News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel

News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel
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National Institutes of Health Study Finds No Reliable Biomarkers Exist for Long COVID

Study is another example of how important clinical laboratory testing is when government officials attack a new public health issue

Long COVID—aka SARS-CoV-2 infection’s post-acute sequelae (PASC)—continues to confound researchers seeking one or more clinical laboratory biomarkers for diagnosing the condition. A new study led by the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) RECOVER Initiative and supported by NYU Langone Health recently revealed that “routine clinical laboratory tests were unable to provide a reliable biomarker of … long COVID,” Inside Precision Medicine reported.

The NIH’s Researching COVID to Enhance Recovery (RECOVER) Initiative used a cohort study of more than 10,000 individuals with and without previous COVID-19 diagnoses and compared samples using 25 common laboratory tests in hopes a useful biomarker could be identified. They were unsuccessful.

Leora Horwitz, MD, director of the Center for Healthcare Innovation and Delivery Science and co-principal investigator for the RECOVER CSC (Clinical Science Core) at NYU Langone; Andrea S. Foulkes, ScD, director of biostatistics at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston; and Grace A. McComsey, MD, VP of research and associate chief scientific officer at University Hospitals Health System, and professor of pediatrics and medicine at Case Western Reserve University, led the study.

Long COVID—or PASC—is an umbrella term for those with persistent post-COVID infection symptoms that negatively impact quality of life. Though it affects millions worldwide and has been called a major public health burden, the NIH/Langone study scientists noted one glaring problem: PASC is defined differently in the major tests they studied. This makes consistent diagnoses difficult.

The study brought to light possible roadblocks that prevented biomarker identification.

“Although potential models of pathogenesis have been postulated, including immune dysregulation, viral persistence, organ injury, endothelial dysfunction, and gut dysbiosis, there are currently no validated clinical biomarkers of PASC,” the study authors wrote in their study, “Differentiation of Prior SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Postacute Sequelae by Standard Clinical Laboratory Measurements in the RECOVER Cohort,” published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine.

“This study is an important step toward defining long COVID beyond any one individual symptom,” said study author Leora Horwitz, MD (above), director of the Center for Healthcare Innovation and Delivery Science and co-principal investigator for the RECOVER CSC at NYU Langone, in a Langone Health news release. “This definition—which may evolve over time—will serve as a critical foundation for scientific discovery and treatment design.” In the future, clinical laboratories may be tasked with finding combinations of routine and reference tests that, together, enable a more precise and earlier diagnosis of long COVID.  (Photo copyright: Yale School of Medicine.)

NIH/Langone Study Details

“The study … examined 25 routinely used and standardized laboratory tests chosen based on availability across institutions, prior literature, and clinical experience. These tests were conducted prospectively in laboratories that are certified by the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA). The samples were collected from 10,094 RECOVER-Adult participants, representing a diverse cohort from all over the US,” Inside Precision Medicine reported.

However, the scientists found no clinical laboratory “value” among the 25 tests examined that “reliably indicate previous infection, PASC, or the particular cluster type of PASC,” Inside Precision Medicine noted, adding that “Although some minor differences in the results of specific laboratory tests attempted to differentiate between individuals with and without a history of infection, these findings were generally clinically meaningless.”

“In a cohort study of more than 10,000 participants with and without prior SARS-CoV-2 infection, we found no evidence that any of 25 routine clinical laboratory values provide a reliable biomarker of prior infection, PASC, or the specific type of PASC cluster. … Overall, no evidence was found that any of the 25 routine clinical laboratory values assessed in this study could serve as a clinically useful biomarker of PASC,” the study authors wrote in Annals of Internal Medicine.

In addition to a vague definition of PASC, the NIH/Langone researchers noted a few other potential problems identifying a biomarker from the research.

“Use of only selected biomarkers, choice of comparison groups, if any (people who have recovered from PASC or healthy control participants); duration of symptoms; types of symptoms or phenotypes; and patient population features, such as sex, age, race, vaccination status, comorbidities, and severity of initial infection,” could be a cause for ambiguous results, the scientists wrote.

Future Research

“Understanding the basic biological underpinnings of persistent symptoms after SARS-CoV-2 infection will likely require a rigorous focus on investigations beyond routine clinical laboratory studies (for example, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics) to identify novel biomarkers,” the study authors wrote in Annals of Internal Medicine.

