News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel

News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel
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Hospital Associations and Healthcare Groups Battle HHS Efforts to Expand Pricing Transparency Rules to Include Negotiated Rates with Payers

In a federal lawsuit, seven healthcare organizations and hospitals systems allege HHS exceeded its statutory authority and clinical laboratories will want to watch how this court case unfolds

There is quite a brouhaha over the final new federal rule requiring hospitals to allow patients and the public to see the prices they charge for services—including clinical laboratory and anatomic pathology prices. Some very influential hospital associations and healthcare systems are opposing implementation of this rule.

For more than a decade, Dark Daily has reported on the federal government’s efforts to enact pricing transparency in healthcare. In many e-briefings, we advised pathologists and medical laboratory leaders that the outcome of those efforts will likely affect clinical laboratory workflows and bottom lines, and that many clinical laboratories are not prepared to negotiate directly with customers over the price of their services.

Now, the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has passed a final rule (CMS-1717-F2) that expands on an earlier rule mandating pricing transparency for hospital procedures—including medical laboratory and anatomic pathology services. This new rule requires hospitals to disclose not only their chargemaster prices, but also prices negotiated with payers.

Hospital leaders are not pleased by this, and though the final rule does not go into effect until January 1, 2021, they are already pushing back through representative organizations such as the American Hospital Association (AHA), which has brought a lawsuit to federal court that seeks to overturn the new rule.

New Transparency Rules Include Rates Negotiated with Health Insurers

Beginning Jan. 1, 2019, CMS required hospitals to disclose chargemaster prices to customers. These are essentially the “list prices” for hospital procedures. However, as Dark Daily reported in “California Healthline Report Finds Hospital Chargemaster Prices Fluctuate Dramatically Even Among Hospitals Located Near Each Other,” June 12, 2019, there were problems. Chargemaster prices typically do not reflect the actual fees charged to patients or payers. Thus, consumers still found it problematic to price shop before committing to healthcare.

In an effort to remedy this, the new 2020 final rule expands the pricing information hospitals are required to provide and includes several categories of prices negotiated with health insurers.

Simultaneous to this final rule, CMS also announced a proposed rule (CMS-9915-P) titled, “Transparency in Coverage,” that if passed, will require health insurers to disclose pricing for healthcare services as well.

In a federal Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) press release, the Trump Administration stated that both rules will “increase price transparency to empower patients and increase competition among all hospitals, group health plans, and health insurance issuers in the individual and group markets.”

“Under the status quo, healthcare prices are about as clear as mud to patients,” said CMS Administrator Seema Verma in the HHS press release. “This final rule and the proposed rule will bring forward the transparency we need to finally begin reducing the overall healthcare costs.”

AHA Sues HHS in Federal Court

In response, four hospital organizations and three health systems filed a lawsuit in federal court against the HHS. The suit alleges the final rule “exceeds the agency’s statutory authority,” and violates the First Amendment by requiring public disclosure of prices negotiated with payers. This information, they say, is “highly confidential and commercially sensitive.”

The plaintiffs include the:

In court documents, the plaintiffs argue that “the Final Rule is arbitrary and capricious and lacks any rational basis. The agency’s explanation for the Final Rule runs counter to both logic and evidence. In fact, it is belied by the agency’s own research regarding what patients care about most when selecting a hospital: their own out-of-pocket costs. The agency’s justification for the Final Rule therefore does not stand up to even the barest of scrutiny. That is the epitome of arbitrary and capricious agency action.”

A brief filed by the plaintiffs contends that patients’ actual out-of-pocket costs are determined by a complex set of factors and aren’t reflected in negotiated rates. In addition, the brief states, “the sheer burden of compliance with the rule is staggering, and way out of line with any projected benefits associated with the rule.”

Charles N. Kahn III (above), President and CEO, Federation of American Hospitals (FAH), said in an AHA press release that, “CMS’ final rule fails to offer patients easy-to-understand information regarding their out-of-pocket obligations for care, so we feel obligated to contest the regulation. We contend the agency exceeded its authority and should go back to the drawing board.” (Photo copyright: FAH.)

Details of the Final Rule on Hospital Price Transparency

If it goes forward, starting Jan. 1, 2021, the final rule requires hospitals to disclose five types of standard charges, according to the HHS and AHA press releases:

  • The chargemaster rate, also known as the gross charge;
  • The discounted cash price, which CMS defines as the amount the hospital will accept from self-paying patients;
  • The payer-specific negotiated charge, defined as “the charge that the hospital has negotiated with a third-party payer for an item or service.” This would be the charge that applies if a patient uses an in-network provider;
  • The maximum charge negotiated with payers; and
  • The minimum charge negotiated with payers.

