News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel

News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel
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New $52 Million Biosafety Level 3 Laboratory to Be Constructed in Dallas County, Texas

Level 3 bio labs handle Ebola, smallpox and other deadly diseases, and may play a role in research into the human genome

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a concerted effort to improve public health laboratories and increase the growth of bioresearch. Clinical laboratories across the country are required by law to send specimens of certain infectious diseases to public health labs for testing and analysis. The results of those tests are then reported to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which is working to foster robust connections and relationships between clinical labs and public health labs.

One such effort was recently announced in Dallas County, Texas. It will create the Dallas County Health and Human Services Public Health Laboratory. The 75,000 square-foot level 3 biological safety lab (BSL-3) will be built from the ground up and customized to meet the requirements and specifications of the county. It will be used to study potentially lethal infectious agents or toxins that can be transmitted through the air and will be located on the north end of the Southwestern Medical District, according to Dallas Innovates.

A land transaction for a 1.6-acre purchase between Dallas County and TXRE Properties closed in April. The development of the lab is expected to cost $52 million and should be completed by late 2025 with occupancy as early as January 2026.

Artist rendering of new health facility

The graphic above is an artist rendering of what the new Dallas County Health and Human Services Public Health Laboratory may look like. For some time now, Dallas County has been working to create a hub centered around infrastructure and buildings to be used for bio development and research, public health labs, and even clinical laboratories. (Graphic copyright: 5G Studio Collaborative.)

Continuing Support for HHS

“The large-scale response required for COVID-19 demonstrated the need for the acquisition that will permit the continued support of the HHS efforts in response to the ongoing safety, containment, incident response to emerging and high consequence diseases that could operate at the peak of a crisis without hindering or being hindered by other county operations,” states a Dallas County Commissioners Court Order, D Magazine reported.

Funding for the project is coming from the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLRFR) program—part of the American Rescue Plan—which is designed to help local governments respond to and recover from the COVID-19 public health emergency.

“The county currently utilizes owned facilities to provide laboratory services, testing services, and other initiatives,” according to the court order. “These facilities have performance and design shortcomings and have required significant capital expenditure for their ongoing use.

“To avoid leasing space and avoid additional capital investment into deferred and ongoing maintenance, the county has been searching for a suitable location/acquisition to collocate uses/departments into a centralized, efficient, and suitable laboratory,” the court order continued.

Lab Will Conduct Research into Potentially Fatal Diseases

The facility will pursue becoming a Biological Safety Level-3 laboratory. BSL-3 labs typically conduct research or work on microbes that can cause serious and potentially fatal disease through inhalation. These labs are required to be easily decontaminated. They must also have additional safety measures, including interlocked doors, sealed windows, floors, and walls, and filtered ventilation systems.

“The core diagnostic functions are—along with safety—related to identification, containment, security, and incident response to emerging and high consequence diseases,” the court order notes.

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the actual number of BSL-3 facilities in the US is currently unknown “because federal registration is required only if select agent (National SA Registry) or NIH-funded recombinant DNA (rDNA) (Institutional Biosafety Committee [IBC]) work is conducted,” according to an article published in the journal Biosecurity and Bioterrorism: Biodefense, Strategy, Practice, and Science, titled, “BSL-3 Laboratory Practices in the United States: Comparison of Select Agent and Non–Select Agent Facilities.”

A Georgetown University article published last year concluded there are 148 institutions with BSL-3 laboratories in the US. This number was established by identifying and totaling the number of BSL-3 facilities that published research between 2006 and 2021 using PubMed Central, a full-text archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the US National Institutes of Health’s National Library of Medicine (NIH/NLM).

The creation of this new biosafety lab in Dallas is consistent with the trend of investment dollars being poured into research into the human genome. This type of research, along with the creation of new facilities, can directly lead to new biomarkers that can be utilized in clinical laboratory testing and disease prevention. 

