News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel

News, Analysis, Trends, Management Innovations for
Clinical Laboratories and Pathology Groups

Hosted by Robert Michel
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Experts to Identify Essential Steps & Pitfalls to Help Clinical Laboratories Meet the Deadline to Comply with the FDA’s Laboratory Developed Test (LDT) Rule

PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE THE DARK INTELLIGENCE GROUP21806 Briarcliff Dr.Spicewood, TX 78669512-264-7103 o512-264-0969 f Media Contact: Amanda Experts to Identify Essential Steps & Pitfalls to Help Clinical Laboratories Meet the Deadline to Comply with the FDA’s Laboratory Developed Test (LDT) Rule Speaker Panel: Jane Pine Wood with McDonald Hopkins, Valerie Palmieri with MOMENTUM Consulting and Sheila Walcoff with Goldbug Strategies (Photo: Business...

Endocrine Society Releases New Guidelines Advising Physicians to Not Screen for Vitamin D, which Could Affect Test Referrals to Clinical Laboratories

New guidelines also advise people to limit their vitamin D supplementation to recommended daily doses

Clinical laboratories may eventually receive fewer doctors’ orders for vitamin D testing thanks to new guidelines released by the Endocrine Society. The new Clinical Practice Guideline advises against “unnecessary testing for vitamin D levels.” It also urges healthy people, and those 75-years of age or younger, to avoid taking the vitamin at levels above the daily recommended amounts, according to a news release.

The Society shared its recommendations at its annual meeting and in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism titled, “Vitamin D for the Prevention of Disease: An Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline.”

Even though the Endocrine Society does recommend vitamin D supplements for certain groups, it advises individuals to hold off on routine testing. That’s because there appears to be uncertainty among ordering clinicians about what to do for patients based on their vitamin D test results.

“When clinicians measure vitamin D, they’re forced to decide what to do about it. That’s where questions about the levels come in. And that’s a big problem. So, what this panel is saying is ‘Don’t screen,’” Clifford Rosen, MD, Director of Clinical and Translational Research and Senior Scientist, Maine Medical Center Research Institute at the University of Maine, told Medscape Medical News.

“We have no data that there’s anything about screening that allows us to improve quality of life. Screening is probably not worthwhile in any age group,” he added.

“This guideline refers to people who are otherwise healthy, and there’s no clear indication for vitamin D, such as people with already established osteoporosis. This guideline is not relevant to them,” the author of the Endocrine Society guideline, Anastassios G. Pittas, MD (above), Professor of Medicine at Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston, told Medscape Medical News. This new guideline could result in doctors ordering fewer vitamin D tests from clinical laboratories. (Photo copyright: Tufts University.)

Vitamin D Screening Not Recommended for Certain Groups

The Endocrine Society’s new clinical guidelines advise healthy adults under 75 years of age to refrain from taking vitamin D supplements that exceed US Institute of Medicine—now the National Academy of Medicine (NAM)—recommendations.

Additionally, these updated guidelines:

  • Recommend vitamin D supplements at levels above NAM recommendations to help lower risks faced by children 18 years and younger, adults 75 and older, pregnant women, and people with prediabetes.
  • Suggest daily, lower-dose vitamin D (instead of non-daily, higher-dose of the vitamin) for people 50 years and older who have “indications for vitamin D supplementation or treatment.”
  • Advise “against routine testing for 25-hydroxyvitamin D [aka, calcifediol] levels” in all the above groups “since outcome-specific benefits based on these levels have not been identified. This includes 25-hyrdoxyvitamin D screening in people with dark complexion or obesity.”

One exception to the guideline applies to people with already established osteoporosis, according to the guideline’s author endocrinologist Anastassios G. Pittas, MD, Chief of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism; Co-Director, Tuft’s Diabetes and Lipid Center; and Professor of Medicine at Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston.

Vitamin D’s Link to Disease Studied

During a panel discussion at the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting, members acknowledged that many studies have shown relationships between serum concentrations of 25-hydroxy vitamin D (25(OH)D) and physical disorders including those of musculoskeletal, metabolic, and cardiovascular systems. Still, they questioned the link of vitamin D supplementation and testing with disease prevention.

