News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel

News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel
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Living Legend William Dettwyler, MT, Looks Back at Seven Decades in the Clinical Laboratory Profession

Dettwyler is set to retire at age 92 after a long career helping clinical laboratories with their coding and billing systems

When William Dettwyler, MT, began working in a clinical laboratory, Harry Truman was president of the United States and scientists had not yet discovered the structure of DNA. Now, as he approaches his 92nd birthday in March, he is finally ready to retire from a career that has spanned more than seven decades, from bench work as a medical laboratory technician (MLT) to assisting labs with their medical coding and medical billing challenges.

Along the way, one of his coding innovations helped the State of Oregon save substantial sums in its Medicaid program. He also helped many medical laboratories increase reimbursement by correcting their coding mistakes. This from someone who left school after eighth grade to help on his family’s farm in rural Oregon.

In an exclusive interview with Dark Daily, Dettwyler discusses his long career and offered pointers for labs on improving their coding and reimbursement procedures.

Back in the 1980s, when he began his consulting work for labs, “they were very poor at billing,” he recalled. “Hospital billing staff didn’t understand lab coding. Reference laboratories didn’t do a good job of picking the right codes or even billing all the codes. Up until around the 1970s, hospitals didn’t even have to bill individual lab procedures with CPT codes. They billed with a revenue center code for all their lab services.”

These days “people are much more sophisticated,” he notes. “There are fewer coding problems compared to what it was in the 1980s and 1990s up to the 2010s.” However, he says he still has a handful of clients who call on his expertise.

“It was not unusual to go to a large university medical center and in three days tell the CFO on my exit review that the following year their lab would bring in about a half million more in revenue, just from my coding review. But I did not reveal to them that I had only gone to the eighth grade in a little one room school and was the lone graduate in my eighth-grade class,” wrote William Dettwyler, MT (above), owner of Codus Medicus in Salem, Ore., in an article he penned for Medical Laboratory Observer. For 75 years Dettwyler worked in the clinical laboratory industry. For much of that time he helped labs all over America improve their coding and reimbursement systems. (Photo copyright: LinkedIn.)

How It All Began

Dettwyler got his first taste of lab work in the early 1950s as a teenager washing glassware for a medical laboratory technician at a local medical practice. A few years later he completed an MLT program at Oregon Institute of Technology in Klamath Falls and landed his first lab tech job at a clinic in Portland.

His entry to consulting came in the early 1970s while he was working for a medical group in Salem. “I was helping the accounting personnel with their billing and noticed that Medicaid was not paying for a common test for syphilis that I was performing,” he recalled. “I contacted Medicaid, and they told me they didn’t understand laboratory procedures.”

After that, “they started to call me frequently with laboratory questions,” he said. “It wasn’t long before they asked me to help them on a part-time basis.” He also assisted with questions related to radiology.

By 1976, Dettwyler was devoting 35 hours a week to assisting the state Medicaid agency while still working as a lab tech.

Simple Hack Ends Overpayments

One of his career highlights came around 1981, when he discovered that the agency was overpaying for some pathology and radiology procedures by as much as 200%.

“Pathologists and radiologists are paid based on whether they are performing the complete procedure—the technical component and the professional component—or just the professional component, where they interpret the results,” he explained.

When billing for just the professional component, the physicians would add two digits to the standard code, so it might come in as 88305-26. However, the state’s computer system could only accommodate a five-digit code, so the state was paying as if the providers had done everything.

“The computer techs said the software couldn’t handle a seven-digit number in a five-digit box, so I devised a way for the computer to read the equivalent of seven digits,” he recalled.

His solution was to modify the codes so that the last digit was an alphabetic character. Instead of billing for code 88305-26, the physicians would bill for 8830F, and the state would pay them correctly.

Around that time, Dettwyler also began assisting a Medicare office in Portland. This forced him to cut back on his work as a lab tech. But he still worked around 60 hours a week.

“For most of my life, I’ve worked three jobs,” he said. “Work is my hobby.” He also had a large family to support—by 1976, he and his wife had 10 kids.

Transition to Lab Consulting

In 1986, the state was facing a budget shortfall and cut its Medicaid consultants, so Dettwyler decided to seek consulting work with labs while continuing to work at the bench.

“I really liked the coding because I had very little competition,” he said. “But I wanted to keep working in the laboratory mainly to understand the problems.”

While working for the state, Dettwyler attended coding seminars and workshops. He noticed that labs were losing revenue due to poor billing practices. “They didn’t understand all the coding complexities, so they really hungered for this kind of assistance.”

