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Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

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Another Former Theranos Clinical Laboratory Director Testifies in Holmes’ Fraud Trial about Irregularities with Proprietary Edison Blood-Testing Technology

Pathologist Kingshuk Das, MD, tells jurors he voided 50,000 to 60,000 blood-tests from a two-year period due to unreliable results

As the prosecution in the criminal fraud trial of ex-CEO Elizabeth Holmes closes in on resting its case, a fourth and final former Theranos laboratory director took the stand to describe the problems he encountered when overseeing the startup’s medical laboratory operations.

Los Angeles, Calif., board-certified clinical pathologist Kingshuk Das, MD, testified that he reported directly to Holmes and repeatedly warned her about problems and errors with the company’s Edison blood-testing technology, CNBC reported. While describing the proprietary technology’s reliability issues, Das spoke of one conversation with Holmes in which he pointed out that female patients were receiving test results showing abnormal levels of prostate-specific antigen, or PSA, which typically is associated with the male prostate gland.

“Females should generally not have PSA detectable,” Das said during testimony. He “recalled that Holmes offered an alternate explanation, citing ‘an article or two’ claiming rare breast cancers might cause PSA results in women,” CNBC reported.

Assistant US Attorney Robert Leach, JD then asked Das, “Was that explanation satisfying to you?”  

“It seemed implausible,” Das replied.

According to CNBC, Das—who worked at Theranos from March 2016 until June 2018—testified that he “voided every test on the Edison devices from 2014 and 2015” and that he had “explained to Holmes that ‘these instruments were not performing from the very beginning.’

During his testimony, Das explained, “I tried to present it in a more understandable format. I recall [Holmes] offering an alternative explanation,” CNBC reported.

Das testified that “Holmes told him it wasn’t an instrument failure but rather a quality control and quality assurance issue,” CNBC reported.

According to The Wall Street Journal (WSJ), corrected reports were issued to doctors for an estimated 50,000 to 60,000 voided results.

CMS Audit: Theranos Lab Posed ‘Immediate Jeopardy to Patient Health and Safety’

Das said his first task at Theranos was responding to a letter of proposed sanctions following a 121-page deficiencies report from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). CMS had audited Theranos’ lab in the fall of 2015 prior to Das’ hiring.

The CMS report stated, “As a result of the survey, it was determined that your facility is not in compliance with all of the conditions required for certification in the CLIA program. … The deficient practices of the laboratory pose immediate jeopardy to patient health and safety,” CNBC reported.

Dark Daily covered these actions by CMS in “CMS Notifies Theranos of CLIA Sanctions That Include Revoking Clinical Laboratory’s CLIA License and a Two-Year Ban on Holmes, Balwani, and Dhawan.”

Kingshuk Das, MD

Former Theranos Laboratory Director pathologist Kingshuk Das, MD, testified in the Elizabeth Holmes fraud trial that, when he was hired, he was not told the laboratory had previously been inspected by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and found deficient. He testified in federal court that he ultimately voided an estimated 50,000 to 60,000 clinical laboratory test results due to the unreliability of the proprietary Edison blood-testing devices. (Photo copyright: LinkedIn.)

Testimony of Four Former Theranos Lab Directors

Das is the fourth Theranos laboratory director to take the stand. He joined the startup in 2016 and was laid off in 2018.

Previous reporting in Dark Daily and our sister publication The Dark Report covered court testimony from the three lab directors who preceded Das (click on names to be taken to those stories):

Rosendorff provided some of the trial’s most explosive news when it was revealed that he was the whistleblower behind The Wall Street Journal’s exposé into Theranos that first raised questions about the startup’s technology and operations.

Defense Claims Holmes Did Not Intentionally Mislead Investors

As noted in The Verge, Holmes’ defense strategy centers on convincing jurors she did not intentionally mislead investors, patients, physicians, and clinical laboratories about Theranos’ proprietary technology, but that she simply failed to achieve the goals she set for Theranos.