Hospitals must list these charges for all billable “items and services,” including medical laboratory and pathology services, in a machine-readable format, such as a CSV file that can be opened in a spreadsheet program.

In addition, they must provide a “consumer-friendly” list of charges for at least 300 “shoppable services,” defined as services that consumers can schedule in advance. Each list would include 70 services specified by CMS and an additional 230 services selected by the hospital.

The CMS-specified shoppable services include 14 laboratory and pathology tests. They include:

  • Basic metabolic panel
  • Blood test, comprehensive group of blood chemicals
  • Obstetric blood test panel
  • Blood test, lipids (cholesterol and triglycerides)
  • Kidney function panel test
  • Liver function blood test panel
  • Manual urinalysis test with examination using microscope
  • Automated urinalysis test
  • PSA (prostate specific antigen)
  • Blood test, thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)
  • Complete blood cell count, with differential white blood cells, automated
  • Complete blood count, automated
  • Blood test, clotting time
  • Coagulation assessment blood test

Blood Brother Clinical Laboratories Also Affected by Price Transparency

Price transparency is also at the center of two federal lawsuits involving Laboratory Corporation of America (LabCorp) and Quest Diagnostics. The Dark Report, Dark Daily’s sister publication, reported on these suits in “Lawsuits Alleging Overcharges to Proceed in Two Courts in 2020,” December 16, 2019.

The plaintiffs in those cases are uninsured or underinsured customers who claim they were charged far more for medical laboratory tests than customers covered by insurance. In both cases, customers were charged at the chargemaster rates. The plaintiffs contend that the medical laboratories should have disclosed their rates in advance.

Whichever way this all goes, clinical laboratories will need to monitor the multiple efforts by the states and the federal government to make it easy for patients to see the prices of hospital, physician, and other medical services in advance of treatment. This has the potential to be a disruptive trend, particularly for hospitals.

—Stephen Beale

Related Information:

Hospitals Sue HHS Over Negotiated Price Disclosure Rule

Hospitals Vary in Publishing CMS Chargemaster Prices

Providers Critical of CMS Price Transparency Push in Pay Rule

Verma: Chargemaster Rule Is ‘First Step’ to Price Transparency

Trump’s Transparency Executive Order Leaves Details to HHS, CMS

CMS May Not Have Power to Make Hospitals Disclose Negotiated Prices

HFMA Summary Negotiated Rate Posting Requirement CY 2020 OPPS Proposed Rule

Rules Issued on Disclosure of Hospital and Health Plan Negotiated Rates

Joint Statement from National Hospital and Health System Groups on Public Disclosure of Privately Negotiated Rates Final Rule

Hospital Groups File Lawsuit Over Illegal Rule Mandating Public Disclosure of Individually Negotiated Rates

Presidential Executive Order Promoting Healthcare Choice and Competition Across the United States

Trump Administration Announces Historic Price Transparency Requirements to Increase Competition and Lower Healthcare Costs for All Americans

Lawsuits Alleging Overcharges to Proceed in Two Courts in 2020

Latest Push by CMS for Increased Price Transparency Highlights Opportunities and Risks for Clinical Laboratories, Pathology Groups

CMS Finalizes Rule Rebranding ‘Meaningful Use’ Program to ‘Promoting Interoperability’

Ongoing federal regulatory push for EHR interoperability requires medical laboratories and anatomic pathology groups to have strategies for ensuring seamless interfaces with providers and hospitals

What difference does a name make? Clinical laboratories and anatomic pathology groups soon may know the answer to that question following the renaming of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) “Meaningful Use” program to “Promoting Interoperability” (PI).

CMS first announced the rebranding in April as part of a proposed rule aimed at transforming the Meaningful Use aspect of the federal Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act. HITECH has been Medicare’s roadmap to electronic health record (EHR) implementation and interoperability since it was enacted in 2009.

The final rule arrived on August 2, 2018, and it may impact how clinical laboratories interface with provider and hospital EHRs.

Removing Obstacles to Quality Patient Care

In the news release outlining the updates to Medicare payment policies and rates under the Inpatient Prospective Payment System and the Long-Term Care Hospital Prospective Payment System, CMS states the “overhaul” of the meaningful use program will:

  • Make the program more flexible and less burdensome;
  • Emphasize measures that require the exchange of health information between providers and patients; and,
  • Incentivize providers to make it easier for patients to obtain their medical records electronically.

