News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel

News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel
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The Dark Report Offers FREE White Paper: Revenue Cycle Management Contributes to Increased Laboratory Profits and Valuations


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Revenue Cycle Management Contributes to Increased Laboratory Profits and Valuations

AUSTIN, Texas (October 22, 2009) — Smart laboratories are catching on to the powerful benefits of Revenue Cycle Management (RCM). RCM is now helping perceptive commercial lab companies, hospital outreach programs, and pathology groups increase their cash collections. This means more profit and it also means that the value and sales price of the laboratory goes up—often dramatically. This is why the release of a newly-published White Paper, “A CEO’s Guide to Increasing Laboratory Valuation: Effective Revenue Cycle and Compliance Management are Critical Success Factors” is a laboratory industry first.

This White Paper on Revenue Cycle Management is tailored specifically to the needs of any lab manager tasked with improving coding, billing, and collections. It is published by The Dark Report and Dark Daily and available free to laboratory professionals as a PDF download. This important White Paper provides a useful road map to help laboratories collect more money, improve their cash flow, and increase both profits and valuation.

It explains how RCM can by handled by Software As A Service (SaaS) and explains how the SaaS offering by Xifin, Inc., of San Diego, California, is helping many of the nation’s largest clinical laboratory organizations boost revenue and increase the value of the lab. In fact, three case studies of laboratories which significantly increased their sales price due to improved revenue cycle management are profiled in this special White Paper. The laboratory case studies are of Westcliff Medical Laboratories; US Labs, Inc.; and Piedmont Medical Laboratory. Each case study describes how and why more effective use of RCM directly increased the sales price paid when each of these labs was acquired in recent years.

This White Paper, “A CEO’s Guide to Increasing Laboratory Valuation: Effective Revenue Cycle and Compliance Management are Critical Success Factors” is available for free download as a PDF It is part of the Dark Daily Resource Center ( which has a growing library of White Papers and other information resources tailored specifically for the needs of laboratory administrators, lab managers, pathologists, and lab industry consultants.

For additional information, contact: Ron Martin, 512-264-7103

Established in 1995, THE DARK REPORT is the leading source of exclusive business intelligence for laboratory CEOs, COOs, CFOs, Pathologists and Senior industry executives. It is widely-read by leaders in laboratory medicine and diagnostics. The Dark Report produces the famous every spring, which showcases innovations by the nation’s and globe’s leading laboratory organizations. Dark Daily is an Internet-based e-briefing intelligence service, read worldwide by thought leaders in laboratory and pathology management. Other well-known conferences conducted by THE DARK REPORT are
(on the use of Lean and Six Sigma methods in labs and hospitals), (on the integration of in vivo and in vitro diagnostics). THE DARK REPORT co-produces annually in the United Kingdom; bi-annually in Canada; and bi-annually in Australia.