But first, he had to find clients. So he partnered with another lab tech who was offering similar consulting services.

Business picked up after Dettwyler contributed an article to the trade publication Medical Laboratory Observer about his process, which he calls “procedure code verification and post payment analysis.”

“That went like gangbusters,” he said. “We started getting calls from all over the country.”

Dettwyler later split from his partner and went to work on his own.

“I would sit down with the person who was responsible for coding, usually the lab or radiology manager,” he explained. “We would go over the chargemaster and cover every procedure to make sure the code and units were correct. When I was done, I would give them a report of what codes we changed and why we changed them.”

Beginning in 1989, he signed on as a contractor for another consultancy, Health Systems Concepts on the East Coast, where he remained until 2019.

Advice to the Current Generation

What is Dettwyler’s advice for someone who wants to follow in his footsteps and assist labs with their coding? “I wouldn’t recommend it now,” he said. “There’s less need for that kind of assistance than in the past.”

However, he does find that labs still run into problems. The greatest need, he says, is in molecular diagnostics, due to the complexity of the procedures.

In addition, labs are sometimes confused by coding for therapeutic drug monitoring, in which a doctor is gauging a patient’s reaction to a therapy versus screening for substance abuse. “Those issues are often misunderstood,” he said.

Microbiology also poses coding challenges, he noted, because of the steps required to identify the pathogen and determine antibiotic susceptibility. “It requires quite a bit of additional coding,” he said. “Some labs don’t understand that they can’t just bill a code for culture and sensitivity. They have to bill for the individual portions.”

Labs that work with reference labs also have to be careful to verify codes for specific procedures. “I’ll review the codes used by reference labs and, surprisingly, they’re not always correct. Reference labs sometimes get it wrong.”

If someone does want to become a coding expert, Dettwyler suggests that “they should first have experience as a lab tech, especially in microbiology, because of the additional coding. And they should try to work with somebody who is already doing it. Then, they should work with the billing department to learn how it operates.”

He also advises clinical laboratory managers to follow the latest developments in the field by reading lab publications such as The Dark Report. “You have to do that to keep current,” he said.

Despite never completing high school, Dettwyler eventually received his GED and an associate degree. “But the degrees didn’t really help me,” he said. “Much of it was on-the-job training and keeping my eyes open and listening.”                     

Stephen Beale

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Seventy-five Years Beside the Microscope

Swiss Research Study into Long COVID Promises New Diagnostic and Therapeutic Possibilities

New biomarker may lead to new clinical laboratory testing and treatments for long COVID

Researchers studying long COVID at the University Hospital of Zurich (UZH) and the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB), both in Switzerland, have discovered a protein biomarker in blood that indicates a component of the body’s innate immune system—called the complement system—remains active in some individuals long after the infection has run its course. The scientists are hopeful that further studies may provide clinical laboratories with a definitive test for long COVID, and pharma companies with a path to develop therapeutic drugs to treat it.

Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic began, a subset of the population worldwide continues to experience lingering symptoms even after the acute phase of the illness has passed. Patients with long COVID experience symptoms for weeks, even months after the initial viral infection has subsided. And because these symptoms can resemble other illnesses, long COVID is difficult to diagnose. 

This new biomarker may lead to new clinical laboratory diagnostic blood tests for long COVID, and to a greater understanding of why long COVID affects some patients and not others.

The Swiss scientists published their findings in the journal Science titled, “Persistent Complement Dysregulation with Signs of Thromboinflammation in Active Long COVID.”

“Those long COVID patients used to be like you and me, totally integrated [into] society with a job, social life, and private life,” infectious disease specialist Michelè van Vugt, MD (above), Senior Fellow and Professor at Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Development (AIGHD), told Medical News Today. “After their COVID infection, for some of them, nothing was left because of their extreme fatigue. And this happened not only in one patient but many more—too many for only [a] psychological cause.” Clinical laboratories continue to perform tests on patients experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 even after the acute illness has passed. (Photo copyright: AIGHD.)

Role of the Complement System

To complete their study, the Swiss scientists monitored 113 patients who were confirmed through a reverse transcriptase quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) test to have COVID-19. The study also included 39 healthy control patients who were not infected.

The researchers examined 6,596 proteins in 268 blood samples collected when the sick patients were at an acute stage of the virus, and then again six months after the infection. They found that 40 of the patients who were sick with COVID-19 eventually developed symptoms of long COVID. Those 40 patients all had a group of proteins in their blood showing that the complement system of their immune system was still elevated even after recovering from the virus.