“Trying your hardest and coming up short is not a crime,” defense lawyer Lance Wade, JD, told jurors in his opening statement, The Verge reported. “And by the time this trial is over, you will see that the villain the government just presented is actually a living, breathing human being who did her very best each and every day. And she is innocent,” Wade added.

While Holmes is not expected to take the stand in her own defense, prosecutors used her own words against her last month when they played audiotapes for the jury of telephone calls Holmes made to investors in 2013. According to KRON4-TV in San Francisco, Holmes told investors Theranos’ revenues would reach $140 million in revenue in 2014, though the company had not recorded any revenue the two prior years.

Legal analyst Michele Hagan, JD, a former San Francisco Assistant District Attorney, told KRON4-TV the audiotapes are likely to impact the jury.

“It’s very powerful testimony when you can use the defendant’s own words, and these audiotapes can incriminate her,” Hagan said.

Holmes, 37, faces maximum penalties of 20 years in prison and a $2.75 million fine if convicted of two counts of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and 10 counts of fraud, plus possible restitution, the Department of Justice has said. Balwani’s criminal fraud trial is scheduled to begin in January 2022.

With the prosecution just inches away from resting its case, clinical laboratory managers and pathologists will not have to wait long to learn if Holmes’ defense team mounts a defense against fraud charges or allows the case to be turned over to the jury.

—Andrea Downing Peck

Related Information:

In Elizabeth Holmes Trial Ex-Theranos Employees Cite Culture of Fear and Isolation

Theranos Lab Deficiencies Posed ‘Immediate Jeopardy’ to Patients, 2016 Government Audit Warned

What We Learned This Week in the Trial of Elizabeth Holmes

Theranos Voided 50,000 to 60,000 Tests, Former Lab Director Says

Theranos Hired Its President’s Dermatologist as Lab Director in 2014, Testimony Shows

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Hot Startup Theranos Has Struggled with its Blood-Test Technology

Elizabeth Holmes Hired a Bunch of Experts So She Could Ignore Them

Theranos Trial: Investor Details Frustration with Holmes over Lack of Information

‘Failure Is Not a Crime,’ Defense Says in Trial of Theranos Founder Holmes

Elizabeth Holmes Trial: Audio Tapes Released by Prosecutors

Elizabeth Holmes Audio Tapes Released by Prosecutors

Corporate Executives and Mega-Rich Investors Testify in Elizabeth Holmes’ Federal Fraud Trial That They Were Misled by Theranos’ Claims about the Edison Blood-Testing Device

Prosecutors in Elizabeth Holmes’ Federal Fraud Trial Question Witnesses about Theranos’ Edison Technology and the Inaccurate Medical Laboratory Test Results It Produced

Third CLIA Lab Director Testifies in Trial of Elizabeth Holmes

Former Theranos Lab Director and Staff Testify in Ongoing Elizabeth Holmes Fraud Trial That They Voiced Concerns about Reliability and Accuracy of Edison Blood-Testing Device

Former Wall Street Journal Reporter John Carreyrou Reveals Ex-Theranos CLIA Laboratory Director and Pathologist Was Main Source for 2015 Investigation into Theranos

WSJ reporter affirms that the pathologist was his “first and most important source” in confirming the problems at the now-defunct medical lab testing company

During the federal fraud trial of Theranos Founder and former-CEO Elizabeth Holmes, no one has spent more days on the witness stand than ex-Theranos Laboratory Director Adam Rosendorff, MD, the pathologist who testified for the prosecution that he repeatedly warned Holmes about problems with Theranos’ flawed Edison blood-testing device.

Dark Daily’s previous ebrief on the ongoing Holmes’ fraud trial reported that Rosendorff, who is board certified in clinical pathology, had testified, “I told her that the potassium was unreliable, the sodium was unreliable, the glucose was unreliable, [and] explained why. She was very nervous. She was not her usual composed self. She was trembling a bit, her knee was tapping, her voice was breaking up. She was clearly upset.”