“There is paucity of data regarding definition of optimal levels and optimal intake of vitamin D for preventing specific diseases. … What we really need are large-scale clinical trials and biomarkers so we can predict disease outcome before it happens,” said Panel Chair Marie Demay, MD, Endocrinologist, Massachusetts General Hospital, and Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Medscape Medical News reported.

Meanwhile, in their Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism paper, the researchers note that use of supplements (1,000 IU or more per day) increased from 0.3% to 18.2%, according to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), CDC, for the years 1999-2000 and 2013-2014.

“The use of 25(OH)D testing in clinical practice has also been increasing; however, the cost effectiveness of widespread testing has been questioned, especially given the uncertainty surrounding the optimal level of 25(OH)D required to prevent disease,” the authors wrote.

“Thus, the panel suggests against routine 25(OH)D testing in all populations considered,” the researchers stated at the Endocrine Society annual meeting.

Other Groups Weigh-in on Vitamin D Testing

Pathologists and medical laboratory leaders may recall the explosion in vitamin D testing starting about 20 years ago. Vitamin D testing reimbursed by Medicare Part B “increased 83-fold” during the years 2000 to 2010, according to data cited in an analysis by the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP).

“Screening for vitamin D deficiency leads to hundreds of millions of dollars of waste in testing costs annually,” the AAFP noted in an editorial on the organization’s website titled, “Vitamin D Screening and Supplementation in Primary Care: Time to Curb Our Enthusiasm.”

Also, the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) said in a statement that there is not enough information to “recommend for or against” testing for vitamin D deficiency.

“No organization recommends population-based screening for vitamin D deficiency, and the American Society for Clinical Pathology recommends against it,” the USPSTF noted.

Clinical Laboratories Can Get the Word Out

The vitamin D debate has been going on for a while. And the latest guidance from the Endocrine Society may cause physicians and patients to stop ordering vitamin D tests as part of annual physicals or in routine screenings.

Medical laboratories can provide value by ensuring physicians and patients have the latest information about vitamin D test orders, reports, and interpretation.

—Donna Marie Pocius

Related Information:

Endocrine Society Recommends Healthy Adults Take the Recommended Daily Allowance of Vitamin D

Vitamin D for the Prevention of Disease: An Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline

Don’t Screen for Vitamin D: New Endo Society Guideline

Institute of Medicine Recommendations Vitamin D

Vitamin D Screening and Supplementation in Primary Care: Time to Curb Our Enthusiasm

US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Vitamin D Deficiency Screening

Increased Testing Demands from Physicians is Putting New Zealand Clinical Laboratories Under Severe Stress

Following the loss of its histology accreditation, pressure on APS laboratory continues to mount

Government-run healthcare systems around the world often under-invest as demand grows and new healthcare technologies enter clinical practice. One such example is taking place in New Zealand, where public pathology and medical laboratory services are under extreme stress as physician test orders exceed the ability of the island nation’s clinical laboratories to keep up.

“The escalating pressure is complicating what was already a very difficult rescue job at one of the country’s busiest labs—Community Anatomic Pathology Services (APS),” RNZ reported. In 2023, APS lost its histology accreditation after it came to light that lab workers were not only exposed to toxic chemical levels at the facility, but that patients were waiting weeks for test results to return from the lab.

This follows a 2021 report from consultants PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) to the Auckland District Health Board in which New Zealand health authorities received warnings to improve pathology systems.

“The service is in crisis mode and, without urgent investment … there is a real risk that it will fail. The changes required are of such urgency that it is recommended that they be placed at the top of the agenda,” the report reads, RNZ reported.

“The size of New Zealand’s economy is restricting what our country spends on health. Health is already the second highest demand on the New Zealand tax dollar,” wrote Andrew Blair, CMInstD (above), then General Manager of Royston Hospital, Hastings, New Zealand, in an article he penned for Jpn Hosp, the journal of the Japan Hospital Association. “The tolerance of New Zealanders would be challenged if a government attempted to increase taxes further to meet the growing demands for expenditure on health, but at the same time the population’s expectations are increasing. This is the challenging situation we face today.” For New Zealand’s clinical laboratories, the demand for testing is increasing annually as the country’s population grows. (Photo copyright: Blair Consulting.)

