News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel

News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel
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Companies Developing Non-invasive and Wearable Glucose Monitoring Devices That Can Report Test Data in Real Time to Physicians and Clinical Laboratories

Goal is to shift glucose testing away from medical laboratories and make it easier for diabetics to do their own testing, while capturing glucose test results in patient records

Because of the tremendous volume of glucose tests performed daily throughout the world, many companies are developing non-invasive methods for glucose testing. Their goal is a patient-friendly technology that does not require a needle stick or venipuncture and may even eliminate the need to send specimens to a medical laboratory.

What is intriguing about these initiatives is that, in their final form, they may create a flow of useful diagnostic data reported to clinical laboratories in real time. This would create the opportunity for pathologists and lab scientists to consult with the patients’ physicians, while archiving this test result data in the laboratory information system (LIS).

These glucose monitoring methods would also ensure that a complete longitudinal record of patient tests results is available to all the physicians practicing in an accountable care organization (ACO), medical home, or hospital.  (more…)

Needle-Free Hematology and Clinical Laboratory Blood Tests May Be Coming Soon to a Point-of-Care Setting Near You!

Researchers say they can see, identify, and count blood cells in vivo, with a system that could eventually move some routine high-volume tests out of centralized medical labs

It would be disruptive to many medical laboratories if routine hematology testing—particularly the traditional complete blood count (CBC)—were to move out of the central clinical laboratory and become a real-time, non-invasive point-of-care test (POCT) that provides the same information that is similar to the traditional complete blood count (CBC).

Israeli researchers developed a microscope with cellular resolution that uses a rainbow of light to image blood cells in vivo as they flow through a microvessel. Experts familiar with the research project say the technology has the potential to find a ready role in clinical diagnostics. (more…)

SmartPills Could Bring Pathologists Even Closer to Primary Care

Interesting technology could be incorporated into medical laboratory tests

Though still in early development, “SmartPills” —a technology now being adapted for therapeutic drug delivery and monitoring—could be used in ways that bring pathologists into closer consultation with primary care physicians.

Using new drug-delivery technology created by California-based Proteus Biomedical, the SmartPill sends information from inside the patient’s body to a chip that’s worn outside on the skin in a patch, or embedded under the skin. The chip then uploads the data to a Smartphone or through the Internet to the prescribing physician.


At University of Kansas, Radiologist and Pathologist Improve Diagnostic Concordance

Use of digital pathology imaging allows both specialists to jointly review cases

In a pioneering effort at The University of Kansas, a radiologist and a pathologist are working side by side to review each other’s primary images and issue an integrated diagnostic report for breast cancer patients. The big surprise from this groundbreaking collaboration is a measurable improvement in diagnostic accuracy, leading to improved patient outcomes.

By reaching across the traditional silos that separate the daily practice of radiology from the daily practice of pathology, these two specialists have demonstrated that the concept of diagnostic integration of in vivo (imaging) and in vitro (pathology) diagnostics can demonstrably improve patient care. In part, this happens because of improved concordance in the reports issued by the radiologist and the pathologist.

Why Radiology Giants Siemens and General Electric Want to Integrate Imaging and In Vitro Diagnostics

During the past 12 months, Siemens and General Electric each invested several billion dollars to acquire in vitro diagnostic (IVD) companies. Snatched up by Siemens were Diagnostic Products Corp. and Bayer Diagnostics. General Electric has signed an agreement to purchase Abbott Laboratories Diagnostics in a deal expected to close within the next month.

By acquiring major IVD companies, both Siemens and General Electric have sent an unmistakable message. It is their expectation that the future of diagnostic medicine lies in the effective integration of imaging and in vitro diagnostics. Since both radiology and laboratory medicine generate scads of data, in recent years each company has acquired a vendor selling laboratory information systems (LIS). In the case of Siemens, it was Shared Medical Systems (SMS). General Electric acquired Triple G Systems. Further, both companies own EMR (electronic medical record) systems designed for use by office-based physicians.

Dark Daily believes it is not a coincidence that Siemens and General Electric are building almost identical capabilities to offer services that include imaging, IVD, software to handle data from imaging and laboratory testing, along with EMR and practice management software for office-based physicians. In classic economics, this is a strategy of horizontal integration. Wikipedia describes horizontal integration as “a strategy used by a business or corporation that seeks to sell a type of product in numerous markets.”

By that definition, Siemens and General Electric are building the components needed to provide diagnostic services to all segments of the healthcare market. Their goal is to integrate in vivo and in vitro diagnostics. They are assembling products that will be used by radiologists and pathologists to evaluate the patient and provide a diagnosis. This information will then be made available to referring clinicians and other relevant parts of the healthcare system.

So far, both Siemens and General Electric have offered few details about how their vision of integrated diagnostics will alter laboratory medicine as we know it today. That will change on Friday, May 10, 2007. On that day, Dave Hickey, Vice President of Strategic Marketing and Planning for Siemens Medical Solutions Diagnostics, will make a major speech at the Executive War College on Laboratory and Pathology Management. He will discuss “Full Service Diagnostics: The Coming Convergence of Imaging, Informatics, and In Vitro Diagnostics (IVD).”

Lab directors and pathologists have an opportunity to be first to learn why and how Siemens intends to integrate imaging, in vitro diagnostics, and healthcare informatics to provide clinicians with a full diagnostic report. Dark Daily considers it of particular interest that Siemens has talked about integrating these technologies in such a way as to allow physicians to diagnose disease when the patient is pre-symptomatic.

And if diagnosing patients who are pre-symptomatic isn’t radical enough, think about the implications of integrating radiology services with anatomic pathology! Traditionally, these are two medical specialties which have carefully guarded their scope of practice. Now two of healthcare’s largest companies are both committing billions of dollars to foster integration of radiology and pathology. These are reasons why Dave Hickey’s presentation at the upcoming Executive War College will provide useful insight and help guide strategic planning at pathology groups across the country.

You can get more details about Dave Hickey, his presentation, and the full Executive War College program at Make your plans now to see and hear Dave Hickey discuss how Siemens intends to integrate radiology and laboratory testing so you can prepare your laboratory for upcoming changes.
PS: To get the latest news and effective strategies dealing with new trends, join us in Miami on May 10-11, 2007 for the 12th Annual Executive War College. You can access the full details using the links below. Take action today to reserve your place.

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