News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel

News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel
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UPMC Researchers Develop Biomarkers That Identify Biological Age While Also Predicting Disease Risk

Scientists turned to metabolomics to find cause of biological aging and release index of 25 metabolites that predict healthy and rapid agers

Researchers at the University of Pittsburg Medical Center and the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine have identified biomarkers in human blood which appear to affect biological aging (aka, senescence). Since biological aging is connected to a person’s overall condition, further research and studies confirming UPMC’s findings will likely lead to a new panel of tests clinical laboratories can run to support physicians’ assessment of their patients’ health.

UPMC’s research “points to pathways and compounds that may underlie biological age, shedding light on why people age differently and suggesting novel targets for interventions that could slow aging and promote health span, the length of time a person is healthy,” according to a UPMC news release.

“We decided to look at metabolites because they’re very dynamic,” Aditi Gurkar, PhD, the study’s senior author, told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Gurkar is Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Geriatric Medicine, Aging Institute at the University of Pittsburg. “They can change because of the diet, they can change because of exercise, they can change because of lifestyle changes like smoking,” she added.

The scientists identified 25 metabolites that “showed clear differences” in the metabolomes of both healthy and rapid agers. Based on those findings, the researchers developed the Healthy Aging Metabolic (HAM) Index, a panel of metabolites that predicted healthy agers regardless of gender or race.

The researchers published their findings in the journal Aging Cell titled, “A Molecular Index for Biological Age Identified from the Metabolome and Senescence-associated Secretome in Humans.”

“Age is more than just a number,” said Aditi Gurkar, PhD (above), Assistant Professor of Geriatric Medicine at University of Pittsburg School of Medicine and the study’s senior author in a news release. “Imagine two people aged 65: One rides a bike to work and goes skiing on the weekends and the other can’t climb a flight of stairs. They have the same chronological age, but very different biological ages. Why do these two people age differently? This question drives my research.” Gurkar’s research may one day lead to new clinical laboratory tests physicians will order when evaluating their patients’ health. (Photo copyright: University of Pittsburg.)

Clear Differences in Metabolites

According to the National Cancer Institute, a metabolite is a “substance made or used when the body breaks down food, drugs, or chemicals, or its own tissue (for example, fat or muscle tissue). This process, called metabolism, makes energy and the materials needed for growth, reproduction, and maintaining health. It also helps get rid of toxic substances.”

The UPMC researchers used metabolomics—the study of chemical process in the body that involves metabolites, other processes, and biproducts of cell metabolism—to create a “molecular fingerprint” of blood drawn from individuals in two separate study groups.

They included:

  • People over age 75 able to walk a flight of stairs or walk for 15 minutes without a break, and
  • People, age 65 to 75, who needed to rest during stair climbing and walk challenges.

The researchers found “clear differences” in the metabolomes of healthy agers as compared to rapid agers, suggesting that “metabolites in the blood could reflect biological age,” according to the UPMC news release.

“Other studies have looked at genetics to measure biological aging, but genes are very static. The genes you’re born with are the genes you die with,” said Gurkar in the news release.

Past studies on aging have explored other markers of biological age such as low grade-inflammation, muscle mass, and physical strength. But those markers fell short in “representing complexity of biological aging,” the UPMC study authors wrote in Aging Cell.

“One potential advantage of metabolomics over other ‘omic’ approaches is that metabolites are the final downstream products, and changes are closely related to the immediate (path) physiologic state of an individual,” they added.

The researchers used an artificial intelligence (AI) model that could identify “potential drivers of biological traits” and found three metabolites “that were most likely to promote healthy aging or drive rapid aging. In future research, they plan to delve into how these metabolites, and the molecular pathways that produce them, contribute to biological aging and explore interventions that could slow this process,” the new release noted.

“While it’s great that we can predict biological aging in older adults, what would be even more exciting is a blood test that, for example, can tell someone who’s 35 that they have a biological age more like a 45-year-old,” Gurkar said. “That person could then think about changing aspects of their lifestyle early—whether that’s improving their sleep, diet or exercise regime—to hopefully reverse their biological age.”

Looking Ahead

The UPMC scientists plan more studies to explore metabolites that promote healthy aging and rapid aging, and interventions to slow disease progression.

It’s possible that the blood-based HAM Index may one day become a diagnostic tool physicians and clinical laboratories use to aid monitoring of chronic diseases. As a commonly ordered blood test, it could help people find out biological age and make necessary lifestyle changes to improve their health and longevity.

