News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel

News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel
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Next-Generation Sequencing Allows Mayo Clinic Researchers to Produce Large Dataset of Patients’ Exomes

Nearly 100,000 patients submitted saliva samples to a genetic testing laboratory, providing insights into their disease risk

Researchers at Mayo Clinic have employed next-generation sequencing technology to produce a massive collection of exome data from more than 100,000 patients, offering a detailed look at genetic variants that predispose people to certain diseases. The study, known as Tapestry, was administered by doctors and scientists from the clinic’s Center for Individualized Medicine and produced the “largest-ever collection of exome data, which include genes that code for proteins—key to understanding health and disease,” according to a Mayo Clinic news release.

For our clinical laboratory professionals, this shows the keen interest that a substantial portion of the population has in using their personal genetic data to help physicians identify their risk for many diseases and types of cancer. This support by healthcare consumers is a sign that labs should be devoting attention and resources to providing these types of gene sequencing services.

As Mayo explained in the news release, the exome includes nearly 20,000 genes that code for proteins. The researchers used the dataset to analyze genes associated with higher risk of heart disease and stroke along with several types of cancer. They noted that the data, which is now available to other researchers, will likely provide insights into other diseases as well, the news release notes.

The Mayo Clinic scientists published their findings in Mayo Clinic Proceedings titled, “Mayo Clinic Tapestry Study: A Large-Scale Decentralized Whole Exome Sequencing Study for Clinical Practice, Research Discovery, and Genomic Education.”

“What we’ve accomplished with the Tapestry study is a blueprint for future endeavors in medical science,” said gastroenterologist and lead researcher Konstantinos Lazaridis, MD (above), in the news story. “It demonstrates that through innovation, determination and collaboration, we can deeply advance our understanding of DNA function and eventually other bio-molecules like RNA, proteins and metabolites, turning them into novel diagnostic tools to improve health, prevent illness, and even treat disease.” Some of these newly identified genetic markers may be incorporated into new clinical laboratory assays. (Photo copyright: Mayo Clinic.)

How Mayo Conducted the Tapestry Study

One notable aspect of the study was its methodology. The study launched in July 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic. Since many patients were quarantined, researchers conducted the study remotely, without the need for the patients to visit a Mayo facility. It ran for five years through May 31, 2024. The news release notes that it’s the largest decentralized clinical trial ever conducted by the Mayo Clinic.

The researchers identified 1.3 million patients from the main Mayo Clinic campuses in Minnesota, Arizona, and Florida who met the following eligibility criteria:

  • Participants had to be 18 or older,
  • they had to have internet and email access, and
  • be sufficiently proficient in speaking and reading English.

Patients with certain medical conditions, such as dementia and hematologic cancers, were excluded.

More than 114,000 patients consented to participate, but some later withdrew, resulting in a final sample of 98,222 individuals. Approximately two-thirds were women. Mean age was 57 (61.9 for men and 54.3 for women).

“It was a tremendous effort,” said Mayo Clinic gastroenterologist and lead researcher Konstantinos Lazaridis, MD, in the news release. “The engagement of such a number of participants in a relatively short time and during a pandemic showcased the trust and the dedication not only of our team but also of our patients.”

He added that the researchers “learned valuable lessons about some patients’ decisions not to participate in Tapestry, which will be the focus of future publications.”

Three Specific Genes

Enrolled patients were invited to visit a website, where they could view a video and submit an eligibility form. Once approved, they completed a digital consent agreement and received a saliva collection kit. Participants were also invited to provide information about their family history.

Helix, a clinical laboratory company headquartered in San Mateo, Calif., performed the exome sequencing.

Though Helix performed whole exome sequencing, the researchers were most interested in three specific sets of genes:

Patients received clinical results directly from Helix along with information about their ancestry. Clinical results were also transmitted to Mayo Clinic for inclusion in patients’ electronic health records (EHRs).

