News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel

News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel
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British Scientists Develop Urine Test that Can Quickly Reveal Health of a Person’s Eating Habits and Might Create New Markets for Clinical Laboratories

Since most patients do not accurately report what they eat, a new medical laboratory test could provide doctors and researchers with the ‘first independent indicator of the quality of a person’s diet’

It may soon be possible to measure the health of a person’s diet by use of a 5-minute diagnostic test recently developed by British scientists. The test can reveal the facts about how well a person eats and has the potential to find clinical value among medical professionals and in clinical laboratories.

What adds to the interest in this test is the widespread incidence of obesity in most developed nations around the world. It would be a useful tool for medical professionals who have wanted better ways to manage this health problem. (more…)

Google Files Patent for Needle-free Blood Draw System That Could Eventually Remove Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups from the Process

Patent filing describes a device that is intended to allow patients to collect their own blood specimens without the need for needles

Google, (now known as Alphabet, Inc.; NASDAQ:GOOG) recently filed an application for another patent that deals with medical laboratory test technology. This patent application is for a needle-free blood draw system that enables patients to perform diagnostic testing on themselves.

The new system is designed to replace painful finger pricks and deliver diagnostic test results digitally to providers’ electronic health record (EHR) systems. Should the technology make it through clinical trials, widespread adoption of such a device could have sweeping implications for pathologists and clinical laboratories across America. (more…)
