News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel

News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel
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CDC Ranks Two More Drug-Resistant Microbes as ‘Urgent Threat’ to Americans; Clinical Laboratories Are Advised to Increase Awareness of Antimicrobial Resistance

In a separate study, HHS finds a 40% increase in sepsis cases, as more patients succumb to infections without effective antibiotics and antimicrobial drugs

Given the drastic steps being taken to slow the spread of the Coronavirus in America, it’s easy to forget that significant numbers of patients die each year due to antibiotic-resistant bacteria (ARB), other forms of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), and in thousands of cases the sepsis that follows the infections.

This is why the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued the report “Antibiotic Resistance Threats in the United States, 2019 (2019 AR Threats Report)” last fall. The federal agency wants to call attention the emergence of new antibiotic-resistant bacteria and fungi. In its report, the CDC lists 18 bacteria and fungi that pose either urgent, serious, or concerning threats to humans. It also placed one fungus and two bacteria on a “watch” list.

The CDC’s website states that “more than 2.8 million antibiotic-resistant infections occur in the US each year, and more than 35,000 people die as a result.” And a CDC news release states, “on average, someone in the United States gets an antibiotic-resistant infection every 11 seconds and every 15 minutes someone dies.”

Those are huge numbers.

Clinical laboratory leaders and microbiologists have learned to be vigilant as it relates to dangerously infectious antimicrobial-resistant agents that can result in severe patient harm and death. Therefore, new threats identified in the CDC’s Antibiotic Resistance Threats in the United States report will be of interest.

Drug-resistant Microbes That Pose Severe Risk

The CDC has added the fungus Candida auris (C. auris) and carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter (a bacteria that can survive for a long time on surfaces) to its list of “urgent threats” to public health, CDC said in the news release. These drug-resistant microbes are among 18 bacteria and fungi posing a greater threat to patients’ health than CDC previously estimated, Live Science reported.

In 2013, the CDC estimated that about two million people each year acquired an antibiotic-resistant (AR) infection that killed as many as 23,000. However, in 2019, the CDC reported that those numbers were low and that the number of deaths due to AR infections in 2013 was about twice that amount. During a news conference following the CDC announcement, Michael Craig (above), a Senior Adviser for the CDC’s Antibiotic Resistance Coordination and Strategy Unit said, “We knew and said [in 2013] that our estimate was conservative … and we were right,” Live Science reported. In 2019, CDC reported 2.8 million antibiotic-resistant infections annually with more than 35,000 related deaths in the US alone. (Photo copyright: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.)

The CDC considers five threats to be urgent. Including the latest additions, they are:

Dark Daily has regularly covered the healthcare industry’s ongoing struggle with deadly fungus and bacteria that are responsible for hospital-acquired infections (HAI) and sepsis. This latest CDC report suggests healthcare providers continue to struggle with antimicrobial-resistant agents.

Acinetobacter Threat Increases and C. auris a New Threat since 2013

Carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter, a bacterium that causes pneumonia and bloodstream and urinary tract infections, escalated from serious to urgent in 2013. About 8,500 infections and 700 deaths were noted by the CDC in 2017. 

C. auris, however, was not addressed in the 2013 report at all. “It’s a pathogen that we didn’t even know about when we wrote our last report in 2013, and since then it’s circumvented the globe,” said Michael Craig, Senior Adviser for the CDC’s Antibiotic Resistance Coordination and Strategy Unit, during a news conference following the CDC announcement, Live Science reported.

Today, C. auris is better understood. The fungus resists emerging drugs, can result in severe infections, and can be transmitted between patients, CDC noted.

Last year, Dark Daily reported on C. auris, noting that as of May 31 the CDC had tracked 685 cases. (See, “Potentially Fatal Fungus Invades Hospitals and Public Is Not Informed,” August 26, 2019.)

By year-end, CDC tracking showed 988 cases in the US.

More Patients Getting Sepsis as Antibiotics Fail: HHS Study

In a separate study published in Critical Care Medicine, a journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM), the US Department of Health and Human Services  (HHS) found that antibiotic-resistant bacteria and fungi are resulting in more people acquiring sepsis, a life-threatening condition, according to an HHS news release.

Sepsis increased by 40% among hospitalized Medicare patients from 2012 through 2018, HHS reported.   