“Our challenge is to discover biomarkers that can help us quickly and accurately diagnose long COVID to ensure people struggling with this disease receive the most appropriate care as soon as possible,” said David Goff, MD, PhD, director of the division of cardiovascular sciences at the NIH’s National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, in an NHLBI news release. “Long COVID symptoms can prevent someone from returning to work or school, and may even make everyday tasks a burden, so the ability for rapid diagnosis is key.”

“Approximately one in 20 US adults reported persisting symptoms after COVID-19 in June 2024, with 1.4% reporting significant limitations,” the NIH/Langone scientists wrote in their published study.

Astute clinical laboratory scientists will recognize this as possible future diagnostic testing. There is no shortage of need.

—Kristin Althea O’Connor

Related Information:

“Long COVID” Evades Common SARS-CoV-2 Clinical Lab Tests

Differentiation of Prior SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Postacute Sequelae by Standard Clinical Laboratory Measurements in the RECOVER Cohort

Long COVID Diagnostics: An Unconquered Challenge

RECOVER Study Offers Expanded Working Definition of Long COVID

Routine Lab Tests Are Not a Reliable Way to Diagnose Long COVID

Yale University’s Mobile Clinical Laboratory Provides Free Medical Tests to Underserved Communities in Connecticut

Clinical laboratories nationwide could follow Yale’s example and enact programs to bring much needed lab services to traditionally underserved communities

Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic drove up demand for telehealth medical services, mobile clinical laboratories have grown in popularity as well, especially among residents of remote and traditionally underserved communities. Now, several divisions of Yale University are getting in on the trend.

In April, Yale Pathology Labs (YPL), the Yale Department of Pathology at Yale School of Medicine (YSM), and Yale School of Public Health (YSPH) unveiled their new Laboratory-in-a-Van program with plans to bring free clinical laboratory services to the public in the communities where they live, a YSPH news release announced. 

“Using a van retrofitted with laboratory-grade diagnostic equipment, the mobile clinic will employ SalivaDirect—a saliva-based COVID-19 PCR test developed at YSPH—to facilitate on-site testing with a turnaround time of two to three hours,” Yale Daily News reported.

Funded by a federal grant, the initial goal was to provide 400 free COVID-19 tests, but the program has exceeded that number. By April 10, the mobile lab had been deployed more than 60 times, appearing at events and pop-up sites throughout various communities in Connecticut, including regular stops at the WHEAT Food Pantry of West Haven.

“[The clinical laboratory-in-a-van] is a brilliant way to reduce the barriers to testing, instead taking the lab to communities who may be less likely—or unable—to access the necessary clinic or labs,” microbiologist Anne Wyllie, PhD, a research scientist who helped develop the PCR test deployed by the mobile lab told Yale Daily News. Wyllie works in the Department of Epidemiology of Microbial Diseases at Yale School of Public Health. “We are actively working with our community partners to identify how we can best serve their communities,” she added. (Photo copyright: Yale School of Medicine.)

Mobile Lab’s Capabilities

Collecting samples, processing, and delivering same-day COVID-19 results was the initial goal but that plan has expanded, Yale School of Medicine noted in a news release

“Same-day onsite delivery of test results is an added benefit for communities and individuals without access to Wi-Fi or the ability to receive private health information electronically,” Yale added. 

The mobile van is staffed with trained clinical laboratory technicians as well as community health navigators who provide both healthcare information and proper follow-up connections as needed for patients who receive positive COVID-19 results. The van runs off power from outdoor electrical outlets at each location and currently serves historically underserved populations in Hartford, Middlesex, Fairfield, New Haven, and New London counties, Yale noted.

“The van allows us to bring our services, as well as healthcare information, directly to communities where they are needed,” said Angelique Levi, MD, Associate Professor, Vice Chair and Director of Pathology Reference Services, and CLIA Laboratory Medical Director in the Department of Pathology at Yale University School of Medicine in a news release.

Launch of a High Complexity Molecular Lab on Wheels

YPL and YSPH collaborated to make the mobile lab a reality. YSPH created the saliva-based COVID-19 test and YPL “provided clinical validation necessary to get the testing method ready for emergency use authorization by the US Food and Drug Administration,” Yale noted.