Among the participants, approximately 1,800 (1.9%) had what the researchers described as “actionable pathogenic or likely pathogenic variants.” About half of these were BRCA1/2.

These patients were invited to speak with a genetic counselor and encouraged to undergo additional testing to confirm the variants.

Tapestry Genomic Registry

In addition to the impact on the participants, Mayo Clinic’s now has an enormous amount of raw sequencing data stored in the Tapestry Genomic Registry, where it will be available for future research.

The database “has become a valuable resource for Mayo’s scientific community, with 118 research requests submitted,” the researchers wrote in the news release. Mayo has distribution more than a million exome datasets to other genetic researchers.

“What we’ve accomplished with the Tapestry study is a blueprint for future endeavors in medical science,” Lazaridis noted. “It demonstrates that through innovation, determination, and collaboration, we can deeply advance our understanding of DNA function and eventually other bio-molecules like RNA, proteins and metabolites, turning them into novel diagnostic tools to improve health, prevent illness, and even treat disease.”

Everything about this project is consistent with precision medicine, and the number of individuals discovered to have risk of cancers is relevant. Clinical laboratory professionals understand these ratios and the importance of early detection and early intervention. 

—Stephen Beale

Related Information:

Mayo Clinic Tapestry Study: A Large-Scale Decentralized Whole Exome Sequencing Study for Clinical Practice, Research Discovery, and Genomic Education

Mayo Clinic’s Largest-Ever Exome Study Offers Blueprint for Biomedical Breakthroughs

Mayo Clinic to Study 10,000 Patients for Drug-Gene Safety

Mayo Clinic Researchers Uses Exome Sequencing to Identify Individuals at Risk of Hereditary Cancer

Half of the people tested were unaware of their genetic risk for contracting the disease

Existing clinical laboratory genetic screening guidelines may be inadequate when it comes to finding people at risk of hereditary breast-ovarian cancer syndromes and Lynch syndrome (aka, hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer). That’s according to a study conducted at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., which found that about half of the study participants were unaware of their genetic predisposition to the diseases.

Mayo found that 550 people who participated in the study (1.24%) were “carriers of the hereditary mutations.” The researchers also determined that half of those people were unaware they had a genetic risk of cancer, and 40% did not meet genetic testing guidelines, according to a Mayo Clinic news story.

The discoveries were made following exome sequencing, which the Mayo Clinic news story described as the “protein-coding regions of genes” and the sites for most disease-causing mutations.

“Early detection of genetic markers for these conditions can lead to proactive screenings and targeted therapies, potentially saving lives of people and their family members,” said lead author Niloy Jewel Samadder, MD, gastroenterologist and cancer geneticist at Mayo Clinic’s Center for Individualized Medicine and Comprehensive Cancer Center.

The Mayo researchers published their findings in the journal JCO Precision Oncology titled, “Exome Sequencing Identifies Carriers of the Autosomal Dominant Cancer Predisposition Disorders Beyond Current Practice Guideline Recommendations.”

“This study is a wake-up call, showing us that current national guidelines for genetic screenings are missing too many people at high risk of cancer,” said lead author Niloy Jewel Samadder, MD (above), gastroenterologist and cancer geneticist at Mayo Clinic’s Center for Individualized Medicine and Comprehensive Cancer Center. New screening guidelines may increase the role of clinical laboratories in helping physicians identify patients at risk of certain hereditary cancers. (Photo copyright: Mayo Clinic.)

Advancing Personalized Medicine

“The goals of this study were to determine whether germline genetic screening using exome sequencing could be used to efficiently identify carriers of HBOC (hereditary breast and ovarian cancer) and LS (Lynch syndrome),” the authors wrote in JCO Precision Oncology.

Their work was a project of the Mayo Clinic Center for Individualized Medicine Tapestry study, which aims at advancing personalized medicine and developing a dataset for genetic research.

