Sep 14, 2018 | Compliance, Legal, and Malpractice, Laboratory Management and Operations, Laboratory News, Laboratory Operations, Laboratory Pathology, Management & Operations
Defamation, libel, harassment, and causing emotional distress are some of the charges patients who launched online negative review campaigns are defending themselves against in court
Healthcare systems, surgeons, family practitioners, clinical laboratories, anatomic pathologists—none are immune to receiving negative online reviews from patients who believe they’ve been damaged by their caregivers. And these reviews can have such an impact on practice revenues, doctors and hospitals have begun suing patients for damages caused by harmful online reviews. And they are winning.
Several notable cases involve high-profile healthcare systems. One such lawsuit involved the Cleveland Clinic. A patient who claimed a 2008 prostate surgery left him impotent and incontinent due to negligence on the part of the surgeon launched a negative campaign that spanned a decade, USA Today reported.
David Antoon, a retired Air Force Colonel, filed a malpractice lawsuit against urologist, Jihad Kaouk, MD, and the Cleveland Clinic. Antoon alleged Kaouk was not present in the operating room during his surgery, even though he insisted that only Kaouk perform the procedure. Antoon also claimed the Cleveland Clinic’s urology department did not have the proper credentials to operate the robotic device used during his surgery.
In addition to filing the lawsuit, Antoon complained to the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the State Medical Board of Ohio.
However, Antoon also vented his frustrations on social media, as well as sending e-mails to Kaouk, which the doctor felt were threatening and made him concerned about the situation escalating. “What would be next—showing up at my door?” Kaouk asked during the criminal trial against Antoon. “That’s what we feared.”

Jihad Kaouk, MD (above), a urologist with the Cleveland Clinic, giving testimony at Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court during a lawsuit involving patient David Antoon, a retired Air Force Colonel. Kaouk and the Cleveland Clinic prevailed in that lawsuit and the State Medical Board of Ohio closed a five-year investigation into Kaouk without reprimanding him. (Photo copyright: USA Today.)
Antoon posted unfavorable online comments about Kaouk for a decade. The urologist eventually petitioned the court, which granted him a civil stalking protective order against Antoon. It banned Antoon from contacting the doctor. Nevertheless, the day after that order was granted, Antoon posted another bad review about Kaouk on Yelp and urged people to avoid Kaouk when seeking medical care.
Antoon was later arrested on felony charges of menacing by stalking, telecommunications harassment, and violating a protection order. He faced up to one year in prison if indicted. In addition to spending two days in jail, he paid $40,000 for a defense attorney and a $50,000 bond after being arrested. He also agreed to pay $100 as part of a plea deal.

Above is David Antoon (left), Col USAF Ret, and Don Malarcik (right), an attorney with Malarcik, Pierce, Munyer, and Will in Akron, Ohio. Malarcik argued that “the Yelp review doesn’t violate the protection order because Antoon did not make direct contact with Kaouk,” reported. (Photo copyright: USA Today.)
Other Lawsuits Against Patients Involving Social Media
Joon Song, MD, PhD, a New York City area gynecologist sued patient Michelle Levine over critical reviews she left about his practice on several online sites. Though Levine removed her posts from the sites after being sued, Song wants her to pay $1 million in legal fees and damages. The doctor accused Levine of defamation, libel, and causing emotional distress. Sound familiar?
Two Scottsdale, Ariz., doctors—Albert Carlotti, MD, and Michelle Cabret-Carlotti, MD, DDS,—successfully sued patient Sherry Petta for defamation after she posted negative statements about the doctors online. After filing a complaint with the Arizona Medical Board and clashing with Carlotti over access to her medical records, Petta posted unfavorable reviews about the practice on several online sites and created a website to warn others about Carlotti. The doctors claimed the statements Petta made were untrue and portrayed them in a false light. A jury agreed and awarded the doctors $12 million, which was later vacated on appeal.
Cleveland cosmetic surgeon Bahman Guyuron, MD, sued a former patient after she posted adversarial reviews on several online review sites about her dissatisfaction with a nose job. The patient, who remains unidentified, alleges that Guyuron acted in an untrustworthy and unprofessional manner, that she received no follow-up care, and that Guyuron urges people to post erroneous positive reviews online. She also claims that there was no informed consent to the procedure and that her nose is now twice as large as before.