“YPL recognized the need to be closer to the front lines of patient care and that retrofitting a fully licensed, high complexity molecular laboratory into a consumer-sized van was the right next step,” Chen Liu, MD, PhD, Chair of the Department of Pathology at Yale School of Medicine, noted in a Yale news release. This “gives us options to efficiently deliver accurate diagnostic information when and where it’s needed,” he added.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the Connecticut Department of Public Health, the City of New Haven, and various community organizations partnered with YPL, YSPH, and the SalivaDirect team to offer free SARS-CoV-2 testing to the public at two different sites in New Haven.

Principal investigators Levi and microbiologist Anne Wyllie, PhD, who helped develop the PCR test deployed by the mobile, lab led the Yale lab-in-a-van research project.

Flambeau Diagnostics, a biomedical company that specializing in mobile lab testing, worked with the Yale team to design and implement the mobile lab van.

“According to Wyllie, the new YSPH and YPL initiative utilizes one of the former Flambeau vans that had been retrofitted for clinical testing,” a Yale news release noted.

Kat Fajardo, Laboratory Manager at Yale University, added custom pieces of equipment to ensure seamless PCR testing. One was a Magnetic Induction Cycler (Mic) measuring only six by six inches. The Mic allowed for measurement of 46 biological specimens, while it’s diminutive size freed up space on the van’s countertop. This allowed lab techs to process specimens concurrently while also providing COVID-19 testing, according to a Yale news release.

Additionally, the van has a Myra portable robotic liquid handler which is “designed to automate the process of moving clinical specimens between vials,” the news release notes.

“What we wanted to do is run high complexity testing in the van, with a reduced timeframe, and then be able to get the results out to the patients as soon as we possibly could,” Fajardo stated.

Exploring the Mobile Laboratory’s Potential

According to a news release, YPL and YSPH consult with community partners to select locations for the mobile lab to visit. These partners include:

Although the van was initially used to provide SalivaDirect COVID-19 testing to vulnerable populations, YPL is working with its partners in those communities to identify other testing needs beyond COVID.

The Yale team is considering additional offerings and support such as the addition of a social worker as well as expanding lung health awareness beyond COVID-19 to other respiratory diseases. Also under consideration:

  • Health screenings such as for glucose levels,
  • Blood pressure checks,
  • Vaccinations including for COVID-19 and Hepatitis B, and
  • Health education and materials for harm reduction and STI prevention, a Yale news release noted. 

Yale’s Laboratory-in-a-Van program is a consumer-facing effort that is bringing much needed clinical lab services to traditionally underserved communities in Connecticut. Clinical laboratories throughout the nation could do the same with remote or homebound patients who cannot reach critical care.

—Kristin Althea O’Connor

Related Information:

High-Tech Mobile Lab-in-a-Van Will Bring Needed Testing to Underserved Communities

Yale Pathology Labs Mobile Lab Provides over 400 Free Tests to Community

Yale Pathology Labs to Serve Vulnerable Populations with New Mobile Testing Van

YSPH and YPL launch Laboratory-in-a-Van program

Laboratory Leaders at 2024 Annual Executive War College Discuss Critical Challenges Facing Clinical Laboratory and Pathology Managers for 2024 and Beyond

Trifecta of forces at work that will affect the clinical laboratory and pathology industries have been described as a ‘perfect storm’ requiring lab and practice managers to be well informed

Digital pathology, artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare, and the perfect storm of changing federal regulations, took centerstage at the 29th Executive War College on Diagnostics, Clinical Laboratory, and Pathology Management in New Orleans this week, where more than 1,000 clinical laboratory and pathology leaders convened over three days.

This was the largest number of people ever onsite for what has become the world’s largest event focused exclusively on lab management topics and solutions. Perhaps the highlight of the week was the federal Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA’s) announcement of its final rule on Laboratory Developed Tests (LDTs). Overall, the conference featured more than 120 speakers, many of them national thought leaders on the topic of clinical lab and pathology management. More than 65% of the audience onsite were executive level lab managers.

 “The level of interest in the annual Executive War College is testimony to the ongoing need for dynamic, engaging, and highly relevant conference events,” said Robert Michel (above), Editor-in-Chief of Dark Daily and its sister publication The Dark Report, and founder of the Executive War College. “These in-person gatherings present great opportunities for clinical laboratory and pathology managers and leaders to network and speak with people they otherwise might not meet.” (Photo copyright: Dark Intelligence Group.)

