News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel

News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel
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Asian Cities, Countries Stand Out in the World’s Fight Against COVID-19, US Clinical Laboratory Testing in the Spotlight

Asian locales reacted swiftly to the threat of COVID-19 by leveraging lessons learned from previous pandemics and making use of serology testing in aggressive contact tracing

America’s healthcare leaders in government, hospitals, clinical pathology, and medical laboratories can learn important lessons from the swift responses to the early outbreaks of COVID-19 in countries like Taiwan and South Korea and in cities like Singapore and Hong Kong. 

Strategies such as early intervention, commitment to tracing contacts of infected people within two hours, quarantines, and social distancing all contributed to significantly curtailing the spread of the latest coronavirus pandemic within their borders, The New York Times (NYT) reported.

Another response common to the efforts of these countries and cities was the speedy introduction of clinical laboratory tests for SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), supported by the testing of tens of thousands of people in the earliest stages of the outbreaks in their communities. And that preparation and experience is paying off as those countries and cities continue to address the spread of COVID-19.

‘We Look at SARS as the Dress Rehearsal’

“Maybe it’s because of our Asian context, but our community is sort of primed for this. We will keep fighting, because isolation and quarantine work,” Lalitha Kurupatham, Deputy Director of the Communicable Diseases Division in Singapore, told the NYT. “During peacetime, we plan for epidemics like this.”

Clinical laboratory leaders and pathologists may recall that Hong Kong was the site of the 2003 severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) epidemic. About 8,096 people worldwide were infected, and 774 died from SARS, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). In Hong Kong, 299 died out of 1,755 cases. However, Singapore had just 238 cases and 33 deaths.

To what does Singapore attribute the country’s lower COVID-19 infection/death rate today?

“We can look at SARS as the dress rehearsal. The experience was raw, and very, very visceral. And on the back of it, better systems were put in place,” Jeremy Lim, MD, Co-Director of the Leadership Institute for Global Health Transformation at the National University of Singapore, told TIME.

“It’s a mix of carrots and sticks that have so far helped us. The US should learn from Singapore’s response and then adapt what is useful,” Lim added. 

Singapore Debuts Serology Testing for COVID-19 Tracking

It was Singapore where scientists first experimented with serology testing to track the breadth of coronavirus infection in a community, Science reported, adding that the tests are different from the SARS-CoV-2 tests, which analyze genetic material of the virus from a person’s samples. (Dark Daily recently covered such genetic testing in “Advances in Gene Sequencing Technology Enable Scientists to Respond to the Novel Coronavirus Outbreak in Record Time with Medical Lab Tests, Therapies,” March 18, 2020.)

As microbiologists and infectious diseases doctors know, serology tests work by identifying antibodies that are the sources of infection. In the case of COVID-19, these tests may have aided in the surveillance of people infected with the coronavirus.

This is one lesson the US is learning.

“CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) has developed two serological tests that we’re evaluating right now, so we can get an idea through surveillance what’s the extent of this outbreak and how many people really are infected,” Robert Redfield, MD, CDC Director, told STAT.

Singapore’s Health Ministry and its Duke-NUS Medical School previously used an experimental serology test for contact tracing the source of 23 COVID-19 cases at a Singapore church, according to Science.

The graphic above, which is based on data from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, illustrates how contact tracing is accomplished. “We believe this is the first time in the world where these particular tests have been used in this context of contact tracing,” Danielle Anderson, PhD, Scientific Director, Duke-NUS Medical School ABSL3 Laboratory, told Science. (Graphic copyright: CDC/Carl Fredrik Sjöland.)

‘Leaving No Stone Unturned’

As of March 27, Singapore (located about 2,374 miles from mainland China with a population of 5.7 million) had reported 732 COVID-19 cases and two deaths, while Hong Kong had reported 518 cases and four deaths.

According to Time, in its effort to battle and treat COVID-19, Singapore took the following steps:

  • Clinical laboratory testing for COVID-19 of all people presenting with “influenza-like” and pneumonia symptoms;
  • Contact tracing of each infected person, including interviews, review of flight manifests, and police involvement;
  • Using locally developed test to find antibodies after COVID-19 clears;
  • Ran ads on page one of newspapers urging people with mild symptoms to see a doctor; and
  • Government paid $100 Singapore dollars per day to quarantined self-employed people. 

“Singapore is leaving no stone unturned,” Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, PhD, Director-General of WHO, told TIME.