“These (untreatable infections) are happening here and now in the United States in large numbers. This is isn’t some developing world thing. This isn’t a threat for 2050. It’s a threat for here and now,” Cornelius “Neil” Clancy, MD, Associate Chief of Veterans Affairs Pittsburg Health System (VAPHS) and Opportunistic Pathogens, told STAT.

It is troubling to see data about so many patient deaths related to antibiotic-resistant infections and sepsis cases when the world is transfixed by the Coronavirus. Nevertheless, it’s important that medical laboratory leaders and microbiologists keep track of how the US healthcare system is or is not responding to these new infectious agents. And, to contact infection control and environmental services colleagues to enhance surveillance, ensure safe healthcare environments and equipment, and adopt appropriate strategies to prevent antibiotic-resistant infections.   

—Donna Marie Pocius

Related Information:

CDC:  Biggest Threats and Data: 2019 Antibiotic Resistance Threats in the United States

More People in the U.S. Dying from Antibiotic-Resistant Infections Than Previously Estimated; Significant Progress Since 2013 Could be Lost Without More Action

These Two Drug-Resistant Microbes Are New “Urgent Threats” to Americans’ Health

CDC Report: 35,000 Americans Die of Antibiotic-Resistant Infections Each Year

The Superbug Candida Auris is Giving Rise to Warnings and Big Questions

On the Emergency of Candida Auris Climate Change, Azoles, Swamps, and Birds

Largest Study of Sepsis Cases Among Medicare Beneficiaries Finds Significant Burden

Sepsis Among Medicare Beneficiaries: The Burdens of Sepsis 2012 to 2018

Dark Daily: Hospital-Acquired Infection

Potentially Fatal Fungus Invades Hospitals and Public is Not Informed

Microbial Surveillance Study Snares Patients Entering Michigan Hospitals with Drug-Resistant Bacteria on Their Hands

Thorough hand-washing protocols aren’t just for healthcare professionals anymore. Patients also need to be educated to prevent hospital-acquired infections

Microbiologists and clinical laboratory managers will be particularly interested to learn that patients are bringing deadly organisms into hospitals on their hands. That’s the conclusion of a University of Michigan (UM) study which found that as patients enter and move throughout hospitals, they deposit and spread multi-drug resistant organisms, or MDROs on clinical surfaces. When those surfaces are not properly decontaminated, the bacterial contamination spreads on contact.

This finding has implications for the nosocomial infection teams in hospitals that include microbiologists and clinical laboratories. After all, every day there is a large flow of walk-in patients and visitors who come in contact with dozens of surfaces. The potential for contamination with multi-drug resistant organisms is high.

Antibiotic-resistant bacteria have been the root cause of a marked increase in hospital-acquired infections (HAIs), which Dark Daily has covered extensively. That’s why healthcare professionals practice proper hand-washing protocols to help reduce the transmission of pathogens and curtail possible infections.

The UM study, however, suggests that patients also should be educated on proper hand hygiene to diminish the potential spread of bacteria, especially before making trips to the emergency room.

The UM researchers published their study in the Oxford Academic journal Clinical Infectious Diseases.

How to Kill a Superbug

Between February and July of 2017, UM researchers at two hospitals in Southeast Michigan tested 399 general medicine hospital patients for the presence of MDROs, also known as superbugs. They swabbed the palms, fingers, and around the nails of the patients’ dominant hands and the interior of both nostrils.

The researchers found that 14% of the patients tested positive for MDROs. In addition, nearly one third of high-touch objects and surfaces in the hospital rooms tested positive for superbugs as well.  

The hospital room surfaces that were swabbed for the presence of MDROs were:

  • Bed control/bed rail;
  • Call button/television remote;
  • Bedside tray table top;
  • Telephone;
  • Toilet seat; and
  • Bathroom door knob.

The research team specifically looked for:

Due to the overuse of antibiotics, these types of bacteria are often resistant to the drugs that were once used to kill them.

“Hand hygiene narrative has largely focused on physicians, nurses, and other frontline staff, and all the policies and performance measurements have centered on them, and rightfully so,” said Lona Mody, MD (above) in a press release. Mody is Professor of Internal Medicine at UM and one of the lead researchers for the study. “But our findings make an argument for addressing transmission of MDROs in a way that involves patients, too.”

