Sep 6, 2010 | Laboratory Management and Operations, Laboratory News, Laboratory Pathology
New resource library on clinical pathology laboratory management can be accessed via Web

There is a new resource library for clinical laboratory managers and pathologists that contains White Papers on contemporary topics involving clinical laboratory management, pathology administration, and the medical laboratory testing marketplace. This White Paper library is hosted at and is a useful new information resource for the clinical laboratory profession.
The White Paper resource library is another example of how the Internet and Web 2.0 creates new educational opportunities for medical laboratory professionals and pathologists. The White Papers on clinical laboratory and pathology topics can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere in the world. Each White Paper can be downloaded immediately as a PDF.
May 25, 2010 | Coding, Billing, and Collections, Laboratory Pathology, Managed Care Contracts & Payer Reimbursement
Health insurers not eager to establish coverage for new molecular diagnostic assays

Navigating the pathway to successful commercialization of new genetic tests and molecular diagnostic assays has proven tricky. While scientists work quickly to bring new and better clinical laboratory testing tools to the market, health insurers work at a much slower pace to issue coverage guidelines and establish reimbursement for these new diagnostics tests.
“Successfully moving a genetic test from the research bench to the clinical laboratory takes much more than an understanding of the science,” stated Rina Wolf, Vice President of Commercialization Strategies for Consulting and Industry Affairs, XIFIN Inc., of San Diego, California. “Competition for coverage and reimbursement by health insurers is fierce. Often, the molecular diagnostic tests that win the best coverage decisions by payers are those proprietary tests backed by companies and laboratories with the most effective business plans.”