The Singapore government’s WhatsApp account shares updates on the coronavirus, and Singapore citizens acquire wearable stickers after having their temperature checked at building entrances, Wired reported. The article also noted teams of healthcare workers are kept separate in hospitals—just in case some workers have to be quarantined.  

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Meanwhile, in Hong Kong, citizens donned face masks and pressured the government to respond to the COVID-19 outbreak. Officials subsequently tightened borders with mainland China and took other action, the NYT reported.

Once the COVID-19 genetic sequence became available, national medical laboratory networks in Singapore, Hong Kong, and Japan developed their own diagnostic tests, reported The Lancet, which noted that the countries also expanded capacity for testing and changed financing systems, so people would not have to pay for the tests. In Singapore, the government pays for hospitalization as well, noted The Lancet.

Lessons Learned

The US has far less experience with pandemics, as compared to the Asian locales that were affected by the H1N1 influenza (Spanish Flu) of 1918-1920 and the H5N1 influenza (Avian Flu) of 1957-1958.

And, controversially, National Security Council (NSC) officials in 2018 discontinued the federal US Pandemic Response Unit, moving the NSC employees into other government departments, Associated Press reported.

According to the March 26 US Coronavirus Task Force’s televised news conference, 550,000 COVID-19 tests have been completed nationwide and results suggest 86% of those tested are negative for the disease. 

The fast-moving virus and rapidly developing story are placing medical laboratory testing in the global spotlight. Pathologists and clinical laboratory leaders have a unique opportunity to advance the profession, as well as improving the diagnosis of COVID-19 and the health of patients.

—Donna Marie Pocius

Related Information:

Tracking the Coronavirus: How Crowded Asian Cities Tackled an Epidemic

What We Can Learn from Singapore, Taiwan, and Hong Kong About Handling Coronavirus

Singapore Claims First Use of Antibody Test to Track Coronavirus Infections

CDC Developing Serologic Tests That Could Reveal Full Scope of U.S. Coronavirus Outbreak

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Advances in Gene Sequencing Technology Enable Scientists to Respond to the Novel Coronavirus Outbreak in Record Time with Medical Lab Tests, Therapies

Taiwan’s Containment of COVID-19 Outbreak Demonstrates Importance of Rapid Response, Including Fast Access to Clinical Laboratory Tests

By taking early measures to combat the spread, the country had a medical laboratory test for COVID-19 available as early as Jan. 24, and was able to focus medical laboratory testing on the most at-risk individuals

With the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak dominating headlines and medical laboratories under growing pressure to increase testing capacity, Taiwan’s rapid response to the pandemic could provide a critical model for other countries to follow.

Given its proximity to mainland China—just 81 miles—and the large number of individuals who frequently travel back and forth between the countries, Taiwan was at risk of having the second-highest number of imported COVID-19 cases, according to a model developed by researchers at Johns Hopkins University and the University of New South Wales Sydney. News reports indicate that, each year, about 60,000 flights carry 10 million passengers between Taiwan and China.

But after the first reports emerged of the infection in Wuhan, China, “Taiwan quickly mobilized and instituted specific approaches for case identification, containment, and resource allocation to protect the public health,” wrote C. Jason Wang, MD, PhD; Chun Y. Ng, MBA, MPH; and Robert H. Brook, MD, ScD, in an article for the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), titled, “Response to COVID-19 in Taiwan Big Data Analytics, New Technology, and Proactive Testing.”

Data from Taiwan’s Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) indicate that the country has managed to contain the outbreak thanks to these aggressive actions.

As of March 19, Taiwan’s CECC reported a total of 108 laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 infections. That compares with 81,155 in China, 41,035 in Italy, and 10,755 in the US, according to data compiled by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University. When the World Health Organization (WHO) reports on the number of COVID-19 cases by country, it includes the number of COVID-19 cases from Taiwan under the totals for the People’s Republic of China. WHO made this decision several years ago, under pressure by China to not recognize Taiwan as an independent nation.

The World Population Review website says Taiwan’s population is about 23.8 million. But its infection rate is low even on a per capita basis: Approximately 45 infections per million population, compared with 6,784 in Italy, 564 in China, and 326 per million in the US.

The JAMA authors noted that Taiwan was prepared for an outbreak after its experience with the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) pandemic in 2003, which also originated in China.

Timeline of COVID-19 Outbreak at the Earliest Stages

Taiwan apparently learned a lesson about preparedness from the SARS outbreak the rest of the world did not and that enabled the tiny nation to respond immediately to the novel Coronavirus threat.