Anatomy of a Hospital-Acquired Infection

The scientists tested patients and surfaces at different stages of their hospital stays. The samples were taken on the day of admission, days three and seven of the stays, and weekly thereafter until the patients were discharged.

The team found that 6% of the patients who did not have MDROs present at the beginning of their hospital stays tested positive for superbugs at later stages of their stays. Additionally, 20% of the tested objects and surfaces in the patients’ rooms had superbugs on them at later test stages that were not present earlier in the hospital stays.

“This study highlights the importance of hand washing and environmental cleaning, especially within a healthcare setting where patients’ immune systems are compromised,” noted Katherine Reyes, MD, Department of Infectious Diseases, Henry Ford Hospital, in the press release. “This step is crucial not only for healthcare providers, but also for patients and their families. Germs are on our hands; you do not need to see to believe it. And they travel. When these germs are not washed off, they pass easily from person to person and objects to person and make people sick.”

Patients included in the study had to be new admissions, on general medicine floors, and at least 18 years of age. Criteria that excluded individuals from participation in the research included:

  • Being in observation status, typically after a medical procedure;
  • Transfers from other hospitals;
  • Transfers from intensive care units;
  • Having cystic fibrosis (these patients have a higher likelihood of MDRO colonization);
  • Receiving end-of-life care; and
  • Non-English speaking.

Patients who were transferred to a room on a nonparticipating floor within the hospitals were immediately discharged from the study. 

Patients Travel Throughout Hospitals Spreading Germs

The presence of superbugs on patients or surfaces does not automatically translate to a patient getting sick with antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Only six of the patients in this study developed MRSA. However, all six of those individuals tested positive for the superbug either on their hands or on surfaces within their room. 

The researchers noted that hospital patients typically do not stay in their rooms. They are encouraged to walk throughout the hospital to speed up the recovery process, and often are transported to other areas of hospitals for medical tests and procedures. Patients also may be picking up superbugs from other patients and staff members, other hospital areas, and commonly-touched surfaces.

The UM researchers concluded in their study that “while the burden of preventing infections has largely been borne by [healthcare personnel], our study shows that patient hands are an important reservoir and play a crucial role in the transmission of pathogens in acute care hospitals. Thus, patient hand hygiene protocols should be implemented and tested for their ability to reduce environmental contamination, pathogen transmission, and healthcare-associated infections, as well as to increase meaningful patient engagement in infection prevention.”

“Infection prevention is everybody’s business,” stated Mody in the press release. “We are all in this together. No matter where you are, in a healthcare environment or not, this study is a good reminder to clean your hands often, using good techniques—especially before and after preparing food, before eating food, after using a toilet, and before and after caring for someone who is sick—to protect yourself and others.”

These research findings should prove to be valuable for infection control teams and microbiology laboratories in the nation’s hospitals and health systems, as well as independent clinical laboratories, urgent care centers, and retail healthcare clinics.

Learning more about the transmission of infectious agents from patient to patient and from surfaces to patients could aid in the development of new techniques and strategies to prevent superbugs from manifesting in medical environments.

—JP Schlingman

Related Information:

‘Superbugs’ Found on Many Hospital Patients’ Hands and What They Touch Most Often

Multidrug-resistant Organisms in Hospitals: What Is on Patient Hands and in Their Rooms?

Unexpected Discovery of Source of Lethal, Antibiotic-Resistant Strain of E. Coli Could Lead to New Medical Laboratory Tests and Preventative Treatment

Lurking Below: NIH Study Reveals Surprising New Source of Antibiotic Resistance That Will Interest Microbiologists and Medical Laboratory Scientists

Pathologists and Clinical Laboratories to Play Critical Role in Developing New Tools to Fight Antibiotic ResistanceCould Proximity of Toilets to Sinks in Medical Intensive Care Units Contribute to Hospital-Acquired Infections?