Demonstrating Clinical Value

For those who missed the action onsite, the following is a synopsis of the highlights this week.

Lâle White, Executive Chair and CEO of XiFin, spoke about the future of clinical laboratory testing and the factors reshaping the industry. There are multiple dynamics impacting healthcare economics and outcomes—namely rising costs, decreasing reimbursements, and the move to a more consumer-focused healthcare. But it is up to labs, she said, to ensure their services are not simply viewed as a commodity.

“Laboratory diagnostics have the potential to change the economics of healthcare by really gaining efficiencies,” she noted. “And it’s up to labs to demonstrate clinical value by helping physicians manage two key diagnostic decision points—what tests to order, and what to do with the results.”

But even as labs find ways to increase the value offered to clinicians, there are other disruptive factors in play. Consumer-oriented tech companies such as Google, Apple, and Amazon are democratizing access to patient data in unforeseen ways, and Medicare Advantage plans are changing the way claims are processed and paid.

Redefining Human Data

Reynolds Salerno, PhD, Director of the Division of Laboratory Services for the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provided an update on the agency’s top priorities for 2024.

Clinical labs are fundamental components of the public health infrastructure. So, the CDC plans on focusing on delivering high-quality laboratory science, supported by reliable diagnostics and informatics for disease outbreaks and exposures, and engaging with public and private sector partners.

Salerno is an active member of the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act Committee (CLIAC), which has been working on a number of initiatives, including revisions to the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act (CLIA) that would change the definition of “materials derived from the human body” to include data derived from human specimens such as medical imaging, genetic sequences, etc.

New Molecular Testing Codes

The history of MolDX and Z-Codes were the topics discussed by Gabriel Bien-Willner, MD, PhD, Chief Medical Officer for healthcare claims and transaction processing company Palmetto GBA. Molecular testing is highly complex, and the lack of well-defined billing codes and standardization makes it difficult to know if a given test is reasonable and necessary.

Z-Codes were established to clarify what molecular testing was performed—and why—prompting payers to require both Z-Codes and Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes when processing molecular test claims. Medicare’s MolDX program further streamlines the claims process by utilizing expertise in the molecular diagnostics space to help payers develop coverage policies and reimbursement for these tests.

FDA Final Rule on LDT Regulation

Timothy Stenzel, MD, PhD, CEO of Grey Haven Consulting and former director of the FDA’s Office of In Vitro Diagnostics reviewed the latest updates from the FDA’s Final Rule on LDT (laboratory developed test) regulation. Prior to the FDA releasing its final rule, some experts suggested that the new regulations could result in up to 90% of labs discontinuing their LDT programs, impacting innovation, and patient care.

However, the final rule on LDTs is very different from the original proposed rule which created controversy. The final rule actually lowers the regulatory burden to the point that some labs may not have to submit their LDTs at all. The FDA is reviewing dozens of multi-cancer detection assays, some of which have launched clinically as LDTs. The agency is likely to approve those that accurately detect cancers for which there is no formal screening program.

Stenzel explained the FDA’s plan to down-classify most in vitro diagnostic tests, changing them from Class III to Class II, and exempting more than 1,000 assays from FDA review. He also discussed the highlights of the Quality Management System Regulation (QMSR). Launched in January, the QMSR bought FDA requirements in line with ISO 13485, making compliance easier for medical device manufacturers and test developers working internationally.

Looming Perfect Storm of Regulatory Changes

To close out Day 1, Michel took to the stage again with a warning to clinical laboratories about the looming “Perfect Storm” trifecta—the final FDA ruling on LDTs, Z-Code requirements for genetic testing, and updates to CLIA ’92 that could result in patient data being considered a specimen.

Laboratory leaders must think strategically if their labs are to survive the fallout, because the financial stress felt by labs in recent years will only be exacerbated by macroeconomic trends such as:

  • Staff shortages,
  • Rising costs,
  • Decreasing and delayed reimbursements, and
  • Tightening supply chains.

Lab administrators looking for ways to remain profitable and prosperous should look beyond the transactional Clinical Lab 1.0 fee-for-service model and adopt Clinical Lab 2.0, which embraces HEDIS (Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set) scores and STAR ratings to offer more value to Medicare Advantage and other payers.

Wednesday’s General Session agenda was packed with information about the rise of artificial intelligence, big data, and precision medicine in healthcare. Taking centerstage on the program’s final day was Michael Simpson, President and CEO of Clinisys. Simpson gave a global perspective on healthcare data as the new driver of innovation in diagnostics and patient care.

