samples of close contacts of cases and high-risk individual are prioritized by laboratories.”

Dark Daily Correctly Predicted Pathology Lab Losses

In 2009, Dark Daily reported on New Zealand’s use of contract bidding for pathology lab testing services in Wellington and Auckland in an effort to drive down costs. The winning labs agreed to roughly a 20% decrease in reimbursement rates.

At that time, Editor Robert L. Michel predicted the loss of established pathology providers and insufficient reimbursement rates could lead to scaled down testing menus, loss of skilled staff and a negative impact on patient care. He noted then, “New Zealand may become the first developed country in the world to learn what happens to the entire healthcare system when deep budget cuts finally leave medical laboratories with insufficient reimbursement.

“Such a situation,” Michel continued, “would likely mean that laboratory test providers in New Zealand would lack the funding and resources to offer physicians and patients a full menu of state-of-the-art diagnostics tests. It could also mean that medical laboratories would lack adequate resources and skilled staff to sustain the quality of test results at a world-class level of quality, accuracy, reliability, and reproducibility. In either case, the quality of patient care would be negatively affected.”

Fast forward to 2022, as the COVID-19 pandemic continues some New Zealand leaders fear the opening of Auckland’s border to summer travelers will lead to community spread of the coronavirus at a time when budget cuts have left these same regions with local pathology testing capacity that is insufficient to meet the needs of the surrounding community.

In fact, New Zealand’s first case of community exposure to the Omicron variant was reported in Auckland on December 29, 2021, a Ministry of Health news release noted.

“You’re going to see the virus seeded everywhere,” epidemiologist Michael Baker, Professor of Public Health, University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand, told The Guardian in mid-November.

Critical Supply Shortages as Pathology Testing ‘Crunch Point’ Reached

In the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, New Zealand’s clinical laboratory system nearly reached a breaking point as a shortage of COVID-19 tests left the system teetering on the edge of collapse.

According to Joshua Freeman, MD, Clinical Director of Microbiology and Virology at the Canterbury DHB, the “crunch point” arrived around March 20, 2020, when New Zealanders were being urged to get tested so the country could determine if there was community transmission of the virus, online news site Stuff reported.

Meanwhile, testing supplies such as reagents, plastic tubes, and pipette tips were in short supply globally and 13 regional labs were yet to be set up across the country. Even once the new laboratories, district health board testing centers, and mobile clinics were up and running, procuring needed supplies remained challenging, according to COVID-19 testing data from the Ministry of Health.

America also Struggled with COVID-19 Supply Shortages

While New Zealand’s mostly publicly funded universal healthcare system has been stressed by the COVID-19 pandemic, America’s private system has not fared much better. In the early months of the pandemic, personal protective equipment, COVID-19 tests, and testing materials also were in short supply in this country.

CBS News reported that the US was continuing to struggle with limited supplies of COVID-19 rapid antigen tests and long turnaround times for clinical laboratory polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests as families gathered for the recent holiday season.

Thus, clinical laboratory leaders and laboratory scientists in this country should watch with keen interest at how New Zealand’s pathology laboratories fare as the Omicron variant further challenges the country’s testing capacity. 

Andrea Downing Peck

Related Information:

Testing Times: How a Health Workforce Jumped Up to Help Stamp-out New Zealand’s Coronavirus Crisis

Lab Boss Warns of COVID Testing Delays in Holiday Hotspots

COVID-19 Warning: Omicron Will Overwhelm Us Within a Week If It Takes Hold in New Zealand, Experts Say

Criticism of Laboratory Workers ‘Unfair’–Industry Leader

First Community Exposures from Border-Related Omicron Case

Ministry of Health: Testing for COVID-19

Testing Times: How a Health Workforce Jumped Up to Help Stamp-Out New Zealand’s Coronavirus Crisis

New Zealand’s Health System Walks Pathology/Lab Testing Tightrope

In New Zealand, a 20-Year Process of Regionalizing and Integrating Medical Laboratory Services Continues to Be Successful and Push New Boundaries

Last week involved a full slate of pathology meetings and medical laboratory site visits on both islands of New Zealand during Dark Daily’s visit to this Pacific nation

DATELINE: CHRISTCHURCH, NEW ZEALAND—There’s a good case to be made that the health system in this South Pacific nation is farther down the path of medical laboratory regionalization and consolidation than most other developed nations.

That’s one insight to be gleaned from a week’s worth of meetings with pathologists, clinical laboratory professionals, and health system administrators in the cities of Auckland on the North Island and Christchurch on the east coast of New Zealand’s South Island. Your Dark Daily Editor, Robert Michel, had the opportunity to speak at several conferences and workshops, along with visits to medical laboratories.

A note of explanation about nomenclature will be helpful to Dark Daily’s international readers. In Australia and New Zealand, “pathology laboratory” is the common term for the medical laboratories that typically test blood, urine, saliva, and similar specimens. (In the United States and Canada, “clinical laboratory” is used interchangeably with medical laboratory.) “Histopathology” (or anatomic pathology) is the common term for labs that handle tissue specimens in New Zealand and Australia. (In North America, anatomic pathology, or surgical pathology laboratory is used more frequently than histopathology.) (more…)

In New Zealand, Contracts Often Define Specific Tests a Clinical Pathology Laboratory Can Provide to Physicians

District Health Boards in New Zealand use medical laboratory test contracts as one way to control cost of testing and better manage utilization

HAMILTON, NEW ZEALAND—Medical laboratory testing in this mid-sized city is carefully divided between a community laboratory company and the cluster of hospitals located in and around Hamilton. The test menu offered by each clinical laboratory is defined by contracts negotiated with the individual District Health Boards (DHB) that manage the healthcare system in this region of New Zealand.

This week, your Dark Daily editor, Robert L. Michel is in New Zealand. He is visiting clinical and pathology laboratories in two cities and speaking at the 2012 Pathology Laboratory Meeting that is conducted annually by Canterbury Health Laboratories (CHL), located in Christchurch. (more…)