—JP Schlingman

Related Information:

Dallas County Plans $52 Million Bio Lab Development Near Southwestern Medical District

Dallas County to Build New $52M Bio-Lab Facility

Dallas County to Build a $52M Bio Lab and Life Sciences Building Near the Southwestern Medical District

Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds

Dallas Medical District Property Sells for New Laboratory Project

BSL-3 Laboratory Practices in the United States: Comparison of Select Agent and Non–Select Agent Facilities

Mapping Biosafety Level-3 Laboratories by Publications

What is a BSL-3 (Biological Safety Levels) Lab?

Institutional Biosafety Committee

Biosafety Level Requirements

Private Healthcare on Rise as Britain’s Public Healthcare System Faces Horrific Conditions, Walkouts

Challenges abound as the NHS tries to recover before UK citizens move to private insurance; some patients have wait times of up to six months for a histopathology diagnosis of cancer

Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) is in dire straits. The UK’s vaunted state-run healthcare system is overrun with appallingly poor conditions, impossibly long wait times, diminished care, and multiple walk-outs in various medical fields that Dark Daily reported on last week in “British Junior Doctors Stage Four-Day Walkout Demanding Increased Pay and Better Working Conditions.”

As we noted, thousands of clinical laboratory tests and surgical pathology readings had to be delayed or cancelled due to the strikes.

An NHS worker in a Liverpool hospital told CNN that conditions felt like a “war zone” with patients being treated in the backs of ambulances, corridors, waiting rooms, cupboards, or not at all since hospitals are well over capacity.

As a result, UK residents are increasingly bypassing the long wait times for the NHS’ “free” healthcare and instead paying out of pocket for private health insurance, CNN reported in “Why is Britain’s Health Service, a Much-loved National Treasure, Falling Apart?

Chris Thomas

“Those who can afford to get private insurance are,” Chris Thomas (above), told The Guardian. Thomas is Head of the Commission on Health and Prosperity for UK progressive policy think tank the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR). “People are not opting out of the NHS because they have stopped believing in it as the best and fairest model of healthcare,” he said. “Rather, those who can afford it are being forced to go private … and those without the funds are left to ‘put up or shut up.’” (Photo copyright: Institute for Public Policy Research.)

Two-Tier System Could Become UK’s Norm, Dividing Classes

The drive towards private insurance is leaving Britain on the brink of having a “two-tier” system where the NHS is overpowered by private healthcare. And it’s not an unwarranted fear. One in six people in Britain are prepared to use private healthcare instead of waiting for the NHS, The Guardian reported.

A report from the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) claims a UK two-tiered system would not mimic what we have here in the US. Rather, if the trend continues in the private direction, it would more likely be comparable to dentistry in England, “… where poor NHS access exists for some and superior but expensive access exists for many. We stand at the precipice of a growing ‘opt-out’ by those who can,” according to the IPPR report, The Guardian noted.

More importantly, this could further divide classes. “Such a trend could threaten the deep and widespread public support for the NHS among voters and leave millions of patients vulnerable because of their ethnicity, postcode, income or job,” The Guardian noted the IPPR report as saying.

In an op-ed she penned for CNN, titled, “We Can Barely Breathe. How Did Britain’s Treasured NHS Get So Sick?” Internal Medicine Junior Doctor for NHS in South East England, Roopa Farooki, MD, described the conditions her son witnessed when he arrived at her ER with a shoulder injury on one of her days off.

“It’s different when you see your everyday reality though naïve eyes. He saw the elderly patients on the jigsaw of trolleys crammed into the department, pushed against the wall, squeezed in the gap between the bed and nursing stations.

“He saw the fluids hanging from rails where we had no stands, lines running into the patient’s forearms. He saw the oxygen fed into their noses from cylinders propped along the bed, the cacophony of beeping machines and alarms.

“It doesn’t look like it does on the TV. It doesn’t even look like it does on reality TV,” she wrote.