“Complement is an arm of the immune system that ‘complements’ the action of the other arms,” Amesh Adalja, MD, Adjunct Assistant Professor at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, told Prevention, “Activities that it performs range from literally attacking the cell membranes of a pathogen to summoning the cells of other immune systems to the site of infection.”

In addition to helping bodies heal from injury and illness, the complement immune system also activates inflammation in the body—and if the complement system is activated for too long the patient is at risk for autoimmune disease and other inflammatory conditions.

This inflammation may cause microclots in patients. “These can block the blood vessels and lead to damage … That can cause premature cardiac events, dementia, respiratory failure, and renal failure,” infectious disease specialist Thomas Russo, MD, SUNY Distinguished Professor, Department of Medicine, Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, told Prevention.

Brain Fog

To make matters worse for long COVID patients, a recent study published in Nature Neuroscience titled, “Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption and Sustained Systemic Inflammation in Individuals with Long COVID-Associated Cognitive Impairment,” found that nearly 50% of people who experience long COVID also experience a condition called Brain Fog (aka, mental fog or clouding of consciousness.)

Conducted by genetic scientists at Trinity College Dublin and St. James’ Hospital in Dublin, Ireland, the study “analyzed blood samples—specifically, serum and plasma—from 76 patients who were hospitalized with COVID-19 in March or April 2020, along with those from 25 people taken before the pandemic. The researchers discovered that people who said they had brain fog had higher levels of a protein in their blood called S100β [a calcium-binding protein] than people who didn’t have brain fog,” Prevention reported.

“S100β is made by cells in the brain and isn’t normally found in the blood. That suggests that the patients had a breakdown in the blood-brain barrier, which blocks certain substances from getting to the brain and spinal cord, the researchers noted,” Prevention reported.

“The scientists then did MRI scans with dye of 22 people with long COVID (11 of them who reported having brain fog), along with 10 people who recovered from COVID-19. They found that long COVID patients who had brain fog had signs of a leaky blood-brain barrier,” Prevention noted.

“This leakiness likely disrupts the integrity of neurons in the brain by shifting the delicate balance of materials moving into and out of the brain,” Matthew Campbell, PhD, Professor and Head of Genetics at Trinity College Dublin, told Prevention.

Interactions with Other Viruses

According to Medical News Today, the Swiss study results also suggest that long COVID symptoms could appear because of the reactivation of a previous herpesvirus infection. The patients in the study showed increased antibodies against cytomegalovirus, a virus that half of all Americans have contracted by age 40.

The link between long COVID and these other viruses could be key to developing treatment for those suffering with both illnesses. The antiviral treatments used for the herpesvirus could potentially help treat long COVID symptoms as well, according to Medical News Today.

“Millions of people across the planet have long COVID or will develop it,” Thomas Russo MD, Professor and Chief of Infectious Disease at the University at Buffalo in New York, told Prevention. “It’s going to be the next major phase of this pandemic. If we don’t learn to diagnose and manage this, we are going to have many people with complications that impact their lives for the long term.”

Long COVID won’t be going away any time soon, much like the COVID-19 coronavirus. But these two studies may lead to more effective clinical laboratory testing, diagnoses, and treatments for millions of people suffering from the debilitating condition.

—Ashley Croce

Related Information:

New Study Finds Potential Cause of Long COVID Symptoms—Experts Explain

Persistent Complement Dysregulation with Signs of Thromboinflammation in Active Long COVID

CDC: Long COVID or Post-COVID Conditions

Long COVID: Major Findings, Mechanisms and Recommendations

Long COVID Explanation in New Study Possibly Paves Way for Tests and Treatments

Scientists May Have Discovered Reason for Long COVID Brain Fog—Here’s Why It Matters

Blood–Brain Barrier Disruption and Sustained Systemic Inflammation in Individuals with Long COVID-Associated Cognitive Impairment

Could New Clues on How Long COVID Affects Immune System Lead to Treatment?

Scientists in Italy Develop Hierarchical Artificial Intelligence System to Analyze Bacterial Species in Culture Plates

New artificial intelligence model agrees with interpretations of human medical technologists and microbiologists with extraordinary accuracy

Microbiology laboratories will be interested in news from Brescia University in Italy, where researchers reportedly have developed a deep learning model that can visually identify and analyze bacterial species in culture plates with a high level of agreement with interpretations made by medical technologists.

