Patient Healthcare Costs in High-cost States Can Be Double Those in Low-cost States; Clinical Laboratory Tests Are Among Procedures with Greatest Price Fluctuations
Findings of this HCCI study, may increase pressure for more transparency in clinical laboratory and pathology test prices
Consumers in states with high healthcare costs may spend more than twice as much for common medical procedures as patients in other states. That’s a surprise finding in a milestone report from the Health Care Cost Institute (HCCI). The report also revealed that pathology and clinical laboratory tests are among the services with the widest price fluctuations. Prices also were shown to vary significantly within individual states.
The HCCI study is the latest salvo in the battle to provide consumers with healthcare price transparency and likely will increase demands on clinical laboratories and pathology groups to make lab test prices easy to find and understand.
HCCI Report Identifies Wide Variance in Prices of Clinical Laboratory Tests (more…)