Panel: Clinical Laboratory Certification and Accreditation: New Developments, Most Common Deficiencies, and Making Your Lab “Assessment Ready”
Denise Driscoll, MS, MT (ASCP) SBB, Nora Hess, MBA, MT (ASCP), PMP, Carlyn Mathews
Denise Driscoll, MS, MT (ASCP) SBB, Nora Hess, MBA, MT (ASCP), PMP, Carlyn Mathews
Presenter: Clarisa Blattner
A Panel discussion featuring:
Heather Agostinelli, Diana Richard, Ben Conroy, and Timothy Langford
A Panel discussion featuring:
David Gee, Christopher Jahnle, Elizabeth Sullivan, Esq., Diana Voorhees, MA, MLS, SH, CLCP, CPCO
A Panel discussion featuring:
Melissa Butterworth, Bryan Firestone, Emily Johnson, JD, and Myles Standish