They initially trained and tested the system to digitally identify pathogens associated with urinary tract infections (UTIs). UTIs are the source for a large volume of clinical laboratory microbiological testing.

The system, known as DeepColony, uses hierarchical artificial intelligence technology. The researchers say hierarchical AI is better suited to complex decision-making than other approaches, such as generative AI.

The researchers published their findings in the journal Nature titled, “Hierarchical AI Enables Global Interpretation of Culture Plates in the Era of Digital Microbiology.”

In their Nature paper, the researchers explained that microbiologists use conventional methods to visually examine culture plates that contain bacterial colonies. The scientists hypothesize which species of bacteria are present, after which they test their hypothesis “by regrowing samples from each colony separately and then employing mass spectroscopy techniques,” to confirm their hypotheses.

However, DeepColony—which was designed for use with clinical laboratory automation systems—looks at high-resolution digital scans of cultured plates and attempts to identify the bacterial strains and analyze them in much the same way a microbiologist would. For example, it can identify species based on their appearance and determine which colonies are suitable for analysis, the researchers explained.

“Working on a large stream of clinical data, and a complete set of 32 pathogens, the proposed system is capable of effectively assisting plate interpretation with a surprising degree of accuracy in the widespread and demanding framework of urinary tract infections,” the study authors wrote. “Moreover, thanks to the rich species-related generated information, DeepColony can be used for developing trustworthy clinical decision support services in laboratory automation ecosystems from local to global scale.”

Alberto Signoroni, PhD

“Compared to the most common solutions based on single convolutional neural networks (CNN), multi-network architectures are attractive in our case because of their ability to fit into contexts where decision-making processes are stratified into a complex structure,” wrote the study’s lead author Alberto Signoroni, PhD (above), Associate Professor of Computer Science, University of Brescia, and his researcher team in their Nature paper. “The system must be designed to generate useful and easily interpretable information and to support expert decisions according to safety-by-design and human-in-the-loop policies, aiming at achieving cost-effectiveness and skill-empowerment respectively.” Microbiologists and clinical laboratory managers will want to follow the further development of this technology. (Photo copyright: University of Brescia.)

How Hierarchical AI Works

Writing in LinkedIn, patent attorney and self-described technology expert David Cain, JD, of Hauptman Ham, LLP, explained that hierarchical AI systems “are structured in layers, each with its own distinct role yet interconnected in a way that forms a cohesive whole. These systems are significant because they mirror the complexity of human decision-making processes, incorporating multiple levels of analysis and action. This multi-tiered approach allows for nuanced problem-solving and decision-making, akin to a seasoned explorer deftly navigating through a multifaceted terrain.”

DeepColony, the researchers wrote, consists of multiple convolutional neural networks (CNNs) that exchange information and cooperate with one another. The system is structured into five levels—labeled 0 through 4—each handling a different part of the analysis:

  • At level 0, the system determines the number of bacterial colonies and their locations on the plate.
  • At level 1, the system identifies “good colonies,” meaning those suitable for further identification and analysis.
  • At level 2, the system assigns each good colony to a bacterial species “based on visual appearance and growth characteristics,” the researchers wrote, referring to the determination as being “pathogen aware, similarity agnostic.”

The CNN used at this stage was trained by using images of 26,213 isolated colonies comprising 32 bacterial species, the researchers wrote in their paper. Most came from clinical laboratories, but some were obtained from the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC), a repository of biological materials and information resources available to researchers.

  • At level 3, the system attempts to improve accuracy by looking at the larger context of the plate. The goal here is to “determine if observed colonies are similar (pure culture) or different (mixed cultures),” the researchers wrote, describing this step as “similarity aware, pathogen agnostic.” This enables the system to recognize variants of the same strain, the researchers noted, and has the effect of reducing the number of strains identified by the system.

At this level, the system uses two “Siamese CNNs,” which were trained with a dataset of 200,000 image pairs.

Then, at level 4, the system “assesses the clinical significance of the entire plate,” the researchers added. Each plate is labeled as:

  • “Positive” (significant bacterial growth),
  • “No significant growth” (negative), or
  • “Contaminated,” meaning it has three or more “different colony morphologies without a particular pathogen that is prevalent over the others,” the researchers wrote.

If a plate is labeled as “positive,” it can be “further evaluated for possible downstream steps,” using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry or tests to determine susceptibility to antimicrobial measures, the researchers stated.

“This decision-making process takes into account not only the identification results but also adheres to the specific laboratory guidelines to ensure a proper supportive interpretation in the context of use,” the researchers wrote.