Michel closed the conference on Wednesday by recapping many of these highlights, and then inviting his audience to the 30th annual Executive War College Diagnostics, Clinical Laboratory, and Pathology Management conference to be held on April 29-30, 2025, here at the Hyatt Regency New Orleans. Register now to attend this critical gathering.

—Leslie Williams

Related Information:

Executive War College: The Ultimate Event for Helping Solve Your Diagnostics, Clinical Lab and Pathology Management Challenges

Labs Should Prepare for Arrival of ‘Perfect Storm’

Executive War College 2025 Registration

Big Industry Changes in Focus at the Annual Executive War College

FDA announces final rule on Lab-Developed Tests LDTs) as Clinical Lab Leaders Meet in New Orleans

Regulatory changes were the talk of the 29th Annual Executive War College, with attendees buzzing about Monday’s  US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announcement that it had finalized the rule on laboratory developed tests (LDTs). The timing was perfect at the first full day of the New Orleans event, which is focused on diagnostics, clinical laboratory, and pathology management, and featured a bevy of experts to walk the audience through the current state of the regulatory landscape.

“The timing of EWC with the release of this policy couldn’t be better,” CEO and founder of Momentum Consulting Valerie Palmieri told Dark Daily in an interview at Monday night’s opening reception. “It’s a great conference to not only catch up with colleagues but really hear and have those difficult discussions about where we are today, where we’re going, and where we need to be.”

Final LDT rule ‘radically’ different than draft

Tim Stenzel, MD, PhD, former director of the FDA’s Office of In Vitro Diagnostics called the finalized rule “radically different” from the proposed rule. In some ways it is less complex: “The bar is lower,” he said, noting that he was voicing his personal views and not those of the federal agency. “I was convinced that there would be lawsuits, but I’m now not sure if that’s advisable.”

Still, laboratory teams will have to parse the more than 500-page document to determine how the final rule relates to their specific circumstances. After that, it won’t be as challenging, Stenzel said.

His advice: First, read the rule. Second, reach out to FDA for help—he’s sure, he said, that the office is geared up to respond to a “ton of questions” about the implications for individual labs and are standing by to answer emails from labs. And, he added in a discussion session, emailing the agency is free.

The final rule will be in force 60 days after it’s published. Stenzel provided a timeline for some of the milestones:

1 Year: Comply with MD(AE) reporting and reporting of corrections and removals.

2 Years: Comply with labeling, registration and listing, and investigational use requirements.

3 Years: QS records and, in some cases, design controls and purchasing controls.

3.5 Years: Comply with high risk (class III) premarket review requirements.

4 Years: Comply with moderate and low-risk premarket review requirements.

 Lâle White, Executive Chair and CEO of XiFin, Inc.

Big changes bring big opportunities

Executive Chair and CEO of XiFin, Inc. Lâle White welcomed the audience with a morning keynote entitled “Big Changes in Healthcare” on new regulations and diagnostics players poised to reshape lab testing.

The diagnostics business is in constant flux, she noted, from payer requirements to greater regulatory and compliance burdens on labs. Other factors include the growing senior population and increasingly complex health conditions, rising costs throughout the healthcare ecosystem, falling funding and reimbursement, and staffing shortages.

As for the economic challenges, consumers are increasingly making decisions based on cost, convenience and quality. The population is shifting to Medicare advantage, which is more cost effective. But changes to the star ratings system will mean lower pay for payer organizations. Those companies will, in turn, mitigate their losses by making changes to pre-authorizations and tightening denials, even for clean claims.

Still, White said, more money isn’t the answer.

White urged the audience to use technology, including artificial intelligence and advances in genetic testing, to manage these and other industry changes.

“We need to optimize the tests we order,” she said. “And if we did that, lab diagnostics really has the potential to change the economics of health and improve outcomes.”

The FDA, Stenzel added, is “very interested” in stimulating innovation, building on the laboratory industry’s success in responding swiftly to the COVID pandemic and outbreaks of Monkey Pox, for example.

CDC: Laboratories on the front line of readiness

The pre-lunch events also included an update on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) regulations for clinical laboratories, featuring Reynolds Salerno, director of the division of laboratory systems at the CDC.

