News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel

News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel
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How to successfully lead your lab through the legislative and regulatory landscape of COVID-19

Dark Daily and COVID-19 STAT Intelligence Briefings is offering this FREE webinar as a service to our clinical lab and pathology colleagues


covid-19-stat-intelligence briefing service

Held Wednesday, April 22 at 1PM EDT


Now a Streaming Webinar


Laboratories and pathology groups are facing unprecedented clinical, operational, financial, and legal challenges due to COVID-19. The legislative and regulatory landscape is as constantly evolving as the strategies that must be implemented.

Attend this 90-minute webinar, including an interactive Q&A session, and gain valuable insights that will enable you to implement the legal, operational, and financial strategies to maximize your position in this unique and demanding environment. Learn the legal pathways and strategies for implementing key operational changes, and understand the legal and regulatory developments that will determine how you can continue to successfully operate your lab or practice during the COVID-19 crisis.

This free webinar is produced by The Dark Report in support of clinical laboratory professionals and pathologists as they respond to this complex course of events.


Now a Streaming Webinar

You’ll get expert perspective on

  • Employment-related issues and challenges of COVID-19 including furloughs, layoffs, and Family Medical Leave Act obligations, and the legal requirements pertinent to each of these actions as well as practical guidance for implementation
  • HIPAA developments related to telemedicine and privacy issues associated with working remotely
  • CMS enforcement discretion related to CLIA, to facilitate new forms of COVID-19 testing and ease restrictions on laboratories and pathologists to permit greater services flexibility
  • CMS and CARES Act assistance intended to lessen administrative and financial burdens for providers and where to access/apply for such assistance, CMS 1135 blanket waivers, and an update on the PAMA extensions passed as part of the CARES Act
  • Regulatory developments and provider assistance resulting from the COVID-19 emergency, and what your lab or pathology group needs to know to take advantage of the relaxed regulatory framework to assist in the extended delivery of care during COVID-19
  • Effectively dealing with loan defaults and other financial challenges resulting from the COVID-19 crisis, and much more

Now a Streaming Webinar


Who should attend?

  • Laboratory Executives
  • Laboratory Directors
  • Integrated Health System Leaders
  • Pathologists and Pathology Group Administrators
  • Laboratory Human Resource Managers
  • Laboratory IT Managers

This webinar will provide specific information that can be used by clinical, HR, financial, and IT leadership to implement compliant and effective actions to address the multiple challenges facing their laboratory or practice.

As a participant, you will come away with a comprehensive and action-oriented understanding of legal and practical strategies necessary to effectively operate during the COVID-19 emergency.


Our experts:


James J. Boutrous II
Detroit Managing Member; Board of Directors
McDonald Hopkins
Detroit, MI 

Emily A. Johnson
Member representing clients in the health law industry
McDonald Hopkins
Chicago, IL 

Courtney G. Tito
Member representing clients in the health law industry
McDonald Hopkins
West Palm Beach, FL

Elizabeth Sullivan
Co-Chair, National Healthcare Practice Group
McDonald Hopkins
Cleveland, OH

Jason M. Smith
Chair, Commercial Finance Practice Group
McDonald Hopkins
Cleveland, OH 


DATE:                     Held Wednesday, April 22nd

TIME:                     1 PM EDT, Noon CDT, 10 AM PDT

PLACE:                   Your computer and/or speakerphone

COST:                     FREE (unlimited attendance per site)

STREAM NOW:       Register here


Expert Speakers:

James J. Boutrous II
Detroit Managing Member; Board of Directors
McDonald Hopkins
Detroit, MI

James J. Boutrous II

James J. Boutrous II
Detroit Managing Member; Board of Directors
McDonald Hopkins
Detroit, MI

Emily A. Johnson

Emily A. Johnson
Member representing clients
in the health law industry
McDonald Hopkins
Chicago, IL

Courtney G. Tito

Courtney G. Tito
Member representing clients
in the health law industry
McDonald Hopkins
West Palm Beach, FL

Elizabeth Sullivan

Elizabeth Sullivan
Co-Chair, National Healthcare Practice Group
McDonald Hopkins
Cleveland, OH

Jason M. Smith

Jason M. Smith
Chair, Commercial Finance Practice Group
McDonald Hopkins
Cleveland, OH