Increased Demand on APS Leads to Problems

Established in 2015, APS tests thousands of anatomic and tissue samples yearly and is utilized by approximately a third of NZ’s population, according to RNZ.

The big story, however, is that from 2022 to 2023 utilization increased by a third. “The overall increasing demand is greater than the capacity of the service,” Te Whatu Ora (Health New Zealand), the country’s publicly-funded healthcare system, told RNZ.

As planned care increased, public hospitals started outsourcing operations to private surgical centers. A domino effect ensued when all of those samples then made their way to APS. There was an “increased volume of private surgery being carried out by 600 specialists in the region and 2,000 general practitioners, with up to 450 histology cases a day,” RNZ noted, adding, “The backlog has hit turnaround times for processing samples, which had been deteriorating.”

To make matters even more dire, working conditions at the country’s clinical labs is unfavorable and deteriorating, with short staffing, outdated workspaces and equipment, and exposure to dangerous chemicals.

In “New Zealand Clinical Laboratories to Undergo Health and Safety Checks after Workers Contract Typhoid, Others Exposed to Chemicals,” Dark Daily covered how Health New Zealand recently ordered health and safety checks at multiple clinical laboratories in 18 districts across the country. The action is the result of safety issues detected after procedural discrepancies were discovered in separate labs and follows months of strikes by NZ medical laboratory workers seeking fair pay and safe working conditions.

“Conditions got so bad from 2019-2021 that workers were exposed to cancer-causing formaldehyde in cramped workspaces, and flammable chemicals were stored unsafely,” RNZ reported.

While pay increases and safety improvements have provided some relief, the memory of past incidences coupled with increasing delays continue to undermine confidence in New Zealand’s laboratory industry.

Patients Also at Risk Due to Long Delays in Test Results

“We recognize the concern and impact any delayed results can cause referrers and their patients,” Health New Zealand said in a statement, RNZ reported.

Nevertheless, a 2023 article in The Conversation noted that, “38,000 New Zealanders had been waiting longer than the four-month target for being seen by a specialist for an initial assessment.”

These backlogs can be especially deadly for cancer patients. In “Pathology Lab Shortages in New Zealand Are One Cause in Long Delays in Melanoma Diagnoses,” Dark Daily detailed how patients awaiting melanoma diagnoses are experiencing delays upwards of one month due to long waits for test results.

However, according to plastic surgeon and Melanoma Network of New Zealand (MelNet) Chair Gary Duncan, MBChB, FRACS, when patients return to their doctors for test results, those results often have not come back from the medical laboratory. Therefore, the physician cannot discuss any issues, which causes the patient to have to make another appointment or receive a melanoma diagnosis over the telephone, RNZ reported.

“Slow pathology services are unfair to patients. Such delays could result in the spreading of the melanoma to other parts of the body and require major surgery under anesthetic,” dermatologist Louise Reiche, MBChB, FRACS, told RNZ. “Not only will they suffer an extensive surgical procedure, but it could also shorten their life.”

Improvements at APS Underway

Changes are currently underway that may decrease the long delays in test results at New Zealand’s labs. “A business case was being done to set up an electronic ordering system to cut down on manual processing errors,” RNZ reported.

Additionally, “the situation is much improved due to dispersal of work around [the] city and country for now. The teamwork around the region has been a veritable lifesaver,” a source familiar with the work told RNZ.

Construction of a new lab for APS is also allegedly in the works. However, to date no announcement has been made, according to RNZ.

Time will tell if New Zealand’s government can repair its pathology system. News stories showcasing damage caused by lengthy delays in clinical laboratory test results—and the ensuing patient harm due to rationed care in general—continue to reveal the weakness in government-run healthcare systems.

—Kristin Althea O’Connor

Related Information:

Private Healthcare Pushing Auckland Labs to the Brink

Te Whatu Ora Pathology Service Provider Loses Accreditation

NZ’s Health System Has Been Under Pressure for Decades. Reforms Need to Think Big and Long-Term to Be Effective

Meeting Increased Demand

Eight-Week Wait for Skin Cancer Test Results Risking Lives-Doctors

Pathology Lab Shortages in New Zealand Are One Cause in Long Delays in Melanoma Diagnoses

Te Whatu Ora Tight-Lipped on New Auckland Pathology Lab