Nearly 100% Agreement with Medical Technologists

To gauge DeepColony’s accuracy, the researchers tested it on a dataset of more than 5,000 urine cultures from a US laboratory. They then compared its analyses with those of human medical technologists who had analyzed the same samples.

Agreement was 99.2% for no-growth cultures, 95.6% for positive cultures, and 77.1% for contaminated or mixed growth cultures, the researchers wrote.

The lower agreement for contaminated cultures was due to “a deliberately precautionary behavior, which is related to ‘safety by design’ criteria,” the researchers noted.

Lead study author Alberto Signoroni, PhD, Associate Professor of Computer Science, University of Brescia, wrote in Nature that many of the plates identified by medical technologists as “contaminated” were labeled as “positive” by DeepColony. “We maximized true negatives while allowing for some false positives, so that DeepColony [can] focus on the most relevant or critical cases,” he said.

Will DeepColony replace medical technologists in clinical laboratories any time soon? Not likely. But the Brescia University study indicates the direction AI in healthcare is headed, with high accuracy and increasing speed. The day may not be far off when pathologists and microbiologists regularly employ AI algorithms to diagnose disease.

—Stephen Beale

Related Information:

Hierarchical AI Enables Global Interpretation of Culture Plates in the Era of Digital Microbiology

Hierarchical Deep Learning Neural Network (HiDeNN): An Artificial Intelligence (AI) Framework for Computational Science and Engineering

An AI System Helps Microbiologists Identify Bacteria

This AI Research Helps Microbiologists to Identify Bacteria

Deep Learning Meets Clinical Microbiology: Unveiling DeepColony for Automated Culture Plates Interpretation

University of Washington Researchers Use Genomic Analysis to Track Shigella Infections as Decreased Cost of Gene Sequencing Aids Public Health Research

Another study in the United Kingdom that also used genomic analysis to understand drug-resistant Shigella produced findings that may be useful for microbiologists and medical laboratory scientists

From the onset of an infectious disease outbreak, public health officials, microbiologists, and clinical laboratory managers find it valuable to trace the origin of the spread back to the “index case” or “patient zero”—the first documented patient in the disease epidemic. Given the decreased cost of genomic analysis and improved accuracy of gene sequencing, infectious disease researchers are finding that task easier and faster than ever.

One recent example is a genomic study conducted at University of Washington (UW) in Seattle that enabled researchers to “retrace” the origin and spread of a “multidrug-resistant Shigellosis outbreak” from 2017 to 2022. “The aim of the study was to better understand the community transmission of Shigella and spread of antimicrobial resistance in our population, and to treat these multi-drug resistant infections more effectively,” the UW scientists stated in a new release.

Shigellosis (aka, bacillary dysentery) is a highly contagious disease of the intestines that can lead to hospitalization. Symptoms include fever, stomach cramps, diarrhea, dysentery, and dehydration.

“Additional analysis of the gut pathogen and its transmission patterns helped direct approaches to testing, treatment, and public health responses,” the UW news release states.

Usually prevalent in countries with public health and sanitation limitations, the “opportunistic” Shigella pathogen is now being seen in high-income countries as well, UW reported.

The researchers published their findings in Lancet Infectious Diseases, titled, “Genomic Reconstruction and Directed Interventions in a Multidrug-Resistant Shigellosis Outbreak in Seattle, WA, USA: A Genomic Surveillance Study.”

Ferric Fang, MD

“You can’t really expect an infectious disease to remain confined to a specific at-risk population. [Shigella infections are] very much an emerging threat and something where our public health tools and therapeutic tools have significant limitations,” infectious disease specialist Ferric Fang, MD (above) told CIDRAP News. Fang is a UW professor of Microbiology and Clinical Laboratory Medicine and a corresponding author of the UW study. (Photo copyright: University of Washington.)

Why are Shigella Cases Increasing?

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) records more than 450,000 shigellosis infections each year in the US. The most common species in the US, according to CDC statistics, is Shigellaa sonnei.

Other members of the genus include:

Generally, Shigella infects children, travelers, and men who have sex with men (MSM), the CDC noted.

The UW researchers were motivated to study Shigella when they noticed an uptick in drug-resistant shigellosis cases in Seattle’s homeless population in 2020 at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy News (CIDRAP News) reported.

“Especially during the pandemic, a lot of public facilities were closed that homeless people were used to using,” infectious disease specialist Ferric Fang, MD, told CIDRAP News. Fang is Professor of Microbiology and Laboratory Medicine at University of Washington and corresponding author of the UW study.

