News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel

News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel
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New “Best Practices” Turbocharge How Labs Use Lean and Six Sigma

Top labs are leveraging Lean Six Sigma to Boost Performance and Profits

Clinical laboratories and pathology groups using Lean Six Sigma methods are blowing right past the dismal economy and posting strong improvements in operations and financial performance. In fact, at their most innovative, these laboratories are developing new global “best practices” in how they use Lean and Six Sigma.

Both Sprick and Stegall will share the hottest developments in how labs are benefiting from Lean Six Sigma at a special audio conference.

Both Stegall and Sprick will share the hottest developments in how labs are benefiting from Lean Six Sigma.

“Laboratory professionals will be surprised at how fast Lean Six Sigma methods are transforming three areas of the lab,” stated Susan Stegall, Managing Partner at Sprick, Stegall and Associates,  a laboratory management consulting firm based in Charlotte, North Carolina. “We see signs that the most proficient of these laboratories are performing at a ‘best practices’ level.