It should come as no surprise that in response Holmes’ lawyers attempted to paint Rosendorff as an “incompetent” lab director with a resume littered with failures at other biotech companies. According to court documents, Holmes faces 10 counts of wire fraud and two counts of conspiracy to commit wire fraud for allegedly misleading investors, clinical laboratories, patients, and healthcare providers about Theranos’ proprietary blood-testing technology.

But the many clinical laboratory professionals closely watching the Holmes trial will be equally interested to learn that outside of the courtroom former Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reporter John Carreyrou confirmed on Twitter that Rosendorff was the main source for his 2015 investigative reporting—which first called into question Theranos’ claim that it could run more than 200 blood tests using a finger-prick of blood—as well as for his subsequent book, “Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup.”

Carreyrou Declares Ex-Theranos Lab Director Adam Rosendorff a Hero

“So, I’ve been fielding queries from reporters asking me to confirm that former Theranos lab director Adam Rosendorff, who is currently testifying at Elizabeth Holmes’ trial, was my source. I can now confirm it. Alan Beam = Adam Rosendorff,” Carreyrou tweeted.

“I’ll add this: Adam was my first and most important source. Without him, I wouldn’t have been able to break the Theranos story. Hats off to his courage and integrity. He’s one of the real heroes of this story,” Carreyrou added in a subsequent Tweet.

Inside the San Jose, Calif., courtroom, pathologist Rosendorff took centerstage, completing six days on the witness stand as Holmes’ defense attorney Lance Wade, JD, sought to undermine Rosendorff’s earlier testimony for the prosecution and question his competence as a laboratory leader.

John Carreyrou

Former Wall Street Journal reporter John Carreyrou (above) has revealed via Twitter that ex-Theranos laboratory director Adam Rosendorff, MD, was the “first and most important source” for his 2015 investigative reporting on Theranos. “Hats off to his courage and integrity,” Carreyrou tweeted. “He’s one of the real heroes of this story,” (Photo copyright: Penguin Random House Speakers Bureau.)

Rosendorff Testifies About Another CMS Investigation at Lab Where He is Medical Director

In “Former Theranos Lab Director Questioned about Faulty Lab Tests at Current Employer,” the WSJ reported that, in an attempt to undermine Rosendorff’s credibility, Holmes’ lawyers questioned him about another lab that was investigated by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) while he was lab director.

Rosendorff acknowledged during cross examination that he risked losing his license as a lab director after the CMS inspectors uncovered testing deficiencies at PerkinElmer’s Valencia (California) Branch Laboratory as well, where Rosendorff currently serves as Laboratory and Medical Director.

According to the WSJ, Rosendorff testified that most of the CMS inspection involved reviewing documents. During cross examination, it was revealed that the same CMS inspectors who investigated Theranos also conducted the PerkinElmer lab investigation.

Defense attorneys also had hoped to question Rosendorff about his previous work at uBiome Inc., a startup that was the target of a 2019 federal probe into its lab test billing practices, CNBC reported.

The Mercury News reported that during an October 5 hearing to determine the extent to which Holmes’ legal team could cross examine Rosendorff about his past employment, Wade told US District Judge Edward Davila that Rosendorff had a failed record as a lab leader. The Holmes defense lawyer alleged a link between “unreliable test results” at the biotechnology company Rosendorff went to after leaving Theranos and claimed that Rosendorff’s work at PerkinElmer resulted in the CMS notice of “serious deficiencies” at the lab.

“[Rosendorff] pointed the finger at many other people, including my client,” Wade told Davila. “He appears to almost never have competently done his job. He was incompetent at Theranos, too, and that is the reason many of the failures happened. He’s the person who’s ultimately responsible in the laboratory,” he added.

Nevertheless, Judge Davila prohibited questions regarding Rosendorff’s employment at uBiome and limited the scope of questions about his current role at PerkinElmer.

Courtroom graphic of Elizabeth Holmes' trial

The graphic above depicts Holmes’ defense attorney Lance Wade, JD, cross examining former Theranos CLIA laboratory director Adam Rosendorff, MD. During his testimony, Rosendorff claimed he warned Holmes about the unreliability of Theranos’ Edison blood-testing device. Pathologists and clinical laboratory leaders will recall that Walgreens had contracted with Theranos to place testing devices in its in-store pharmacies. (Graphic copyright: The Wall Street Journal/Vicki Behringer.)