The healthcare statistics are alarming. According to CNN:

  • There was a 20% increase in excess deaths the final week of December 2022, compared to the previous five years.
  • Half of patients waiting for emergency care that month waited for more than four hours, which was a record.
  • Also in December, 54,000 people waited more than 12 hours for emergency admission. The wait was “virtually zero” prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • And “category 2” conditions, such as a stroke or heart attack, had a more than 90-minute wait time for ambulance attendance. The target response time is 18 minutes.

Dim Hopes for Improvement

Though the NHS has struggled in recent years, the challenges are seemingly worse now. “This time feels different. It’s never been as bad as this,” gastroenterologist Peter Neville, MD, a consultant physician who worked with the NHS since 1989, told CNN.

CNN noted that a perfect storm of challenges might have brought the NHS to where it is today. COVID-19, flu seasons paired with COVID, lack of financial support, lack of social support, staffing and morale issues are just some of the problems that the NHS must address.

Experts point out that as the NHS’ struggles increase so begins a loop where one problem feeds another. Patients who wait to be seen have treatments that take longer, then they get sicker, and the cycle continues.

Despite having one of the highest proportions of government healthcare spending on Earth, up to 40% of Britons report having accessed or plan to access private care, Breitbart reported.

Sadly, it’s unlikely enough cash will come in from the UK government to make significant improvements for the NHS. The budget announcement in November showed the NHS was to get an average 2% spending increase over the next two years, CNN reported.

Are there lessons here for US hospitals, clinical laboratories, and pathology groups? Perhaps. It’s always instructive to see how our fellow healthcare providers across the pond respond to public pressure for more access to quality care.

—Kristin Althea O’Connor

Related Information:

Why is Britain’s Health Service, a Much-Loved National Treasure, Falling Apart

Private Healthcare Boom Adds to Fears of Two-Tier System in UK

IPPR Report: The State Of Health and Care 2022

Opinion: ‘We Can Barely Breathe,’ How did Britain’s Treasured NHS Get So Sick?

Britons Flock to Private Doctors as Socialized Healthcare Fails to Deliver on Time

British Junior Doctors Stage Four-Day Walkout Demanding Increased Pay and Better Working Conditions

Innovators Develop Multi-Analyte Pulse Oximeters That Accurately Read Oxygen Levels in People with Darker Skin Pigmentation

Multiple studies have shown that people with darker skin pigmentation run a higher risk of being misdiagnosed and undertreated than patients with lighter skin due to inaccurate oxygen level readings

Though pulse oximeters are not a standard clinical laboratory device, clinical laboratory scientists (aka, medical technologists) know of them and understand their function, particularly with hospital patients.

Now, scientists at multiple institutions are working to improve the basic pulse oximeter’s design by making it capable of measuring multiple biomarkers, as well as addressing long-standing inaccuracies in the device when used on people with darker skin pigmentation.

This ongoing research demonstrates how new technologies are enabling innovators to add useful functions to standard, well-accepted devices.

Valencia Koomson, PhD

Valencia Koomson, PhD (above), Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, and head of the Advanced Integrated Circuits and Systems Lab at Tufts University, has developed a pulse oximeter that measures oxygenation in tissue, rather than in blood. Her approach could ensure patients with darker skin pigmentation will be accurately diagnosed at the point-of-care. Though generally not used in clinical laboratory settings, medical technologists will be interested to learn of these new innovations in pulse oximeters. (Photo copyright: Tufts University.)

Measuring Tissues Instead of Blood

The pulse oximeter—a device that attaches to a person’s finger—uses red and infrared light to measure blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) and display pulse rate.

Studies in 2022 that looked into how hospitals administered oxygen to different patients found that inconsistent pulse oximeter readings could cause caregivers to administer less oxygen than is actually needed to people with darker skin pigmentation.

This is because melanin in the skin can interfere with “absorption of light used to measure oxygenated blood in a person’s finger,” according to a National Science Foundation (NSF) news story. Such inaccurate pulse oximeter readings can lead to “inaccurate readings and poorer treatment outcomes” for people with dark skin tones, the NSF wrote.