Guyuron is seeking monetary damages, an injunction against the patient to prevent her from posting negative reviews about him online, and an order to remove all existing statements about him from the Internet.
Clinical Laboratories Vulnerable to Negative Reviews
Healthcare is complicated and positive outcomes can never be guaranteed. When patients do not get satisfaction by complaining to the doctors and facilities, they may seek other ways to be heard. And negative comments made on social media and online review websites can harm the reputations and businesses of physicians and medical facilities.
“It would be great if the regulators of hospitals and doctors were more diligent about responding to harm to patients, but they’re not, so people have turned to other people,” Lisa McGiffert, former head of the Consumer Reports Safe Patient Project, told USA Today. “This is what happens when your system of oversight is failing patients.”
However, Ryan Lorenz, Petta’s attorney warns consumers to be aware of the consequences of posting critical online reviews, especially if they post factually inaccurate information. “Make sure what you are saying is true—it has to be truthful,” he told USA Today.
Similar situations can arise in the clinical laboratory industry as well. There were multiple postings on Yelp in 2014 and 2015 by patients criticizing blood-testing company Theranos regarding discordant test results they’d received from Theranos’ lab, which Dark Daily covered in multiple e-briefings.
Trust is the hardest thing to earn, the easiest thing to lose, and once gone, can be impossible to get back. Clinical laboratories are just as susceptible to negative reviews as hospitals and doctors.
Worse yet, labs can be drawn into lawsuits simply because they service the hospital systems and caregivers involved. Preparing in advance for this possibility should be on every clinical laboratory manager’s do list.
—JP Schlingman
Related Information:
Doctors, Hospitals Sue Patients Who Post Negative Comments, Reviews on Social Media
Doctor Sues Patient for $1 Million for Posting Negative Reviews Online
I Wrote a Negative Yelp Review—and it Made My Life a Nightmare
Hospital Sues Over Facebook Post and Picketing
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Jul 3, 2017 | Laboratory Operations, Laboratory Pathology, Laboratory Testing, Managed Care Contracts & Payer Reimbursement, Management & Operations
OIG suggests better use of analytics by CMS could prevent gaming of the system by providers; clinical laboratories can help through test utilization management technology
It may come as a surprise to many hospital-based pathologists and clinical laboratory managers that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has reason to suspect that some hospitals are “gaming” the system in how they report hospital-acquired infections (HAIs).
In 2015, CMS implemented the Hospital-Acquired Condition Reduction Program (HACRP) as part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA). The HACRP program incentivizes hospitals to lower their HAI rates by adjusting reimbursements according to the inpatient quality reporting (hospital IQR) data provided by the healthcare providers. Hospital IQR data is the basis on which CMS validates a hospital’s HAI rate (among other things CMS is tracking) to determine the hospital’s reimbursement rate for that year.
However, an April 2017 report by the Office of the Inspector General US Department of Health and Human Services (OIG) noted that CMS was not doing enough to identify and target hospitals with abnormal reporting of HAIs.
The OIG reported:
- CMS, in 2016, met its regulatory requirement to validate inpatient quality reporting data;
- It reviewed data of 400 randomly selected hospitals as well as 49 hospitals targeted for failing to report half their HAIs, or for low scores in the prior year’s validation process;
However, OIG also reported that CMS did not include hospitals that displayed abnormal data patterns in its targeted sample. Targeting those hospitals, according to the OIG, could identify inaccurate reporting.
CMS staff had identified 96 hospitals with aberrant data patterns, but did not target them for validation—even though the agency can select up to 200 targeted hospitals for review, Becker’s Hospital Review pointed out.
Dollars More Important than Deaths
According to the OIG report, Medicare excluded in its investigation dozens of hospitals with suspected HAI reporting. This is odd since the CMS and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) apparently are aware that some healthcare providers have manipulated data to improve their quality measure scores and thus increase their reimbursement rates.
“Collecting and analyzing quality data is increasingly central to Medicare programs that link payments to quality and value. Therefore, it is important for CMS to ensure that hospitals are not gaming [manipulating data to improve scores] their reporting of quality data,” the OIG report noted.
