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Media Contact: Ron Martin
New Orleans, LA (April 26, 2016) — A top-flight roster of lab experts and innovators gather in New Orleans April 26-27, 2016, for the annual Executive War College on Lab and Pathology Management. This event—the nation’s largest, most respected gathering on lab management and operations—is taking place at the Sheraton Hotel on Canal Street. Now in its 21st year, Executive War College this year expects record-breaking attendance by senior lab executives, administrators, and pathologists from all over the world.
“Never before has the clinical laboratory industry and anatomic pathology profession experienced such a fast-paced transformation of the American healthcare system as is happening now,” says Robert L. Michel, producer of Executive War College and Editor-In-Chief of The Dark Report. “As one example, the profession of lab medicine has the unprecedented opportunity to take the leading role in advancing the practice of precision medicine, informed by knowledge derived from genetic testing and whole-human genome sequencing.
Specifically addressing these precision medicine opportunities are General Sessions Tuesday, April 27, and Wednesday, April 28, noted Michel. These are world-class sessions, from esteemed speakers with international academic and clinical research reputations.”
The Executive War College 2016 General Session presentations will include:
- “Genome Sequencing and Genetic Medicine: How It’s Changing Healthcare Today and What Providers Can Expect Moving Forward,” Wednesday, April 27 at 9:40 am, featuring Brad Perkins, M.D., Chief Medical Officer with Human Longevity in San Diego, CA
- “Genomics, Data & Personalized Medicine – The UK Experience of Transforming Care for the Future,” Wednesday, April 27 at 10:40 am, featuring Professor Sue Hill, OBE, Ph.D., Dsc, CBiol, FlBiol, Hon FRCP, Chief Scientific Officer with the NHS England
- A panel discussion Tuesday afternoon, April 26 at 4:30 pm, entitled “Understanding the New Ways that Payers and Labs are Interacting as Healthcare Transforms, Different Payment Models Emerge, and Genetic Testing Creates New Opportunities to Improve Patient Outcomes,” bringing together experts with a range of perspectives on these issues.
In addition to the above one-of-a-kind forums, Executive War College 2016 offers more than 50 more information-packed presentations comprising an enlightening and expansive range of topics, plus special sessions for pathology professionals, and interactive roundtables for lab CFOs, CIOs, Sales Managers, and Marketing Officers. For more information on Executive War College 2016, visit You may also contact Chris Garcia at 210-912-7716.
Established in 1995, THE DARK REPORT is the leading source of exclusive business intelligence for laboratory CEOs, COOs, CFOs, Pathologists and Senior industry executives. It is widely read by leaders in laboratory medicine and diagnostics. The Dark Report produces the famous Executive War College on Laboratory and Pathology Management every spring, which showcases innovations by the nation’s and globe’s leading laboratory organizations. Dark Daily is an Internet-based e-briefing intelligence service, read worldwide by thought leaders in laboratory and pathology management. Other well-known conferences conducted by THE DARK REPORT are Lab Quality Confab (on the use of Lean and Six Sigma methods in labs and hospitals) and Molecular Summit (on the integration of in vivo and in vitro diagnostics). THE DARK REPORT co-produces Frontiers in Laboratory Medicine annually in the United Kingdom; Executive Edge bi-annually in Canada; and The Business of Pathology bi-annually in Australia.