“Addressing this problem will require innovation in pulse oximeter design and revised regulatory standards,” said Valencia Koomson, PhD, Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts, in the NSF news story.

Koomson, who leads the Advance Integrated Circuit and Systems Lab at Tufts, has developed a prototype pulse oximeter device, which NSF explained, measures oxygenation in biological tissues instead of blood.

NSF supports her pulse oximeter research through the National Science Foundation Partnerships for Innovation (PFI) program.

“My lab’s work on pulse oximeter devices will provide an alternative technology to address many confounding factors that affect pulse oximeter accuracy, including skin pigmentation, motion artifact, and others,” Koomson said.

National Public Radio (NPR) said Koomson’s device has built-in “technology that can measure a person’s skin tone.”

“We can send more light if there’s a higher level of melanin present, so that melanin doesn’t become a confounding factor that obscures our results,” Koomson told NPR.

Another Pulse Oximeter Redesign

Another new approach to pulse oximetry was developed at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island.

Rutendo Jakachira, Research Assistant, School of Engineering, and a PhD student in physics, turned to new optical techniques to address the challenge of oxygen saturation levels in dark skin tones, according to a Brown University news release.

Jakachira and Kimani Toussaint, PhD, Professor of Engineering and Senior Associate Dean in the School of Engineering, say they have created possibly the first LED-based light source to emit radially polarized light.

When the LED passes light through a person’s finger, the device calculates the amount of light the hemoglobin in the blood absorbed, NPR explained.

“We did a preliminary study on about five people, and although it was a small study, the results are promising,” said Jakachira, who plans a larger study and clinical trial. 

Study Suggests Patients with Darker Skin May Have Received Delayed COVID-19 Care

Meanwhile, a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology (AJE) suggested pulse oximeter errors may have led to a 4.5-hour delay in COVID-19 treatment of patients with darker skin pigmentation, according to a news release from the University of California San Francisco.

The researchers analyzed electronic health record (EHR) data from 43,753 patients at Sutter Health in Sacramento, California, who had SpO2 measurements done between January 2020 and February 2022, and 8,735 patients seen for COVID-19 between July 2020 and February 2021 in the hospital’s emergency department.

In their AJE paper, they wrote, “We investigated whether or not pulse oximetry systematically underestimated oxygen saturation in patients who identified as NHB [non-Hispanic Black/African-American] as compared with NHW [non-Hispanic White] counterparts. We also assessed whether or not differences in oxygen saturation measurement affected hospital admission, care delivered, or return to the hospital post discharge among patients with COVID-19.

“We found evidence of differential pulse oximeter measurement error in NHB individuals, resulting in nonrandom overestimation of blood oxygenation as compared with NHW individuals. NHB individuals were also more likely to have hypoxemia [abnormally low oxygen levels in the blood] not detected by pulse oximetry.

“For NHB patients presenting in the ED with COVID-19, we found that overestimation of oxygen saturation was associated with underestimation of the need for admission and underestimation of the need for treatment with dexamethasone and supplemental oxygen. Additionally, we observed associated delays in dexamethasone initiation and initiation of oxygen supplementation.

“There are also broader implications beyond COVID-19, as differential pulse oximeter accuracy has the potential to exacerbate disparities for any condition that relies upon blood oxygenation measurement to inform clinical decision-making.”

Importance of Accurate Readings

Developing pulse oximeters that are accurate for all people, regardless of skin tone, is clearly an important breakthrough. Medical laboratory leaders and pathologists recognize that SpO2 data—along with clinical laboratory test results—are critical for successful diagnostics and treatment. Thus, new technologies that add useful functions to well-accepted devices are positive developments and worth watching.    