“We’re excited to make these changes to ensure care will focus on the patient, not on needless paperwork,” CMS Administrator Seema Verma stated in the news release. “We’ve listened to patients and their doctors who urged us to remove the obstacles getting in the way of quality care and positive health outcomes. Today’s final rule reflects public feedback on CMS proposals issued in April and the agency’s patient-driven priorities of improving the quality and safety of care, advancing health information exchange and usability, and removing outdated or redundant regulation on healthcare providers to make way for innovation and greater value.” (Photo copyright: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.)

According to a CMS fact sheet, key provisions of the overhaul include:

  • The rule finalized an EHR reporting period to a minimum of any continuous 90-day period in each of calendar years 2019 and 2020 for new and returning participants attesting to CMS or their State Medicaid agency;
  • For the Medicare Promoting Interoperability Program, the rule finalized a new performance-based scoring methodology consisting of a smaller set of objectives that CMS states will provide a more flexible, less-burdensome structure, allowing eligible hospitals and critical access hospitals (CAHs) to place their focus back on patients;
  • CMS finalized two new e-Prescribing measures related to e-prescribing of opioids (Schedule II controlled substances); and,
  • Beginning with an EHR reporting period in CY 2019, all eligible hospitals and CAHs under the Medicare and Medicaid PI programs will be required to use the 2015 Edition of Certified EHR Technology;
  • CMS finalized changes to measures, including removing certain measures CMS believes do not emphasize interoperability and the electronic exchange of health information.

According to CMS, about 3,300 acute care hospitals and 420 long-term care hospitals will be subject to the final rule, which takes effect October 1. Obviously, medical laboratories servicing these healthcare organizations will be similarly affected.

Rebranding More than a Name Change

Healthcare Informatics analyzed the 2,593-page final rule explaining that the “core emphasis” of the meaningful use overhaul is “on advancing health data exchange among providers.”

The initial proposal in April, according to Healthcare Informatics, invited stakeholder feedback through a request for information on the possibility of revising CMS’ “Conditions of Participation” for hospitals by requiring providers to electronically transfer medically necessary information following a patient discharge or transfer. The final rule, however, did not include that change.

Instead, the CMS Fact Sheet on the rule states the April request for information was “to obtain feedback on positive solutions to better achieve interoperability, or the sharing of healthcare data between providers, which will inform next steps in advancing this critical initiative.”

Rebranding meaningful use is CMS’s first step in implementing core pieces of the Administration’s MyHealthEData Initiative to strengthen interoperability. In remarks during the ONC Interoperability Forum in Washington, DC, CMS Administrator Seema Verma described the rebranding decision as “much more than a name change” and signaled future CMS actions.

“It is a change in direction for the programs—from programs that support the adoption of health IT, to programs that promote interoperability and patient access to data,” she explained. “To avoid payment reductions and gain incentives, doctors and hospitals will have to give patients electronic access to their health records. We are also considering whether CMS should require—as a condition of participation in the Medicare program—that providers share data with patients in a universal electronic format and hope to share more information on that soon.”

The recent changes follow passage of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018, which included a provision relaxing meaningful-use requirements. Though the legislation affects only hospitals and outpatient Medicaid providers, Robert Tennant, Director of Health Information Technology Policy for the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA), declared the revision a “huge win” for providers.

“I don’t think the government recognized how difficult it would be to move from stage 1 to stage 2 to stage 3 [meaningful use] requirements and the significant costs involved,” Tennant stated told Modern Healthcare. “We hope that it signals an interest in Congress in having the administration and HHS (Federal Health and Human Services) not make these quality reporting programs so onerous that it results in large swaths of providers not being successful.”

Clinical laboratories and anatomic pathology groups should be aware that interoperability between their laboratory information systems and the EHRs of providers and hospitals continues to be important. Although the term “Meaningful Use” is to be supplanted by “Promoting Interoperability,” the ability to move patient health information seamlessly among providers continues to be a major goal of this country’s healthcare system.

—Andrea Downing Peck

Related Information:

CMS Finalizes Changes to Empower Patients and Reduce Administrative Burden

In Proposed MU Rebranding Rule, CMS Raises the Interoperability Stakes

Fact Sheet: Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 Medicare Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) and Long-Term Acute Care Hospital (LTCH) Prospective Payment System Final Rule (CMS-1694-F)

H.R. 1892: Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018

Printable PDF: Final Rule (CMS-1694-F)

Speech: Remarks by Administrator Seema Verma at the ONC Interoperability Forum in Washington, DC

Congress Budget Deal Relaxes Meaningful-Use Requirements

CMS Proposes Changes to Empower Patients and Reduce Administrative Burden

CMS Proposes Meaningful Use Changes to Promote Interoperability