“There are greater requirements for what a company says about a washing machine’s performance than there is for a hospital on quality of care. And this needs to change,” stated Peter Pronovost, MD, PhD, in the Kaiser Health News article. “We require auditing of financial data, but we don’t require auditing of healthcare quality data, and that implies that dollars are more important than deaths.” Pronovost is Senior Vice President for Patient Safety and Quality at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

Peter Pronovost, MD, PhD (above) testifying on preventable deaths before the Senate Subcommittee on Primary Health and Aging in 2014. He is Senior Vice President for Patient Safety and Quality at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore. Pronovost told Kaiser Health News that there are no uniform standards for reviewing data that hospitals report to Medicare. (Photo copyright: US Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions.)
Medicare Missed Hospitals with Suspected HAI Data
CMS should have done an in-depth review of many hospitals that submitted “aberrant data patterns” in 2013 and 2014, the OIG stated in its report. According to a Kaiser Health News article, such patterns could include:
- A rapid change in results;
- Improbably low infection rates; and
- Assertions that infections nearly always struck before patients arrived at the hospital.
“There’s a certain amount of blind faith that hospitals are going to tell the truth. It’s a bit much to expect that if they had a bad record they are going to fess up to it,” noted Lisa McGiffert, Director of the Safe Patient Project at Consumers Union, in the Kaiser Health News article.
CMS Needs Better Data Analytics
So, what does the OIG advise CMS to do? The agency called for “better use of analytics to ensure the integrity of hospital-reported quality data.” Specifically, OIG suggested CMS:
- Identify hospitals with abnormal percentages of patients who had infections on admission;
- Apply risk scores to identify hospitals with high propensity to manipulate reporting;
- Use experiences to create and improve models that identify hospitals most likely to game their reporting.
CMS’ Administrator Seema Verma reportedly responded, “We will continue to evaluate the use of better analytics as feasible, based on Medicare’s operational capabilities.”
Medical Laboratory Diagnostic Testing Part of Gaming the System
A 2015 CMS/CDC joint statement noted “three ways that hospitals may be deviating from CDC’s definitions for reportable HAIs,” and two involve diagnostic test ordering. According to the OIG report, they include:
- Overculturing: Diagnostic tests may be overutilized by providers in absence of clinical symptoms. Hospitals may use positive results to game their data by claiming infections that appeared days later were present on admission and thus not reportable.
- Underculturing: Hospitals underculture when they do not order diagnostic tests in the presence of clinical symptoms. By not ordering the test, the hospital does not learn whether the patient truly has an infection and, therefore, the hospital does not have to report it.
- Adjudication: Hospital administrative staff may inappropriately overrule those who report infections. HAIs are, therefore, not shared.
Clinical Laboratories Can Help
One in 25 people each day receives an HAI, CDC estimates. The OIG findings should be a reminder to medical laboratories and pathology groups that quality measures and patient outcomes are often transparent to media, patients, and the public.
One way medical laboratories in hospitals and health systems can help is by investing in utilization management technology and protocols that ensure appropriate lab test utilization. Informing doctors on the availability of appropriate diagnostic tests based on patients’ existing conditions, unique physiologies, or medical histories, could help prevent hospitals from inadvertently or deliberately game the system.
Clearly, transparency in healthcare is increasing. That means there will be more news stories revealing federal agencies’ failures to respond to healthcare data in ways that could have protected patients and the public. Clinical laboratories don’t want to be included in negative reporting.
—Donna Marie Pocius
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May 9, 2016 | Laboratory Management and Operations, Laboratory News, Laboratory Pathology, Laboratory Testing
Latest calls for easier public access to information on physician performance and quality is a reminder to clinical laboratories and pathology groups of the trend to greater transparency on provider outcomes
If any clinical laboratory executive or pathologist still doubts that more transparency of provider outcomes is a topic of interest to patients, they have only to look at Consumer Reports, well-respected for its advocacy on behalf of consumers. Consumer Reports is using multiple ways to educate their readers about medical errors and how the medical community makes it difficult for consumers to learn about physicians who have been involved in state medical board investigations.
One example is the Consumers Union, which is the policy and advocacy arm of Consumer Reports. Through its Safe Patient Project, the Consumers Union seeks to eliminate medical harm in healthcare.
Consumers Union advocates for increased public disclosure of information about such issues as: (more…)