Donna Marie Pocius

Related Information:

Researcher Addresses Longstanding Problem with Pulse Oximeters and Dark-skinned Patients

When it Comes to Darker Skin, Pulse Oximeters Fall Short

Brown PhD Student Working to Correct Skin Color Bias in Pulse Oximeters

Pulse Oximeters Don’t Work as Well on Darker Skin, Leading to Flawed COVID-19 Care

Racial Disparities in Pulse Oximeter Device Inaccuracy and Estimated Clinical Impact on COVID-19 Treatment Course

City of Baltimore, University of Maryland Create Pilot Program to Train People to Work in Clinical Laboratories

Funded by the CDC, the program hopes to alleviate personnel shortages in Baltimore area clinical labs while also producing a knowledge base for lab managers nationwide

Clinical laboratory managers struggling to fill vacant phlebotomy and accessioning positions will be interested to learn about a pilot program being conducted by the City of Baltimore and the University of Maryland School of Medicine to train people “for employment in hospital laboratories, phlebotomy draw sites, and reference laboratory processing centers,” according to The Elm, a publication of the University of Maryland, Baltimore.

The 14-week “Mayor’s Workforce Development Program” began on April 19 and will continue through the end of July. Participants meet twice a week for lectures and experience working with specimens in actual medical laboratories or in a “hybrid learning environment,” The Elm reported.

“I came up with the idea of doing cross-training for laboratory people and public health people in case there is another pandemic,” explained Lorraine Doucette in an exclusive interview with Dark Daily. Doucette, who is managing the pilot program, is an Assistant Professor and Medical Laboratory Science Program Director, Department of Medical and Research Technology, University of Maryland School of Medicine.

“There is already a huge shortage of laboratory people, but an enormous amount left in droves during the pandemic because they got physically burned out. Some just could not do the work anymore because of things like carpal tunnel syndrome and repetitive stress injuries,” she added.

Lorraine Doucette

“I’m confident that all 15 or 16 students who complete this workforce program will be employed within weeks of finishing as accessioners,” said Lorraine Doucette (above), Assistant Professor and Medical Laboratory Science Program Director, Department of Medical and Research Technology, University of Maryland School of Medicine, in an exclusive interview with Dark Daily. “This has been so successful. This is making a difference in people’s lives. This is changing them from being unemployed to actually having a career in a clinical laboratory. They love it. They are so proud of themselves.” (Photo copyright: LinkedIn.)

CDC Funding Part of National Program to ‘Enhance’ Clinical Lab Workforce

Doucette and her team met with people from the Baltimore Mayor’s Office of Employment Development (MOED) to discuss a possible partnership. They were interested and Doucette eventually became a recipient of funding through a cooperative agreement with the federal Centers for Disease and Control Prevention (CDC).

The collaboration is part of a CDC project titled, “Enhancing US Clinical Workforce Capacity.’ Doucette will receive a total of one million dollars over the course of three years to facilitate the program in stages.

“It is not necessarily an old-fashioned grant where they just gave me a pile of money,” Doucette told Dark Daily. “The CDC works with me constantly via reports and Zoom meetings.”

This CDC project is designed to both cross train clinical laboratory professionals in public health, clinical chemistry, microbiology, and hematology, as well as to train individuals in the workforce development program to become laboratory accessioners.

“They are going to be qualified to work as an accessioner in any local hospital,” Doucette noted. “The people who pick up the lab samples out of the tube system are the accessioners and there is a huge shortage of them also. We’re teaching them the basics so the more advanced lab personnel can perform the higher-level work.”

Students in the program learn all about lab safety and the proper handling of lab samples as well as proper data entry, professionalism, and how to communicate with medical and laboratory personnel. They work with urine and blood samples and fabricated spinal fluid samples. 

“They are taught about the different tubes, what the anticoagulants are, what makes each tube unique, why you can’t mix samples, balancing a centrifuge, and how to properly put on and remove safety gear like lab coats, gloves, and goggles,” Doucette explained. 