For the current study, Helix, a San Mateo, Calif. population genomics company, collaborated with Mayo Clinic to perform exome sequencing on the following genes:

According to the Mayo Clinic:

  • BRCA1 can lead to a 50% chance of breast cancer, and a 40% chance of ovarian cancer, respectively, as well as other cancers.
  • BRCA2 mutations suggest risk of breast cancer and ovarian cancer is 50% and 20%, respectively.
  • Lynch syndrome relates to an 80% lifetime risk of developing colorectal cancer and 50% risk of uterine and endometrial cancer.

Mayo/Helix researchers performed genetic screenings on more than 44,000 study participants. According to their published study, of the 550 people who were found to have hereditary breast cancer or Lynch syndrome:

  • 387 had hereditary breast and ovarian cancer (27.2% BRCA1, 42.8% BRCA2).
  • 163 had lynch syndrome (12.3% MSH6, 8.8% PMS2, 4.5% MLH1, 3.8% MSH2, and 0.2% EPCAM).
  • 52.1% were newly diagnosed carriers.
  • 39.2% of the 550 carriers did not meet genetic evaluation criteria set by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN).
  • Participants recruited by researchers hailed from Rochester, Minn.; Phoenix, Ariz.; and Jacksonville, Fla.
  • Minorities were less likely to meet the NCCN criteria than those who reported as White (51.5% as compared to 37.5%).

“Our results emphasize the importance of expanding genetic screening to identify people at risk for these cancer predisposition syndromes,” Samadder said.

Exome Data in EHRs  

Exomes of more than 100,000 Mayo Clinic patients have been sequenced and the results are being included in the patients’ electronic health records (EHR) as part of the Tapestry project. This gives clinicians access to patient information in the EHRs so that the right tests can be ordered at the right time, Mayo Clinic noted in its article.

“Embedding genomic data into the patient’s chart in a way that is easy to locate and access will assist doctors in making important decisions and advance the future of genomically informed medicine.” said Cherisse Marcou, PhD, co-director and vice chair of information technology and bioinformatics in Mayo’s Clinical Genomics laboratory.

While more research is needed, Mayo Clinic’s accomplishments suggest advancements in gene sequencing and technologies are making way for data-driven tools to aid physicians.

As the cost of gene sequencing continue to fall due to improvement in the technologies, more screenings for health risk factors in individuals will likely become economically feasible. This may increase the role medical laboratories play in helping doctors use exomes and whole genome sequencing to screen patients for risk of specific cancers and health conditions.

—Donna Marie Pocius

Related Information:

Exome Sequencing Identifies Carriers of the Autosomal Dominant Cancer Predisposition Disorders Beyond Current Practice Guideline Recommendation

Mayo Clinic Uncovers Genetic Cancer Risk in 550 Patients

Mayo Clinic’s Data-Driven Quest to Advance Individualized Medicine

Mayo Clinic Scientists Develop AI Tool That Can Determine If Gut Microbiome is Healthy

Although it is a non-specific procedure that does not identify specific health conditions, it could lead to new biomarkers that clinical laboratories could use for predictive healthcare

Researchers from the Mayo Clinic recently used artificial intelligence (AI) to develop a predictive computational tool that analyzes an individual’s gut microbiome to identify how a person may experience improvement or deterioration in health. 

Dubbed the Gut Microbiome Wellness Index 2 (GMWI2), Mayo’s new tool does not identify the presence of specific health conditions but can detect even minor changes in overall gut health.

Built on an earlier prototype, GMWI2 “demonstrated at least 80% accuracy in differentiating healthy individuals from those with any disease,” according to a Mayo news release. “The researchers used bioinformatics and machine learning methods to analyze gut microbiome profiles in stool samples gathered from 54 published studies spanning 26 countries and six continents. This approach produced a diverse and comprehensive dataset.”

The Mayo researchers published their findings in the journal Nature Communications titled, “Gut Microbiome Wellness Index 2 Enhances Health Status Prediction from Gut Microbiome Taxonomic Profiles.”