With the incidence of chronic disease a major problem in the US and other developed countries, a useful diagnostic and monitoring tool like HAM could become a commonly ordered diagnostic procedure. In turn, that would allow clinical laboratories to track the same patient over many years, with the ability to use multi-year lab test data to flag patients whose biomarkers are changing in the wrong direction—thus enabling physicians to be proactive in treating their patients.

—Donna Marie Pocius

Related Information:

New Study Reveals Molecular Fingerprint of Biological Aging

Blood Test Could Reveal Your Biological Age and Predict Disease Risk

A Molecular Index for Biological Age Identified from the Metabolome and Senescence-associated Secretome in Humans

Family History with Cancer Led Professor into “Healthy Aging” Research

Zombie Cells, Aging and Health

Pitt Researcher Uncovers Cellular Signs of Healthy Aging

True Biological Age is Hidden in Several Newly Identified Blood Markers

The Senescence-associated Secretome as An Indicator of Age and Medical Risk

UPMC Pathologists and Researchers Develop Technology That Predicts Prostate Cancer Relapse

New lab test market could open up if research findings lead to a useful clinical laboratory test that predicts prostate cancer recurrence

Over the past decade, clinical laboratory tests that can predict the occurrence or recurrence of breast cancer have opened up a profitable market for the companies that developed these technologies. Now, new research may become the basis of a useful medical laboratory test that could be predictive of prostate cancer relapse.

Of course, pathologists know that several years of further development and regulatory approvals will be needed before this research produces a lab test for clinical use that can reliably predict the recurrence of prostate cancer. What makes this development exciting is that there is a huge and untapped demand to help men with prostate cancer and their physicians make informed decisions about treatment options and long-term prognosis. (more…)

IBM Watson Picks Advisory Board—but No Pathologist

Clinical laboratory managers and pathologists have an opportunity to expand the presence of laboratory medicine

IBM (NYSE: IBM) recently issued a press release announcing its new Watson Healthcare Advisory Board (WHAB). The board is comprised of healthcare leaders with a broad range of research, medical and business expertise. Unfortunately, that expertise does not include pathology or specialists in laboratory medicine.

Watson represents a technology breakthrough that can help physicians improve patient outcomes,” said Herbert Chase, M.D., Professor of Clinical Medicine (in Biomedical Informatics) at Columbia University, in a recent IBM press release. “As IBM focuses its efforts on key areas including oncology, cardiology and other chronic diseases, the advisory board will be integral to helping align the business strategy to the specific needs of the industry.”

Pathologist Becich ID’s Three Most Important Developments in Pathology Informatics

Dark Daily recently caught up with Michael J. Becich, M.D., Ph.D. from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. He is the Course Director of the upcoming APIII conference on anatomic pathology informatics and imaging support for translational medicine and an international expert on the digitization of anatomic pathology.

We queried Dr. Becich about his views on the three most important new developments in pathology informatics. Because he is on cutting edge of new technologies and applications, his insights can cue pathologists about what is likely to change in the way anatomic pathology groups capture information and report it to referring clinicians.

Number one on Becich’s list is the continued deployment of synoptic reporting. Synoptic reports are structured, textual reports with coding and standards built in. Laboratory Information System (LIS) vendors continue to push this feature and it is enabling laboratorians to data mine from pathology reports. This development is important because, “For years, pathologists dictated reports as large blocks of text and valuable information was locked inside those reports,” observed Becich. “Now, with synoptic reports, that valuable information is directly accessible.”

Next on Becich’s major list of trends is the continuing development of whole slide digital imaging. Radiology has been converting to digital picture archiving systems (or PACS) for some time. Now, pathology is moving down the same road, with glass slides being converted to digital files. This development is important because “pathologists frequently must transport slides around to numerous locations and it is often difficult to share a glass slide with others. Digital slides provide a cost-effective way to easily and instantaneously share slides and improve patient safety,” said Becich. He also pointed out that digital slides offer the opportunity for pathologists to work from a totally-digital and analytical desktop. One major benefit is that it makes it easier for pathologists to more widely distribute information to patients and stakeholders who want it.

The third development on Becich’s radar screen is quantitative image analysis. Pathologists now have computer algorithms that assist them in the interpretation of images. This is particularly important for immunohistochemistry. Billing codes are now available that pathologists can bill for (if they choose to) use these computer-assisted devices. “This trend is important, said Becich, “These computer algorithms enable a pathologist’s digital desktop to provide high-volume, high-throughput quantitative analysis. In the era of personalized medicine, the qualitative evaluation (1+, 2+, 3+ method) is not sufficient for the interpretation of immunohistochemistry.”

Laboratorians interested in learning more about these trends should attend the APIII conference. It will take place on September 9-12, 2007 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at the Marriott City Center Hotel.