Holmes’ Attorneys Challenge Rosendorff’s Testimony During Cross Examination

After leaving Theranos, Rosendorff’s LinkedIn profile shows he served as Laboratory Director at San Francisco-based Invitae from December 2014 to September 2017 before moving to Millennium Health in San Diego as Medical Director from December 2017 to January 2021. He joined PerkinElmer in January.

The WSJ reported that Rosendorff’s ties to uBiome showed up in Theranos court records.

The WSJ also noted that during the multiday cross examination of Rosendorff, the Holmes defense team scored points by “pointing to contradictions in his testimony and challenging his assertions that he wanted to expose Theranos’ testing practices to the government.”

In making his point, Wade read aloud from a deposition Rosendorff gave during a separate case in which he claimed that Theranos did not have a greater number of anomalous test results than other labs where he had previously worked.

“And that’s 180 degrees from what you answered in your direct testimony,” Wade said to Rosendorff during cross examination.

“Yes, it seems to be different,” Rosendorff replied, but also noted that Theranos should have fewer errors than a lab with a much higher volume of tests.

Wade also introduced a November 2014 email in which Rosendorff told a colleague he knew of only one time when Theranos provided to a patient an obviously incorrect test result. Rosendorff had previously testified that he alerted Holmes on numerous occasions about his concerns with ongoing testing errors.

Wade also questioned whether Rosendorff had a financial motive for considering a whistleblower lawsuit against Theranos, pointing out that Rosendorff would be entitled to a portion of any damages recovered. Rosendorff responded that he did not have a profit motive in mind when he forwarded more than 150 Theranos emails to his personal account.

Former WSJ Reporter Carreyrou May Be Called to Testify

Clinical laboratory managers and pathologists will be fascinated with another twist that surfaced as this trial continued. Former WSJ reporter Carreyrou became personally intertwined with the Holmes’ trial after it came to light that the investigative reporter—whose podcast “Bad Blood: The Final Chapter” spotlights the ongoing fraud trial—is on Holmes’ potential witness list.

In “Elizabeth Holmes Accused of ‘Cynical Ruse’ to Harass ‘Bad Blood’ Author by Putting Him on Witness List,” The Mercury News reported that the former WSJ journalist had filed a motion in court on October 1 contending his inclusion on the witness list is an effort to stop him from attending the trial and reporting firsthand on proceedings.

The motion, The Mercury News reported, states that “Placing Carreyrou on the witness list was done in bad faith and was designed to harass him,” and calls his placement on the list “a cynical ruse” that violates Carreyrou’s First Amendment rights.

CNN reported that Carreyrou’s attorneys are asking that the exclusion order (which prevents some witnesses from being inside the courtroom during other witness testimonies) or the gag order (which allows witnesses to discuss their testimonies only with their attorneys) not be applied to Carreyrou.

For clinical laboratory scientists awaiting the next installment in the now six-week-old trial, former Safeway CEO Steven Burd (now founder and CEO of Burd Health) will continue his testimony on the failed partnership between the grocery store chain and Theranos.

The Theranos agreement with Safeway is not as well-known as the Theranos-Walgreens deal. This was another news story written by Carreyrou and published by the WSJ on Nov. 10, 2015, titled, “Safeway, Theranos Split after $350 Million Deal Fizzles.”

As part of that agreement, Safeway spent $350 million to remodel 800 of its grocery stores to have a patient service center (PCS) and laboratory space where the unproven Edison device would be used to perform the clinical laboratory tests.

The testimony in this next phase of trial about the Safeway agreement with Theranos, and Holmes’ role in convincing the Safeway executive team to invest a third of a billion dollars to build 800 PSCs and lab spaces in 800 stores, should be as interesting as the witness testimony given earlier in this trial. 

Andrea Downing Peck

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United States v. Elizabeth A. Holmes, et al. 18-CR-00258-EJD

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