The Mayor’s Workforce Development Program is free for Baltimore residents looking for employment via the workforce office. The only requirements for enrolling are having a high school education and being fully vaccinated.

Phlebotomy and Additional Cross-training to Be Added

Doucette would eventually like to add a phlebotomy segment to future training sessions. “We would like to develop an additional partnership with BCCC (Baltimore City Community College) for the phlebotomy piece. That would definitely increase the people and the program’s marketability,” she said. “They could not only draw the blood, but they could also process the sample.”

After assessing the success of the current program and determining what did and did not work, there will be an additional training session held in the fall. Next year, there will be more sessions held for individuals in the workforce program and cross-training classes for current clinical laboratory professionals.

The strategy for the third year of the grant includes sharing the specifics of the program with medical laboratory professionals via the CDC’s free OneLab REACH platform. This portion includes the online delivery of documentation such as training sheets, lab exercises, Microsoft PowerPoint presentations, and videos used in both the accessioning and cross-training coursework.

“We’re going to do the OneLab REACH,” Doucette said. “I’m going to be putting it all online and marketing it all around the country in stages and increments. I will be going to a lot of professional society meetings and talking to lab managers to help them understand the concept of how this all benefits them.”

This unique collaboration between the City of Baltimore and University of Maryland School of Medicine, funded by the CDC, should help alleviate some of the clinical laboratory worker shortages that exist in the Baltimore area. Hopefully, the effort will result in additional knowledge, resources, and tools to assist medical lab managers across the country to recruit and retain talented, highly-skilled workers.   

JP Schlingman

Related Information:

Enhancing US Clinical Laboratory Workforce Capacity

What Is an Accessioner and How to Become One

Enhancing US Clinical Laboratory Workforce Capacity

93.322: CSELS Partnership: Strengthening Public Health Laboratories

NOFO OE22-2202: Enhancing US Clinical Laboratory Workforce Capacity—Frequently Asked Questions

NOFO OE22-2202: Enhancing US Clinical Laboratory Workforce Capacity—Q/A Session Transcript

Forbes Senior Contributor Covers Reasons for Growing Staff Shortages at Medical Laboratories and Possible Solutions

Medical Technologist Demand Exceeds Supply by Large Margin Across the United States as Clinical Laboratories Scramble to Stay Fully Staffed

British Junior Doctors Stage Four-Day Walkout Demanding Increased Pay and Better Working Conditions

More than 10,000 doctors walked out for the second time in two months, further burdening an already overwhelmed NHS

On April 11, tens of thousands of junior doctors (similar to medical residents in the US) left their posts in British hospitals commencing a four-day walkout. The strike resulted in the cancellation of thousands of operations and appointments, as well as cancelling or delaying thousands of clinical laboratory tests and anatomic pathology readings associated with those healthcare visits and surgical procedures.

The walkout was spurred by pay concerns and working conditions and comes on the heels of a three-day strike last month. That strike had already weakened the UK’s frail National Health System (NHS), which has become inundated with appointment backlogs that predate the COVID-19 pandemic, and which has led to longer wait times to see a doctor, ABC News reported.

This latest strike was more perilous since the senior doctors who covered for their juniors during last month’s strike were previously on leave for a holiday weekend, United Press International (UPI) reported.

Matthew Taylor

“These strikes are going to have a catastrophic impact on the capacity of the NHS to recover,” Matthew Taylor (above), Chief Executive of the NHS Confederation, told Sky News. “The health service has to meet high levels of demand at the same time as making inroads into that huge backlog … That’s a tough thing to do at the best of times—it’s impossible to do when strikes are continuing.” (Photo copyright: Wikimedia Commons.)

Junior Docs Cite Injustice

Junior doctors who walked out are calling for a 35% pay raise to right the wrongs of 15 years of below-inflation raises, but the government continues to argue it cannot afford to increase pay, UPI noted.

