News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel

News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel
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Leapfrog Study Shows Hospital Use of CPOE Can Affect Clinical Pathology Laboratory Test Utilization

Study Finds Weaknesses in the Performance Of CPOE System in Daily Care Settings

Many experts believe that wider use of computerized physician order entry (CPOE) systems can contribute to the better utilization of clinical pathology laboratory tests. CPOE is considered one method for helping the physician order the right medical laboratory test for the patient at the right time—then use the clinical lab test results to implement the most appropriate therapy.

CPOE is an important decision-support tool for physicians at the point-of-care (POC). Regular use of a CPOE is also something that the federal government specifically identified as necessary to accomplish “meaningful use” link under the ARRA/HITECH Act legislation. (more…)

United Kingdom’s National Health Service Expands its Largest Public/Private Clinical Pathology Laboratory Joint Venture

GSTS Pathology Inks Pathology Testing Services Pact with KingsPath in London

In the United Kingdom, clinical pathology laboratories are facing major changes in ownership, operation, and how they are funded. One very visible sign of these coming changes is the latest expansion in the nation’s largest public/private pathology testing joint venture that took effect just two weeks ago.

On September 24, Serco Group, plc, announced that KingsPath, the pathology service arm of the King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, was entering a pathology joint venture with GSTS Pathology. This partnership became effective on October 1.


From Digital Pathology to Clinical Laboratory Automation, White Papers Are Available for Medical Laboratory Professionals

New resource library on clinical pathology laboratory management can be accessed via Web

There is a new resource library for clinical laboratory managers and pathologists that contains White Papers on contemporary topics involving clinical laboratory management, pathology administration, and the medical laboratory testing marketplace. This White Paper library is hosted at and is a useful new information resource for the clinical laboratory profession.

The White Paper resource library is another example of how the Internet and Web 2.0 creates new educational opportunities for medical laboratory professionals and pathologists. The White Papers on clinical laboratory and pathology topics can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere in the world. Each White Paper can be downloaded immediately as a PDF.


Medical Home Concept Poised to be National Model, May Increase Utilization of Clinical Pathology Laboratory Testing

Medicare to do National Demonstration Project Involving Medical Homes

Medical home pilot projects are being closely watched by pathologists and clinical laboratory managers. This is a new model of patient-centered care which has important advocates among primary care practitioners. If the medical home concept catches on, it may require clinical laboratories to provide laboratory testing services in a different way.

In southeastern Pennsylvania, a medical-home pilot project is taking a “do-it-yourself” approach to managing chronic illnesses. This project is viewed by some as a precursor to a national model. The innovative program, which combines the Wagner Chronic Care Model with the patient-centered medical home concept, provides physicians with resources to improve patient–doctor communications. The pilot project is also designed to educate willing patients on how to self-manage their chronic illnesses.

Innovative Research by Academic Pathologists and Clinical Laboratory Scientists Unveiled at ACLPS Conference

Researchers provide a peek at likely next-generation technologies in clinical laboratory testing

Last week in Nashville, a fascinating mix of clinical laboratory scientists and pathologists came together to share some of the nation’s most progressive research anchored in diagnostic technologies and laboratory medicine. It is a side of the pathology and clinical laboratory profession that seldom gets much attention, since much of the research is of a “nuts and bolts” nature.

What brought these committed scientists to Nashville was the 45th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Clinical Laboratory Physicians and Scientists (ACLPS). Almost 200 experts were assembled. The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center was the host for this year’s ACLPS annual meeting.