He shared lessons learned from recent public health emergencies, talked about CDC’s efforts to engage with clinical labs to improve future public health readiness and response and provided an overview of the CDC’s first laboratory-specific center.

“Laboratories are fundamental to public health,” he said. The industry is on the “front lines” when it comes to identifying threats, responding to them, and preparing for future responses.

Robert Michel, Editor-in-Chief of The Dark Report wrapped up the day’s regulatory discussions with a general session on the “regulatory trifecta” that includes the LDT final rule, CLIA regulations, and private payers’ policies for genetic claims.

–Gienna Shaw

From Regulations to Innovations: Annual Executive War College Convenes in New Orleans

29th Conference Features Information on What Clinical Lab Leaders Need to Know About a ‘Perfect Storm’ of New Compliance Challenges

There are signs that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is poised to release the final rule on laboratory developed tests (LDTs)—perhaps even during the 29th annual Executive War College on Diagnostic, Clinical Laboratory, and Pathology Management, which kicks off in New Orleans this week.

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) concluded its review of the final rule on April 22. Former FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb, MD, and other regulatory experts expect the White House to send the final rule to Congress as early as late April and no later than May 22.

Either way, Tim Stenzel, MD, PhD, former director of the FDA’s Office of In Vitro Diagnostics, and other regulatory experts will be on hand at Executive War College (EWC) to walk attendees through what promises to be a “perfect storm of clinical lab and pathology practice regulatory changes.” Stenzel is scheduled to speak about the LDT rule during three sessions with fellow panelists on Day 1.

On Tuesday morning, Lâle White, executive chair and CEO of San Diego’s XiFin, Inc., will present a keynote on new regulations and diagnostics players that are “poised to reshape lab testing.” Her presentation is followed by a general session on Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) regulations featuring Salerno Reynolds, PhD., acting director at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Center for Laboratory Systems and Response.

Robert Michel, Editor-in-Chief of The Dark Report will wrap day one with a general session on the regulatory trifecta coming soon to all labs, from LDT to CLIA to private payers’ policies for genetic claims.

Innovation in the spotlight

“It’s a rich mix of expert speakers, lab leaders who are doing innovative things in their own organizations, along with the consultants and the lab vendors who are pushing the front edge of laboratory management, operations, and clinical service delivery,” says Michel, who each year creates the agenda for EWC.

Several sessions, master classes, and speakers will look to the future with discussions about how healthcare data drives innovations in diagnostics and patient care, digital pathology adoption around the world, and hot topics such as artificial intelligence (AI), big data and precision medicine.

Panels offer a variety of viewpoints

“One valuable benefit of participating at the Executive War College is the various panel discussions,” Michel says. “Each panel brings together national experts in a specific area of the laboratory profession. As an example, our lab legal panel this year brings together four prominent and experienced attorneys who share opinions, insights, and commentary about relevant issues in compliance, regulations, and contractual issues with health plans and others.”

This allows attendees to experience a breadth of opinions from multiple respected experts in this area, he adds.

For example, a digital pathology panel will bring together representatives from labs, service providers, and the consultants that are helping labs implement digital pathology. The session will be especially helpful to labs that are deciding when to acquire digital pathology tools and how to deploy them effectively to improve diagnostic accuracy, Michel says.

And a managed care panel will feature executives from some of the nation’s biggest health plans—the ones that sit on the other side of the table from labs—to provide insights and guidance on how labs can work more effectively with them.

Networking opportunities abound

The event is about much more than politics and policy, however. There’s also a distinct social aspect.

“This is a friendly tribe,” Vicki DiFrancesco, a US HealthTek advisory board member who first attended EWC more than two decades ago, wrote in a recent post.

“Everyone is welcome, and everyone appreciates the camaraderie, so don’t be shy about going up and introducing yourself to someone. The quality of the crowd is top-notch, yet I’ve always experienced a willingness for those of us who have been to this rodeo to always be welcoming,” she notes.

Michel agrees. “One of the special benefits of participation at the EWC is the superb networking interactions and collaboration that takes place,” he says.

 “From the first moments that attendees walk into our opening reception on Monday night until the close of the optional workshops on Thursday, one can see a rich exchange happening amongst circles of attendees. Introductions are being made. Connections are developing into business opportunities. The sum of an attendee’s experience at the Executive War College is to gain as much knowledge from the networking and collaboration as they do from the sessions.”

–Gienna Shaw