The country’s efforts began on Dec. 31 with inspections of flight arrivals from Wuhan. “When there were only a very few cases [of COVID-19] reported in China, [Taiwanese health authorities] already went onto every airplane that came from Wuhan,” C. Jason Wang, MD, PhD, an Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Director of the Center for Policy, Outcomes, and Prevention at Stanford University and lead author of the JAMA report, told Vox. “Health officials came on the airplane and checked people for symptoms,” he added.

Travelers who had recently visited Wuhan and displayed symptoms of pneumonia were quarantined at home for 14 days. Taiwan’s CDC reported that quarantined individuals were being tested for the 2019-nCoV coronavirus (later renamed to SARS-CoV-2) soon after it was identified. The CECC, activated in January to coordinate the government’s response, reported the first confirmed imported case on Jan. 21.

On Jan. 24, their CDC announced that testing for the virus was being performed at the CDC and eight designated hospitals. Testing included samples from physicians around the country. As of Feb. 17, daily testing capacity was about 1,300 samples, the JAMA authors reported.

Wang told Vox that aggressive measures to identify and isolate at-risk individuals at the earliest stages reduced the volume of clinical laboratory tests that had to be performed. “Here in the US and elsewhere, we’re now seeing community spread,” he said. “It’s probably been here for a while. And so now we’re trying to see, ‘Oh, how many people should we test?’ Then, you really need to have a very large capacity in the beginning.”

“I think the US has enormous capacity that’s currently not being used,” C. Jason Wang, MD, PhD (above), Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Director of the Center for Policy, Outcomes, and Prevention at Stanford University and lead author of the JAMA report, told Vox. “We have big tech companies that really could do a lot, right? We ought to get the big companies together. Get the governors together, get the federal government agencies to work with each other, and try to find innovative ways to think about how to best do this. We’ve got the smartest people here in the US because they come from everywhere. But right now, those are untapped resources. They’re not working together. And the federal government, the agencies, they need to collaborate a little more closely.” (Photo copyright: Stanford University.)

More Actions by Authorities

The JAMA report supplementary materials notes a total of 124 actions taken by Taiwanese authorities between Jan. 20 and Feb. 24 to contain the outbreak. In addition to the border inspections, quarantines and testing, they included integration of data between the country’s National Health Insurance Administration and National Immigration Agency, so authorities, and later hospitals, could identify any patient who had recently traveled to China, Hong Kong, or Macau.

The steps also included:

  • An escalating series of travel restrictions, eventually including suspension of most passenger flights from Taiwan to China, as well as a suspension of tours to Hong Kong or Macau.
  • Use of government-issued cell phones to monitor quarantined individuals.
  • Fines for individuals breaking the 14-day home quarantine.
  • Fines for incoming travelers who failed to provide accurate health information.
  • Fines for disseminating false information or rumors about the epidemic.
  • Fines and jail sentences for profiteering on disease-prevention products.
  • Designation of military camps and other government facilities for quarantine.
  • Nationwide disinfection of universities, colleges, and public spaces around schools.

The government also took aggressive action to ensure adequate supplies of surgical masks, including stepped-up manufacturing, export bans, price limits, and a limit of one to three masks per purchase.

The JAMA authors noted that government officials issued daily press briefings to educate the public about the outbreak. Communication efforts also included public service announcements by Taiwan Vice President Chen Chien-jen, a trained epidemiologist.

A poll taken in Taiwan on Feb. 17 and 18 indicated high approval ratings for officials’ response to the crisis.

The JAMA authors also noted some “challenges” in the government’s response. For example, most real-time public communication was in Mandarin Chinese and sign language, leaving out non-Taiwanese citizens in the country. And the cruise ship Diamond Princess, later found to have infections on board, was allowed to dock near Taipei and disembark passengers. There are also questions about whether similar policies can be sustained through the end of a pandemic.

Still, “well-trained and experienced teams of officials were quick to recognize the crisis and activated emergency management structures to address the emerging outbreak,” the JAMA authors wrote. “Taiwan is an example of how a society can respond quickly to a crisis and protect the interests of its citizens.”

One noteworthy difference in the speedy response to recognition of a novel coronavirus in Taiwan, compared to recognition of the same novel coronavirus in the United States, was the fast availability of clinical laboratory tests for COVID-19 in Taiwan.

Pathologists and clinical laboratory professionals here in the US are frustrated that their skills and talents at developing and validating new assays on an accelerated timeline were not acknowledged and leveraged by government officials as they decided how to respond to the emergence of the novel coronavirus now called SARS-CoV-2. 

—Stephen Beale

Related Information:

Taiwan CDC Press Releases about COVID-19

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