“Finally, we have a standardized index to quantitatively measure how ‘healthy’ a person’s gut microbiome is,” said Jaeyun Sung, PhD, a computational biologist at the Mayo Clinic Center for Individualized Medicine: Microbiomics Program and senior author of the study in the news release.

“Our tool is not intended to diagnose specific diseases but rather to serve as a proactive health indicator,” said senior study author Jaeyun Sung, PhD (above), a computational biologist at the Mayo Clinic Center for Individualized Medicine: Microbiomics Program in the news release ease. “By identifying adverse changes in gut health before serious symptoms arise, the tool could potentially inform dietary or lifestyle modifications to prevent mild issues from escalating into more severe health conditions, or prompt further diagnostic testing.” For microbiologists and clinical laboratory managers, this area of new knowledge about the human microbiome may lead to multiplex diagnostic assays. (Photo copyright: Mayo Clinic.)

Connecting Specific Diseases with Gut Microbiome

Gut bacteria that resides in the gastrointestinal tract consists of trillions of microbes that help regulate various bodily functions and may provide insights regarding the overall health of an individual. An imbalance in the gut microbiome is associated with an assortment of illnesses and chronic diseases, including cardiovascular issues, digestive problems, and some cancers and autoimmune diseases

To develop GMWI2, the Mayo scientists provided the machine-learning algorithm with data on microbes found in stool samples from approximately 8,000 people collected from 54 published studies. They looked for the presence of 11 diseases, including colorectal cancer and inflammatory bowel disease (IBS). About 5,500 of the subjects had been previously diagnosed with one of the 11 diseases, and the remaining people did not have a diagnosis of the conditions. 

The scientists then tested the efficacy of GMWI2 on an additional 1,140 stool samples from individuals who were diagnosed with conditions such as pancreatic cancer and Parkinson’s disease, compared with those who did not have those illnesses.

The algorithm gives subjects a score between -6 and +6. People with a higher GMWI2 score have a healthier microbiome that more closely resembles individuals who do not have certain diseases.

Likewise, a low GMWI2 score suggests the individual has a gut microbiome that is similar to those who have specific illnesses. 

Highly Accurate Results

According to their study, the researchers determined that “GMWI2 achieves a cross-validation balanced accuracy of 80% in distinguishing healthy (no disease) from non-healthy (diseased) individuals and surpasses 90% accuracy for samples with higher confidence,” they wrote in Nature Communications.

Launched in 2020, the original GMWI (Gut Microbiome Wellness Index) was trained on a much smaller number of samples but still showed similar results. 

The researchers tested the enhanced GMWI2 algorithm across various clinical schemes to determine if the results were similar. These scenarios included individuals who had previous fecal microbiota transplants and people who had made dietary changes or who had exposure to antibiotics. They found that their improved tool detected changes in gut health in those scenarios as well.

“By being able to answer whether a person’s gut is healthy or trending toward a diseased state, we ultimately aim to empower individuals to take proactive steps in managing their own health,” Sung said in the news release.

The Mayo Clinic team is developing the next version of their tool, which will be known as the Gut Microbiome Wellness Index 3. They plan to train it on at least 12,000 stool samples and use more sophisticated algorithms to decipher the data.

More research and studies are needed to determine the overall usefulness of Mayo’s Gut Microbiome Wellness Index and its marketability. Here is a world-class health institution disclosing a pathway/tool that analyzes the human microbiome to identify how an individual may be experiencing either an improvement in health or a deterioration in health.

The developers believe it will eventually help physicians determine how patients’ conditions are improving or worsening by comparing the patients’ microbiomes to the profiles of other healthy and unhealthy microbiomes. As this happens, it would create a new opportunity for clinical laboratories to perform the studies on the microbiomes of patients being assayed in this way by their physicians.  

—JP Schlingman

Related Information:

Mayo Researchers Develop Tool That Measures Health of a Person’s Gut Microbiome

Gut Microbiome Wellness Index 2 Enhances Health Status Prediction from Gut Microbiome Taxonomic Profiles

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