Lurking Below: NIH Study Reveals Surprising New Source of Antibiotic Resistance That Will Interest Microbiologists and Medical Laboratory Scientists

Genomic analysis of pipes and sewers leading from the National Institutes of Health Clinical Care Center in Bethesda, Md., reveals the presence of carbapenem-resistant organisms; raises concern about the presence of multi-drug-resistant bacteria previously undetected in hospital settings

If hospitals and medical laboratories are battlegrounds, then microbiologists and clinical laboratory professionals are frontline soldiers in the ongoing fight against hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) and antibiotic resistance. These warriors, armed with advanced testing and diagnostic skills, bring expertise to antimicrobial stewardship programs that help block the spread of infectious disease. In this war, however, microbiologists and medical laboratory scientists (AKA, medical technologists) also often discover and identify new and potential strains of antibiotic resistance.

One such discovery involves a study published in mBio, a journal of the American Society for Microbiology (ASM), conducted by microbiologist Karen Frank, MD, PhD, D(AMBB), Chief of the Microbiology Service Department at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and past-president of the Academy of Clinical Laboratory Physicians and Scientists (ACLPS). She and her colleagues identified a surprising source of carbapenem-resistant organisms—the plumbing, sewers, and wastewater beneath the National Institutes of Health Center (NIHCC) in Bethesda, Md. And they theorize similar “reservoirs” could exist beneath other healthcare centers as well.

Potential Source of Superbugs and Hospital-Acquired Infections

According to the mBio study, “Carbapenemase-producing organisms (CPOs) are a global concern because of the morbidity and mortality associated with these resistant Gram-negative bacteria. Horizontal plasmid transfer spreads the resistance mechanism to new bacteria, and understanding the plasmid ecology of the hospital environment can assist in the design of control strategies to prevent nosocomial infections.”

Karen Frank, MD, PhD

Karen Frank, MD, PhD (above), is Chief of the Microbiology Service Department at the National Institutes of Health and past-president of the Academy of Clinical Laboratory Physicians and Scientists. She suggests hospitals begin tracking the spread of the bacteria. “In the big picture, the concern is the spread of these resistant organisms worldwide, and some regions of the world are not tracking the spread of the hospital isolates.” (Photo copyright: National Institutes of Health.)

Frank’s team used Illumina’s MiSeq next-generation sequencer and single-molecule real-time (SMRT) sequencing paired with genome libraries, genomics viewers, and software to analyze the genomic DNA of more than 700 samples from the plumbing and sewers. They discovered a “potential environmental reservoir of mobile elements that may contribute to the spread of resistance genes, and increase the risk of antibiotic resistant ‘superbugs’ and difficult to treat hospital-acquired infections (HAIs).”

Genomic Sequencing Identifies Silent Threat Lurking in Sewers

Frank’s study was motivated by a 2011 outbreak of antibiotic-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteria that spread through the NIHCC via plumbing in ICU, ultimately resulting in the deaths of 11 patients. Although the hospital, like many others, had dedicated teams working to reduce environmental spread of infectious materials, overlooked sinks and pipes were eventually determined to be a disease vector.

In an NBC News report on Frank’s study, Amy Mathers, MD, Director of The Sink Lab at the University of Virginia, noted that sinks are often a locus of infection. In a study published in Applied and Environmental Microbiology, another journal of the ASM, Mathers noted that bacteria in drains form a difficult to clean biofilm that spreads to neighboring sinks through pipes. Mathers told NBC News that despite cleaning, “bacteria stayed adherent to the wall of the pipe” and even “splashed out” into the rooms with sink use.

During the 2011-2012 outbreak, David Henderson, MD, Deputy Director for Clinical Care at the NIHCC, told the LA Times of the increased need for surveillance, and predicted that clinical laboratory methods like genome sequencing “will become a critical tool for epidemiology in the future.”

Frank’s research fulfilled Henderson’s prediction and proved the importance of genomic sequencing and analysis in tracking new potential sources of infection. Frank’s team used the latest tools in genomic sequencing to identify and profile microbes found in locations ranging from internal plumbing and floor drains to sink traps and even external manhole covers outside the hospital proper. It is through that analysis that they identified the vast collection of CPOs thriving in hospital wastewater.

In an article, GenomeWeb quoted Frank’s study, noting that “Over two dozen carbapenemase gene-containing plasmids were identified in the samples considered” and CPOs turned up in nearly all 700 surveillance samples, including “all seven of the wastewater samples taken from the hospital’s intensive care unit pipes.” Although the hospital environment, including “high-touch surfaces,” remained free of similar CPOs, Frank’s team noted potential associations between patient and environmental isolates. GenomeWeb noted Frank’s findings that CPO levels were in “contrast to the low positivity rate in both the patient population and the patient-accessible environment” at NIHCC, but still held the potential for transmission to vulnerable patients.

