Attention Anatomic Pathologists: Do You Know Medicare Is Prepared to Change How You Are Paid, Beginning on January 1, 2017?
Because of MIPS (a section of Medicare’s MACRA law), in coming years pathologists who participate will receive a bonus of as much as 9%, while those who do not participate will be penalizing up to 9%
If you are an anatomic pathologist, are you prepared to be paid more by Medicare starting on January 1, 2017? Do you and your pathology practice administrator know that, if you and your pathology group do nothing in 2017, Medicare could pay you significantly less in 2019 and the years beyond?
Answer no to either question and you have money at risk. In 2017, Medicare introduces a new payment program called the Merit-based Incentive Performance System (MIPS). This was authorized as part of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA), which was passed in 2015. (more…)