News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel

News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel
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Company’s Goal Is to Reduce Consumer’s Need to Visit Clinical Laboratories by Developing a Test Device for Home Monitoring of Fitness and Pre-Existing Conditions

Flow Health Hub device could be disruptive to medical laboratories, as it will be designed to allow patients to perform their own diagnostic tests to monitor pre-existing conditions

Another biotech company has its eye on medical laboratory testing and wants to bring to market what it describes as a consumer do-it-yourself test device. The company is designing the device to let consumers do fitness monitoring. But it hopes the device will also allow consumers to monitor pre-existing conditions without the need to visit a clinical laboratory.

These are ambitious goals for Cambridge Consultants, a health IT engineering and technology development firm in Massachusetts. The device under development is the Flow Health Hub, which company executives say can bring the power of the clinical laboratory into the home, according to a Cambridge Consultants press release.

Though still in the conceptual phase, the developer suggests that the user-friendly device could negate the need to visit medical laboratories for routine tests. That would save time and money for both patients and their doctors. (more…)

Anticipating the Digital Medicine Revolution, Scripps Doctor Prescribes Smartphone Apps as Frequently as Medications

Pathologists will want to engage with physicians as wireless devices and smartphone apps make it possible to maintain continuous surveillance of the body

Pathologists might want to borrow a page from a tech-savvy doctor who was voted the “Most Influential Physician Executive” in 2012. A cardiologist, this physician says he now prescribes mobile applications for his patients almost as frequently as he prescribes therapeutic drugs.

Many clinical laboratory managers will recognize the name of Eric Topol, M.D., who is the Director of the Scripps Translational Science Institute, Professor of Genomics at the Scripps Research Institute, and Chief Academic Officer at Scripps Health, all located in La Jolla, California. Topol has a passion for wireless medical technology. Moreover, he is nationally recognized as a wireless medical technology trailblazer, as well as for his medical expertise.

In fact, in one news clip, NBC News touts him as the nation’s foremost expert in the explosion of wireless medicine. Topol was also selected by GQ Magazine in 2009 as one of the nation’s 12 “Rock Stars of Science.” (more…)

New iPhone App Allows Consumers to Test Their Urine on the Go for as Many as 25 Different Diseases

Pathologists and clinical laboratory managers may want to learn more about the UCheck mobile app developed by Biosense Technologies  

Developers of a new iPhone application claim their app can analyze a urine specimen for up to 25 different diseases. This mobile app is a deliberate attempt to give consumers the ability to perform diagnostic tests that would normally be run in a full-scale clinical laboratory.

Pathologists and clinical biochemists will want to visit the website of Biosense Technologies to check out this mobile application, which is called uCheck. Biosense is a medical device company located in Mumbai, India. (more…)
