Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation is considering adding clinical laboratory services to bundled payments in its proposed Oncology Care First model
CMMI, an organization within the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), is charged with developing and testing new healthcare delivery and payment models as alternatives to the traditional fee-for-service (FFS) model. On November 1, 2019, CMMI released an informal Request for Information (RFI) seeking comments for the proposed Oncology Care First (OCF) model, which would be the successor to the Oncology Care Model (OCM) launched in 2016.
“The inefficiency and variation in oncology care in the
United States is well documented, with avoidable hospitalizations and emergency
department visits occurring frequently, high service utilization at the end of
life, and use of high-cost drugs and biologicals when lower-cost, clinically
equivalent options exist,” the CMMI RFI states.
With the proposed new model, “the Innovation Center aims to build on the lessons learned to date in OCM and incorporate feedback from stakeholders,” the RFI notes.
How the Oncology Care First Model Works
The OCF program, which is voluntary, will be open to
physician groups and hospital outpatient departments. CMMI anticipates that
testing of the model will run from January 2021 through December 2025.
It will offer two payment mechanisms for providers that
choose to participate:
A Monthly Population Payment (MPP) would apply
to a provider’s Medicare beneficiaries with “cancer or a cancer-related
diagnosis,” the RFI states. It would cover Evaluation and Management (EM)
services as well as drug administration services and a set of “Enhanced
Services,” including 24/7 access to medical records.
Of particular interest to medical laboratories, the RFI also
states that “we are considering the inclusion of additional services in the monthly
population payment, such as imaging or medical laboratory services, and seek
feedback on adding these or other services.”
In addition, providers could receive a
Performance-Based Payment (PBP) if they reduce expenditures for patients
receiving chemotherapy below a “target amount” determined by past Medicare
payments. If providers don’t meet the threshold, they could be required to
repay CMS.
Practices that wish to participate in the OCF model must go through an application process. It is also open to participation by private payers. CMS reports that 175 practices and 10 payers are currently participating in the 2016 Oncology Care Model (OCM).
“We want better quality care for patients,” explained Lara Strawbridge, MPH (above), Director of the CMMI Division of Ambulatory Payment Models, during a US Department of Health and Human Services public listening session on Nov. 8. “We hope that at the same time, costs are maintained or reduced.” The new OCF payment model will feature a Monthly Population Payment mechanism that could include reimbursements for medical laboratory services, which has some medical laboratory organizations concerned. (Photo copyright: Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation.)
Medical Lab Leaders Concerned about the CMMI OCF Model
One group raising concerns about the inclusion of medical laboratory service reimbursements in the Monthly Population Payment scheme is the Personalized Medicine Coalition. “Laboratory services are crucial to the diagnosis and management of many cancers and are an essential component of personalized medicine,” wrote Cynthia A. Bens, the organization’s senior VP for public policy, in an open letter to CMMI Acting Director Amy Bassano. “We are concerned that adding laboratory service fees to the MPP may cause providers to view them as expenses that are part of the total cost of delivering care, rather than an integral part of the solution to attain high-value care,” Bens wrote.
She advised CMMI to “seek further input from the laboratory
and provider communities on how best to contain costs within the OCF model,
while ensuring the proper deployment of diagnostics and other laboratory
Members of the coalition include biopharma companies, diagnostic companies, patient advocacy groups, and clinical laboratory testing services. Lab testing heavyweights Quest Diagnostics (NYSE:DGX) and Laboratory Corporation of America (NYSE:LH) are both members.
CMS ‘Doubles Down’ on OCM
The proposal received criticism from other quarters as well. “While private- and public-sector payers would be well served to adopt and support a VBP [value-based payment] program for cancer care, we need to better understand some of the shortcomings of the original OCM design and adopt lessons learned from other successful VBP models to ensure uptake by providers and ultimately better oncology care for patients,” wrote members of the Oncology Care Model Work Group in a Health Affairs blog post. They added that with the new model, “CMS seems to double down on the same design as the OCM.”