“There is nothing ‘junior’ about the work I have done as a doctor. For an hour of work that I might save a life, I can be paid 19£ [$23.65],” said Jennifer Barclay, MD, a surgical junior doctor in the UK’s North West electoral zone, in a British Medical Association (BMA) press release.

“My dad, an electrician, tells me to quit and retrain in his footsteps. I’d be earning more, have less stress, less responsibility, better hours, and a better work-life balance after three years,” she added. “Surely, this life, this training, responsibility, debt, and crushing workload is worth more than 19£ per hour? I’ll be on the picket line this week because doctors believe that it is.”

According to the BMA, newly qualified junior doctors earn just over 14£ ($17.43) per hour, ABC News reported, which added, “The doctors’ union has asked for a 35% pay rise to bring junior doctor pay back to 2008 levels.”

However, their pay demands come in the midst of a cost-of-living crisis in the UK. Inflation has risen above 10%. Paired with increases in heating costs and food prices mean that decreased wages leave many struggling to pay bills, ABC news reports.

A hard-hitting BMA advertising campaign designed to shine light on these disparities depicts three junior doctors (with one-, seven-, and 10-years’ experience) removing an appendix. The video shows that the total the three would be paid for the hour-long operation would be 66.55£ ($82.84):

  • Doctor with one year experience: 14.09£ ($17.54).
  • Doctor with two years’ experience: 24.46£ ($30.45).
  • Doctor with three years’ experience: 28£ ($34.85).

And this for performing a potentially life-saving procedure, the BMA stated.

In the press release, BMA Junior Doctors Committee co-chairs Robert Laurenson and Vivek Trivedi said, “It is appalling that this government feels that paying three junior doctors as little as 66.55£ between them for work of this value is justified. This is highly skilled work requiring years of study and intensive training in a high-pressure environment where the job can be a matter of life or death.”

Patient Care is Affected

Lower salaries also affect patient care levels and have led to recruitment issues, with many doctors leaving the profession, the BBC reported. “This is not a situation where we are fixed in our position. We’re looking for negotiations and Steve Barclay (UK’s Secretary of State for Health and Social Care) isn’t even willing to talk to us. He hasn’t put any offer at all on the table … there has to be two sides in the discussion,” Emma Runswick, MD, a junior doctor and deputy chairwoman of the BMA, told the BBC.

But while the junior doctors battle for wages, the government’s initial focus has been on patient wellbeing. “There will be risks to patient safety, risks to patient dignity, as we are not able to provide the kind of care we want to,” NHS Confederation Chief Executive Matthew Taylor told UPI prior to the walkout.

The timing of the walkout also caused consternation with the NHS. “Not only will walkouts risk patient safety, but they have been timed to maximize disruption after the Easter break,” Health Secretary Barclay told UPI as the walkout was announced.

Barclay also claimed the amount sought by doctors was “unreasonable” and would cause raises above $25,000 per year, UPI reported. “If the BMA is willing to move significantly from this position and cancel strikes, we can resume confidential talks and find a way forward as we have done with other unions,” he stated.

It is important to note that doctors would be pulled from picket lines if immediate danger were present due to trade union laws that say life-and-limb coverage must be provided, the BMA told the BBC.

—Kristin Althea O’Connor

Related Information:

Junior Doctors’ Strike: Patient Care ‘On a Knife Edge’ as Up to 350,000 Appointments Could Be Cancelled During Four-Day Walkout

British Doctors Walk Out of Hospitals at Start of Crippling Four-Day Strike

Tens of Thousands of Doctors in Britain to Participate in 4-Day Walkout

Three Junior Doctors Would Earn Just 66£ Between Them for Taking Out Your Appendix, says BMA in New Advertising Campaign

English Docs Strike Could be Catastrophic, Officials Say”

Junior Doctors’ Strike Puts Patients at More Risk-Barclay

HSN Explains What a Junior Doctor Is

NHS System Explained

Why Is Britain’s Health Service, a Much-Loved National Treasure, Falling Apart?
