Mar 30, 2011 | Laboratory News, Laboratory Pathology
Another example of clinical pathology laboratory testing treated as a commodity
In-office anatomic pathology laboratories owned by specialist physicians have sparked a troubling trend for the pathology profession in recent years. In the United States, growing numbers of urologists, gastroenterologists, and dermatologists have taken steps to build out and operate their own in-office surgical pathology testing laboratories.
Specialist physicians took steps to open their own in-clinic medical laboratories as a way to generate revenue to offset reimbursement declines in their professional compensation. And, yes, it is true that an in-office anatomic pathology laboratory may have other benefits, such as reducing the turnaround time from specimen collection to reported result. (more…)
Nov 12, 2010 | Laboratory Management and Operations, Laboratory News, Laboratory Pathology
Only two lab companies in the United States currently tap social networking to meet their med tech staffing needs

Everyone in the clinical laboratory testing industry knows that there is an acute shortage of medical technologists (MTs) and clinical laboratory scientists (CLSs). But laboratory professionals may be astonished to learn that their MT recruiting programs consistently fail to hire adequate numbers of MTs and CLSs because they nearly always advertise and recruit in the wrong places!
This is one of the best-kept secrets in med tech recruiting. That’s the opinion of Peggy McKee, CEO and Recruiter of PHC Consulting in Celina, Texas. She’s got surprising advice for clinical lab managers who struggle to recruit and retain enough med techs to keep their lab fully staffed at authorized levels.