News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel

News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel
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Winning Lab Strategies During Dismal Economic Times and Impending Healthcare Reform

FREE Dark Report Webinar

Robert L. Michel - Editor in Chief

Robert L. Michel Editor in Chief

All the forces needed for a perfect storm are appearing. Declines in economic activity point to a recession and belt-tightening at hospitals across the country. A new President and Congress declare their intent to reform healthcare and implement universal coverage. At the same time, consumers clamor for access to the best healthcare and the latest technologies.

“Dismal economic times are upon us! At the same time, the new administration proposes radical reforms to healthcare. This is the year to stay on top of unexpected events.”

These extraordinary events require all clinical laboratories and pathology group practices to recalibrate their business strategies. That’s why the 2009 Executive War College is the perfect resource for you and your colleagues. Gain the insights, knowledge, and expertise you need to guide your lab organization through the most challenging economy in 25 years! If you missed us this year DON’T miss out next year. Hear what economist Robert Michel has to say about the declining economy and how this may effect your future!