Separately, CMMI has proposed a controversial Radiation
Oncology (RO) alternative payment model (APM) that would be mandatory for
practices in randomly-selected metro areas. The agency estimates that it would
apply to approximately 40% of the radiotherapy practices in the US.
These recent actions should serve to remind pathologists and
clinical laboratories that CMS continues to move away from fee-for-service and
toward value-based care payment models, and that it is critical to plan for
changing reimbursement strategies.
In an informal Request for Information (RFI), the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) sought feedback on a “new direction to promote patient-centered care and test market-driven reforms that empower beneficiaries as consumers, provide price transparency, increase choices and competition to drive quality, reduce costs, and improve outcomes.”
CMS to ‘Move Away’ from Engineering Healthcare ‘From Afar’
Comments from healthcare providers, clinicians, states, payers, and stakeholders were accepted through November 20, 2017.
In a Wall Street Journal (WSJ) op-ed, CMS Administrator Seema Verma explained the agency’s process moving forward. “We will move away from the assumption that Washington can engineer a more efficient healthcare system from afar—that we should specify the processes healthcare providers are required to follow,” she wrote.
CMS Administrator Seema Verma (above) plans to lead the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation “in a new direction” and may be signaling a willingness to give providers more flexibility with value-based care payment models for Medicare services. (Photo copyright: Healthcare Dive.)
The RFI states the new model design will follow six guiding principles:
1. Choice and competition in the market;
2. Provider choice and incentives;
3. Patient-centered care;
4. Benefit design and price transparency;
5. Transparent model design and evaluation; and,
6. Small scale testing.
Providers Need Freedom to Design New Approaches to Healthcare
Verma said CMS plans to review all Innovation Center models to determine “what is working and should continue, and what isn’t and shouldn’t.” She voiced concern that the complexity of some of the current models may have encouraged consolidation in the healthcare system, resulting in fewer choices for patients.
“We must shift away from a fee-for-service system that reimburses only on volume and move toward a system that holds providers accountable for outcomes and allows them to innovate,” Verma wrote in the WSJ op-ed. “Providers need the freedom to design and offer new approaches to delivering care. Our goal is to increase flexibility by providing more waivers from current requirements.”
Actual Progress of Value-based Healthcare ‘Herky-Jerky’
However, Neil Smiley, CEO of Loopback Analytics, which assists healthcare organizations with managing outcome-based care, believes the transition to value-based care may face stiffer headwinds under the new administration. He points to an August CMS proposal that canceled some mandatory bundled payment programs and scaled back others as an indication that healthcare transformation could be slowing.
“The pace at which CMS committed to rolling out value-based care is fundamentally different from the pace we’re currently seeing,” he told Health IT. “The progress toward value-based care, instead of this steady momentum they expected, is more of a herky-jerky fashion.”
The Health Care Transformation Task Force (HCTTF), a 42-member industry consortium, was among the stakeholders who responded to CMS’ RFI. In a 22-page letter, the task force reiterated its support for the healthcare system’s transformation to value-based payment and care delivery, while outlining areas for improvements. The group urged CMS to continue to develop new models while modifying, rather than abandoning, existing models that show promise and need time to achieve a lasting return.
“We would like CMS to continue support for promising models while balancing the current portfolio with new, innovative payment models,” Clare Wrobel, Director of Payment Reform Models at HCTTF, told Home Health Care News. “[But] it would be a mistake to discard current models that providers have already invested in and are showing real promise.”
Smiley, meanwhile, suggests clinical laboratory managers, pathologists, and other healthcare providers keep watch as healthcare transformation continues to evolve.
“The fee-for-service model, love it or hate it, is not dying. The organism has adapted,” he told Health IT. “For those that were aggressive early adopters of value-based care and really believed what they were hearing, and have gone fully after value-based care, some of them may feel a little exposed. If they go too hard too fast, they may suffer economically if they misjudge the pace at which this moves.”