Antibiotic-Resistance: A Global Concern

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that more than two million illnesses and 23,000 deaths in the US are caused each year by antibiotic resistance, with 14,000 deaths alone linked to antibiotic resistance associated with Clostridium difficile infections (CDI). Worldwide those numbers are even higher.

Second only to CDI on the CDC’s categorized list of “18 drug-resistant threats to the United States” are carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE).

Since carbapenems are a “last resort” antibiotic for bacteria resistant to other antibiotics, the NIHCC “reservoir” of CPOs is a frightening discovery for physicians, clinical laboratory professionals, and the patients they serve.

The high CPO environment in NIHCC wastewater has the capability to spread resistance to bacteria even without the formal introduction of antibiotics. In an interview with Healthcare Finance News, Frank indicated that lateral gene transfer via plasmids was not only possible, but likely.

“The bacteria fight with each other and plasmids can carry genes that help them survive. As part of a complex bacterial community, they can transfer the plasmids carrying resistance genes to each other,” she noted. “That lateral gene transfer means bacteria can gain resistance, even without exposure to the antibiotics.”

The discovery of this new potential “reservoir” of CPOs may mean new focused genomic work for microbiologists and clinical laboratories. The knowledge gained by the discovery of CPOs in hospital waste water and sinks offers a new target for study and research that, as Frank concludes, will “benefit healthcare facilities worldwide” and “broaden our understanding of antimicrobial resistance genes in multi-drug resistant (MDR) bacteria in the environment and hospital settings.”

Amanda Warren

Related Information:

Genomic Analysis of Hospital Plumbing Reveals Diverse Reservoir of Bacterial Plasmids Conferring Carbapenem Resistance

Snooping Around in Hospital Pipes, Scientists Find DNA That Fuels the Spread of Superbugs

CSI Bethesda: Sleuths Used Sequenced Genome to Track Down Killer

Antibiotic/Antimicrobial Resistance

Study Tracks How Superbugs Splash Out of Hospital Sink Drains

CDC: Biggest Threats

Antimicrobial Stewardship: How the Microbiology Laboratory Can Right the Ship

Superbugs Breeding in Hospital Plumbing Put Patients at Risk

Microbiologists at Weill Cornell Use Next-Generation Gene Sequencing to Map the Microbiome of New York City Subways

UCLA Device Enables Diagnosis of Antimicrobial Resistance in Any Setting; Could Save Lives Lost to Antimicrobial Resistant Bacteria

In studies, the automated microbial susceptibility testing device for smartphone performed with 98.2% accuracy, meeting FDA criteria

Imagine doing antimicrobial susceptibility testing outside a clinical laboratory. That’s the goal of researchers on the West Coast who are developing a smartphone-based diagnostic device with the capability of performing this type of point-of-care testing (POCT).

This new mobile POCT device is under development at the University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA). It promises to bring antimicrobial susceptibility testing—a routine procedure in the most medical laboratories—to remote, resource-limited areas of the world.

The device, which attaches directly to a smartphone, contains an automated diagnostic test reader that examines the body’s antimicrobial resistance, according to a UCLA news release. (more…)

Pathologists and Clinical Laboratories to Play Critical Role in Developing New Tools to Fight Antibiotic Resistance

Medical laboratories to become antimicrobial stewards in the fight against antibiotic resistance

At the start of 2017, new requirements for antimicrobial stewardship programs became effective for hospitals and other providers that must accredit to the standards of Medicare Conditions of Participation (COP) and The Joint Commission. Clinical laboratories serving hospitals are already engaged in efforts to improve the use of antibiotics in ways that slow the growth of antibiotic-resistant strains of infectious agents.

Even as the nation’s hospitals embark on efforts to implement effective antimicrobial stewardship programs, researchers continue to seek solutions to the same problem. They are following several paths to combat the growing resistance certain pathogens have to antibiotics. In particular, two approaches are interesting for pathologists and medical laboratory personnel. One involves understanding the processes that lead to antibiotic resistance. The other is to identify useful biomarkers associated with specific strains of pathogens. (more…)
