Meet Your Distinguished Faculty:
Robert D. Atlas, CEO of Atlas Development Corporation, has been involved in Healthcare IT for more than 25 years as a manager of information systems, a software designer/developer and an IT products solution provider. In 1989, he co-founded Atlas Development and went on to build a number of high-performance, mission-critical applications for healthcare industry leaders. In the last decade, Mr. Atlas has become well-known in the laboratory industry as an innovative designer and developer of lab IT solutions that drive operational efficiency and leverage competitive advantage. He is a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Pat Wolfram is Vice President Marketing and Customer Services at Ignis Systems Corporation. He has more than 15 years experience integrating electronic medical records (EMR) with lab services, radiology departments, hospital CDRs, and HIE repositories. His team works with physicians and their staffs implementing orders and results into the each practice’s EMR workflow. Ignis Systems was commissioned by CCHIT (Certification Commission for Health Information Technology) to create test suites to validate Lab-to-EMR integration. Prior to Ignis, Mr. Wolfram was the vice president of EMR integration at MedicaLogic and the global product manager for EMR integration at GE Healthcare. He is a past chairman of the HL7 marketing committee and a recipient of the Chairman’s Achievement Award at Mentor Graphics.