News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel

News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel
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How to Improve Profits, Quality, Accountability and Customer Service by Using a Lab-Specific CRM and Healthcare Business Intelligence



21806 Briarcliff Dr.
Spicewood, Texas 78669
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Media Contact: Ron Martin



AUSTIN, Texas (July 22, 2013) – The clinical laboratory and pathology laboratory industry continues to face more challenges than ever, with more downward pressure on reimbursement from both the government and insurers, and increased competition.

While laboratories struggle to further streamline internal processes, rising competition has increased pressure to provide better, more personalized and responsive services to customers and clients.

The Obama Administration’s proposed budget for 2014 would further reduce reimbursement for clinical laboratory services in Medicare by an additional $9.460 billion over ten years, a cut of at least 14% over that period. Simultaneously, with an aging population and the addition of an estimated 48 million previously uninsured patients now covered through the Accountable Care Act, the need for healthcare service and clinical laboratory testing is expected to increase even more.

Clinical and pathology laboratories are under greater pressure to streamline workflows, cut costs and improve both profits and patient care, just to remain competitive. Quality, however, does not have to be limited in its goals to patient care, but can and should be applied to customer service in general, and marketing and sales. Quality, through continual improvement, can be a strategy for market differentiation, because it affects all areas of the laboratory – turnaround times, pricing, customer responsiveness, sales and marketing, and employee culture. Having a strategy of how to attain high quality can drive market success.

Brad Bostic, CEO of, says, “A lab-specific CRM is able to accomplish that goal by delivering the total picture of what’s going on with your client all in one place, automatically identifying any clinical or business activity that requires anyone to take action. It’s like you know everything about your clients all the time anywhere in the organization, which is very rare.”

Clinical and pathology laboratories are repositories of vast amounts of clinical and business information, but that information is often kept in isolated silos. Even through the use of health information technology like laboratory information systems does not necessarily allow for quick and easy access, identification and sorting of that information. However, customer relationship management and business intelligence tools can shatter the information silos and allow all laboratory users real-time access to whatever business and clinical data they need to make important business and medical decisions. It can also make the creation of data-intensive reports fast and easy.

“Lab-specific CRM and healthcare business intelligence tools can help clinical laboratories and pathology groups survive and even thrive in a ferociously competitive healthcare landscape,” says Robert L. Michel, Editor-In-Chief of The Dark Report. “A lab-specific CRM and healthcare BI provides laboratories with the tools to analyze internal operations in order to streamline processes, and to access client data, which allows them to maintain up-to-the-minute contact with what’s going on with their customers. What laboratories need to compete today is world-class customer service and these healthcare data tools allow them to provide clients and customers with nimble, nuanced service.”

The Dark Report is delighted to offer a recently published FREE White Paper that outlines the most common obstacles clinical and pathology laboratories face in an increasingly competitive landscape and how they can utilize lab-specific CRM and healthcare business intelligence to solve those problems, leading to greater efficiency, lower costs, faster turnaround times, increased quality, greater accountability and improved patient care. It is titled, “Every Medical Laboratory Executive’s Guide To Overcoming Common Obstacles: How to Achieve Great Profits by Using a Lab-Specific CRM and Healthcare Business Intelligence.”  Published by The Dark Report and Dark Daily,  it is available free to laboratory professionals as a PDF download.

Along with other topics, this FREE White Paper specifically addresses:

  • The most common obstacles clinical labs and pathology groups face
  • An overview of continuous improvement processes and how CRM and BI can be used to make it work
  • A look at employee accountability and how laboratory executives can utilize the resources made available with CRM and BI to assure sales and marketing personnel are identifying, tracking and responding to problems with appropriate, timely solutions
  • How to achieve “world class” service to improve client retention and profitability
  • Presents three case studies of how clinical labs and pathology groups utilized a lab-specific CRM and business intelligence solution to meet their quality, efficiency and revenue goals.

The paper’s editor, Brad Bostic, is the Chief Executive Officer of, an innovation by Bostech, a provider of enterprise cloud solutions powered by its world-class information exchange technology platform. Brad Bostic is an entrepreneurial leader and founder of multiple high-growth technology companies that serve the mobile, SaaS, and enterprise software markets. Bostic was recognized for his achievements when he was named to the Indianapolis Business Journal’s “40 Under 40” list that recognized the state’s top business leaders under the age of forty.

This White Paper, “Every Medical Laboratory Executive’s Guide To Overcoming Common Obstacles: How to Achieve Great Profits by Using a Lab-Specific CRM and Healthcare Business Intelligence” is available for free download as a PDF at . It is part of the Dark Daily Resource Center, which has a growing library of White Papers and other information resources tailored specifically for the needs of laboratory administrators, lab managers, pathologists, and lab industry consultants.

For additional information, Contact: Ron Martin, 512-264-7103


Established in 1995, THE DARK REPORT is the leading source of exclusive business intelligence for laboratory CEOs, COOs, CFOs, Pathologists and Senior industry executives. It is widely read by leaders in laboratory medicine and diagnostics. The Dark Report produces the famous Executive War College on Laboratory and Pathology Management  every spring, which showcases innovations by the nation’s and globe’s leading laboratory organizations. Dark Daily  is an Internet-based e-briefing intelligence service, read worldwide by thought leaders in laboratory and pathology management. Other well-known conferences conducted by THE DARK REPORT are Lab Quality Confab  (on the use of Lean and Six Sigma methods in labs and hospitals) and Molecular Summit  (on the integration of in vivo and in vitro diagnostics). THE DARK REPORT co-produces Frontiers in Laboratory Medicine annually in the United Kingdom; Executive Edge bi-annually in Canada; and The Business of Pathology bi-annually in Australia.



Established in 1995, THE DARK REPORT  is the leading source of exclusive business intelligence for laboratory CEOs, COOs, CFOs, Pathologists and Senior industry executives. It is widely-read by leaders in laboratory medicine and diagnostics. The DARK REPORT produces the famous Executive War College on Laboratory and Pathology Management (every spring, which showcases innovations by the nation’s and globe’s leading laboratory organizations. Dark Daily is an Internet-based e-briefing intelligence service, read worldwide by thought leaders in laboratory and pathology management. Other well-known conferences conducted by THE DARK REPORT are Lab Quality Confab (on the use of Lean and Six Sigma methods in labs and hospitals), Molecular Summit (on the integration of in vivo and in vitro diagnostics). THE DARK REPORT co-produces Frontiers in Laboratory Medicine annually in the United Kingdom; Executive Edge bi-annually in Canada; and The Business of Pathology bi-annually in Australia.