The researchers studied 171 cases of Shigella identified from 2017 to 2022 by clinical laboratories at Harborview Medical Center and UW Medical Center in Seattle. According to CIDRAP News, the UW researchers found that:

  • 46% were men who have sex with men (MSM).
  • 51% were people experiencing homelessness (PEH).
  • Fifty-six patients were admitted to the hospital, with eight to an intensive care unit.
  • 51% of isolates were multi-drug resistant (MDR).

Whole-Genome Sequencing Reveals Origin

The UW scientists characterized the stool samples of Shigella isolates by species identification, phenotypic susceptibility testing, and whole-genome sequencing, according to their Lancet Infectious Diseases paper. The paper also noted that 143 patients received antimicrobial therapy, and 70% of them benefited from the treatment for the Shigella infection.

Whole-genome sequencing revealed that two strains of Shigella (S. flexneri and S. sonnei) appeared first in Seattle’s MSM population before infecting the PEM population.

The genomic analysis found the outbreak of drug-resistant Shigella had international links as well, according to CIDRAP News:

  • One S. flexneri isolate was associated with a multi-drug resistant (MDR) strain from China, and
  • S. sonnei isolates resembled a strain characteristic of a current outbreak of MDR Shigella in England.

“The most prevalent lineage in Seattle was probably introduced to Washington State via international travel, with subsequent domestic transmission between at-risk groups,” the researchers wrote.

“Genomic analysis elucidated not only outbreak origin, but directed optimal approaches to testing, treatment, and public health response. Rapid diagnostics combined with detailed knowledge of local epidemiology can enable high rates of appropriate empirical therapy even in multidrug-resistant infection,” they continued.

UK Shigella Study Also Uses Genomics

Another study based in the United Kingdom (UK) used genomic analysis to investigate a Shigella outbreak as well.

Motivated by a UK Health Security Agency report of an increase in drug-resistance to common strains since 2021, the UK researchers studied Shigella cases from September 2015 to June 2022.

According to a paper they published in Lancet Infectious Diseases, the UK researchers “reported an increase in cases of sexually transmitted S. flexneri harboring blaCTX-M-27 (an antibiotic-resistant gene) in England, which is known to confer resistance to third-generation cephalosporins (antibiotics),” the researchers wrote.

Their analysis of plasmids (DNA with genes having antibiotic resistance) revealed a link in two drug-resistant Shigella strains at the same time, CIDRAP News explained.

“Our study reveals a worsening outlook regarding antimicrobial-resistant Shigella strains among MSM and highlights the value of continued integration of genomic analysis into surveillance and research,” the UK-based scientists wrote.

Current challenges associated with Shigella, especially as it evades treatment, may continue to demand attention from microbiologists, clinical laboratory scientists, and infectious disease specialists. Fortunately, use of genomic analysis—due to its ongoing improvements that have lowered cost and improved accuracy—has made it possible for public health researchers to better track the origins of disease outbreak and spread.    

Donna Marie Pocius

Related Information:

Genomic Reconstruction and Directed Interventions in a Multidrug-Resistant Shigellosis Outbreak in Seattle, Washington, USA: a Genomic Surveillance Study.

Genomics Aids Study of Seattle 2017-22 Shigella Outbreak

Q/A: Shigella—Shigellosis

A Spotlight on Growing Threat of Drug-Resistant Shigella

Emergence of Extensively Drug-Resistant and Multidrug-Resistant Shigella flexneri serotype 2a Associated with Sexual Transmission Among Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men, in England: A Descriptive Epidemiological Study

Partnership of Illumina and bioMérieux Proposes an Epidemiology Service to Provide Hospitals and Public Health Officials ‘Out-of-the-Box’ Genomic Pathogen Solutions

This collaborative effort with microbiology labs will keep microbiologists at the forefront of infectious disease diagnostics

A partnership of San Diego-based genome sequencing company Illumina, and the French multinational, in vitro diagnostics company bioMérieux, plans to launch a next-generation sequencing (NGS) epidemiology service that will allow microbiologists to rapidly identify strains that threaten hospital inpatients and public health, according to a press release distributed by the Illumina-bioMérieux team.

Illumina-bioMérieux Service to Aid Hospital and Public Health Labs 

Illumina designated sequencing laboratories with Illumina MiSeq® systems will collaborate with microbiologists working in hospital and public health laboratories to prevent, rapidly track, and contain infectious disease agents in hospitals and communities. (more…)
